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4972586 No.4972586 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone not a typical science student?

I don't get along with my peers. I've been to prison and look kind of like Jason Statham but not as good looking. Not accepted by anyone in the class except the complete loner rejects, or black guys.

I've always been good at science so I stopped selling cocaine and went to college once I was 26 and could get government grants to pay for my schooling. But due to my past no one wants anything to do with me. I never stole a dime, and never robbed anyone that didn't rob me first. Sadly my life only consisted of shady experiences so I don't have any college stories. I don't drink either so I have no partying stories. My life revolved around using cocaine and selling cocaine. Not trying to brag about it, but those are the only life experiences I have to share.

I get 95% in my labs (good working with my hands) but C's in lecture for some reason. Easier to understand chemistry when you can see the reactions going on. Doing decent in college, 3.2 GPA.

>> No.4972608

have you posted this before?

>> No.4972620

Like a 9mo-year ago, yeah.

>> No.4972622

Have you considered cooking meth?

>> No.4972628

I have but it isn't worth the jail time or possibly getting killed. I was in maximum security for trafficking cocaine, 5 years in prison. Sucked horribly. Really boring, and lots of posturing. Not selling drugs ever again.

>> No.4972645

>26 year old and been to prison
>getting along with fresh-faced youngsters that have never left home.
I suggest coming to terms with it. I'm dealing with something similar - 31 years old, got out of the army a few years ago, going back to school to get a degree, and a minority in an area with very few.
>Consistently earning good grades with ease because I actually put forth as much effort as necessary.
>students around me struggling, but also spend half the lecture texting or using Facebook if they attend it at all
I don't even know what the hell we'd talk about, so I guess that makes it offcial:
I'm old.

>> No.4972648

So what are your goals in life?

>> No.4972674

Get a degree in biochem. Get a medical related job. Make 60k or so, live a pretty comfortable life as a single man. Maybe get a medical card and everyone in my family to get one. Then grow a bunch of weed and sell to dispensaries in California. My buddy does this and makes 50k a year or so. Then I could use that money to go on Vacations to places like Vegas and Hawaii since it's not taxable.

I just want a chill life with lots of pleasure. Maybe some coke money too so I can snort on weekends when I don't work. I love the white dame.

>> No.4972682

Study science by yourself, find friends in other hobbies. Don't get too distracted by the other things and forget about your academics. You might have trouble getting discipline when you see no one else is doing it, but there's obviously a reason you're doing science, so don't forget it and think it's pointless.

>> No.4972711

So you came here and made this blog entry shitpost just to tell us how "cool" you are for selling drugs and being in prison?

Well fuck off. You're a pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.4972723

>be 22
>built supercomputer when i was 17 (2700 €, wrote impressive algorithms, did extensive research on long primes and pi)
>got out of high school with all 19s and 20s (frenchfag: 20 is best grade, 0 lowest)
>doing maths at EPFL (top 3 in europe for sci)
>best grades of my class
>yfw assburgers
>everyone is having fun and shit, and i just can't understand why they're having fun
>i get beaten up constantly
>everyone hates me, treats me badly, insults me
>my dad is dead (cocaine OD) and my mom does
>be good friends with professor, coding shit together
>get bullied even more for this

>> No.4972728

Isn't the federal government finally cracking down on marijuana dealers in California? Apparently Californian law doesn't explicitly outlaw the stores, but they're still violating federal laws.

>> No.4972781

>finally cracking down
They've been trying to do that for years. The problem they have is that while they can certainly prosecute for federal crimes, the amount of enforcement they can do within a state is limited unless it is interstate.

That is, the FBI isn't going to look for and arrest a the guy that brings weed to a party. They would, however, very much like to meet the guy that sells to the guy that sells to the guy that brings weed to a party.

>> No.4972777

>Not trying to brag about it, but those are the only life experiences I have to share.

Get the fuck over yourself.
(Not OP)

>> No.4972820

By built super computer, you mean you built a computer that could play super cool games.
That's cool, bro.

>> No.4972822


My mom does too.

>> No.4972857

not sure if other science students do this... but i smoke, or ingest otherwise, marijuana throughout the entirety of a day. consistently buzzed for most of a day, don't often go more than 4-5 hours without somehow consuming pot while awake. i don't know many other people who manage to keep a high average and study while doing this, but i seem capable to.
that being said i am also prescribed methylphenidate (have both time release and instant release) and am on those some of the time while in class or while studying.

>> No.4972858

average GPU ever, four top 5% processors, 16 TB HDD, 256 Gb of RAM.

>> No.4972866

That's not a super computer, bro.

>> No.4972881


Dude, if I went to your school I'd probably be your friend. Especially when you get good marks and shit because my life is similar. Except I'm younger and never got caught. And I'm no Statham.

>> No.4972892
File: 35 KB, 400x371, Bug eyed dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 6ft1 part-time model.
Because of this i'm never taken seriously, even though i get one of the highest grades.
In school I got A* in Physics and Math but all the smart nerds though I was batshit retarded because I played football and was tough, hell, all of my real friends are nerds from different schools.

>> No.4972908

Why do you mention 6'1" like that means anything? I mean, I know, troll. But still.

>> No.4972912

Because when you think of a tall muscly guy you think to yourself ,"Wow he is big, he must be retarded."
They think I'm a ,yolo-smoke weed douchebag.
I don't care if you think I'm a troll, i just want to be accepted

>> No.4972922
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, TMHg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That situation does sound a bit copypasta-ish, but I can see it happening. Maybe you should get some glasses so you can look more astute.

If it means anything, I'd befriend a muscly guy who's into science.

>> No.4972925
File: 146 KB, 708x664, 1341471325937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this too. I am often the only woman in the class and not ugly and or fat so everyone around me treats me like I'm fucking stupid.

>> No.4972927

6'4" and very good looking here, but I don't have those issues. Then again, all my friends are older/more accomplished than me or artists. It's the insecure ones who need to tell themselves that you're too good looking to be smart.

>> No.4972932

>be 17 get involved with heroin
>secret stuff
>quit heroin
>come out of it at 22 go to school for business
>get into class for calculus for major
>vastly prefer math change majors
>finish math degree go off to grad school at 25
>everyone is fucking lame ass freak no spirit of adventure
>tfw alone amongst loners

whatever OP, you don't have to be like this diaper changed, adventure avoiding lame asses to be scientifically creative and intellectually active. It's undeniable that in many respects they have a leg up, as they're like trained animals. But to me, true genius is like a wild animal, so I far prefer being somewhat off the beaten path as compared to my peers. They're dead inside, fuck em.

>> No.4972935



That word you're using...I don't it means what you think it means.

>> No.4972938

I have genuine glasses that were specifically made for me and they are the 'nerdy' glasses ,but the thing is, I can't get them traded or replace them as they are special and if I were them, they get even more angry as I look like i'm a stupid person trying to pretend I'm a nerd.
You know, like a typical facebook 16 year old

>> No.4972944


Man, they sound spiteful. Any pics or description of your face or body? I probably won't be able to help, but I'm curious as to what they're responding to.

>> No.4972946

Posts like these that just reaffirm to me that no one is truly happy.

>> No.4972955

I bet most of these "people don't like/approach me because ____" or "people expect me to be ___" situations have more to do with your social skills than how people perceive you.

OP probably does that mean-mugging face and/or doesn't sound eloquent when he speaks. Or at least people assume that if he never speaks. You have to talk or your appearance is all people can categorize you by, and they WILL categorize you somehow, regardless of whether or not you think you're a special case.

>> No.4972958

I'm 6'2, athletic, bench 315 at 195, can write and sketch well. But in truth I'm a fuckin nerd.

>> No.4972967

Well, I'm a good-looking guy.
I'm fit, muscly but I'm not a douche.
I do charity work once a month and I play playstation and read comics.
I mostly do things like running and join clubs for my CV, but all my friends are genuine nerdy guys who have trouble with girls, just like me.
Truth is, i'm scared of girls and i'm terrible

>> No.4972972

Small dick?

>> No.4972975

Lol, no I just don't know what to say,I feel like girls are either too stupid or they don't have anything intresting to say

>> No.4972984

i love maths and science and the only thing girls want me for is my looks ;_;

>> No.4973016

I have a family friend who's a doctor and he gives me Desoxyn (Pharmacutical Methamphetamine). 100% pure. Amazing shit. I come to class tweaked out and I flaunt my drug addiction and get work done like mad.

This makes nerds rage, especially when I get 95% scores on my Ochem tests because my memory rocks on meth. I even openly take it in front of people.

I guess I probably seem edgy like House, but I dont give a fuck. The kids in my class are all lame as hell and I want to troll them.

>> No.4973030


>built supercomputer when i was 17 (2700 €, wrote impressive algorithms, did extensive research on long primes and pi)
>i get beaten up constantly
>everyone hates me, treats me badly, insults me

I'd have to hate you too if you were doing that at 17.

>yfw assburgers
>everyone is having fun and shit, and i just can't understand why they're having fun

There's a shocker.

>> No.4973045

>I'd have to hate you too if you were doing that at 17.

Why even care?

>> No.4973049


I actually got prescribed that legitimately. Can you imagine my frustration when my Doc said I'm most likely *under-stimulated*? As in; I don't or can't tweak, it doesn't help me get work done, the best it does is fight mental fatigue. On top of all that; my memory is terrible, possibly due to some condition I don't know about, or possibly for pills I take against seizures. Plus my family got hit pretty hard by the economy, and I'll be in a ton of debt if I go to college for anything. Still haven't made up my mind, but I'll probably have to go into engineering, only way to pay off the loans I imagine.

I want to learn science and math, I really do, but I'm sort of fucked from all sides here.

>> No.4973056


The whole "Child Prodigy" schtick. I see pretty much everyone of those as Jacob Barnett.

>> No.4973066

Oh fuck. just go for accounting. money>science nigga

>> No.4973078


Isn't the job market for that a bit flooded? No offense, but I feel compelled to *do stuff* with what I study. Be it discover something totally new, or come up with an incredibly efficient way to do something. Accounting just sounds a tad boring and useless in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.4973079


I'm 17.

I can't explain it but any time someone threatens to make me think their smarter than me I just tear them down mentally.

I think I'm better than everyone and that's why I would hate you.

Not sure why I'm like that though, weird.

>> No.4973092


I'd watch that if I were you. Setting yourself up for failure by overestimating how smart you are.

>> No.4973103


Eh, I know I'm not as smart as I often think I am, and that there are millions of people my age more intelligent then me.

I just have built in defense mechanisms that react instantly when someone threatens me in a intellectual way.

Which is weird because you'd think I could just not do that since I obviously know why I do it and all.

I'm sure I'll just grow out of it.

>> No.4973104


so much autism. so much.

>> No.4973117

I'm sure you're fucking paranoid moron. Go stare at a wall.

>> No.4973126



Not really.

>> No.4973127

Reported for underage