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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 132 KB, 733x855, 422279_4149378888317_752266838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4972714 No.4972714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prepare to rage guys, this left me speechless and I felt like part of my soul died. http://conservapedia.com/E%3Dmc2

>> No.4972721

Does this operate like regular wikipedia? we should rewrite all the information to be factual.

>> No.4972727

Or even just copy-paste in the page from wikipedia.

>> No.4972745
File: 7 KB, 275x183, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the references.

>> No.4972752
File: 94 KB, 720x960, conservapedia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people see things in entirely black/white terms. There are the true believers and anything that contradicts the Bible, or Conservatism, which God sanctions, is part of what is at essence a satanic plot.

>> No.4972760

No, only a core of diehard right-wing christians can edit it. You know, to keep the whole thing unbiased.

>> No.4972763
File: 201 KB, 665x592, cross out mass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservapedia crosses out mass.

(see citation #2)

>> No.4972767

Those were definitely put there by the liberal media.

>> No.4972769

>not knowing conservapedia is a pardoy

I shiggidy diggedy

>> No.4972772

>immortality into homosexuality
what is going on

>> No.4972775

It's crazy, though, how all the information in the middle of the page is 100% accurate, and then at the top and bottom they say, "this is all just liberal satan talk, though, so don't mind it."

>> No.4972776

Suuuuuure it is.
Just like how stormfront is a parody.

>> No.4972779
File: 203 KB, 420x236, 1285393151847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atheism to hitler
>Fascism to socialism

>> No.4972785


>> No.4972786
File: 227 KB, 416x431, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4972789


One of their main beefs with Wikipedia is that Wiki classified Fascism as an ideology of the right. Conservapedia feel that since Fascism is strongly statist it belongs on the left. Anything Conservapedia don't like is on the left.

>> No.4972791
File: 78 KB, 500x333, 1343356823880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm astonished that this is real. I saw it and thought it was a joke, like the other day's SMBC about not believing in 'revolution'.

Though, let's not politicize this bullshit.

>> No.4972797

<span class="math">x^2[/spoiler]

>> No.4972800

>Though, let's not politicize this bullshit.

These people don't differentiate spiritual from political or scientific battles. It's all part of the same war.

>> No.4972811



next they'll tell us the soviet union was real communism

>> No.4972814

Conservapedia has a habit of just copy-pasting things from Wikipedia and then sprinkling in a healthy dosage of their batshit lunacy.

>> No.4972825

on the talk page:

The problem is that E=m2does not meaning anythimg that makes sense. Anyone is welcome to try to explain it here. Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.--Andy Schlafly 16:06, 1 April 2012 (EDT)

>> No.4972827

wikipedia does that to

>> No.4972836


The USSR wasn't real communism, but Democratic Kampuchea was, and that killed a greater percentage of the population, so...

>> No.4972844
File: 293 KB, 300x168, 1344464635615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weight and mass isnt the same thing, you ignorant fool you.

>> No.4972850

the only thing I agree with is this


>> No.4972859

lol are you a le redditor too? xD

>> No.4972864
File: 120 KB, 400x702, Braque_woman_400pix[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to say. I clicked on "women's studies," redirecting to feminism, and the picture they chose was Georges Braque's "woman with a guitar." What?

Picture related

>> No.4972870 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 200x200, 1344297929283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not a "le" redditor. i am not a retard and i have taken advanced physiks (basic is MORE than enough to understand this)

>> No.4972875


>> No.4972896

>ultra liberal
What is this

>> No.4972899

>steven hawkings

>> No.4973132

Found your problem.

>> No.4973493
File: 50 KB, 500x667, 557475_373922386009423_176265069_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this to be challenging in school, thus it's a liberal lie.

>> No.4973511

I believe that site isn't serious OP. I remember a mock Christian forum a while back that was like this.

>> No.4973515


Was it fake communism then?

>> No.4973516

You're thinking of Landover Baptist.
Unfortunately Conservapedia is the real deal.
Also Schlafly is far from alone in wrongly believing he has a disproof of special relativity.

>> No.4973525

Yes, actually.
Stalinism ~ Fascism

Lenin had things going in the right direction but even during the revolution there were conspirators in the bolshevik party.

>> No.4973552


Though I do here that a lot as a form of backpeddling. Whenever something terrible about one leader with Marxist influence comes up, they get their own sub-division. Thus Stalin wasn't a true Communist, Mao wasn't a true Communist, etc, etc. I will agree that they are essentially the same, but then again I think Marxism in general and the ideals of the Reich and Mussolini's Italy were the same.

>> No.4973885

11. Art History
39. Art History

>> No.4973895


What are you, some kind of liberal?

>> No.4973898

Minkowski space is predicated on the idea of four-dimensional vectors of which one component is time. However, one of the properties of a vector space is that every vector have an inverse. Time (formally: movement forward in time) cannot be a vector because it has no inverse.

>> No.4973903

I'm not interested in a religion debate on /sci/, but for a good laugh:

>> No.4973911


>> No.4973961

High Score List

>> No.4973994
File: 18 KB, 261x305, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4973999

For Breivik: "A typical headline in the liberal media blames fundamentalist Christianity, while nearly ignoring his hobby of playing violent video games."


>> No.4974025

But at the same time shockofgod, the man who posed THE QUESTION, play CoD and that is considered a good thing.

>> No.4974030



>> No.4974034

It's a troll website.

>> No.4974038

One of their links leads to a physics forums thread, where the second fucking post points out the absurdity.


>> No.4974042


There are none.

>> No.4974043

landover baptist is a troll site

conservapedia is legit

>> No.4974051

>communism/socialism/social democracy
>right direction

pick one

>> No.4974076


>Marxism in general and the ideals of the Reich and Mussolini's Italy were the same

Well that's just simply not true.

Marxism and communism are essentially true democracy: The rule of the people.

>rightwingfag detected
>implying you know what any of those words mean

>> No.4974094

>wanting to live in a collectivist shithole

>> No.4974095


You mean america?

>> No.4974105

>thinking conservapedia is a parody
fuck no, the dude who runs it is dead serious

>> No.4974118


Yeah, but there are sleeper trolls in there. I've heard of people who spent months getting to be trusted by the group as a die-hard conservative to gain editing rights, and then starts putting in totally mental stuff, but never too mental that they get found out. That's where I'm assuming the OP image comes from.

>> No.4974139
File: 29 KB, 482x800, americlap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 'merika

>> No.4974143

>A typical headline in the liberal media blames fundamentalist Christianity
Oh for fucks sake... the guy published a 1500 page 'manifesto' detailing that he was trying to 'purge' the country of un-Christian influences. How much more specific do you need to be?

I can't believe this isn't a fucking parody. It pains me to imagine people that willfully ignorant existing.

>> No.4974155
File: 62 KB, 1203x650, cp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The discussion on that page is fun.

>> No.4974632

a contradiction to the theory in the list:
>14. The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54, Matthew 15:28, and Matthew 27:51.

>> No.4975464


on the contrary. an individualist communistic society is a much more appealing prospect.

are you happy with these corrupt authoritarian pseudo-democracies. or perhaps you'd even prefer plain dictatorships or monarchies?

>> No.4975500

if I'm straight, and get pegged, am I less likely to suffer from gay diseases?

>> No.4975523

>Queer Musicology – UCLA
>Feminist New Black Man - Occidental College
>History of Surfing - UC Santa Barbara
> Gaga for Lady Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity- University of Virginia-Charlottesville[32]
>History of Weaving-UC Berkeley
My sides

>> No.4975534

And now for something completely different.

>> No.4975607

> that genetics disproves the 30th chapter of Genesis

>Disproof: There is no inconsistency.[5]

Welp, that settles that!