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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 470 KB, 1301x540, MRI_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4968337 No.4968337 [Reply] [Original]

so /sci/, I got back from getting an MRI on my brain a few hours ago, and they thoughtfully gave me a CD with all the image data loaded up on it, along with a program for viewing it.

admittedly I'm not an expert on neuroanatomy, but there is a worrying area that looks like some kind of damage on the bottom/middle of my left occipital lobe. It might be totally normal and benign, but it certainly isn't an image artifact

any informed opinions would be great, willing to provide whatever other pictures requested. I had an experience with a lot of violent cranial impacts two years ago (reason for the MRI in the first place) and since then i've got headaches and migranes, both of which i'd never previously experienced

it's probably just paranoia, but thanks anyway /sci/entists

>> No.4968352

self bump because, fuck, I'm pretty rattled to be honest

going out for a smoke, I'll check the thread in few min

>> No.4968358

Well what did the doctors have to say about it to you? Anything?

>> No.4968361

Looks like a lesion on your left visual cortex.

>> No.4968365

in b4 op takes this seriously and suddenly starts seeing shit in his left eye.

>> No.4968370

>going out for a smoke




also go write a will

>> No.4968374

Well we'd know hes bullshitting himself then since if that was right he'd be seeing stuff out of right eye.

>> No.4968375

Bad news, OP. You're brain is turning nigger.

>> No.4968399 [DELETED] 

How do I convince my doctor to give me an fMRI?

>> No.4968405

If it's not shooped, there is a lesion on top of your cerebellum, on the posterior left part of your occipital lobe.

Normally the symptoms should include loss of vision on the right, not migraines. But don't ask for a diagnostic on the web, though.

>> No.4968425
File: 237 KB, 648x646, MRI_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back, hey guys

haha i'm not that paranoid, just understandably a bit spooked. aforementioned cranial trauma did partially detach my right eye's optic nerve, got occasional white flashes in that eye for a while but they pretty quickly tapered off

nothing yet, literally just went and got the scan, then left. they send it off to get analyzed and call you back later, person doing the scan was just a tech and didn't really look it over.

not at all shooped, here's a further picture

lil late for that, i'm already brown!

thanks for the responses, heres a picture from a slice a little above the previous. anyone in here have any qualifications for these statements, or just educated guesses? I'll know in a few days whats up (if anything) but i don't have most of the classic symptoms of brain damage or tumor

>> No.4968436

i should say, I'm just guessing about the optic nerve, never actually got it checked out because it was such a rare occurence. started out as a white flash that would take up about half of my right eye, now it doesn't perceptibly happen at all, hasn't for at least 6-8 months

sortof unrelatedly, brain MRI's are an oddly soothing experience, laying down in that tube was one of the most relaxing twenty five or so minutes i've experienced in a while. anyone else feel the same?

>> No.4968441

sounds like there was some trauma, but your brain coped with it and it healing back

>> No.4968449

i hope so. with that kind of lesion though, you'd expect a lot more visual impairment. I've had a certain amount of cognitive and emotional change since then, but those are both almost certainly psychological symptoms from the same event, not from physical trauma

>> No.4968457

ITT : Nigers don't know that medical imaging are always viewed from below, it's his RIGHT occipital lobe that's concerned.

Please OP, bump with T1 and Flair if you have, T2 is not enough to make a diagnosis.

But from what I see it looks like a cicatricial tissue near your Venous Sinus, it's just a big ugly scar next to your right occipital cortex.
It's not your fucked brain that cause your white flash other ways it would concern both of your eyes, not only the injured one.

As you guessed, medstudent fag here.

>> No.4968470

i think i do, give me just a moment to find and take some screenshots if you'd like to take a look

>> No.4968472
File: 181 KB, 414x391, OHMYGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering your lungs probably look something like this. I don't think you should be worrying about a small knock to your lobe.

>> No.4968484
File: 227 KB, 648x566, MRI_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so heres the T1, at aproximately the same depth as my last picture

other scans i've got are labled:
DWI (ax)
Ax T2 frFSE (already shown in first post)
AX t2 FLAIR (in this post)
cor T2*mpgr
SAG T1 (which was also in the first post)

>> No.4968488

haha your still here man? i apreciate your concern for my health, but for one thing i don't smoke cigarettes, for another i smoke extremely rarely.

if you want to keep the thread bumped with speculative garbage however, feel free

>> No.4968491

Quiz time!: how many years will you have to smoke 10 cigarettes a day to have a 2% added risk of developing lung cancer in your lifetime?

>> No.4968497
File: 293 KB, 682x557, MRI_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also THIS is the T2 FLAIR of the same spot, that post is of the T1, typed the 2nd bit before i got the picture and then typed the 1st bit

>> No.4968501

OP what caused the lesion? Did you suffer an impact to the rear of your head?

>> No.4968510

i suffered more or less continual impacts to any and all parts of my head for about 20-30 minutes, it's a wonder my skull didn't fracture/my upper spine didn't break, but i got X-rays a few days afterwards and nothing showed up

>> No.4968521

>i suffered more or less continual impacts to any and all parts of my head for about 20-30 minutes

Can you tell us how that happened?

>> No.4968523

long story short, two guys came up behind me, put me in a headlock, beat the living shit out of me exclusively and only on the head for about twenty thirty minutes solid, then put a knife up to my eye and told me in no uncertain terms that they would kill me if i didn't cooperate with them, and possibly even then.

fortunately it didn't work out that way, but for various reasons i didn't get any extensive medical care other than stitches, replacement tooth, and X-rays till now

>> No.4968525


Were they negro?

>> No.4968531

and that is why you should always carry a few bills on you to placate anyone trying to rob you. a lot of people don't do that, take nothing (like i did) and end up with the not so nice ending that i managed to avoid

apparently i have PTSD of some sort from it, which i'm not so sure about though i do tick a lot of the symptoms, but i wanted to find out if there was a more physical basis for any of the things i've been experiencing, hence the MRI to see if i had any obvious brain damage

anyone want any more scan pictures, by the way? must say, i have been enjoying looking through them, even if what i see is unnerving

>> No.4968538
File: 452 KB, 1337x553, MRI_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even slightly, although i am more than slightly

to be honest i expected a little less 'nigga nigga nigga' from /sci/ but i guess hoping for a thread totally devoid of that kind of shit anywhere on 4chan is hopeless

also, some more pictures from further down my head, with weird asymetrical black masses pointed out. i think a certain amount of this is just due to natural lack of symetry in anything natural, but it just doesn't look right

>> No.4968547

right well thanks for the responses /sci/, it's nearly four AM so I think I'm off

>> No.4968557

Could you torrent the program they gave u on the cd?

>> No.4968586

Anyway if you're still here, you pointed a totally normal structure of your head, it's "asymetrial" because you weren't strait in the RMI (no one is strait in a MRI).

And the T1 show a fribrositic structure, so it's very likely a big ugly scar next to your right occipital lobe.

Anyway good luck with your PTSD.

>> No.4968629


this stuff circled out here is a fissura between your lobes and cerebellum, it`s dark and assymetrical because it`s partly in-plane on the image (it`s natural).

>more than 6-8 months ago
>head trauma
is correct, then this may be the scarring on spot of focal bleeding that may occured becasue of all the curbstomping.

>> No.4968649

>they thoughtfully gave me a CD with all the image data loaded up on it
Am i the only one who sees how this is a horrible, horrible idea?

>> No.4968714


No, O don't see what's horrible, it's image of his brain so they belong to him.

>> No.4968737
File: 196 KB, 648x646, 1344934762222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4968782


it`s for another physicaian, if OP decides to visit him.

>> No.4968819

I was waiting for someone to do that :D

>> No.4968847

Can't add to the physical damage people have already pointed out.

Keep in mind that damage to the visual cortex can appear in more than just loss of vision:
a) The damage is localize to the RIGHT hemisphere, which means that any such damage should have manifested in your LEFT visual field. Whatever happened to your optical nerve could have caused your symptoms (white flashes, blurry vision).
b) Damage to V1 can cause problems with later processes dealing with motion and perceived distance, as the "raw" data is handed down to areas further down the line like M1. But I think you would have already experienced severe symptoms if this was the case.
c) Go to a psychiatrist to see if he diagnoses you with PTSD, I wouldn't be surprised if you do suffer from it and it's a shitty thing to live with. He should refer you to a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy clinic, most PTSD patient recover fully in around 10 sessions, it works great and requires no medication or psychoanalysis.

Good luck!

>> No.4969580
File: 230 KB, 516x573, MRI_ghostface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, this thread is still here? sup guys

fucking saved, i lol'd

already been to a psych, who has told me in no uncertain terms i have PTSD. I don't have much time before term starts again though, and cognitive therapy and medication (gabapentanol i think?) are expensive in a time when my family is supporting me going to school, so i'll just have to rough it and figure it out

i see what you mean, if it wasn't someone who has an academic interest in these sorts of things i imagine it could be quite terrifying

i have noticed some weird bits of cognitive decline, for instance driving (which i only do in the summers) is slightly more effort, and things have a bit more of a... dreamy cast to them, hard to explain. I think that whatever psychological trauma i received just exacerbated some underlying mental problems, but shit happens.

thanks again /sci/, you guys are rad

pic is easily the coolest image i've ever seen of my own face

>> No.4969584
File: 75 KB, 418x495, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine from a few years ago, I was taking part in a study in speech perception using an fMRI.

Any problems?

>> No.4969586 [DELETED] 

That's fucking insane.

Did you go unconscious at all?

>> No.4969610
File: 199 KB, 516x573, MRI_shoop_da_woop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also just for you, >>4968737
a reconstruction of my real face, pretty much perfectly if i may say so myself

>> No.4969620

very breifly upon trying to get up afterwards, my vision just disolved like a really bad headrush, and i fell straight back down. i could have been out for a minute or two, i don't think so.

it wasn't really that painful either, those dudes knew what they were doing. first thing they did was punch me in the temples about a dozen times, before even putting me on the ground, so i was thoroughly concussed within 10-20 seconds of being headlocked

>> No.4969697


Well shit.

>> No.4969756

You know, if they made any 3D scans, you can use the program they gave you to render a model of your face. It will look grotesque.

>> No.4969796

haha oh man i wish, but no only 2d ones

>> No.4969848

Science, on my /sci/?

Hope you get better, OP, that really sucks.

>> No.4969933

>it wasn't really that painful either, those dudes knew what they were doing. first thing they did was punch me in the temples about a dozen times, before even putting me on the ground, so i was thoroughly concussed within 10-20 seconds of being headlocked

C'mon man, don't be so humble.
You've been beaten by a pair of bandits, they weren't exactly charitable to you.

>> No.4970148

yeah i realized after that post that it didn't sound quite right, what i meant was that they were clearly professional muggers. I didn't make it better for myself entirely, i laughed pretty hard at one point when one of them (who had all his weight on his knee, on my head) told the other one to "search his fucking balls, mate!" after they'd finished checking my socks and shoes. They did not like that at all, I tell you what.
Think they expected me to be crying and begging them to stop and all that, but quite apart from being too concussed to feel much pain, I wasn't about to give them the satisfaction.

on the upside though, he didn't end up searching my balls

>> No.4970226

it looks like a shadow but it is interesting got any other information/mri scans.... also did they do a PET scan?

>> No.4970289 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 219x168, 1311033701089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did they try to rape you or something?

>> No.4970350

> i laughed pretty hard
If I was mugged, I wouldn't be laughing.

>> No.4970458

nope, not yet anyway. I wasn't expecting to see anything whatever on an MRI even, nor did the neurologist. Like I said in the first post, more than willing to provide however many images or pieces of information I have, what would you like to see?

to be honest i didn't expect this thread to get many responses, much less last nearly 24 hours

I was not laughing most of the time, and I can assure you that I paid for it when I did, or spoke at all for that matter. Strange things happen when you are severely concussed and under extreme stress, though

>> No.4970479

didn't see your post there, and I know right? thought the neuro/medicine people on here (myself included) would find it interesting.

thanks though, it means a lot. like I said, haven't really gotten any psychological or physiological treatment until now, either no time or just not ready to deal with it i guess.

would it help to know the two culprits were found within a few months, convicted (for a lot of charges, they had held up quite a few other people although i don't know if they'd beaten anybody else like they did me) and are currently jailed and serving out their sentences?
To be honest it doesn't give me much consolation, but people that hear about it seem to feel better about the world for knowing that