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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4969547 No.4969547 [Reply] [Original]

Supreme mathematics is a system of understanding numbers alongside concepts that are used along with the supreme alphabet as tools to unlocking the keys to reality and/or the universe.

"Our schools are called Universities of Islam and teach the higher meaning of Islam which is Mathematics. We have always been taught to respect the laws of the land." - http://noi.org/about.shtml

Please reflect. Why isn't Islam taught in every calculus class?

>> No.4969553

Because it's Al Jabbra.

>> No.4969569

because not everyone likes to rape 8 year old girls

>> No.4969682

I'm a muslim. You guys need to learn to Quran because there's a lot of scientific discoveries and mathematical stuff in it.

I'm not saying you need to believe Quran, just have a look at it or Google some of its scientific evidence and do some research. It's quite interesting.

>> No.4969700
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I'm a tolkienist. You guys need to learn to Silmarillion because there's a lot of scientific discoveries and mathematical stuff in it.

I'm not saying you need to believe Silmarillion, just have a look at it or Google some of its scientific evidence and do some research. It's quite interesting.
It is thus superstition infatuates man from his infancy, fills him with vanity, and enslaves him with fanaticism.
Baron d'Holbach

>> No.4969704
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>> No.4969706

Theological differences leave people blind. Why study a religion if you have no faith in it.

>> No.4969707
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>> No.4969710

>Why study a religion
For Social and Cultural purpose... at least.

>> No.4969713

Read the WHOLE sentence, you idiot.
"Why study a religion if you have no faith in it."

Why would I study Hinduism if I have 0 faith in it.

>> No.4969716

For social and cultural purpose.

>> No.4969742

You read the Q'ran and the Torah and the Bible for the same reason you read shit about Zeus and Gilgamesh.

It's a funny little cultural aspect of an ancient civilization that gives insight to their state of mind and beliefs about the world.

I'm really tired of the big 3 trying to push their shit as divine textbooks.

>> No.4969746
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Islam is cancerous.

>> No.4969751
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I'm from Turkey and what is this shit? do not believe everything you see in the internets

>> No.4969757



>> No.4969783

religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace religion of peace

>> No.4969788

that data shows that Turkey is one of the less extreme Muslim states

>> No.4969807


yeah but the percentages are still surprising. "death to people who leave Islam" %5. that's high.

>> No.4969810
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