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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4964960 No.4964960 [Reply] [Original]

>be at Harvard
>go to apparel store to purchase a t shirt
>ask cashier her major
>"English" says she
>ask her about job prospects
>"Oh pretty much anything!"
>mfw she is an english major from harvard working at an apparel store

>> No.4964976

She should be shot for wasting such a massive opportunity.

>> No.4964984

The Harvard Shop?
I avoid at all cost, it's filled with them people.

>> No.4964985

right on the money my friend

>> No.4965001

Are you doing organic chem at Harvard?

>> No.4965002

Haha, I figured.

>> No.4965008

No, not organic chemistry.
I'm a theoretical physics and quantum statistical mechanics major.

>> No.4965010

Aw shit.

Thanks for entertaining the question. I'm trying to scope out professors in the department for graduate work. It's a stretch, but it'd be nice.

>> No.4965011

how would you rate their science/engineering department? and how would it compare to that of MIT?

>> No.4965013

what kind of job prospects does that bring?

>> No.4965028

I know a few, I'm currently taking a quantum chemistry course, so I'm not completely out of touch in regards to the chem department.

It's great, doesn't get much better. For the majority of integral aspects I'd rate it on the same level as MIT, but it's subjective and variable I suppose.

I have been working under a paid internship for two years at a nice place in IL, and hope to continue to work there.

>> No.4965037

didn't mean to turn this into a Q&A session, but your experiences are intriguing, and I would love to delve further.

How were you able to afford a $55k a year tuition? student loans?

>> No.4965057

I live in Canada and I got into MIT. I never thought I would get in so I never looked at costs. Then I saw 52k a year tuition plus living costs and almost shit myself. My parents are poor.

>> No.4965063


Student loans, grants and scholarships.
Emphasis on the student loans, mind you.
My parents are smack fuckin' dab 'middle class', so as you probably know, I get no financial aid, but there's no way in hell I could pay the tuition out-of-pocket. So, I'm working hard, paying off loans, and hoping my education gets me somewhere valuable.

>> No.4965074

Jesus fuck student loans suck. I am going to school now and paying my way through it without a problem, about 15k a year (total including residence and meal plan).
I just don't think being so deeply in debt is worth it, even for one of the best schools in the world, and especially since I live in Canada. Sure you will make a good 50% more than me starting out but after that its all about personal prowess and skills, and that extra money will almost certainly be outweighed by massive debt.

>> No.4965085

damn man, well congratulations to you for being able to accomplish all that you have. maybe one day i can join the ranks of the harvardians

>> No.4965087

I hear ya man, I really do. It's a continual internal conflict, I know the risks, and they're big. I guess I currently make decent money, and I currently don't have a problem paying my loan payments every month; however, I'm sure down the road, with my forthcoming interest increase, it'll get exponentially harder.

It sucks, I love it here, and I don't want to leave.

>> No.4965092


Hard work man, that's all it is, and that's all it ever will be. Just got to work your ass off.

>> No.4965094

high risk and high rewards.. its all about how you utilize your knowledge to make money

>> No.4965098

Absolutely. As long as I can turn my current (and moderately longstanding) internship into a lucrative career, I should (read: should) be alright. I mean, I have a few prospective opportunities, but I'm shooting for the big time, hopefully everything works out in my favor.

>> No.4965101

yea man I'm trying my hardest, and I hope that the effort I have put into school will yield a positive result. Unlike other american kids, I truly see the end goal of education and not the hardships that it may bring at first. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that way, but I want success, and you, my friend, seem to be on your way in achieving it

>> No.4965109

So, what did you to get in? How high was your high school GPA, your major test scores(SAT/ACT), did you do many extracurricular activities, etc?

>> No.4965113

You're not wrong in any way for thinking like that. I can still remember my first couple years, where kids got hung up on those inevitable hardships, it manifested, and it didn't end well. That end goal is, honestly, all that matters. Also, thanks for the kind words, appreciate it.

>> No.4965136

I went to a public highschool, and graduated with a ~3.93 GPA. However, I'm fairly certain my test scores (SAT's, as well as their subjects tests) are what helped me out the most; 2290, 760, 780 on the SAT, SAT Math 2, SAT physics, respectively.

>> No.4965150

no problem man, you deserve it. Educational achievements are truly undervalued in the American Society, and its kinda disappointing, so being in such a position which not many people are capable of acheiving, is held at a high regard in my standard

tl;dr Be the change you want to see in the world


>> No.4965181

>going to cheap state school
>expanding 2nd successful business
>implying which school you go to matters
feels good

>> No.4965200

Congrats man, that's impressive.
What kind of businesses?

>> No.4965227

>at my job, minding my own business.
>random kid comes up to me
>asks how I can help him
>random kid asks what my major in college was
>say Ucking Aggot
> kid looks at me and blinks
> asks what it is
>told him not to worry about it, the course and material were way above his head
>asks me again what it is
>I say 'english' with air quotes
>he starts to laugh at me
>I laugh back at him, more sincere than his
>he stops laughing and ask why I am
>I told him Ucking Aggot would have zero place for his type of person and complete lack of skills
>he gets in my face, wanting to fight
>I start laughing again, moreso until he leaves
>as he's leaving, I yell out 'Fucking Faggot' two halls down.
>make him question his self worth, intelligence, and judgement of people
>still laughing
College kids don't know shit.

>> No.4965564

Both Michael Bay and Michael Mann majored in English, as have countless other entertainment people. How many engineers run media companies? Who do you think came up with the idea for those Fiat commercial with Charlie Sheen and Catinel Menghia, not some chemistry major.

>> No.4965576

Most people treat collages as just daycare for people unready for the real world.

I'd worry when you see someone with an English degree from Harvard working the register at a clothing shop rather then a major. Few people have the time and skills for full time work when going to collage.

>> No.4965582

yeah too bad for you that there is more request for engineers.
You don't need as much media people. And unless you become famous fast, you will earn shit money probably.

You can find successful people with any degree.
What matters is the average people though. And the average people should avoid humanities.

>> No.4965581

but none of that advances our understanding of the universe and how it works

>> No.4965598

>enroll at community college becaue no monies
>70 percent of people there are minorities
>the remaining 30 percent of white people are the trashiest whites you've ever seen

I don't belong, /sci/.

>> No.4965618
File: 19 KB, 420x315, topmodel0120071011mu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what did she look like. Remember 5-11 Yale hottie Victoria Marshman (History) from America's Next Top Model. She will go further in life than an ugly engineering girl.

>> No.4965664

why the long face?

>> No.4965676

>What are part time jobs

/sci/'s naivéte is showing.

>> No.4965678

>implying that happened
>implying she's not right
>implying a Harvard degree isn't a big red meal ticket no matter what your major

>> No.4965704

>why the long face?

That was was made her different, beautiful girl.

>> No.4965738

Ever see "A beautiful mind"?

Most of /sci/ is like that, but without the mathematics ability, employment, wife, or good imaginary friend.

Or the physical health and ability.

>> No.4965747

Don't give a fuck about them.

>> No.4965758

>mfw I get interest free student loans from the government which I don't have to pay back until I earn over a certain threshold

>> No.4965845

Sup fellow Ausfag? Which uni you at?

>> No.4965862

you must be from california

>> No.4965865

>MFW he's proud that he's getting in debt
>MFW I get paid to study at one of the best universities in Jewrope

>> No.4965869

Not the same guy, but I'm studying at UWA motherfucker.

>> No.4965994

I'm at UQ

>> No.4967517

Britfag here. Can Americans get in simply with a perfect SAT and ability to pay? Because I've been to the intl. admissions pages and they say it doesn't really count for shit. Seems like the only people who've got in from my country are world class athletes

>> No.4967919

honestly, a harvard english major has a very good chance of landing an investment banking job due to connections and the harvard brand.

>> No.4967923

extra points for being a minority

or first generation college student

seriously, the only girl I know going there is both (and studying English at that)

>> No.4967928

I implied it but extra points for being a female as well

>> No.4967964

you have no idea how jealous i am of you. There's not a single thing in the world i wouldn't do to have your intellectual prowess. Literally.

1870 Omega tier SAT score.

>> No.4967970


I'm going to a cheap one too, but I still wish I went there or Yale. It seems like a cool experience.

>> No.4967997

Emory fag reporting in.
Going to a top ranked school really hasn't been as fantastic as I once thought. There's a lot of grade inflation in high school, and people who get the highest scores aren't necessarily the smartest. There are tons of smart people here, but the gems are the ones that are admit they only study hard for the resources and other hard working students.

I'm sure no one would turn down a Harvard education, but you should really be ambitious if you want an ambitious school title.

Also for the high schoolers I know are watching this thread, apply with a specific intended major. You lie your ass off how devoted and interested you are in it on your application. That's what admissions often look for, not tumbleweeds. Once you get in you're free to change your mind.

>> No.4967998

>implying Harvard brand still means anything

Not as much these days. Same with all the other Ivy League schools.

>> No.4968008

Of course a Harvard brand matters. Don't get all defensive how you didn't get in.

>> No.4968013


I call bullshit. You can make 200k and still quality for half tuition grant money at Harvard.

>> No.4969321
File: 141 KB, 400x392, 1344681719106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown grad here. I saw this problem a lot during my stay. Really disappointing. There were some amazing people, but unfortunately you had to wade through people who could score in the top percentile of all tests, GPA, but couldn't form a single thought of their own.