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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4959285 No.4959285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

it seems to me that atheism is a belief that has come to be an anti-religious movement, rather than an actual belief system.

atheism, in itself, is not a logical belief system, and definitely not a scientific belief system. the belief that you are without-a-doubt sure that god doesn't exist goes against the scientific process itself because you cannot state that god does not exist, without firs disproving god's existence. there very fact that god has not been proven or unproven to exist, negates the ability for atheism to have any logical or scientific standing.

while organized religion is not a logical choice either, there is an undeniable side to the human species that is spiritual. it is that side of humanity that has led to the creation of deities and religions over the span of our existence in an attempt to connect to our spiritual side and explain how it fits into and impacts our day-to-day life.

i am not an atheist and i am not religious, i'm just curious why it is that atheists claim to be much intellectually or scientifically minded than those who are religious, when both sides seem to make about the same amount of sense.

>> No.4959288

Atheism is not a belief system, it is a lack of belief.
'Not collecting stamps' is not a hobby.

>the belief that you are without-a-doubt sure that god doesn't exist goes against the scientific process itself
That is not what atheism is. They do not always claim absolute knowledge that God can not possibly exist.

>there very fact that god has not been proven or unproven to exist, negates the ability for atheism to have any logical or scientific standing.
Indeed. Which is why I am agnostic.

>i'm just curious why it is that atheists claim to be much intellectually or scientifically minded than those who are religious, when both sides seem to make about the same amount of sense.
Being sceptical when there is no evidence is more scientific than believing something that has no evidence.

>> No.4959290


>> No.4959293


There is as much need to "disprove" god as there is need to disprove Batman isn't just a fictional character.

>> No.4959298

90% of the Humans that you with this on this Earth do not believe that batman is real. If they did, you might well have a problem with it.

>> No.4959300


batman, a thousand years from now, will probably be a character of legends and historians will probably believe his stories were based off of a real person, so in a way, batman is probably more of a real person than any of us.

>> No.4959312
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>> No.4959319
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>mfw advanced superhumans of the future take part in batceremonies to honour the glory of the batman

>> No.4959325

information isnt easy to destroy in the age of the internet
some form of wikipedia will still exist, all the future-folk would have to do is look up 'batman' and they'd immediately find that.
"Batman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. The character first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), and since then has appeared primarily in publications by DC Comics"

That information will always be available unless there's some sort of nuclear apocalypse that leaves a few surviving humans left in the stone age, and destroys all our shit/info.

they wont confuse him as being literal.

>> No.4959328

In the name of the Batman and of the Robin and of the Butler Alfred.

>> No.4959330


This was posted on /b/ already.

>> No.4959332

sorry its this one >>>/b/418094412

>> No.4959333

Seriously, this shit again? Op is a faggot that doesn't know anything about history. Thousands of years of shitty treatment by religious nutsacks means they are getting what they deserve. The Catholic church alone is the most embarrassing and disgusting group of humans on earth. Stop your sanctimonious whining and wake up to the fact that the religious persecution of innocents is only building momentum because that's what religion has brought onto itself. Atheism isn't gaining ground or anything; it's just claiming the space it would have had for millenia if not for religious paranoia and bigotry.

>> No.4959336
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fucking educate yourself
you're obviously an atheist as well.

>> No.4959343

I bet you know nothing about the Catholic Church beyond what you've been told by equally ignorant people. I'm surprised that on the /sci/ board the denomination you'd have the biggest issue with would be the Catholics. Did Georgetown not accept you?

>> No.4959344

I never discuss religion at all.
I do not know if there is a God one way or the other.
Atheists like to argue with religious people and harass them. I do not.
I am open minded; if there is a God, then I would be happy to receive evidence of it.

>> No.4959354
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nowhere in the definition of the word 'atheist' is any of that shit specified. it is just 'a lack of belief in god'
thats it!
and you have that as well.
im an agnostic atheist, clearly yo uare as well
we both disbelieve, its just that neither of us know
and if there ever was any evidence, i'd be interested in it too!

>> No.4959368

Quantum physicist here, there is a god, hes called chance/The dude who makes random wuantum particles appear. Praying, believing etc does absolutely nothing, if you do it, youre subhuman scum and should be shot. Atheists are jsut humanists who dont want to make man a tool in gods hand, thats fine, makes no difference since they accept chance.

Good night everybody, I hope I could clear some things up.

>> No.4959404

It's not a belief that god doesn't exist. It's a lack of belief in all gods.

>> No.4959409
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kinda the same thing?
the point is, we aint 'sure' we aint 'gnostic'
so we still count as agnostic atheists

>> No.4959410


Why is it that idiots don't know the difference between atheists and anti-theists they are two competently separate groups.

>> No.4959414


>'Not collecting stamps' is not a hobby.

But collecting everything except for "stamps" is a hobby. Which is what atheism seems to pertain to, everything but "god" exist or has value. I can accept recorded human knowledge about math, science and biology even if I have never observe the subjects first-hand in question, fully understand the concept or logic behind it and never had interaction withthose who record it.

>> No.4959415


Not at all the same thing. Not being an entomologist (being an aentomologist as it were) basically says I don't go out and collect insects, I also don't actively do the opposite and go out and release them into the wild, it's hardly a difficult concept to grasp.

>> No.4959418

Not science or maths
Atheism is just not believing in a god, nothing more or less get over it.

>> No.4959423

That's really dumb.

>> No.4959429
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that doesnt really work in this case
atheists arnt 'doing the opposite' of being religious. they just arnt religious at all.
we dont 'anti-pray' or go to 'anti-churches' or eat anti-bread and drink anti-wine and pretend its NOT the body of christ and all that shit.

wejust dont do it at all.
its like neil degrass tysons thing about non-gold players

wait, 1 sec hun:

and he IS an atheist, (he doesnt folllow any religious practises, doesnt think that a god exists, doesnt pray, etc) he just doesnt like being classes as being an arrogant asshole like a lot of atheists are. probably the same as that 'agnostic' further up this thread.
they dont want the 'baggage' and dont wanna be drawn into arguments.

>> No.4959432

*non-golf players

>> No.4959462


Well done for coming to exactly the point he made in as backwards a way as possible.

>> No.4959471
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well yeh, but:

>> No.4959515

"no thinking atheist would consider themselves fully atheistic, as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind"

>> No.4959529


>mfw people actually believe this

If you take it from a purely scientific standpoint, we don't actually know anything is true for certain. We just have very good models for how things work. Take the example of the model of the atom, science has continually modified this model because we found things wrong with the previous model.

>> No.4959565
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>> No.4959566

That picture's got it all wrong. There's no reason to suppose that if you're unsure, then you're an atheist.

>> No.4959570

Is there anyone on this board who can fucking read? What does it say on the top of the page?
What does it NOT say on the top of he page?
"Faggy higschool philosophy".

This is not math, this is not science, this are your trashy bullshit flowing out of your brain like intellectual diarrhea.

Your ideas aren't new.
Your ideas aren't interesting.
Your ideas aren't related to science.
Noone gives a shit about what you think.
Even if anyone gave the slightest shit this isn't place to discuss it.

Stop fucking spamming this board with your inane ramblings.
Everyone who participated in this discussion should ram a spear through their urethras.

>> No.4959578
File: 58 KB, 246x244, u mad brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /sci/, summerfriend.

>> No.4959583

Assuming that an individual has a single urethra, was it correct to use the plural there?

>> No.4959584

No. In a society where believing in god is considered normal it is useful to have a word that distinguishes people who don't. For example, we use word nudist because people on the beach usually wear something.

QED bitch.

>> No.4959593
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art thou perturbed?

lel, you watched the same youtube video as me?
i was thinking of posting it, actually.

>> No.4959596
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>> No.4959602
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>> No.4959604


>> No.4959608
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Statistically? Yes.

>> No.4959614

I wish we could shift the debate to whether Naturalistic Materialism is a valid philosophical viewpoint. It seems like that's what the debate really is about but no one ever calls it what it is.

>> No.4959617
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>> No.4959620

oh my non-existing god, no

materialism vs dualism is the only topic worse than religion on /sci/

>> No.4959626
File: 25 KB, 712x956, agnostics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an agnostic was ag near me

>> No.4959630

Well that's what the real debate is no? I feel like all these Religion threads are really just "Is Naturalism valid y/n"

>> No.4959632

I haven't slept in 3 days

give me something to argue about...

>> No.4959633

sun made of ice, lava etc ....

>> No.4959637

sun is made of the heart of lorkan


>> No.4959639

0.999... > 1

>> No.4959640

Flip 2 coins, one is tails what is the other

>> No.4959647

0.999... isn't a defined article. you are trying to use a variable-based limit as a number.
the other can either be heads or tails. there is a 50 percent chance of either one, and having already flipped tails doesn't do anything to the probability...it's the edge

>> No.4959648

what is 48/2(9+3)?

>> No.4959657


Fuck these atheist/theist titles.

I'm a fucking skeptic.

Got evidence? Until then, fuck you.

>> No.4959668
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is the 13 scaling the denominator or the whole fraction? if the whole fraction than it's 24(12)=288. if its the denominator then it's 48/24=2

Now riddle me this. why can't atoms be handled with Newtonian mechanics (angular momentum/rigidity)?

>> No.4959672

Not believing that your mom is getting raped with a candy coated chainsaw requires no evidence, it requires lack of it. You're an atheist, deal with it. Also, fuck you as well, dickhead.

>> No.4959679

I can own up to the fact that I'm an atheist. I just feel it's stupid that people make up so much out of so little.

I'm an atheist as I just don't enough evidence to suggest there is a God. Could there be? Sure. But the person making a claim needs to provide evidence, otherwise, it is just a conjecture.

>> No.4959681
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Because valence.

>> No.4959689

Atoms are always handled by newtonian mechanics. Electrons are small balls that orbit the nucleus. I don't see your problem? Have you never heard of quantum mechanics? It's an application of newtonian mechanics.

>> No.4959691
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ITT: believing noun didn't verb = not believing noun verb

>> No.4959692

>Sleeping in on Sunday
>Making decisions based on the reasoning of the human brain
>Only believing in what is observable, quantitative, or logical
>Not bogged down by false morality
>Following the scientific method instead of books
Atheism is better. I follow a Confucian code of ethics (for the most part as I cannot respect authority and elders when they don't follow the way or even attempt to be decent people), but I don't believe in any magic man mumbo jumbo.

>> No.4959699

Classical mechanics always handles things based on rigid or elastic phenomenons. quantum mechanics has virtually none of that and while i can understand why to a certain extent, i think that atoms and particles behave way more chaotically than what's modeled in QM.

I mean, the whole point of these theories is that they can replicate the nature of particles right?

>> No.4959713

Are you trolling? It is a well known fact that electrons are small blue spheres that orbit a red nucleus by following exactly the same rules as planetary motion.

>> No.4959797

Atheism means you don't believe in god.
Not that you know that there is no god.
Get your facts straight.