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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4948597 No.4948597 [Reply] [Original]

This shit shouldn't be so fucking confusing but holy shit:

y=-x, y^2+x^2=1

Solve that shit for me. I keep subbing in the -x into the second equation but that ends up cancelling both x values and giving me 0=4.

Same thing with a later question, y=1-x, y^2+x^2=4.

... why is this simple math defeating me?

>> No.4948612 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> (-x)^2 + x^2 = 1[/spoiler]
<span class="math"> x^2 + x^2 = 1 [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> 2x^2 = 1 [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> x^2 = 1/2 [/spoiler]

<span class="math"> x = 1/ (\sqrt2) [/spoiler] or
<span class="math"> x = -1/(\sqrt2) [/spoiler]

(oh please let the fucking latex work... )

>> No.4948615 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 513x339, stupid_retard_eating_sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murrikka. fuck yea.

>> No.4948622

The answer at the back of my book says

sqrt(2)/2 and -sqrt(2)/2

... yep.

>> No.4948626 [DELETED] 

thats the same as what i put:

>> No.4948627 [DELETED] 

...INB4 some cunt flames me for not rationalising the denominator.

>> No.4948637


Now you're just asking for it.

No, EK. No hate today. Today you did good.

>> No.4948643

> x^2+y^2=1

Okay, so we're dealing with a point on a circle with radius 1.

> |x|=|y|

So the x and y have the same value. This leaves four points. For short, I'll use "a" for sqrt(2).

x=y=a, x=y=-a, x=a y=-a, x=-a y=a.

> x=-y

So there are two solutions: x=a y=-a and x=-a y=a.


Alternatively, x=-y so x^2=y^2 so y^2 =x^2=2, so x and y are both plus or minus sqrt 2. Then use the rule x=-y to eliminate two of the answers, and only two remain.

>> No.4948651

Men the answer is¦x¦=sqrt(1/2) or ¦x¦=((sqrt(2)/2)

>> No.4948657 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 499x594, hate_me_for_being_a_grammar_nazi_i_double_dare_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, simple algebra.
just about the only kinda math i can do.

>> No.4948662

try to visualize it as the intersection of the unit circle and the line y=-x

>> No.4948663


I actually meant "you did good" as in "you did a deed Superman would do", then again I'm not sure I phrased it correctly as I'm not a native speaker.

Yeah, well, doing simple algebra well is already more than half of /sci/ can do despite what they're trying to tell you here.

>> No.4948665 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 474x351, 65444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are you doing??
dont complicate this shit
simple algebra. thats it.

>> No.4948669

>more than half can do basic algebra

>> No.4948670 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 456x347, 126552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha. okie dokie, hun.

>> No.4948679

well you might have difficulty visualizing shit, but its really easy for me and helps me with what im doing

>> No.4948680 [DELETED] 


This visualisation is good, don't even need algebra, and you know its <span class="math">±\sqrt{2} ∓ \sqrt{2}[/spoiler]

>> No.4948683 [DELETED] 


*<span class="math">±\sqrt{2}x ∓ \sqrt{2}y[/spoiler]

>> No.4948687 [DELETED] 

but you still need to do the algebra anyway. visualises whatever the fuck you like, it aint gonna help.


>> No.4948688 [DELETED] 


this visualisation is good you don't even needa lgebra and you know it's

<span class="math">±\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} ∓ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/spoiler]

>> No.4948700 [DELETED] 


<span class="math">x = ±\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} y = ∓ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/spoiler]


visualisation is hard, don't worry if you can't do it

>> No.4948704


<span class="math">x = ±\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}
y = ∓ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/spoiler]


visualisation is hard, don't worry if you can't do it

>> No.4948706


>trying to bail out of thread after revealing stupidity

>> No.4948721 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was first correct answer/ eat a dick!

and im right anyway, visualising wont help, you still need to do the algebra to find x and y! you aint gonna fucking 'visualise' root 2 over 2 just from that.

>> No.4948738

I still despise EK. I wish it was dead.

>> No.4948743


Technically she's correct, but not for the reason she thinks. A formal proof still requires algebra, geometric visualization only counts as insight (which some people consider to be as important as the proof).

This number is actually constructed on the unit circle when intersected at 45 degrees. As unintuitive as it may seem, it is not uncommon for irrational numbers to exist as geometric entities. Consider a right triangle with sides of length 1. The hypotenuse will have a length sqrt(2).

1^2 + 1^2 = C^2
2 = C^2
sqrt(2) = C

>> No.4948767 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 113x126, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, pray for it, motherfucker.

>> No.4948798

>17 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Well, /sci/ sure is shit today.

>> No.4948802

Okay, I'm not one to hate on tripfriends, but you're absolutely retarded.

>> No.4948807 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 395x348, 13649375834953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, because i dont see a reason to overcomplicate some simple kiddy math?
fuck you, autist.

>> No.4948819

You filthy puss spewing cunt, it's a great way to understand it. Simple algebra doesn't explain it, it solves it. I SOLVED IT AND NO OTHER APPROACH IS NECESSARY... Now I finally understand why people hate your stupid whore ass.

>> No.4948822

Your fucking ignorant arrogant attitude seriously makes me want to punch you in the fucking face.

>> No.4948827 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Solve that shit for me'. - op

>be a bellend and ramble off on a tangent about shit no1 cares about - nobody

>> No.4948828

Absolutely, it has nothing to do with the identity, but the contents. I barely say anything on this board outside a few math help threads but I just had to cyberpunch this bitch

>> No.4948830 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring it, bitch
i'd fuckin' drop your ass

>> No.4948834

Yeah, and he got something extra that could help OP understand it which in turn could help him solve it in the future and there is no reason to condemn that... except that you are a pathetic person so you had to draw attention to yourself.

>> No.4948850 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 288x304, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt help at all because all he needs is to be able to do algebra! your fucking 'herpteDUURP circle visualization' doest help with FUCKING ANYTHING!
he's trying to find FUCKING X

thats it!!

he doesnt care about any of your bullshit NOBODY DOES!

fucktarded imbecile!

>> No.4948851

You are complete and utter garbage and should literally kill yourself.

>> No.4948856

It fucking helps him understand it, and when you know the solution graphically it can help him solve it algebraically. Just because you don't understand anything doesn't mean nobody should. You are an embarrassment to your sex.

>> No.4948861

What kind of retard protests the presentation of more information?

>> No.4948864

And it wasn't me who presented the graphical solution you dumb cunt, but it is a good idea for a novice. I can't believe how stupid you are... it's literally amazing.

>> No.4948867

Face it, you had your moment in the spotlight with your solution and the alternative method took it off you and you didn't like it. You are the scum of the Earth.

>> No.4948877
File: 296 KB, 1920x1158, trigonometry1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me here again, everyone else abandoned the other thread I was posting in, so I decided to go ahead and construct what the thing this guy was talking about. Pretty bored. Anything else you guise want me to construct?

>> No.4948911

Damn /sci/, you should spend some time in /b/. You're getting extremely sensitive to troll retardation.

>> No.4949006 [DELETED] 

you dont need any help solving it algebraically because its fucking easy! your diagram just wastes time!

its correct, yeh. but it isnt helpful or relevant to what OP was actually asking!

it isnt an 'alternative method'! they STILL need to do the algebra AS WELL!
the diagram helps NOTHING

>> No.4949018

I agree with this. I also agree with the fact that you're all retarded for keeping this thread alive for so long.

>> No.4949032


mathfag here, diagrams may not be necessary, as formalist mathematicians will argue, but they sure as hell help a lot. Especially when you're just learning the subject. Either way, it all comes down to whatever way the OP wants to learn it.


Yea, I know right. In the time I drew that picture it looks like a bunch of users threw a bunch of tantrums. I don't get why people stress out so much here compared to /b/. It's just internet. You can always just close the tab and go look at porn.

>> No.4949081 [DELETED] 

if it was something more complex, i would have drawn a diagram and posted the image along with my latex.
as it is, its simple enough that it doesnt warrant it.

>> No.4949149
File: 17 KB, 785x539, diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me demonstrate how retarded you are.

Now, we could just say that x=5
But we could also teach math the "alternative" way which is so much better!!! PICTURE RELATED HERE IS MY SUPERIOR TEACHING WOHOHOHO
Just imagine a straight line which we will call the x-line and there are values on it and you can do shit with them. Because it's a better way to understand math. Simple math.

In other words, die in a fire, EK won this round.

>> No.4949160

please gtfo this is a trivial problem in what's essentially a hw thread. you shouldn't be on /sci/ if you can't do this on your own.

>> No.4949168

>I keep subbing in the -x into the second equation

(-x)^2+x^2 = 1
2x^2 = 1
x^2 = 1/2
x = 1/sqrt(2)

>but that ends up cancelling both x values and giving me 0=4

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4949172

Forgot the +/- in last step.

>> No.4949173


Mathfags don't really mind math homework help threads.

>> No.4949215

yah they do because if you let one in they all start coming in. someone has to hold the line. plus this is hardly mathfag worthy, this is babby's first math problem.

>> No.4949216

I personally prefer to do it algebraically but I recognize that it helps people to visualize problems and that it shouldn't be discouraged if it does. The visualization was overkill at worst and helped at best, I don't see the problem.
I was just trying to get that idiot to stop discouraging different approaches to a problem for no good reason.

>> No.4949219


For all we know, OP is 10

>> No.4949220

The operative word is HELP, if someone is trying to understand math I don't see any problem. If they want their homework solved for them there is one from my perspective anyways, although many people are happy to oblige for some reason.

>> No.4949231 [DELETED] 

>yah they do because if you let one in they all start coming in.
You can not stop anybody 'coming in' and you do not know the age of anybody here.
Even if they post their age, they could be lying.

>> No.4949234 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 621x606, Homework.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is better just to guide them in the right direction.
If you do it for them completely, then they do not learn.

>> No.4949341
File: 24 KB, 1094x722, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4949424

I completely agree, I never do all the work if I think it's a homework thread.