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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2012-08-07 12:51:21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4945865 No.4945865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci I'm working on a budget spreadsheet and looking for more things to put on it to take into account. i'm a single male with no pets.

>> No.4945877

This shit isn't science, you cretin.

>> No.4945878

Rainy day fund.

>> No.4945880


It is math though you fucking idiot.

>> No.4945881


>> No.4945889


>> No.4945890
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2012-08-07 12:58:55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with more budgeting numbers.

>> No.4945892
File: 41 KB, 320x309, 1244634651032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dragon dildo budget

>> No.4945896

No, it's not, you moron. Addition and multiplication are not the kind of math that needs to be discussed on /sci/.

Why the fuck would he need huge amounts of condoms? Not everyone is a slut like you.

>> No.4945897

Look through your bank statements and try to categorize your spending.

>> No.4945902

actually i use gnucash but expenses are not categorized well yet.

>> No.4945905

fuck you! im not a slut
and at no point did i mention 'huge amount' you cunt.
also, i was clearly joking

fucking faggot

>> No.4945908
File: 42 KB, 477x507, definition slut 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By using common dictionary definitions could you please explain how you're not a slut?

>> No.4945910

does no one else here budget?

>> No.4945913

fuck off, we already had this conversation before.
im not a sut, but you ARE a faggot.

>> No.4945915

>dem murrikan taxes
holy protons

>> No.4945918

In that conversation you admitted being a slut.

>> No.4945919
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2012-08-07 13:08:06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some more tax numbers.

>> No.4945921

no i didnt, i admitted that by that definition, it means EVERYONE is a slut, which makes it completely meaningless.

>> No.4945924

And I told you that what you're saying is plain wrong. Not everyone is a slut. In fact only a very few people are sluts and you are one of them. We are morally obliged to look down on you, for you are definitely not normal.

>> No.4945926
File: 12 KB, 246x239, 1317506279255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer my last post in that thread then, asshat.

>> No.4945941

"Abnormity" is a legitimate word of the english language. Your lack of education is showing. And yes, I am telling you that I am not a slut like you.

>> No.4945951

>"you are such a fucking liar
>u male, rite?
>so you're telling me you've never ever felt any sexual feeling towards any other woman besides your wife/gf??"

really? yeh, really??

well i dont fucking believe you.

>> No.4945955

The fact that you fail to believe me only shows that in addition to being a slut you are also mentally immature and can't hypothetcially put yourself in another person's position.

>> No.4945964

we both know you're lying. dont even try.

>> No.4945968

I can assure you that I do not lie.

>> No.4945973
File: 16 KB, 200x300, reaction sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK is promiscuous?

So much for being EK's only fan.

>> No.4945976
File: 364 KB, 444x722, posh_constanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you 'enjoy immense posteriors'?
fuck off

>> No.4945978

not him, but i think the point is control. yes, most of us have sexual desires but it doesn't mean we have to around fucking everything in sight. Just like we all experience hunger but if you lack control you are still a glutton. An adult should know how to control himself/herself despite primal urges. It is what separates us from animals.

>> No.4945982

What the fuck are you talking about, you psychotic cunt?

>> No.4945988

and i have control as well! i dont 'go around fucking everything in sight.' either!
and i dont just care about appearance. im not a fucking slut!

>An adult should know how to control himself/herself despite primal urges.
yeh, and i do. i obviously dont hit on guys who have gf's, thats a fucking bitch thing to do.

>it is what separates us from animals.
hate to break it to you hun, but we ARE animals. its just that our social system is a little more complex than most.

>> No.4945990


>> No.4945994

You are a slut. You admitted it yourself. Being a slut is not normal. Shut the fuck up.

Why should I bother watching some childish youtube video? Take that shit to >>>/random/

>> No.4945998

> You admitted it yourself.
no i fucking didnt! i said im NOT a slut, which is the complete opposite of that, you blind shithead!

>> No.4945999
File: 480 KB, 493x342, RETARD_ALERT_MRS_GARRISON_Retard_Joke-s493x342-314899-580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone doesn't get a shitty low-brow cultural reference


>> No.4946015

I showed you the definition more than once and you had to agree that you fit that definition.

>> No.4946025

> i obviously dont hit on guys who have gf's, thats a fucking bitch thing to do
I don't know how the argument started, but codifying bad behavior does not make it any less wrong. Obviously the fucking ever thing in sight thing was an exaggeration, but i assume by the responses in this thread that is not that much of a stretch in your case.
>hate to break it to you hun, but we ARE animals
we are at the very least civilized animals. control is one of those things that allows us to be considered civilized. Animals just act on instinct. the reason we are not still hunting/gathering is because we were able to use a deeper form of thinking.

tl;dr: close your fucking legs

>> No.4946040
File: 34 KB, 487x415, 1307344169150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? because i dont stick religiously to one fucking partner? yeh, and that makes all the fucking difference to you, yeh? how the fuck i that even a big deal!??
and as i said! its none of your business anyway!

>> No.4946048
File: 481 KB, 200x143, 1337629008290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>codifying bad behavior does not make it any less wrong.
oh really, explain how this is 'bad behaviour' then!

>we are at the very least civilized animals.
one of the very few species to kill our own kind. i'd call us less civilised than most.

>Animals just act on instinct.
so do we! for the most part. yes, we ARE more intelligent, and can think deeper, but you cant escape your natural instincts either.

>tl;dr: close your fucking legs
tl;dr, shut your fucking face!

>> No.4946051

It becomes /sci/'s business, when you brag about being a slut on /sci/. Go make a zoology post.

>> No.4946058


>> No.4946060
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1297596231406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont brag about it, because IM NOT ONE!!

fuck, you're dense!

>> No.4946067


>> No.4946069


Isn't this what that book "The Ethical Slut" is all about?

>> No.4946070

You are constantly posting about your fuck buddies. Stop it. You never made an on-topic post in a science thread.

>> No.4946072

Do you come to /sci/ just to get mad? Almost every single one of your posts is you calling someone a retard. I can't imagine someone wanting to spend their free time like that.

>> No.4946080

>oh really, explain how this is 'bad behaviour' then
have you been ignoring me the whole time? read my original reply
>one of the very few species to kill our own kind
lol wut? this is the most fucktarded post i've seen all week. animals kill each other all the time. aren't you a zoologist? You're post is not misinformed then, you're just simply retarded.
>but you cant escape your natural instincts either
yes you fucking can, that's been my point the whole time. Just because you lack self-control doesn't mean the rest of us do.

>> No.4946083

the last time it came up was the start of june, and it wasnt even me talking about it, i was quoting some fucking anon who was spouting off about it

that aint 'constantly'
and i NEVER bring it up of my own accord, you fucking shitfaced liar!

>> No.4946094

It's literally the only topic you're talking about on /sci/. You never make any science posts.

>> No.4946102

>Do you come to /sci/ just to get mad?
obviously not, but some fucker always ends up pissing me off anyway!

>read my original reply
all i see is tards calling me a slut with absolutely no basis.
>animals kill each other all the time.
of the same species? its actually fairly rare.

>Just because you lack self-control doesn't mean the rest of us do.
i dont 'lack self control' and theres nothing wrong with what i do!

its not my falt if anons bring it up!
this guy started all this: >>4945896
>Not everyone is a slut like you.
obviously i had to respond!

>> No.4946111

You don't have to respond, you giant autist faggot. You could stop browsing /sci/ and learn limits instead.

>> No.4946121
File: 28 KB, 170x236, 1305061930518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4946135

rephrasing it to answer your question, it is bad behavior because it shows a lack of self-control.
>of the same species? its actually fairly rare
no, it's actually the most common for any non-predator. Animals don't just kill for food you know. Also, killing in humans are simply outlier cases (considering there are billions of us). For most animals, it is just normal territorial behavior, or mating behavior, or whatever the fuck have you.

>> No.4946139

I think you wanted to thank me for being helpful and admit that I was right, but for emotional reason the only reaction you were able to express consisted of posting an image macro. Such is the sad life of an autistic tripfag.

>> No.4946149

>it is bad behavior because it shows a lack of self-control.
it isnt a lack of self control! i know exactly what im doing, and theres nothing wrong with it
as an analogy, lets say theres a bucket of fruit, a really big bucket, with all sorts of different fruits in it.
you pick 3 peaches. i pick a peach, an apple, and a bunch of grapes.

its not like i went and picked 47 bits of fruit out of the fucking basket! i just chose a bit of variety, while you were fine with just peaches
you see what im saying??

if i lacked self control, i'd be the fucking glutton who gorges herself on all the fruit in the basket, but i dont, i just take a little bit because im hungry, and so do you. the difference is that your choice is slightly more uniform. theres nothing wrong with either choice.
if you just want peaches, then just have peaches! thats fine, i dont mind, it aint a big deal. but someone who likes a bit of variety with their fruit, that aint a big deal either!

>> No.4946163

>she actually thinks a fruit basket analogy is any kind of solid argument
your logic and rhetoric skills are almost as bad as your math skills. I genuinely think you're trolling now. It would be sad if you were serious.

>> No.4946168

>Come to /sci/
>EK shitposting
>Nothing new under the sun
Another hour another EK thread
EK stop making these threads

>> No.4946170

how is that trolling?? explain wtf is wrong with the analogy then!

>> No.4946171

Just wait for me to become a janitor. I'm so gonna clean up this board.

>> No.4946174

Thanks ummm Carl.

>> No.4946176
File: 268 KB, 472x348, 76756546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EK stop making these threads
you actually think i made this thread??

>> No.4946187

it is not what is wrong with your analogy, it is what's wrong with the use of analogies in rhetoric. Analogies are an explanatory tool, not a rhetoric tool. This is one of the first things you learn in any philosophy, argument-based English, or logic class. Since you are or have gone to university, i expect you to know this. Unless you somehow got away without taking any humanities classes.

>> No.4946191


Stop being fat. Also, stop pretending that you're interested in science, because you almost never talk about any real science on this forum.

>> No.4946194

oh god, not carl, he's almost as bad as EK

>> No.4946195

i did zoology, not philosophy. and i dont see why i cant use my analogy here. it seems to fit.

>> No.4946196
File: 22 KB, 251x226, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needed a philosophy class to learn common sense

>> No.4946223



Eek. My condolences. I mean I like animals and biology, but man... Glad I'm in neuroscience.

>> No.4946228

neuroscience is cool as well, i just prefer zoology.

>> No.4946230

i don't, some people do. I acknowledge this, and so do not expect everyone to have the same intuitive sense of logic as i do because I'm not a fucking autist. Analogies can seem like perfectly reasonable argumentative methods to perfectly sane people. But I do expect her to know it because she has been taught in it. there's a difference between ignorant and stupid. Now get the fuck out, you are just as bad as her.
You don't have to major in it to be expected to take a class in it. same as you probably don't need trig or calc in for zoology, but you still need those math credits. I sure as hell didn't psychology, but I was still required a certain amount of social sciences credits. most accredited universities try to teach their students more than just knowledge in their own field.
> i dont see why i cant use my analogy here. it seems to fit
i told you the problem is not that it fits, it's that you don't use anologies for rhetoric.

>> No.4946236

i never even took a class in it.
and if i wanna fuckin' use an analogy for rhetoric, then i'll fuckin use an analogy for rhetoric!

>> No.4946237

Congratulations. You found the only major worse than zoology.

FYI: ek knows neither trig nor calc. He/she hasn't yet finished highschool and does not really study zoology.

>> No.4946244
File: 36 KB, 400x293, 1317564000432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He/she hasn't yet finished highschool and does not really study zoology.
i'm a she
im 21, and i HAVE finished highschool, and i DID study zoology.

>> No.4946246

>FYI: ek knows neither trig nor calc. He/she hasn't yet finished highschool and does not really study zoology.

>> No.4946250

>and if i wanna fuckin' use an analogy for rhetoric, then i'll fuckin use an analogy for rhetoric!
you can do whatever you like, doesn't mean it is correct. If you're going to keep using flawed logic even though you have been told why it is wrong though, don't expect to convince anyone or be taken seriously.

>> No.4946261

Prove it. You are making an extraordinary claim, so it's up to you to provide evidence. From your writing style I'd say you are about 14 years old and your "contributions" so far seem to confirm this view. I haven't seen a single university level zoology post from you, neither did you ever post a mature and reasonable statement.

>> No.4946270

>1000$ a month on cellphone bills
Fucking hell, how much do you use it? I don't even spend a hundred a year on mine.

>> No.4946292

that was for annual expense. he allowed $97 monthly for cellphone bills. The real curios thing is how his rent is under $400. must be living in someones laundry room or something.

>> No.4946306

that was for annual expense. he allowed $97 monthly for cellphone bills.

>Implying that is cheap

>> No.4946310

an iPhone with all the trimmings costs something like that

>> No.4946325

i never implied it was cheap. Just that it's a huge difference from $1000 a month, as the question assumed.

>> No.4946378

Why did you bother to project stuff 40 years from now?