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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 504x108, facebook1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4938770 No.4938770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4938777


>> No.4938801

Those weren't the control computers.

>> No.4938785
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>> No.4938807
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>> No.4938832
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>> No.4938833


>> No.4938837

This should be a diary entry. Something private.

>> No.4938827


Jesus christ I hate normalfags

>> No.4938856

if normalfags didn't exist, who would you exploit?

>> No.4938857

I guess we know who paid for this shit.

>> No.4938874

I know anon, I know. We waste so many resources on these retards that will never contribute anything back to society other than rage-inducing stupidity.

>> No.4938867
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>> No.4938869


pfft you cant land on uranus

>> No.4938905


>> No.4938915

It's like when they take pride in the "retina" displays made by samsung

>> No.4938939


holy shit

>> No.4938950
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>> No.4938957

No, most of them have jobs and pay taxes to fund stuff like NASA.

>> No.4938969

I thought openbook shut down

>> No.4938979
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>> No.4938996
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>> No.4938999

>Using a mouse
>To fly a billion dollar rocket
Yes. They certainly did this. All that potential for human error just makes things more exciting!
Damn clueless macfags

>> No.4939004


>> No.4939020

Don't you guys remember the movie independence day? Jeff goldblum used a Mac to hack the alien spaceship. Lol apple

>> No.4939007
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>> No.4939028
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>> No.4939047

where are you getting these

>> No.4939053

this post makes murder quite comprehensible.

>> No.4939054

naw bro. They used an xbox controller. They decided who was gonna fly the thing by holding a Black Ops tourney

>> No.4939056


>> No.4939038
File: 61 KB, 360x202, idontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use the browse

>> No.4939039
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>> No.4939071
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>> No.4939080
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>> No.4939085


>> No.4939087

It sounds like her life is really hard.

>> No.4939099
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>They decided who was gonna fly the thing by holding a Black Ops tourney

>> No.4939117
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>> No.4939121

ITT: anti-mac butthurt

>> No.4939137

This isn't rageworthy at all compared to the other ones.

>> No.4939140
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>> No.4939150
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>spend money destroying other countries and soldiers dying
>all good

>spend money exploring space and expanding our knowledge of the universe

>> No.4939160
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>> No.4939172


Welcome to the average person of today.

>> No.4939183

I have no idea what that last post said but it has a picture of that fag from that fag show so it's bad enough already.

>> No.4939204

>NASA uses macs in their control room
Guess they can handle having their funding reduced after all

>> No.4939205

So how is the Mars Science Labroatory going to contribute to the FREE MARKET?

>> No.4939198
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>> No.4939199
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>Erik Johnson

>> No.4939225

>I thought we did away with NASA
>did away with NASA

That thought is revolting. Anyone uninterested in space exploration is holding us back as a species and needs to be sterilized.

>> No.4939241

Just so you know, it says I don't know which I like better, the twits about "Nasa uses Macs" or the ones that say the little robot twits directly from Mars.

>> No.4939251

normally, I'd feel like you were being overly assertive with your opinion, but when it comes to people who don't want to progress into the future, they can die.

>> No.4939246
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>hey nasa guys, I use a macbook too! We're both nerds! Bazinga!

>> No.4939281
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>> No.4939312

This is the first one that made me close to mad

>> No.4939314


> NASA employs people
> people spend their paychecks
> more money in the economy
> NASA pays suppliers
> suppliers build stuff
> suppliers spend money on other stuff

so on and so forth

>> No.4939317
File: 10 KB, 336x322, 1304557986091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is watching the live stream still?

anyone else see DAT WINDOWS XP?

>> No.4939319


Holy fucking shit these people should be killed to prevent further holding back humanity.

>> No.4939334
File: 84 KB, 627x415, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm grabbing these off of kurrently.com if anyone was wondering - i don't know where the other anon got his

>> No.4939335

yeah i saw it

>> No.4939323 [DELETED] 


It's fucking useless for 99% of the population except for rich white boys to fantasize about Star Trek. Its pure worthless escapism for those leading boring comfortable lives.


All benefits from space exploration thus far have been indirect.

>> No.4939338


How fucking short sighted, this mission is a per-requisite to sending a manned crew to mars. Short sighted normalfag sheep, I don't like using buzzwords but god damnit.

>> No.4939328

The control computers were using Linux. I believe they were also using xfce4

>> No.4939353

shit nigga, I ain't even mad

>> No.4939364
File: 100 KB, 697x700, 1344050732649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to stop posting these.
I'll nightmare about a future that looks exactly like what we're living in now.

>> No.4939358

would you rather they had risked windows?

>> No.4939386


Yeah this useless mission is a prerequisite to another more useless mission.

I mean seriously, space exploration, at this point, is mindless dickwaving of the most embarassing sort. There's no real discussion going on about Mars because there's nothing to discuss just "hurr durr AMERICA FUCK YEAH"

>> No.4939391

Fuck normalfags are stupid. Those macs where DONATED by Apple for the publicity and they are all running Flight Linux.

>> No.4939411

Why are you on /sci/?

>> No.4939435
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i'm assuming the bottom post is supposed to be sarcastic, but i can't be sure

>> No.4939436

fuck you, good sir

Tang is awesome

>> No.4939439


What do you mean? Please tell me you aren't one of those retards who thinks an interest into scientific research in certain fields means you mindlessly worship jingoistic dick waving?

>> No.4939441


How is it useless? We should be striving to improve our scientific knowledge and a manned mission on mars would be huge. Each of these accomplishments simply leads on to something else even better. Imagine that one day we will be able to look upon the religions of today in the same way we look at ancient greeks and romans.

>> No.4939446

>having a facebook

>> No.4939450

The ultimate goal of the space program is to create a self sustained colony on another planet.

Given that there is a very real danger of falling space rocks destroying all human civilization on Earth, I'd say this is a fairly useful thing to do

>> No.4939464

I'm poor, gief money pls.
Nobody is allowed to do anything cool because I'm poor.

>> No.4939458

I'll repeat the question Why the fuck are you on /sci/?

>> No.4939473

the unspoken goal of the space program is to go from what we have now to Star Trek.

>> No.4939479
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>> No.4939491

I know Kayla. I used to want to bang her too. 100% serious.

>> No.4939504


>How is it useless? We should be striving to improve our scientific knowledge and a manned mission on mars would be huge.

No it wouldn't. We don't gain more knowledge from manned missions than we do from rovers and robots. Also the gains from this knowledge will be useless to some 99% of the world.

>Imagine that one day we will be able to look upon the religions of today in the same way we look at ancient greeks and romans.
lol, wtf? Is this the best thing you can imagine....space exploration, therefore...."we will look upon the religions of today like the same way we look at the religions of the ancient greeks"?

This goal isn't remotely connected to space exploration, and its a non-goal to boot.

>> No.4939524

>99% of the world

Well no shit, 99% of the world aren't scientists.

>> No.4939515


>Also the gains from this knowledge will be useless to some 99% of the world.

That's because 99% of the world are simple minded idiots who care only about themselves and money.

>> No.4939528
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>> No.4939531

I think you're ignoring the huge engineering hurdles that these people are forced to overcome. Developments and innovations that will impact our lives. Its like the LHC, we have gain significantly from the engineering challenges that posed

>> No.4939534

Wait why do we give a shit? It's not like its the first rover to ever land on Mars.

We dont even have a shuttle program any more and have to rely on charity from the Europoors. I dont see why anyone judges this as an acheivment.

Still, more mars pictures are pretty cool.

>> No.4939535


Because I am a scientist and sometimes find some of the discussions interesting.

Why are you on /sci/? Because right now I see Star Trek fanboys.


A manned flight to Mars would not get us closer to space colonization at this point.

>> No.4939541


And you are one of those 99%.

Don't you have to go post "LOL MARS DONT EVEN GIVE A FUCK" on your facebook?

>> No.4939543
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can you shoot hoops though? fukken nerds

>> No.4939554

Of course it would. One of the prerequisites to get people permanently on mars is to be able to get people from Earth to Mars and back. Once we do that, it's wouldn't be a huge jump to get people permanently on Mars.

>> No.4939562


Yeah thats what I meant when I noted that so far, all the real "benefits" from the space program were indirect.

Its trickle-down economics as applied to sciences. We spend all of our money on dickwaving, and the runoff in terms of the engineering obstacles actually might help benefit humanity.

Its a shit system though.


No. I'd say the 1% cares far more about money, as paradoxical as it sounds.


Most scientists also aren't going to benefit from this. Scientists in directly related fields will, and then Star Trek fanboys will be able to jerk off some more.

>> No.4939564

>What has space travel ever done for the common man?
5 seconds Googling.

>> No.4939556


I can't take any more of these. All of these people deserve to die.

>> No.4939557

Because Space Exploration hasn't directly lead to things improving your quality of life.
Oh, and don't forget SO much money has been spent on it as well. NASA actually gets less than 1% of the USA budget, same with foreign aid.

>> No.4939575


True, Mars shit doesnt really matter in your day to day life, where as being really good at basketball, or 'ballin as the kids say, makes you a lot of money.

>> No.4939578

Do you have a better system for pushing the boundaries of engineering and technology other than setting incredible goals for ourselves?

>> No.4939568


aye...makes me sad it does
ungrateful bastards...

I think their heads would explode if they knew NASA has nearly 1,800 spinoff technologies in the public sector already

>> No.4939581

Ones like these are obviously supposed to be humorous.
Don't get riled up so easily.

>> No.4939572

Because science is a subject that I generally study and am greatly interested by, especially things regarding space.

>> No.4939595

Satellite technology

>> No.4939588

People need to remember that amazing technology isn't produced overnight. Wonder inventions take time. Does Mars effect day-to-day life? Not yet. But in 10, 20, 30 years, it will.

Fuck i hate this immediate gratification generation.

>> No.4939599


>> No.4939610

What a question.

>> No.4939600

This rover is a monumental achievement compared to the other rovers in terms of size, power supply, research equipment, research goals, delivery method, etc.

>We don't even have a shuttle program any more
NASA just gave several contracts to companies like Boeing and SpaceX to build shuttles for us.
We're back in the game, bitches.

That's really what the excitement is about, I think. Ever since Obama cut the funding for NASA and scrapped the plan Bush put in place, a lot of people have felt like we've abandoned space exploration. This landing and the recent contracts are big signs that we are still very much moving forward with space exploration despite all hardships and challenges.

>> No.4939628
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>mfw MSL can detect radiation, which is the first example of an experiment used on Mars solely to judge how well humans could survive on its surface

>> No.4939637


No, it's indirect. That same argument can be used for invading other nations as well--a lot of scientific advancement comes from the military programs, and this in turn sometimes indirectly ends up benefiting the rest of humanity.

Its a shitty system.


lol "science" is very broad, someone who says they are interested in "science" probably has no idea what they are talking about. I believe you when you say you are interested in "space",and I believe you read a lot of sci fi and jack off imagining going off in a spaceship. Good for you.


Lets set an incredible goal in which the goal itself is beneficial toward humanity. Lets set the "incredible goal" at completely eliminating hunger, starting with just the USA and working our way from there.

>> No.4939655

>Lets set an incredible goal in which the goal itself is beneficial toward humanity.

I believe that's what we did.

>> No.4939659


>Lets set the "incredible goal" at completely eliminating hunger,

Step 1: Nuke Africa

>> No.4939662

It's 2011, NASA can drive a car on the moon but there's still no good way to hang fitted sheets on the clothesline

>> No.4939672
File: 198 KB, 1028x1513, GOOD NEWS EVERYONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4939678

It's 2012, bitch.

>> No.4939698

>Let's set the "incredible goal" at completely eliminating hunger
1. Colonize Mars (If you haven't noticed we're in the 'research' phase of that)
2. Farm the shit out of it to produce food to feed Earth
3. ????

>> No.4939708


I'm not sure i follow?

what's an example of a good system that directly benefit?
i'd like to understand...

>> No.4939700
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>> No.4939718


No, landing a rover on Mars is not beneficial toward humanity as a whole, and neither is ~space colonization~.


Nice try but no.

>> No.4939712

Cynical dick detected.

>> No.4939730

Your soul is bound by gravity.

>> No.4939729

Right now, but there is no knowing how beneficial this will be in the future. Who are you to deem it useless?

>> No.4939752

It must suck to not want to explore.

>> No.4939744

Can't get around that. Equivalence principle says everything falls.

>> No.4939759


what really "benefits" humanity exactly?

>> No.4939764
File: 614 KB, 768x3456, Time to Imply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread arguing about space exploration is a mockery to the /sci/ board you're even on.

How about before you make any arguments, whether that be about the usefulness or worthlessness of the space program, you back it up with hard evidence, or, at the very least, a non-fallacious reasoning.

>Picture fucking related. It's everyone waving their dicks around implying anything they can think of without backing to improve their 'argument'.

Here, I'll help you:

Why isn't the space program helping humanity or the U.S.A. as a country?


How is the space program directly assisting humanity as a whole as the U.S.A as a country?

>P.S., use evidence and logic

>> No.4939771


Direct benefit might be say, medical or environmental research. The goal itself is immediately useful.

Indirect benefits is something like "We need some better technology to bomb the shit out of these people/send robots to Mars", developing some technology and then having that technology serve alternative civilian-friendly use (often, but not always, for the more wealthy among us).

>> No.4939791


>99% of the population has evidence and logic


>> No.4939808


Not making an argument, rather, you're trying to pick apart my words to undermine my own argument.

Logic count: -1 (And you're on /sci/ too, now what does that say?)

Stay on topic.

>> No.4939810


yes, yes...exactly

such as...?

>> No.4939817


i was being optimistic.

>> No.4939821


That line of logic can justify anything.

There are tons of areas where human effort and resources can be spent, right now, which would have a benefit right now. Not a ~maybe~ benefit in the far future. And lets be honest, if we ever do get our space colonies, 99% of the world won't benefit.


Improvements in the quality of life--filling human needs (food, water, healthcare, shelter, etc), and decreasing inequality.

>> No.4939829

You need specific goals, not a vague wishlist of things that would make the world a utopia.

>> No.4939864


I gave a specific goal: eliminate hunger in the US.

Its far far more specific than "build a colony in space".

>> No.4939868


no, i meant what you were typing about a couple of minutes ago

what immediate benefits?

all the things you listed off are still fucked up even though we've had at least a good couple of thousand years to nail it down.

there has been no direct benefits there at all....just gets worse
every step we have taken in any of those arenas has had two unexpected steps back down the line as a result

>> No.4939879

the goal is already met though.

America routinely allows enough food in storage to rot away every year to keep every man, woman, and child fat and pink

We just refuse to give it to them.

>> No.4939887


Medicine has gone very far in a very short amount of time actually. Things certainly aren't "worse" than when we were still struggling with the exact causes of disease. I have no idea what you are on about.

>> No.4939885

If you were alive when Galileo first began looking through his telescope would you have told him, "Get your head out of your ass and do something useful, there are people dying from plague here." Why not just let Nasa expand our knowledge of our solar system for no other reason than to expand our knowledge? Today it's nice to have our GPS and other space age technologies, but really, I enjoy knowing the earth revolves around the sun. Excuse us for wanting to be a little less ignorant of our surroundings.

>> No.4939892

[citation needed]

>> No.4939900


Let that be a harsh lesson to you.
Some of us don't need enlightenment.

>> No.4939906

An individual that doesn't possess the trait of curiosity.

How sad.

>> No.4939917

>implying half the problem of eliminating hunger anywhere isn't getting the food to people

>> No.4939907

that's the best got vertical every created by humankind

>> No.4939909

Then why are you on /sci/? All science is built on a thirst for knowledge.

>> No.4939919
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No one is making a mockery.

It's simply that the stance that space exploration is a waste is almost as ignorant a statement as saying science itself is a waste. In that the innumerable benefits it has provided for our species is so fucking blatantly obvious that it goes without saying, and anyone retarded enough to call it a waste without bothering to understand what they are criticizing.

If you are on /sci/ you should be capable of comprehending the benefits science has provided, if you have to take any time at all to consider that, you are in the wrong place.

>> No.4939922


There is room for knowledge, but there's a little room for cost-benefit analysis as well. A manned flight to Mars is a ton of costs and gives no more benefit than a fucking robot does. This is how I separate those with a lust for knowledge wrt Mars and Star Trek nerds.

>> No.4939918


now that everyone can live their "natural" life expectancy, notice how they still need room and food?

we are getting packed elbow to elbow here because of medicine

now we war for resources and space
real beneficial isn't it?

>> No.4939930


what do you mean?
you unlock the door....it's pretty simple

>> No.4939933

You're that Aether or whatever faggot that was on that chat aren't you? Hurr durr mah jingoism hurr duurrr.


>> No.4939939
File: 66 KB, 720x588, 1326301847375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more benefit than a fucking robot does
I'm sorry but the idea of sending a human to another planet is mind-blowing awesome. I mean, we are the only species on this planet who not just realised that we life on a planet, no WE FUCKING LEAVING IT. how can this not making you wet?

and in a related matter: I don't really like the USA and what it stands for today, but NASA has my unlimited support.

>> No.4939948

it's just a matter of money to you then
i understand your position now

why didn't you just state that plainly to begin with?

>> No.4939956

>he doesn't want to be apart of the future glorious federation.


>> No.4939949


>According to the National Corn Growers Association, about eighty percent of all corn grown in the U.S. is consumed by domestic and overseas livestock, poultry, and fish production.

That poster's wrong. It doesn't rot away, we just feed it to livestock. We're also growing corn, which isn't all that nutritious. We could definitely be doing better, but we don't need new technologies.

>> No.4939958


>A manned flight to Mars is a ton of costs and gives no more benefit than a fucking robot does

You're the one being a Mars and Star Trek nerd by stating something so obviously flawed I'm having trouble comprehending why you think that was a good idea.

One of the missions of the rover is PRECISELY to find out if manned flight to Mars is feasible. You can't just say, "Well, time to start rocketing people to alien planets with little to no data." That's irresponsible and downright appalling.

Additionally, the mission allowed us to know that we can safely send much bigger crafts. I don't know if this clicked in your head yet, but this means the possibility of profiting from space isn't abysmally low now.

So yes, it's actually pretty damn important.

>> No.4939961

>implying doors

Also: How many fucking doors?

>> No.4939982


Department of Agriculture (USDA), reports if just 5 percent of Americans' food scraps were recovered it would represent one day's worth of food for 4 million people.

According to the USDA, just over a quarter of the country's food -- about 25.9 million tons -- gets thrown in the garbage can every year.

http://www.ask.com/wiki/Food_waste has some sources too..

we eat more than corn, son

>> No.4939983

Oh wait, half of the food we produce (including meats and dairy) actually does go to waste.


>> No.4939991

Corn is by far the biggest crop the US produces. Soybeans too.

Also see >>4939983 where I agree with you after finding another source.

>> No.4939994

...all of them?

it'd be a good start.

>> No.4939998

Thank you. This is exactly what I was trying to get that guy to understand. Well said.

>> No.4940001

You're talking millions of doors

How are you going to get food to those millions of doors?

>> No.4940019


I take morbid enjoyment watching you guys try to unravel God's creation, nothing more.

My Priest will absolve this sin of pride during the next confession of course.

>> No.4940024


people don't have feet or something?
whoever opened the door could do it too...

we have robots for shit like this i think

>> No.4940035

Who's going to build and program all those robots?

Or repair them?

>> No.4940042


This has gotten so off topic I need a compass.

>> No.4940049

It did, there's an alternative now though, but I've completely forgotten its name.

>> No.4940050
File: 1.02 MB, 1680x1050, dhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know...all those people without jobs and stuff....

...the starving ones and such


>> No.4940077

quiet down assholes!

we're gonna drive all the smart ones right off the planet
It's like their version of the World Series or the Superbowl.

Let em fucking celebrate!
Any excuse for a beer is fine by me!

>> No.4940120

Good god, must everything be so benausic? Must we even define utility by such arbitrary standards? There is purpose in it, but because it does not feed people you scoff?

May we not merely behold this thing which we have accomplished and marvel?

>> No.4940134

if all that it takes to end world hunger is money, why don't you bleeding hearts just crowdsource that shit? buy the food and ship it over there.

gotta kill the local warlords first, of course, but hey: why dont we croudsource that too?

>> No.4940155

>There is purpose in it, but because it does not feed people you scoff?

They'll complain about anything. But unless these guys go full retard and start dumpster diving, they probably don't actually believe any of it themselves.

I bet when these hipsters buy their new Iphone they don't question whether it eradicates world hunger.

>> No.4940177

It's been one guy repeatedly being an asshole.

>> No.4940199

what if we just killed them all? a lot easier, cheaper, and honestly more humane.

>> No.4940218

plus an excellent immediate return on surplus proteins for human/feed stock consumption, and fertilizers for crops

>> No.4940242

Now I feel the same way I felt when I found out a lot of people think we only went to the moon once.

>> No.4940254

My fucking sides!
God damn it I think I am going to start lurking more often
I don't think I have ever laughed with so much rage at the same time before

>> No.4940291
File: 228 KB, 500x333, 1341117466152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space colonization
>not beneficial toward humanity as a whole

>> No.4940316

keep trolling trolling trolling

Not even the stupidest republican conservative is that dense.

>> No.4940320

Your soul is bound to your body, ergo you can leave soul from earth.

>> No.4940335

Why do you isolate the iPhone in your bias?

Don't all the other entertainment and luxury goods count? Is it too hard to attack the majority without the support of the anti-Apple crowd?