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File: 379 KB, 1600x1064, 1282879438325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4930357 No.4930357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How long is a reasonable enough time to take off after graduating highschool before going to post secondary/

I'm almost homeless and need to work fulltime to get on my feet. Ive already waited a year.

I plan on going to school for around 6 years and apply to space/astronaut programs, so consider that.

>> No.4930366


>> No.4930368

No more then one year. If you take off more then it will negatively affect your chances of getting into college .

Stop working, go to school, get some assistance from the government because of your hardship.


>> No.4930372

>I plan on going to school for around 6 years and apply to space/astronaut programs

None of that will happen

>> No.4930369

As a woman I find your picture offensive.

>> No.4930373

I'm in your shoes OP. I've been off for 3 years because of money problems. Shit sucks man.

My friend that was off for 4 years got help through that government program that helps you go to college. It's community college but hey, he gets a good amount of money at least. It's also a start.

>> No.4930374

(I'm not OP)
You can't /thread your own post, that's just arrogant. And besides, your post wasn't that good.

As an offensive I find your post woman.

>> No.4930375

As a picture I find your woman offensive.

>> No.4930378

This. A lot of us found out the hard way.

>> No.4930380
File: 36 KB, 390x399, WTFAMIREADING2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take off more then a year
>thinks he is going to be an astronaut


>> No.4930379

Fuck you, I'm not doing what you tell me.


>> No.4930384

Fine, be an arrogant cunt about it.

>> No.4930386

Their were a couple guys in my classes that were in their thirties. It never really is too late but I imagine it would get harder with age. Responsibilities piling up through life is hard to avoid which makes it harder to focus on school, you can handle all nighters easier with youth, and being at the same point in your life makes it easier to deal with classmates.

If finances are what's keeping you back apply for as many scholarships as possible or take a big risk using student loans for a program that hopefully will get you a salary that can repay them.

>> No.4930392

Why do you all say that? Astronomy is my passion, and while my chances of becoming an astronaut seem low from down here, all it requires is for me to actually do well in the courses and requisites i need and keep the passion burning, and that's a variable you all have no idea about.

>> No.4930398
File: 19 KB, 373x273, 080725-office-fun-hmed-135p_hmedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you will not be accepted into any space/astronaut programs. You made really shitty life choices, and it is evident by your shitty situation. Unless you apply to school now, you may as well never fucking go. No one is gonna give you a chance after being out of school so long. There will be a line of smarter, younger kids, more qualified then you.

If you were ment to actually contribute anything to mankind, or get into academia, you should be on track already. Smart people will find ways to overcome there difficulties, and get where they need to be. Smart people get scholarship, grants, and sometimes loans, to put themselves where they need to be.

If you can't get free money for college, for your future, it means you ain't that smart enough....Sorry. Not everyone can be smart. Maybe you should think about some trade, plumbing? electrician?

>> No.4930401

Yup, getting kicked out at 16 was my fault, not my bipolar now-on-probation crackwhore mother.

It's been my passion all my life and I have the intelligence to comprehend the math and physics involved, why are you saying I can't do it? I'm willing to travel to places like china and russia for the sake of exploring my options, but I don't know why you're saying I can't do it. Most astronauts are in their 30s anyway.

>> No.4930402

Here's an idea, OP. You may not be accepted into any one else's space program but you might be accepted into your own. Wink wink. Business school, millionaire, etc.
>passive aggressive simulator 2012

>> No.4930403


If it was really your dream to be an astronaut you would be in the naval academy, air force academy, or their respective ROTC programs doing a degree in math/physics/aeronautical science right now at a prestigious university, with an eye on pilot school afterwards.

Furthermore you would already know that the space program is on it's way out and robots are pretty much the future of space exploration (in the USA at least) due to lack of willpower from government.

And to think you would be allowed to be an astronaut after 6 years of education is ridiculous. You generally need at the bare minimum a PHD if you aren't a pilot/commander, and then you need to be one of the top people in your field, and then you probably have to win a lottery to get a chance to become an astronaut, then pass rigorous physical training which might be impossible at the age where you would even have a PHD and prestige or you might not capable, or be disqualified in some way, and even at that point, when you are a fully qualified astronaut...you won't be going to space very often at all...your life will become training simulations and safety checks.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>> No.4930408

i really hope that's plexiglass

>> No.4930414

You don't need a phD.

Astronauts have a background in astronomy/engineering related stuff, but many dont have or need a phd, its mostly bsc or masters. What's more important is the actual training qualifications like pilot hours etc.

>> No.4930411
File: 25 KB, 281x291, strange-albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astronomy is my passion


>variable you all have no idea about

No. We know a lot about you, about this "variable". Because of your poor status is life, we know you make bad choices. Because you didn't get into college automatically on scholarship, we know you ain't blessed with intelligence.

We basically know you are just an average dude, living a average life. We know you have a passion for astronomy, and that is great, but just because you have a passion doesn't mean shit. You actually need a good amount of brains for the shit you want to do. You don't seem to be up to the task.

>> No.4930415

I take 2 years of one of them studing at school and one studying at home and now school is piece of cake and my clasmates look up to me. But sometimes I feel like a cheater when I am good at something only because I have already learned it.

>> No.4930416

The choices that put me in this place weren't entirely my fault, i got fucking kicked out in grade 10, as a fucking neckbeard who played runescape all day and couldnt even look people in the eye, how could you blame me for that shit? Now I'm struggling to pay my rent living in the most unaffordable city in Canada hoping the rest of my life isn't as miserable as this.

I plan on going to school soon, its not as if i want to wait years, i want to get my shit together but the way my life went totally retarded put me in an ideal situation.

I just turned 19, are you telling me people don't ever start their education at 20?

>> No.4930418

Who forced you to play runescape? It's perfectly reasonable to blame you for that.

>> No.4930420
File: 119 KB, 800x600, FEYNMAN65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting kicked out at 16 was my fault, not my bipolar now-on-probation crackwhore mother

Cry me a fucking river. No one gives a fuck about your shitty childhood. Lot of people have a shitty childhood, but they were FUCKING SMART ENOUGH TO OVERCOME THAT SHIT, go to fucking college, and follow there dreams. YOU FUCKING WEREN'T! Bottom fucking line! You need to get your fucking shit together son.

You need to go to college now, follow your fucking dreams, or kiss them goodbye. I want you to achieve dumbass! I am trying to help you here, so is everyone in this thread. You need to get a fucking clue, and go to college ASAP.


>> No.4930421

Abusive household i used it to escape reality, nerd friends, no support whatsoever

You guys are real assholes, you know.

I'll prove you wrong.

>> No.4930423

I dont really see how playing runescape could make any difference whats so ever? When I was young I used to go 2 times a week for all night lan parties with booze and weed. And I can hardly blame it? Why do people always find something to blame for their misery? I used to be abused by my crazy mother and I am not running around crying that she ruined my life. Also read Sartre

>> No.4930424

No one cares OP.



>> No.4930425

I played runescape all day and was not socially adjusted to the world, was sure as fuck not ready for a job and was in general confused what the fuck was going on.

>> No.4930428

Nobody takes you seriously. Just stop posting.

>> No.4930429
File: 16 KB, 200x266, cantorth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone gives a fuck about your sob story

>> No.4930431
File: 8 KB, 298x208, BadThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP bitches about how hard and unfair his life is

This is not science or math

saged and reported

>> No.4930432

>implying anyone takes OP seriously

>> No.4930436

>almost homeless

For a whole year?

>> No.4930434
File: 19 KB, 361x480, 253313_10151144622745817_709713460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that feel when your not a complete fuck up and finish your engineering bachelors degree at 22/23 and will make 60k starting, which is higher than what most people make their whole career.

feels normal man.

pic related, it's OP

>> No.4930444

These people aren't as smart as they think, especially the idiot using "ain't" along with claims of your own intellectual inadequacy. They do, however, present a real issue here: your dream is nothing more than a dream. You essentially say you were a complete failure and I'm sorry, but those wasted years will continue to haunt you for much of your life; and the virtual impossibility of you becoming an astronaut is a perfect example of such. I'm sorry. I have dreams too--I think we all do; but you have to let go of the exciting in favor of the practical, which is probably even more rewarding albeit less prestigious.

I'm 18, and I spent 6th and 7th grade playing Runescape. I was poor, and still am. I was a bit of a social failure, as well; so I can relate; that's why I'm giving you the frigid truth.Those living in poverty often are misled by the ruse of abstract grandeur. Earning a degree in itself is a triumph for people like us. Don't sabotage that possibility in favor of these idealistic fantasies.

>> No.4930447
File: 117 KB, 1200x1389, pixarjusticeleague61202123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a much worse childhood and circumstances I had to overcome to get to college OP, a lot of people have. It doesn't matter though. You need to get off your ass and go to college now, or it probably won't happen.

If your circumstances were so fucking hard, why didn't you get scholarships for that stuff? No offense, but you don't seem that bright, or maybe you are just too naive? College might not be for you.

>> No.4930450
File: 20 KB, 281x425, kill16132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I ain't as smart as I think

>> No.4930452

Butthurt pleb.

>> No.4930454

No one fucking cares, go prove us wrong then. Go and get a decent education and get into the space program. Screencap this thread and repost it when you're an astronaut in 6 years. Until then shut up and deal with your own problems.

>> No.4930453

It isn't a fantasy, AS LONG AS OP GOES TO SCHOOL NOW!

>> No.4930456
File: 34 KB, 300x300, sad-face1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm an engineer

>> No.4930459

Because all throughout grade 12 my entire life focus was on eating every day.

>> No.4930460

Virtually impossible? TELL ME WHY!


If I take all the courses I need, and work my fucking dick off, and work to the best of my ability and potential, WHY are you saying I can't get to where I want? I can take 2 years of general courses, then major in physics and then transfer to a grad school and do the best I can. WHY is this not possible?