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4927743 No.4927743 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw being smarter than most people, or just having an above-average skill in general, makes you an arrogant person

>> No.4927746
File: 132 KB, 566x553, no_deberias_hacer_eso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking tired of it, to be honest

>> No.4927750

Why not try being more humble?

>> No.4927751

How can you not act like a douche when everyone around you is full on retard? I've tried philosophy to calm myself down and be humble but then I realized that was shit too.

All I feel is rage.

>> No.4927754

Most of you guys aren't smarter than most people, you are just arrogant faggots.

>> No.4927757

Arrogance, confidence, egotism, and intelligence are all virtually the same thing, and all fuel the other.

>> No.4927756

>tfw you try to be humble and modest, but cannot for the life of you find anything in common with whoever you meet, ergo cannot strike a conversation with anyone, and just become looked upon with utter indifference and disinterest from civilization in general
>tfw just having an above-average skill makes you arrogant by definition, regardless of how you try to come off in a social setting

That's why.

>> No.4927758
File: 51 KB, 625x416, dissapont4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not a thing of being humble. If you are too intelligent you will be considered arrogant by most, no matter how humble you are.

The reason this happens is because they're projecting their own insecurities and fears.

The good news is you can tell who isn't an insecure neurotic because they do not project their shit upon you.

Also I'm >>4927746

>> No.4927759


I prefer not so intelligent, but humble people to those arrogant "I am so above-average skilled"-fags.

Most of them just read some philosophical books, or something like that and consider now themselves as hyper-intelligent.

But instead of using their "hyper-intelligence" to be helpful to mankind, they sit all day around raging and look at people down from above.

>> No.4927762

I'm of average intellect so I don't know these feels. Maybe you could speak in similar manner to who you're talking to so you don't come across as arrogant.

>> No.4927768
File: 12 KB, 348x348, 1287270910531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read a lot about philosophy and politics
>mfw I crave for new ideas
>mfw I've used this knowledge to fuel a lot of what's happened in the last two years with the "99% vs 1%" thing
>mfw I've managed it so whatever I write on the Internet is red by about 50.000 people
>mfw only my closest people know it, and they don't even know the extent of the influence
>mfw I'm humble and I hate being praised or anything
>mfw I feel in awe when I find intelligent people
>mfw random mindless prejudice

>> No.4927775

>I'm of average intellect so I don't know these feels. Maybe you could speak in similar manner to who you're talking to so you don't come across as arrogant.

I'll give you a recent example. Coworker starts arguing a pseudoreligious idea on how amazing is that the Moon is at 385.000 km from Earth so that when there is an eclipse, the whole sun is covered. He tries to bring some religious significance from it, "everything is so exactly on its place".

I question it pointing out that the Moon around the Earth doesn't behave like a circle, and that it is between 365.000 and 405.000 km distance, 385.000 km is just the average, so sometimes the sun will be covered, sometimes it wont. I add that the moon is separating from the earth at a rate of 4 or 5 cm per year.

A few of my coworkers except look at me like I'm being arrogant and spurt something on those lines. And its not that they're uneducated. A few of them quit their degree when they were around half of it, and some others were still students. I'm the only full engineer and I'm currently studying my second degree, physics, which only makes things worse. However it is interesting, because there's a pair of coworkers which are truly humble and aren't frightened by me, and I know I don't come up as arrogant to them at all.

tl;dr many times what you think you see is what you are
tl;dr neurotics, neurotics everywhere

>> No.4927782

Was he really arguing it or just stating his belief? Maybe you seem arrogant if you try to make things a competition.

>> No.4927792

Hmmm its not about making things a competition, but if he is trying to convince me on his idea, should I shut up and say "a-ha" ignoring its flaws? why should the challenging of a belief/opinion be a problem?

>> No.4927798

Maybe because it was a religious one? You could have probably said it with a different tone and they would haven't called you arrogant.

>> No.4927804

I know people that have a sharp mind (I'm refering to superior analytical abilities, because in my experience, most people on these boards consider only this as being "smart" ;) ) and are indeed quite arrogant, as you would put it, and I also know sharp people that are extremely nice.

Consequently, for me, the nicer people are in fact the more intelligent ones, because in addition to their "above-average skill in general" (to quote the OP), they also have more emotional intelligence and prove themselves to be somewhat more balanced, versatile and collected.

tl:dr between 2 people with a similar level of intelligence apart from their images as either a "nice person" or an "arrogant person", the nice on is actually more "smart" because he/she has more positive qualities than the arrogant one.

>> No.4927805
File: 857 KB, 240x228, clint eastwood disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working as a security guard
>boss is one of the most stubborn individuals I've ever met
>calls me arrogant

>> No.4927816

Every smart person I have ever met is arrogant, including myself. Wanna know why?


I guess one day when I finished my degree and will only deal with smart people, I won't have this problem anymore.

>> No.4927833

I'm really hoping this is a troll thread.

>> No.4927837

>>4927743 smarter than most people
A few times people have criticized me like:
>Look how confident that asshole is, he must think he's better than everyone else.

It confused me for a while because that's not how I view the world at all.

As a thought experiment imagine that by pure luck you are the last person alive on Earth. No one exists for you to feel superior to. Do you lose all sense of pride and self worth?

I have well above average abilities and take pride in that, but do not look down on anyone. I feel good about myself because I can get through any given challenge, not because I'm better than anyone.

>> No.4927838

>tfw I'm nice to idiots but raging on the inside

In a way I've learned to talk about sports, tv, movies and all that boring shit but it's just what it is: boring shit. People don't even have valid political opinions that are worth arguing against. It's always "Politics suck" or "You support X, Y or Z? Then you suck!". I'm not saying I'm super smart guy but I just want to do things that really stretch my imagination and intellectual abilities like chess, physics and math. I just hate people who are happy without ever fullfilling their potential in any area of life. These people aren't even making an effort to understand something, they're fine with "Omg lol who cares, u suck".

>> No.4927864

Smart people are obliged to be arrogant. When faced with the retardation of others, we can't just choose not to feel contempt for them.

>> No.4927870

I'm not even overly intelligent or probably not intelligent at all but when I stare down a busy street in the middle of town I feel a deep hatred, I feel bad because I dont want to hate everyone and their pointless boring lives with no potential and no achievements or thoughts beyond their limited social circles.
I know they cant all be so vapid and void of intelligence surely some of them must care about more than Xfactor or soap operas, but I cant help but hate all of them.
I hate myself more than them though because I supposedly know that I should be doing more with my life better things trying to improve the world but I dont so I'm worse than them all.

>> No.4927881

Sure you can. You have to assume they're being dumb on purpose to feel contempt for them, right? Or do you feel contempt for someone walking slow when you know they have a physical handicap?

>> No.4927883

>Or do you feel contempt for someone walking slow when you know they have a physical handicap?
No, I just feel sorry and sad that someone has to be brought down by something they've probably no way of helping. Very sad.

>> No.4927884

I have to hate the handicapped. They are evolutionary failures. They shouldn't exist. Only in a degenerate society such life is supported instead of exterminated.

>> No.4927888

>tfw neighbor used to call me a showoff
>years later he's getting his phd in English something or other
>rubs it in my face because I stopped after undergrad

People sure can be pathetic.

>> No.4927891

Oh Adolf, you're such a riot. Imagine for you became a political leader. :3

>> No.4927899

And you cam try to understand that their mental limitations are things they've probably no way of helping either so you're not obliged to feel contempt for them.

>> No.4927904

Seems to me like you're the degenerate

>> No.4927907

I can relate to that feel, just got fired from a teaching gig because my boss thought I was too arrogant. When I asked him what he meant, he couldn't give me examples.

Fuck it

>> No.4927908

JIDF detected.

>> No.4927910

No, I just feel sorry for them. They, and the physically handicapped, just serve as reminders of the limitations and downfall of a human being. They just prove how weak we all are in the end. And that realization is only stimulated when they're around, only.

>> No.4927915

So then why do you feel contempt for them?

>> No.4927918

See >>4927910
>They serve as reminders of the limitations and downfall of a human being. They just prove how weak we all are in the end. And that realization is only stimulated when they're around, only.

They're a detriment to value of humanity.

>> No.4927935

wut? Are you >>4927883 and >>4927910 ?

>> No.4927938

IP for both posts are the same, yes.

>> No.4927953

>implying IPs
This is a very weird troll.

>> No.4928015

Here I'll whip out my e-penis for you.

I'm an bachelors Electrical Engineering going for masters one year left.

I'm Croatian.
I speak perfect German and Czech since I lived in both the countries before I was 7 so I have the accent of a local. I'm still working on getting an English accent. Well British one. As well as learning Japanese that I will probably master since Croatian and Japanese are 100% identical phonetic languages. A is "a" not "ə" as you muricans pronounce it.

I had artillery shells land in my garden, thankfully my house wasn't hit.

I experienced 2000 times more then the average person.

And yet still I don't feel that special because I personally know people that know more languages, worked in more countries, have a better degree and actually fought in the war.

>> No.4928018

cool story bro

>> No.4928024

You speak three languages? Everyone in Switzerland laughs at you.

>> No.4928037

And everyone in America claps.

>> No.4928435

The problem isn't intelligence, the problem is that people who regularly think things like 'I'm smarter than most people' usually aren't as smart as they think they are.

They want to be thought of as a 'smart person' by others, and in social settings, this makes them absolutely insufferable. Their language veiled with condescension, they regularly derail discussions in order to make some esoteric witticism (which usually lack any true wit), and when they're shown to be wrong about anything, they become even bigger assholes.

If this is about you then realize that the word 'arrogance' is not a way to hide their jealousy. What you're observing is their contempt for your inauthentic behavior.

>> No.4928443

OP has never heard of the Dunning Kruger Effect.

>> No.4928500


Fucking this. OP and every other pseudointellectual on this godforsaken board are fine examples.

>> No.4928550

Or that other guy should get educated. If you hold an opinion you should be able to substantiate it. Even if it's a matter of taste you should be able to say something.
People get bent out of shape when you try to educate them no matter what tone and language you use, because they feel stupid and that makes them angry. Those who can actually take a correction in good spirit are few and far between and are usually wonderful people.
If you see someone smarter than you maybe you should try harder instead of hating them.

>> No.4928626

I get called smart all the time by people who know me, I try to deny it because of the awkwardness. I think this is the case for many "smart people", they get praised so often for their smartness that they have to keep denying it in an attempt to be humble.

>> No.4928647

You know what I hate. When people do anything at all to deny that a person is smart. Got straight A's? Grades don't mean shit. IQ of 200? IQ Doesn't mean shit. Won many math competitions? Those don't mean shit. Made major discovery? It was mostly luck.

What exactly does a person have to do to be considered smart?

>> No.4928657

> emotional intelligence

Being nice doesn't make you more emotionally intelligent. It just means you care. I can understand people's feelings perfectly well without caring about them.

>> No.4928665

Want to get really angry really fast OP?

Read >>>/an/1252303

and subsequent replies.

Apparently this guy thought /an/ was where all the biologists go when they've been shunned by /sci/. Basic science and logic there is arrogance apparently.

>> No.4928674

This is why I try to speak as monotonously as possible. There's less arrogant connotations without tone.

>> No.4928678

I find that to work the opposite. I speak monotonously, and people think I come off as emotionless.

>> No.4928687

emotionless people aren't arrogant, though.

>> No.4928696


trolls trolling trolls man you can never know

>> No.4928701

Not so much arrogant as I just come off as an asshole because I don't generally "feel" for or sympathize with many people. Most people who know me know I'm not really this way, but the first impression I give off is distant and maybe even robotic.

>> No.4928708

I am extremely arrogant.

what's the point of being better if you're going to just pretend that you aren't?

>> No.4928717

>something I didn't know told to me in front of peers?
>Proving me wrong makes you an arrogant bastard.

>> No.4928721

arrogance is by definition a bad thing

>> No.4928725

no, bad is a subjective judgment.

>this harms me, it must be bad

thing is, what harms you in this case helps me.
others may not like it, but my belief in my superiority provides me with a number of rewards.
it's not bad for me.

>> No.4928730

Strangely enough, in my experience, people I knew that were not arrogant started being so during and after college.

I wonder why... college must be some sort of ego jerkoff or something.

>> No.4928738


You're exactly right. Ever wonder why every pseudointellectual teenager here is so arrogant? They are all freshmen/sophomore STEM majors who did well in AP Physics and therefore have the right to talk out of their ass and feel superior.

>> No.4928741

>As well as learning Japanese that I will probably master since Croatian and Japanese are 100% identical phonetic languages. A is "a" not "ə" as you muricans pronounce it.

Not sure what you're trying to get at here. Pretty much every letter in the English alphabet have multiple ways they are pronounced in words. A can be pronounced like four or five different ways, including the way your described. Every single sound in the Japanese language appears in the English language as well.

>> No.4928748

>no, bad is a subjective judgment.

This is true. This does not change the fact that some things can be bad by definition. An evil act is necessarily bad, but people would disagree on what constitutes an evil act.

>> No.4928753

>arrogance is bad because we call it bad

everyone is arrogant to some extent, pride is also known as personality.

>> No.4928761

I agree, even emotionally impaired retards can very well be nice. But what you're describing is called empathy, which in turn is a factor in emotional intelligence, contributing to overall intelligence.

>> No.4928762

>no social skills
>beta as fuck compared to the idiots you're "better" better
>argue about religion vs atheism
>average to ugly
>gf is 6/10 at best if you even have one
>I'm so smart, fuck all these sheep doing there day to day lives with no aspirations. One day i'll make a discovery and go down in wikipedia. One day...

>> No.4928764

better than*

>> No.4928763

last post is a quote to this one.

>> No.4928777

If you can't reliably interact intelligent and interesting people, then you yourself are neither intelligent nor interesting.

The problem you are talking about only shows up when you are ever so slightly smarter than idiots but not smart enough to put yourself in an environment filled with smart people.

It's the Dunning-Krueger effect, not a symptom of actual intelligence.

>> No.4928785

And with that PhD in English he'll get the regional manager position at Starbucks, so be prepared for that round of boasting.

>> No.4928790

> A can be pronounced for or five different ways

More like 3

>> No.4928793

Yes that is a tautology. That was my point. Arrogance is bad by definition.

>> No.4928801

You know how buff people tend to be just a tad bit more impatient with not-buff people? Especially the gymrats?
Or how guys that are familiar with cars are impatient with people that don't know their way under the hood?

Same thing with smart folks.

Its just a TENDENCY.
Which is not unique to intelligence but to any aspect of exemplary ability or competence

>> No.4928864

>People say stupid things

>Try to correct them as politely as possible

>Come off as arrogant/ condescending

>Give up and just stay quiet most of the time. When someone says something outright wrong or misunderstands something, don't bother to point it out because it's more hassle than it's worth

>"Anon, why do you never talk? You're so quiet?"

Story of my life

>> No.4928873


There's an animals and nature board?

Why the fuck do we not have one for actual academic disciplines not covered by science and math?

We need somewhere for linguistics/philosophy/history etc

>> No.4928911

/an/ is technically just for posting pictures of animals and nature.

we sometimes use it to discuss zoology, ecology and geology because fuck /sci/ and its sophomoric distaste for science.

>> No.4928919

"Hate dwells only in the bossom of fools"
- Albert Einstein

"Hate the sin, not the sinner"

These quotes make great sense.