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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 123x150, SmilingBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4924584 No.4924584 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Science,

Sumerian culture. You can't explain that.

>> No.4924588

These people just walked out of the stone age, 6,000 years ago and boom they create these very sophisticated culture. Right out of the stone age? It makes no sense and it never has.

>> No.4924591

I came here to escape /x/. Why are they following me? WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE?

>> No.4924594

caveman, progress, war, reset, progress, war, war, reset, progress, disease, religion, reset, progress progress...

how am i doing?

>> No.4924596

You guys make it sound like history began with the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans. But in reality. the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans took a lot of what they had from the Sumerians who dominated for almost 2,000 years. They had and produces over 100 of the 'Firsts' that we attribute to a High Civilization.

*They had the first cities, well-organized, the first high-rise buildings
*The first government
*The first recorded religion

They had running water. They had the first wheeled vehicles, the first wide-spread trade, the first ocean going vessels.

You can't name a 'First' they didn't have.

>> No.4924601

What about monotheistic religion? I don't know shit about sumeria

>> No.4924603

Caral Culture yayaayayayayayaay

>> No.4924609
File: 52 KB, 490x496, ziggurat_ur_recona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no precursor civilization according to Science. They just BOOM all of a sudden knew how to do all this, perfectly, according to Science.

We don't even have the technological evolutionary steps required to account for it. It can't be done. So the question which remains is, where DID they learn their culture from?

>> No.4924614
File: 72 KB, 210x230, 1342884899729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey Sumeria, Science. You can't explain that.

Point made, faggot OP.

>> No.4924621

Do they mention where they learned it from?

>> No.4924626

I saw on the history channel that it was aliens. You can tell from the drawings.

>> No.4924633
File: 478 KB, 1280x576, 1343685756158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, people did stuff (and clever stuff) before they began writing down their stuff and building shit that lasts for a long time

Sumerians are the first because they left some shit for us to see. There are others much older and we can't imagine them to be these idiots with no culture, they were clever. But then again, this is just my opinion, not based on anything concrete.

Whether you like it or not, """primitive civilization""" is very advanced, they just don't think like us, but they think fairly well. To them, you are the retarded one.

>> No.4924634
File: 24 KB, 464x318, anunnaki-sumerian-ufo-stone-jim-tierney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes they do, as a matter of fact. They had a detailed cosmology and history which they recorded using the world's first written language, lol.

On the world's first clay cylinders. They say that Annunaki came down from the Sky and created them, and taught them how to live. They say they interacted with these people often, and that the Annunaki guided their culture.

But Science, discarding and intervention period during the earth's development, has to discount this as myth and legend. To Science, life evolved from Earth, on Earth, and has never been interacted with before from any outside source.

>> No.4924646

It's just that myths are universal. I understand the excitement of ufologists when they see something like that.

It is said that medieval demons could be aliens. Think about it on the contrary: aliens might be demons.

The thing is, myth says they are neither and both, for "demons" and "aliens" are just names for common images of our psyche. And yes, they are inspiring and they lead to unusual experiences and everything else.

>> No.4924652
File: 61 KB, 450x310, stock-photo-tablet-with-cuneiform-writing-of-the-sumerian-civilization-in-ancient-iraq-38550679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was no civilization before the Sumerians, who did they get their myths from?

You can't explain that. Pic related, some shit the Sumerians did all on their own without anyone before them even having a written language.

>> No.4924653

Can any nice person answer my question and maybe tell me a little about Sumerian religion?

>> No.4924666

it was polytheistic, with human form deities directing and controlling things. They had ranks, human fallibility and flaws. They warred with each other and had disagreements.

>> No.4924662

No, there is something very weird about this:
Probably Egypt
Indus Valley
Probably Mesoamerica

With no contact between groups of peoples (except the probablies, possibly), groups of humans that had been separated for at least tens of thousands of years suddenly popped up with civilizations, pyramids/ziggurats, organized religion, separate ruling classes, etc, all at almost exactly the same point in time, despite having arrived at that point through vastly different prehistorical processes.

You can't explain that.

>> No.4924672

Awesome. I might even read a book on that someday

>> No.4924676

Right, civilizations dependent on MASS slave labor to create such cities. The populations would regularly war on the 'non-civilized' human tribes around them and capture slaves.

This is not a natural occurrence, some outside force drove them to create these monoliths, these ziggarauts and pyramids. Commonly, they all say it was a group of super powered people who came from the sky.

>> No.4924682

Hey Science, Humans; you can't explain that.

>> No.4924681

It's your punishment for going to /x/ to begin with.

Do enjoy.

>> No.4924687

Dat pesky missing link... why so missing?

>> No.4924699

It was fun at first. Now it's just infuriating. I'm so sorry.

>> No.4924704

archeological biology doesn't have the funding.

>> No.4924715

So, if I paid a team of archeologists, they would produce a missing link?

>> No.4924723

pay government salaried bio-engineer, and they will produce a cure for cancer. Or at least lie to you about it. Im just fucking around cuz in truth we are all aliens and you know it.

>> No.4924920

You don't get myths like that, they come naturally from us, because they are product of basic human relations and emotions (father, mother, fear of the dark, desire for freedom, spacial notions, etc). They are always incredible, because they are an extrapolation of what we already know, not exactly what we really experienced. We see a bird flying and we can imagine ourselves flying like it, and so we build a mental image based on how free we would be if we could fly like the bird.

>> No.4925063


Are myths handed down from culture to culture or do they all spontaneously erupt in the same way?

You are wrong.

>> No.4925066

both, they have to form sometime. Creative sumerians took some kind of drug, came up with crazy stories, and told them to everyone.

>> No.4925095
File: 386 KB, 1584x1056, cave symbols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many of these cities were founded thousands of years apart. Which is kind of "around the same time" when given the context of human existence, but it's still pretty distant. One thing to note is that as far as modern history is concerned, written language was created independently in 5-6 different parts of the planet. I think in general though, western culture purposely likes to downplay ancient prehistoric cultures in order to make their own cultures seem leaps and bounds ahead. Take into account the basic technologies that people all over the planet had such as the bow and arrow (except for possibly australian aborigines)


Most of these cities were not founded on slaves, though some did use slaves afterwards. There are still misconceptions about them however. Egypt is probably the most notorious due to the abrahamic bibles making false claims about jewish slaves.

>> No.4925108
File: 33 KB, 300x400, Jung Man and His Symbols Mandala Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myths emerge from ourselves, they are inner images that we may or may not reproduce as pictoric images, literature, rituals, etc. We all have them and they have similarities because we have similarities, just as all cultures share some things in common. That's why we all love a hero story.

They emerge spontaneously, but after we began registering our mythological knowledge, one can say they are passed on from generation to generation. They are polished and changed within each context. What a medieval man, with biblical knowledge might call a "demon" or an "angel", the modern man with astronomical knowledge will call it "alien". They are the same thing.

It's not a misinterpretation of reality, but a symbolic view on reality. They represent real inner relationships with things. The idea of a superior creature with (apparently) supernatural powers is natural, so we dress this idea with whatever cultural background we have.

Ancient civilizations show even more of a similarity. But now, today, you have thousands of years of history coming from several points in the world and hitting you at once, so each one of them will look like bullshit to you, while other will seem more "plausible".

Also, don't call me an idiot. I'm not being condescending, I'm trying to teach you a thing or two I happen to know.

>> No.4925111

Last I checked, Caral and Egypt were within the precision of the dating techniques used; mesopotamia a few hundred years earlier, mesoamerica less than a thousand later. That is close enough to weird me out.