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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 500x330, 5464756321_1ce161374e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4917483 No.4917483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Who wants to be a millionaire just a game of luck?

I mean, there's 33.34% chance of being right unless the person happen to know the answer, and lifelines can only get you so far into the game.

>> No.4917486

>>implying no one studies a thousand books before jeopardy.

>> No.4917485
File: 170 KB, 1118x1061, MILLIONAIRETROLLFAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a fucking faggot...

>> No.4917491

Actually it's 20%. You have 4 answers and the option to leave.

>> No.4917494

Fuck off, tripshit

>> No.4917492

Let's say there are 15 questions with 4 choices each. Let's also say there are 3 lifelines: call-a-friend, 50-50, and ask-the-audience.

For each of the 15 questions, there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%. You can use each lifeline once. Using phone-a-friend, let's say gives you a 95% chance the person you call is correct. So 1 question is 95%. Similarly, we can say ask-the-audience gives you a 95% chance. Finally, 50-50 will remove 2 wrong answers, so you have 1 right answer and 1 wrong answer, so you basically know the answer. To recap:

Question 1: 33.34%
Question 2: 33.34%
Question 3: 33.34%
Question 4: 95% <--- ask-the-audience
Question 5: 33.34%
Question 6: 33.34%
Question 7: 33.34%
Question 8: 33.34%
Question 9: 95% <--- phone-a-friend
Question 10: 33.34%
Question 11: 33.34%
Question 12: 33.34%
Question 13: 33.34%
Question 14: 33.34%
Question 15: 100% <--- 50-50
Total: 690.08%
Divided by 15 questions = 46.00%
So basically, it's more a less a game of chance, but more than half the people on the show will lose, so it's not very fair. That show is making tons of money off of people.

>> No.4917502

You are such a shitposter

>> No.4917497

Go play with your fuckbuddies Rose and leave /sci/ alone

>> No.4917499

lel so troal

>> No.4917503

Enjoy your Rose permaban

>> No.4917506

> having fuckbuddies
> an insult
Oh /sci/, never change.

>> No.4917510
File: 30 KB, 625x521, AYFKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG you are all such faggots, bumping a troll thread and harrassing me when OP is a spammer and trollfag.

i am so outta here

>> No.4917508

You can stop samefagging. We all know that you love Rose. Now go fap to her pictures and don't ruin our probability thoery thread.

>> No.4917509

Normies don't belong here

>> No.4917511

No. Being a virgin aspie is not something to feel proud about. Get the fuck out and socialize.

>> No.4917519

You will enjoy a normie ban

>> No.4917522
File: 25 KB, 789x368, infantile clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now go fap to her pictures and don't ruin our probability thoery thread.

>> No.4917525


I wish a mod would come in here and ban all of you faggots that constantly bump troll threads like this one, as if you think it's a big joke to respond to the same copypasta and tripfags every day. I wouldn't expect all of you little shits to reset your IP's everytime, so I imagine it would shape this place up rather quickly

Inb4 you spout some retarded 4chan comeback like "NO FUN ALLOWED!" or "GO BACK TO REDDIT!" because you have nothing else to say

>> No.4917527


>> No.4917539

Where is your problem? If you don't like le thread, you are free to ignore it. What you are doing is called shitpoasting.

>> No.4917569


>> No.4917571
File: 242 KB, 630x400, laughingwhores6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to check for samefag

>> No.4917588 [DELETED] 



>> No.4917594
File: 69 KB, 1024x683, girl_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old troll is older than your 40 yr old neckbeard ass.

>> No.4917603
File: 14 KB, 222x256, you're butthurt is showing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to resort to ad hominems

Alright, I won. XD

>> No.4917604

>I will make this thread every day
>Finally they will like me

>> No.4917610

>trying to justify not being a virgin
enjoy your ban

>> No.4917620
File: 17 KB, 370x319, pleb life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to resort to suggesting ad hominems are a bad thing, when knows full well they are great.


>> No.4917618

Looks like some people have to put effort into gaining respect from /sci/. Not everybody can be as awesome as me and instantly be loved by the entire board.

>> No.4917619

>I am a shitposting underage popsci transhumanist
>I would rather talk about furry transformation and underwater bases as opposed to an open problem in discrete probability theory

>> No.4917643

you know, we shouls post this image every minute of the day so this guy gets a dupe error when he tried making these threads

>> No.4917649

>implying he cant just alter one pixel, and repost anyway
>implying this is the only pic

>> No.4917656

>implying this autistic faggot would have figured that out if your retarded ass didn't post the solution
delete your post immediately moron

>> No.4917660

fuck off ek

>> No.4917669

>unless the person happen to know the answer

your supposed to know the answer, retard

>> No.4917673

I love you, EK.

>> No.4917675
File: 231 KB, 395x348, 13649375834953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you honestly think people here are that stupid?
course he fucking knows! and deleting shit is pointless because everything is fucking archived anyway.

>> No.4917694
File: 244 KB, 333x500, 1326566707747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK what's your brasize?

>> No.4917688

I think the guy that continued smaking these threads every day is that stupid. He has to have something seriously wrong with him to do so.

In the style of copypasta, I doubt he would be changable enough to edit his image

I'd imagine that if we were sucessful, he would make rabit scrreching noises while groaning and banging his keyboard since he can't do his life's work.

he wouldn't have the mental capacity to change his image.

>> No.4917697

huh, perhaps not, maybe thats why there's multiple images...

>> No.4917700

you're either underage, a newfag, a retard, or all three

>> No.4917698
File: 30 KB, 403x403, le everything will be le okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, you must be seriously analinfuriated. Calm le fuck down. No need to be le upset.

>> No.4917699

it's big and small at the same time.

like a big egg, or a small galaxy

>> No.4917721

stop being mean. It was a good idea. Admit it.

>> No.4917758

It's pretty good. Whoever made this copypasta is a fucking genius. It's one of the few memes that weren't created by me.

>> No.4917761

What did you create?

>> No.4917765

what le memes have you made carl?

>> No.4917770

>talking with himself

>> No.4917772

Panda, peak oil, qualia, biology ... All the spam you enjoy so much.

>> No.4917774

lemon key face

>> No.4917779
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU'RE responsible for ALL of that??

>> No.4917784

You did not start peak oil. Redcream did. Fuck off.

>> No.4917785

fuck off

>> No.4917799

HAHAHA, no. You weren't even on /sci/ when the first thread was created.

>> No.4917803
File: 10 KB, 192x184, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you le rustled?

I was here when the board started.

>> No.4917811
File: 50 KB, 796x450, by the way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Car also created qualia meme.

And he created you.

And pic related.

>> No.4917818
File: 85 KB, 480x750, paulreverejackblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4917819
File: 29 KB, 304x400, millhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say forced memes?

>> No.4917825

>dat internet dopamine high

>> No.4917837

So you just magically decided to adopt trolling trips at the start of this year?

Nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.4917841

>don't visit /sci/ for years
>decide to drop by
>EK still posts

>> No.4917856

>implying trolling

My poastings are always serious and science related. =)

>> No.4917860


>> No.4917866

Carl is redcream

>> No.4917878

No, Carl is German, RedCream is an Americlap.

>> No.4917887

His posts are too <span class="math">\mathbf{\overline{\underline{RETARDED~QUALITY}}}[/spoiler] to be Redcream.