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File: 332 KB, 550x352, Vegan-Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4917392 No.4917392 [Reply] [Original]

As a man who loves my meat and dairy, it appears that the only way to combat disease is to adopt a strictly plant-based diet.


The evidence in the literature is pretty damn convincing now.

So /sci/, do you care about your health enough to go vegan?

>> No.4917394 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 700x541, 4555628_700b_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO, harriet

>> No.4917409

I think a vegetarian diet is healthier than a vegan diet. It's challenging to get enough iron, Omega-3, and complete proteins with only plants and nuts.

>> No.4917449

I didn't watch the video, but I have amazing psychic powers and I'm able to predict it's contents and make a valid argument against it without even watching.

Correlation does not imply causation.

eh? what did I tell you. I bet that one statement just refuted all the evidence in that video.

>> No.4917445
File: 35 KB, 460x375, 2442999_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 9fag picture

>> No.4917454 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x309, blastitwithpiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking dammit!

-watermark removed

fuck 9fag

>> No.4917465

>Correlation does not imply causation.
The last refuge of denialists. The video show correlation, and presents evidence that the correlation should be interpreted as causation.

>> No.4917472

Fuck off EK

>> No.4917513

>analysis based almost entirely on statistics
>look up papers he's citing, p's almost all >0.05
>Promotes diet that will probably lead to hyperkalemia
>Miscommunication everywhere.

I'm a fan of a mostly vegan diet, but this kind of shit is a health risk.

>> No.4917541

Find be a food that taste exactly like, has the texture of, and looks like chicken. Then and only then will I even think about going veg.

>> No.4917546 [DELETED] 

But everything tastes like chicken...
because the matric doesn't know what chicken tastes like

>> No.4917548

But everything tastes like chicken...

because the matrix doesn't know what chicken tastes like

>> No.4917551

To others every food can taste like chicken tastes to you. Learn 2 qualia.

>> No.4917559

>implying we don't have a parathyroid

>> No.4917563


>> No.4917587

>implying vegetarians aren't regularly misdiagnosed with stomatocytosis because old doctors think like that

>> No.4917625

>not having a jainist diet and refusing to eat anything that kills any multicellular organism
>not growing your own food in your backyard
>not keeping at least 3 chickens for eggs

>> No.4917719

>implying that's calcium metabolism

vegetarianism is only a problem if you do it wrong, which is the same as omnivorous diet.

>> No.4917754

Plants kill other multi-celullar organisms through competition.
Chickens kill multi-cellular organisms by eating them.
>being a contradictory retard
shiggity diggity.

>> No.4917773

>>go vegan
I'd rather an hero, tbh.

While vegetarianism would be possible to survive, I want my fucking bacon and eggs and the like. Sure, most of it is less healthy, but that's no reason to forgo it altogether.

Or, even worse, go vegan. Because, seriously...

>> No.4917782

Wish I could be a vegetarian. Practically was until I turned 13. I became allergic to all non cooked fruits and vegetables. No it doesn'thave to do with pesticides or anything, doctor said its an enzyme that dies most likely at a certain temp.

>> No.4917792

probably stupid doctor and psychosomatic reaction reinforced by the nocebo of the diagnosis

>> No.4917801

i go vegan on deployment because meat that lasts long enough to feed us on the boat should not exist (or goes fucking green), but eh, I loose like 20 pounds underway anyway so eh.

>> No.4917809


Well I have asked a few doctors, had four since then, all agreed. It has been shown as a rare allergy. It also wouldn't make sense really because all my favorite foods to that point were vegetables. Now I mainly eat junk food because I hate the smell of most meats. Id fuckin kill for a carrot, tried one recently hoping I overcame allergy, my entire mouth was covered in sores inside.

>> No.4917834

>canned goods
>deep freeze
welcome to last centuries technology

>> No.4918163


So are you suggesting a diet that is mostly plant-based, with some protein and dairy?

The book In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan - suggests three easy things for dieting:
1. Eat real food (avoid anything synthetic/fortified, if that's even possible anymore)
2. Eat less
3. Eat mostly plant-based diet, everything else in moderation.

>> No.4918238

I've known enough vegans at this point to believe that veganism ought to be classified as an eating disorder.

>> No.4918244

Relaxed vegetarianism is a sensible lifestyle choice. Veganism is a stupid religion and should be mocked.

>> No.4918327


Please cite an example paper with a p-value >0.05. I have scanned through a majority of them and have yet to find anything even close to being greater than 0.05

One of the more important findings to me was the serum concentrations of IGF-1 and IGF-1 binding protein in meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans. All of the findings were highly significant (p = 0.005 at the largest)

>> No.4918346


I agree. I think there is a core group of vegans that take it to the extreme, and their eating habits as well as their SAVE THE ANIMALS mentality become so indoctrinated that it consumes their life.

To remove meat and dairy entirely from the diet, despite what the current literature claims, is extremely difficult. Going to the supermarket, it's surprising how many non-animal foods (e.g., vegetable soup base) contain dairy products, eggs, or animal fats. You really have to go out of your way to avoid it entirely.

That, and eating is an aesthetic experience. I respect anyone who has the discipline to eat raw plants for the remainder of their life, but I cannot see it for myself.

Adopting a largely vegetarian diet seems like the most ideal choice. It just sucks that the literature is pointing in the direction of -- any introduction of animal foods elevates IPG-1 serum levels, and reduces IPG-1BP serum levels.