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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 425x282, drowning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4917153 No.4917153 [Reply] [Original]

OK /sci/, hypothetical time!

>I owe the wrong people a lot of money.
>They decide to kill me.
>They take me to the middle of the ocean, attach weights to me (50kg), and throw me overboard.

What will kill me first? Drowning? Or like... compression/pressure from sinking so far?

>> No.4917154

breathe in water fast, drown, you go unconscious before youre crushed.

>> No.4917157

>implying i can't swim to the nearest land with 50 kg

>> No.4917161

>>neither, in an act of desperate you successfully ripped the weights from your body, unfortunately you are bleeding heavily enough to attract the wrong kind of attention.

Death by shark.

>> No.4917163 [DELETED] 

Do you even lift? 50kg is nothing. Swim to shore nigga.

>> No.4917164
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Yes, yes... and I'd just walk on the surface back to land.

but srs - which would kill me?

Feel free to up the weight to 100kg if need be.

>> No.4917167

>>missed the part where you are in the middle of the ocean.

hey guys, dangling weights 50 kg or not get heavy over a period of time... though OP did not specify how many weights there were.

>> No.4917174
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Fuck it, make it 200kg then. Just so long as it's enough to ensure you go straight down instead of swimming to shore like a fucking triathlete.

For the record, my money was on the pressure/compression/whatever killing you. My gf went for drowning. I would like to be right. For a Chang.

>> No.4917196


>Implying weights get heavier over a period of time.

>> No.4917350

How are they attached? Are you wearing concrete boots or is it a rucksack full of books kind of deal?

>> No.4917363

>over 100 pounds
>people swimming with over 100 pounds of dead weight on their body

>> No.4917385

Swimming is not like lifting.

After a certain threshold your strength becomes irrelevant. Unless your arms are shaped like wings, it's not about strength, anyone can move their arms through water, it's about how fast you can do it.
You'd have to be flapping your arms like a humming bird and that's just not possible.

Also OP, I really don't know but I would guess you'd die from the pressure before you drowned assuming you got a decent breath before sinking.

>> No.4917390

same guy here.

Also, even if you did do what someone suggested (breathe in water so to become unconscious) I would still think that it would be the pressure that actually kills you in the end, even though the lack of oxygen made you pass out.

>> No.4917450

master diver here. drowning would get you first, depending on the depth. the lower you go the colder it is, the more you feel the need to let out CO2 and in O2, cold will make you panic more.

you'll take in water, which will render you unconscious / very drowsy. pressure will build too but you take in more water, but if it were the other way and they were to raise you from the bottom with 50L baloons at say 100M decompression and the air/ nitrogen in your blood would expand, being compressed at 1000 bar (0m =1 bar of pressure 10m = 2, 20m = 3 and so on bar of pressure) which means x11 the amount of air in your system which would expand, you having no decompression stop (to off-gas the excessive compressed gasses in your tissues / blood would indeed kill you, be it through a heart attack, stroke, carpillary expansion, your organs, muscles and even some minor bone tissue ripping its self apart to try and let the gasses leave.

so, if you go down, drown, if you go up your fucked.

>> No.4917456


11 bar* DERP.

>> No.4917452


101 bar*

>> No.4918753
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Thanks man! Greatly appreciated.

>> No.4918785
File: 46 KB, 423x346, tumblr_l941bzqRzN1qazod4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vhat is de volume of the weights?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

....................also how are they attached?