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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 220x220, 220px-2005-1103mars-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4901417 No.4901417 [Reply] [Original]


Why aren't you faggots talking about this?

>“We will send humans to Mars in 2023,” he told FoxNews.com. “They will live there the rest of their lives. There will be a habitat waiting for them, and we’ll start sending four people every two years.”

>The habitat will consist of several housing structures that Mars One will launch before 2023. In 2016, the company plans to launch the first supply vessel. In 2018, it plans to send a rover.

>Lansdorp says his four-person company will coordinate the launches, but it will work with suppliers for the ship and rockets. For example, Mars One might use the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, which is currently being developed as a launch system for larger spacecraft.

>> No.4901438

How the fuck is this even going to work?

Mars gravity is like 1/3 earth gravity.

Won't their muscles atrophy?

>> No.4901441

It'll work like it does in space duhh.
It doesn't happen in space so it won't happen in mars.

>> No.4901446

Why should we let human trash pollute the galaxy? Isn't it enough that we have already ruined this planet? Man deserves to go extinct here.

>> No.4901450

>implying there's anything on Mars to ruin

It's a fucking dirtball. Fuck you, hippie.

>> No.4901454

This is seriously some cool shit. I'm upset that I can't join :/

>> No.4901460
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>imagine a planet with no jews

>> No.4901461

>Why should we let human trash pollute the galaxy?
explain to me any negative consequences of this whatsoever. Alright, so we get a big trash pile on mars - who the fuck cares? Fucking nobody, that's who.

>> No.4901475

you human scum already fucked up one planet, now you want to destroy another?

fucking scum humans

>> No.4901479


we'll have to inject them with metal to weigh them down

>> No.4901480

i would do this in a second. oh god the glory

>> No.4901482

there is literally nothing to destroy on mars or any other shitty planet in this solar system.

>> No.4901486
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Humanity is a plague. Only look what ensues wherever he congregates.

If anything, Mars should be used as a place for exiled persons and races, similar to the way in which the continent of Australia was conceived.

>> No.4901488

>If anything, Mars should be used as a place for exiled persons and races

Dumb idea. They would destroy themselves considering how fragile living conditions are on a non-terran planet is.

>> No.4901491

But our galaxy is shit compared to every other one. It's not like some intelligent life form cares about us. If anything, they'd probably laugh at us for taking so long to get to Mars.

>> No.4901496

So who cares? We'll make some nice looking space slums that cover 0.01% of mars? Big fucking deal. In millions of years it'll all be gone anyways.

>> No.4901498

>In millions of years it'll all be gone anyways.

>> No.4901499

It will be a short and miserable life for the colonists. If they don't all die of horrible unforeseen health complications a few months after arrival, they'll probably go insane and kill each other.

Bad idea. Let's focus more on finding and reaching habitable planets. Mars is an inter-system desert.

>> No.4901504

Colonize the moon first, then work from there. Check out Phobos and Deimos when we got our shit together on Luna.

>> No.4901505

Space travel is impossible on petrol so I don't think so.

>> No.4901509


That's the whole idea, dumbass. Mars is super-rich in iron oxide. Put them to work in the mines and let earth reap the rewards. Nothing that hasn't already been done before in history.

>> No.4901514
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>> No.4901519

it's a free country, edgyboy

>> No.4901515

I don't think the benefits would make up for the fact they'd have to come back and find out everything got blown up by crazy miners AND then have to wait for new supplies/workers.

>> No.4901520

lol at this thread -


>> No.4901530


Well then fuck the mines, make it a giant death camp and let them all starve.

Meanwhile public relations could spin some great bullshit tale about how the people sent away are thriving and living small respectable lives on the red planet.

Anything to cut down this population of undesirables.

>> No.4901528

>aliens see us leaving the planet
>we shit all over mars
>aliens write us angry letters from planetowners associaton

>> No.4901536

Not to mention how much it'll cost to send in workers, import all of the iron oxide, send the ship back for the to load more minerals/workers, and repeat. Also, I'm pretty sure we'll fuck it up every once in a while and have Space Shuttle Challenger disasters on a yearly bases.

>> No.4901537

What's the fucking point? The cost to exterminate a bunch of peasants on Mars would be astronomical.

That's fucking Saturday morning cartoon villain shit.

>> No.4901549
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>The cost to exterminate a bunch of peasants on Mars would be astronomical.

Which is exactly why no one will ever expect it. It's genius.

>> No.4901590

Actually thats wrong.

The right people, and living together in confined space for a long time is quite possible.


>> No.4901610
File: 19 KB, 373x273, 080725-office-fun-hmed-135p_hmedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox news

Why don't you just report "The Onion" instead. It is usually more accurate.

>> No.4901616
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>Fox News

>> No.4901622

Why the fuck would you even be lead to a Fox News site? WTF?
You do know the republicans are anti-science, right?

>> No.4901628
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>herr derr, I think humanity is a big piece of shit, but at the same time I think they are so amazing that they are actually capable of ruining a planet with more landmass than planet earth, and no vegetation or breathable atmosphere.

I hate people that bring up this argument. Mars can't be fucked up because it's already fucked up compared to Earth. Us making a sustainable environment in a small area on the planet would be groundbreaking. It wouldn't be a one time thing, we would have to upkeep that small area constantly. The chances of actually terraforming the entire planet/ "ruining it" as you say, are next to nothing.

>> No.4901640

How about instead of OP's link, we just...go to the source. Look out everybody, I'm unstoppable!


>> No.4901750

>thinking puny humans can destroy a plane

So much delusion is coming from this tree huger.

>> No.4901785
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1306002852886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking mars-one isnt anything more than a scam

>> No.4901791

>tfw OP think this is real
Let me illuminate your mind brother.

>> No.4901797

the replies in this thread belong on /b/ or /pol/ and not /sci/i

>> No.4901801

uh, shouldnt we master terraforming first?

a mars base gets smashed by a meteor and they all fucking suffocate

>> No.4901802

So is Mars One is /sci/ equivalent to /v/'s Ouya?

>> No.4901803


>> No.4901806

Nah, Mars one is even worse. Reddit, fucking reddit was able to realize it was a scam.

>> No.4901810

Terraforming is a long time coming, and would probably be greatly aided if it ever does happen by a manned base controlling it on Mars.

>> No.4901817

Indeed is funny that faux news is now reporting this scam.

>> No.4901819


Who is this 'we' you're talking about? You and couple of your only friends?

>> No.4901824

Im really ashamed of you /sci/, you guys are failling into this media bullshit. Mars One is just a reality show. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.4901832

>tfw reddit is being more critical of this than /sci/
Im REALLY disappointed in /sci/ right now. You guys are really just kids that at most are taking undergraduate courses at a community college.

>> No.4901839
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>You guys are really just kids that at most are taking undergraduate courses at a community college.
>needing this shitty thread to know this

>> No.4901842

welcome to summertime on 4chan

>> No.4901844

a better one than jersey shore that might prepare us for the difficulties of space travel?

>> No.4901855

Jersey Shore is more real than this shit. This is a scam, plain and simple.

I was checking the archives to see if there is more critical responses to this from /sci/ but you faggots actually belive this shit is real.


I really need to get out of this shithole, what's worse is that you faggots act all elitist and shit but all you faggots do is talk about majors as if you guys actually have an BS in them.

Fuck you /sci/!
Thanks for shattering my dream of an intelligent science imageboard!

>> No.4902523
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Maybe he's getting all Dr. Manhattan on us, all like "Mars gets along fine without people. Would Mars really be improved with the addition of a oil pipeline?"

Implying oil on Mars, I know. Just saying, maybe babby read Watchmen for the first time and adjusted his world view accordingly.

>> No.4902552

Most of us actually aren't.
If you are one of those people, then leave.

>> No.4902553


Correct. You can't conduct spaceflight using press releases.

Americans are now so dumbed down that they can't tell the difference between press releases and real work.

>> No.4902705

>You can't conduct spaceflight using press releases.
But you can. You just have to file the releases out the backside of your ship at high velocity.

>> No.4903448

So, imagine if this wasn't a scam and they really could do this project. Would they be given the ability to make people go to mars against their will or would people sign up for their "lottery". I was reading and I thought that one day I may actually be thrown on mars against my will