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4901167 No.4901167 [Reply] [Original]

Not long ago to obtain information on a subject, we actually had to look at books like a faggot. Solid books which are kept in libraries. Now we have the internet, google almost answers everything. How will it be in the future, will all the information on earth be in our mindHDD's all the time for our disposal. How trivial would the life become then?
Even now the ease of access to stuff turns us apathetic, what will those generations be like? Mass suicides every corner?
Frankly I2m surprised it's not happening in our time

>> No.4901182

Can you imagine how terrible it would be if all data was digital?
Books are good because unless you soak them or burn them they'll be good sources of knowledge for centuries, no adapter or USB required.

>> No.4901184

I prefer learning about subjects from books rather than the internet.

>> No.4901195

I kinda like books too since I'm 20+
but do you see the new generation?
They can't take their eyes off their iPhones and all that digital junk. can barely spell words, everything's about practicality and speed. the next generation would be even worse I imagine

if there weren't books like Harry Potter and such I doubt they would ever hold a real book. Except for school where they are forced to. But education is also evolving to a digital form it appears...

>> No.4901199

also there is such an invention as a kindle
how self-explanatory
can't even bother to move eyes huh? if hearing required effort I bet there would be another invention to get around it too

>> No.4901217

We are putting our knowledge into the cloud.

You don't need to know, you just need to google well.

>> No.4901242

because things are so available they lose worth
i download games and movies and music just to delete without even listening
there is actually a concept in Psychology 101 to explain this feeling. If you make two groups to do the same boring thing for an hour and give money to one group, nothing to the other: the unpaid group claims that they actually had fun because they couldn't have done boring shit for an hour for nothing, so they lie to themselves. We are the paid group now. nothing's interesting because we don't even have to wait for it with these fiberoptic netspeeds, let alone work for it.

>> No.4901262

Yes, it's about compensation. You exchange what is real for something which is completely abstract. So for example, you do something you don't like because it is considered "healthy", but you are actually buying life span, not really improving your quality of life (assuming you really hate the thing).

Money is the ultimate currency, you can trade everything for it, love, happiness, knowledge...

So what happends is we live in a anxious world, in a nostalgic world, in a world in which fantasy looks vibrant and real and reality looks dull and less real.

>> No.4901278

that sounds more like they just lied to the researchers so they didn't feel like idiots. i doubt they actually had fun which i thought was the issue

>> No.4901280

yes, everyone is gonna kill themselves because access to information you want/need becomes so efficient.

>> No.4901283
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>implying scientists don't still have to look in books

If you are doing any sort of actual scientific research (ie shit that has never been done before), you will actually use alot of books.

>> No.4901292

Wouldn't that be awful if you could just mass produce books and the general population was literate? It would be much better if only certain people could read and books could only be copied by hand. That way it would be much harder to access information and more people would be ignorant and life would be just great.