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4888758 No.4888758 [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR: How do you convince someone that macro-evolution is possible, and that it has happened?

I am probably not the most qualified person to argue that the theory of evolution is more credible than creationism, but I still have a strong urge to argue it anyways whenever given the opportunity. What I have found is that it isn't hard to convince people that evolution happens, because it is easy to show in the way that new vaccine-resistant virus strands appear or how new types of dogs can be created through selective breading, or how you can often tell what region of the earth someone is from because of facial features. What I have trouble with is articulating a convincing argument that one species can potentially become the common ancestor of very different organisms. I even had someone suggest that the fossil record is a fabrication. Some people believe that even on large timescales macroevolution is impossible, how would you argue that it is?

>> No.4888763

It is possible and it sounds plausible. You can't say more. Either they believe it or they don't.

>> No.4888765 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 737x338, the difference between micro and macro evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creationtards are fucking retarded, but try this

>> No.4888783
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saved, appreciate it. Most of the people that I argue with aren't necessarily the average/devout idiotic creationists, but they were heavily indoctrinated and haven't had their beliefs challenged in years.

>> No.4888790 [DELETED] 
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years ago i used to bother challenging them, i used to think if i can show them that they're wrong it'd be helpful to them.

if it was a friend, i might bother trying. for random strangers, ive just stopped giving a fuck about what they believe.

and you're welcome :)

>> No.4888791

You didn't stop bothering. You are still spouting your inane retardation all over /sci/ every day.

>> No.4888798 [DELETED] 

actually i tend to avoid the religion threads now.
all my atheism images have been posted over 9000 times each, and seeing as 99.99% of /sci/ are atheists anyway, any point i would have made to the OP of a religion thread will still get made by one of you guys, so i dont need to waste my time with it.

>> No.4888804

You are seriously retarded. Religion threads on /sci/ are not for making points, they are for shit flinging. Your oh so edgy athiesm pictures are just as idiotic troll spam as the occasional guy who pretends to be christian.

>> No.4888811

yeah that mostly fits my situation. It's only somewhat recently that I "came out" as atheist and there have been a few people eager to try and pull me back into the faith. So yeah, mostly people I know/interact with often.

>> No.4888824

If your going against people who suggest that the fossil evidence was created, then you should just stop. You should just stop in general from trying to convince creationists, as the stupidity it takes to actually believe the inane dribble that comes from those people believe is not an ingredient in people who are looking to better there minds.


In just a couple of decades these lizards have developed completely new gut structures, larger heads, harder bites. In a few centuries, these lizards will be almost unrecognizable from the parent lizards left there in 1971. That is macro evolution. Given enough time and separation, that lizard species will change enough to be considered a separate species than it's parent one.

>> No.4888848


>> No.4888857
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>mfw I was about to defend EK

>> No.4888867


And you will get religitards that say they know there is micro evolution but they do not believe in macro evolution, and again is simply a grand display of there self induced ignorance of the topic.

If you believe in micro-evolution and time, you believe in macro-evolution. Speciation/macro-evolution, is simply the end result of micro-evolution.

You'll have better luck arguing with some aspie over economics.

>> No.4888868

>If you believe in micro-evolution and time, you believe in macro-evolution.

Non sequitur.

>> No.4888877

> Non sequitur.
Non sequitur.

If you're complaining over the semantics of 'believe' then you're just being a 12 year old. Yes, macro evolution, if a distinction can even be made, is just micro evolution over long periods. Also, as a rule, anyone that uses 'non sequitur' is a pedantic douchebag.

>> No.4888878



>> No.4888884

For sure micro-evolution implies macro-evolution. That means when we agree on micro-evolution to be real, we can expect macro-evolution to happen in the future. But it doesn't make macro-evolution the only possible explanation for how things evolved in the past.

>> No.4888892

Calm down, it's just logic.

>> No.4888894
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>That means when we agree on micro-evolution to be real

But it doesn't make macro-evolution the only possible explanation for how things evolved in the past.

The entirety of that post was retarded in general.

>> No.4888896


>But it doesn't make macro-evolution the only possible explanation for how things evolved in the past.*

>> No.4888898

How can you call the truth retarded? Are you delusional?

>> No.4888903

I'm beginning to realize that the biggest obstacle probably isn't that these people are "ignorant" or "blind", it's that there are very real cultural implications within my local community (and I imagine many others) for being "godless". These are people who might be very willing to give up religion, but they are surrounded by neighbors and families that are god-fearing people and, if the topic of God comes up, they will be alienated or demonized for being a skeptic.

>> No.4888909

u are a part of the problem

>But it doesn't make macro-evolution the only possible explanation for how things evolved in the past

the only other way possible is through intervention from conscious beings, this is of course silly

>> No.4888912

Of course that would be ridiculously silly, but it's not impossible. It remains a matter of belief.

>> No.4888917

no it doesn't remain a matter of belief, it remains a matter of stupidity

if you say "its not impossible", then any speculation one may have regarding science can not be deemed impossible, which is of course silly

>> No.4888926

Fact is that you cannot prove it. You have evidence and you can show the evidence to others. It's up to them to decide whether that evidence is sufficient to make them believe your theory. The big problem is that there isn't more than evidence alone. There are no testable predictions.

>> No.4888936

My mom took a college course that involved actually watching bacteria evolve resistances to certain drugs, and she still thinks evolution as a whole is a sham.

>Some folks, you just can't reach.