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4888626 No.4888626 [Reply] [Original]


>Europe is on the cusp of approving a gene therapy for the first time, in what would be a landmark moment for the field.


How long until we don't have blind people, fat people, dumb people, weak people?

>> No.4888627

But society needs fat, dumb and weak people. Who else should we make fun of?

>> No.4888631

Just more proof that america is dumb as fuck.

>> No.4888632

You can't cure being a channer

>> No.4888645

would these people who underwent gene therapy still pass on their relatively defective genes, and if so wouldn't this lead to extinction through genetic failure?

>> No.4888647

Well we've already been able to modify sperm/eggs pretty consistently, but we always have issues in the living people.

>> No.4888657 [DELETED] 
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>Who else should we make fun of?
gingers, obviously.

>> No.4888665


but we can get rid of all the gingers through gene therapy.

also, wouldn't gene therapy cause absurd moral dilemma's, such as people being able to choose the race of their child.

>> No.4888670

Race doesn't exist biologically, only as a social construct.

>> No.4888678


hence moral dilemma when poor minority families save up "race funds" to make their children white.

>> No.4888680 [DELETED] 
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>wouldn't gene therapy cause absurd moral dilemma's, such as people being able to choose the race of their child?
they wouldnt really have a 'race' as such, because you'd be creating a new master race by mixing together all the best characteristics from all human races currently in existence

the math abilities of an asian, the speed of usain bolt, the inventiveness of whitey, etc.

aww yeh, it'd be pretty sweet!

>> No.4888684
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How long until a christfag fundamentalist in a Bane outfit IEDs some gene therapy clinic.

>> No.4888685


but you are ignoring human nature. People give their race cultural value, and I know for a fact certain groups would NOT be happy about people changing the race of their children. They would get mad and violent.

>> No.4888691

But gingers already have those traits.

>> No.4888696 [DELETED] 

its not 'their' children if its been subjected to gene therapy.
not biologically, at least.
for it to be biologically theirs, it has to be the guy from that couples sperm, and the woman from that couples egg.

aesthetically you can pick the genes to make them LOOK like a member of your preferred race, but you can also have the hidden genes be from any race, as long as their superior.
so anything physiological or psychological, you may as well pick from the best of what all of humanity has to offer.

>> No.4889004
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How long until we can prevent death?

>> No.4889164

An adopted child is "their child".

Even genetically speaking, any amount of genetic engineering wouldn't add up to much. Most of the child's genes would remain untouched.

Even if the change was significant, the traits a child receives from either parent isn't cut down the middle. A child can be more like the mother or more like the father... or like a grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, et cetera. Given the natural variability of "relatedness", a child being a little less like either parent doesn't matter much.

>> No.4889206
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>Race doesn't exist biologically, only as a social construct.


>> No.4889220
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>"Once we start talking about predicting racial background from genetics, it's not much of a leap to talking about how people perform based on their DNA — why they committed that rape or stole that car or scored higher on that IQ test," says Troy Duster, former president of the American Sociological Association.

>"This is analyzing data derived from a crime scene," Frudakis counters. "It's just a way for police to narrow down their suspect lists." But his position, rational as it may be, is no match for the emotions that surface with any pairing of race and crime.

>Tony Clayton, a black man and a prosecutor who tried one of the Baton Rouge murder cases, concedes the benefits of the test: "Had it not been for Frudakis, we would still be looking for the white guy in the white pickup." Nevertheless, Clayton says he dislikes anything that implies we don't all "bleed the same blood." He adds, "If I could push a button and make this technology disappear, I would."

>"If I could push a button and make this technology disappear, I would."

>"If I could push a button and make this technology disappear, I would."

>"If I could push a button and make this technology disappear, I would."

>> No.4891770


>> No.4891771
