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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 88 KB, 400x514, Teslathinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4888474 No.4888474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Never trust a jew."

-Nikola Tesla

>> No.4888480

Truly the greatest man of our time.

>> No.4888484

>of our time
Dude, you must be, like, the oldest dude on earth.


>> No.4888487

"I've always always had a thing for black women"
-Adolf Hitler

>> No.4888490

"Since jews are the scum on the earth we need to systematically exterminate them using chambers to gas them to death." - Adolf Hitler

>> No.4888492


I'm not surprised. I'm sure that the group he is talking about were the ones who withdrew their investments from Tesla's work, and possibly destroyed some of his work as well.

>> No.4888493

Trufact: Some historians believe that Hitler had a urine fetish.

>> No.4888497

"Hitler was just spraying them for lice! Doing those rotten gypsies a favour!" -Winston Churchill

>> No.4888500


the difference is OP's quote is real

>> No.4888501

"Fuck you, nigger!" -Dude I met in Mississippi

>> No.4888505

Welp. Just another reason to hate the people who are obsessed with him

>> No.4888513
File: 39 KB, 366x400, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe, yes. Good goyim. Always hate the enemies of our master race.

>> No.4888517

" "
- Professor Sir Bohr Sagan-Neil Hawkestien

>> No.4888519

lyk dis if u cry evvrytim

>> No.4888520

"Beep boop beep beep I are robutt"

>> No.4888525

"Gas the kikes, race war now!"

-Mahatmas Gandhi

>> No.4888530

"Why do Jews always try to kill me :(" -Jesus

>> No.4888531

>"Why do Jews always try to kill me :("
Jesus he killed himself?

>> No.4888541

i thought the romans killed jesus?

>> No.4888544


Kinda, the Pharisees helped kill him

>> No.4888545

They did but there's a long standing tradition in Christianity of blaming the Jews because the Jews were oh so scared that this upstart and his 12 followers were going to overthrow their whole religion.

>> No.4888553

the fuck is a pharisee?

you cant 'overthrow a religion', you can only make a new one.
like christianity and islam branch of judaism, and then mormonism branches off christianity.

also, jesus was a jew, so christfag jew-haters are fucking retarded.

>> No.4888555

EK. Don't you ever want to do something with your life other than post on /sci/

>> No.4888561


the reasons the romans killed him is because the jews were too pussy to do it themself cause they knew they'd be vilified

hence why pilate washed his hands

jesus came along and preached we are all brothers and god's children and stuff and basically ruined the jews' fun time they were having parading around as gods chosen people because they wrote a book that said so

thats why they hate the new testament because it spoils their scam

basically since jesus wasnt real anway it was a troll of a fictional book by another fictional book and a cult of personality has resulted from both factions even though its all garbage

>> No.4888566

>implying you have to choose between /sci/ and everything else.
i post sometimes, but obviously i have other shit to do as well.
i aint here 24/7, and when i am, i multitask.

>> No.4888567

is this /int/ or /pol/ ?

>> No.4888572
File: 46 KB, 310x386, tahdah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, nice take on religion.

i dont see why they'd particularly care. there were always other religions, the eastern religions, also paganism, and jews still think they're 'gods chosen people' and all that shit.

i cant see why they'd care enough to kill some random dude, who is obviously just gonna end up a martyr anyway.

>> No.4888578


JIDF detected. Jews are jews, ruining shit for everyone.Just like the asshole character in every story ever written.

>> No.4888581
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1289417261462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually had to google that
>Jewish Internet Defense Force
wow, you must be new here.
i'm well known for hating religions in all its forms
(actually, buddism is cool, but then i dont consider it to even be a religion, and there arnt any gods in buddism)

>> No.4888583

>i aint here 24/7

The only times you're not here are when you have to reset your IP to evade your permabans.

>> No.4888585


>i actually had to google that
>you must be new here

i think you got your logic wrong

Buddism is a religion, having no god(s) makes no difference. But i agree it's the coolest religion of them all.

>> No.4888587

>the coolest religion

Nope. SCIENCE is the coolest religion.

>> No.4888589


Yeah but science is not a religion. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.4888590
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might interest you to know that i dont actually do that.
it just so happens that my internet is fucking shite, and cuts off a few times every day.
when it does, any bans that i might have had, fade.

i have no idea whether i get banned or not, i can still always post every morning.

i notice a fuckload of deleted posts if i ever check the archives tho, pretty much all of them, so maybe theres some like 3am mod or something who bans me and deleted all my posts, but by then the conversations are always over, and the ban will fade before i even notice that i had it.

kinda annoying in a way, i'd like to see what they write in the ban messages, could be good for a laugh.

>> No.4888592
File: 62 KB, 598x394, deal w it nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.

SCIENCE fits this description.

>> No.4888594
File: 548 KB, 5000x5000, 1325290385079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural system
>belief system
>moral values

pick one
...and the one you pick is SCIENCE

>> No.4888595


>moral values

Get the fuck out, science is about facts not "beliefs" moral values and spirituality. Sometimes i wonder why i even come to this board.

>> No.4888597


same guy

inb4 lel i was only pretending to be retreaded

>> No.4888602


because jews are like the kid that if you dont let them win they take their dolly and go home

look up samson option

if israel goes down, we are all goin down

>> No.4888606

>cultural system
SCIENCE has its own cultural system: Empiricism, research, scientific method etc.

>belief system
SCIENCE believes in the validity of inductive reasoning, the valdity of logic and the idea that nature can be described by mathematics.

SCIENCE can explain the contents of and the mechanisms behind spirituality.

>moral values
SCIENCE inherently raises alot of moral questions.

>> No.4888607

samson option will just be them nuking a bunch of fucking sand people
that aint 'we are all goin down' because why the fuck would places like europe or the USA get nuked?
>INB4 europe infested with sand people
perhaps so, but they aint in government, nor will they ever be. (i hope)

>> No.4888615

Sand people happen to live on the world's largest oil resources. Nuking sand people would imply nuking oil.

>> No.4888616


some Buddhist secs consider the Buddha to be a god.

Yes I know that makes no sense.

>> No.4888625

most is deep underground, rite?
cant we just send salvage teams to scour the wastelands and dig up whatever oil is left after the radiation levels go down?

also, it aint the only source of oil.
quite a lot in canada and russia.

and yeh, oil will run out eventually anyway, so losing a fuckload of oil will only accelerate the process somewhat.

>> No.4888637

A gay man tells me not to trust jews?


>> No.4888650

Carl confirmed for being a fucking retard

>> No.4888658

To those of lower intellect my wisdom might seem retarded, since they lack the mental abilities to understand my poastings.

>> No.4888668
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>> No.4888672
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>> No.4888683
File: 399 KB, 784x2195, 1341199062872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks i'm new

protip: men of high intelligence often see the jews for what they are, pic related

>> No.4888694

The most populated cities aren't even close to any oil

>> No.4888699

the enemy of my enemy is my friend
sand niggers and jews hate each other
go figure.

yeh, but nukes are fucking BIG

>> No.4888702

Not big enough to destroy something hundreds of kilometers away

>> No.4888740

You have no concept of how fallout works do you?

>> No.4888812 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 619x389, Electromagnetic-Radiation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If visible light cannot pass through a door or a wall, then anything with larger wavelengths surely cannot. How is then that WiFi will work even when you have the door of your room closed? Does it work in the same way that even when you have the door closed some amount of light gets through the gaps? Or does it actually go through the door.

>> No.4888839

Fallout doesn't last for very long unless you're near the blast point

>> No.4888840


>> No.4888841

Does anyone here think he really made a free energy machine?

>> No.4888846

That's why Nevada and all neighboring states are devoid of life
Oh wait

>> No.4888851


>> No.4888906

"negros are truly abhorrent"

-Albert Einstein

>> No.4888911

The fuck? I never knew Bobby Fisher went so off the deep end

>> No.4888928

haha look for bobby on youtube, there is one interview on a plane its funny as hell.

>> No.4889145


Just more proof that you can be a batshit insane retard and still be good at chess.

>> No.4889173
File: 90 KB, 294x240, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"OP is a faggot."

-Kiro Ichinowa

>> No.4889211


>IQ 180
>I don't think so Tim

He was alright but then went batshit insane.