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4884131 No.4884131 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you wake up with cramp so painful, it makes you want to kill yourself with a rusty knife.

Seriously, what possible use could there be to having cramp this painful?

What would be the honest bloody point?

Pic related. It's what I want to do right now.

>> No.4884143

Perhaps in the past this reaction was an indicator of mild poisons and such that you shouldn't eat again.

You're a blindly and randomly cobbled together adaptation to conditions that your ancient ancestors were in.

>> No.4884144

calf cramp?

>> No.4884142

Cramps are unpleasant, often painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shortening. Common causes of skeletal muscle cramps include muscle fatigue, low sodium, and low potassium. Smooth muscle cramps may be due to menstruation or gastroenteritis.

>> No.4884148

It's probably not an adaptation but a malfunction.

The human body isn't perfect, it's good enough.

>> No.4884154

Well, i had one yesterday.
First in years, too.

>> No.4884155

Yes. I'm mainly saying the general behavior is at least related to a trait that was at least a *net* benefit in our ancestral past. Probably.

>> No.4884158

This one time I was in bed and felt a charlie horse coming on, so I tried to flail my leg wildly around to stop it.

I couldn't walk all day.

>> No.4884165


It was the single most painful thing I've experienced.

>> No.4884197

Funny man, I thought I was the only one...its terrible...spoke to a guy earlier today that has them too
I find that if you stand perfectly still and breath really slow, it goes away...but not always...
good luck

>> No.4884244

>Being able to do anything

First, I tried to move my toes so they were facing upwards - it was impossible; it felt like I was trying to move an arm on a pneumatic digger.

Then I tried to stand up - it went horribly wrong. All that happened was that I realise how my muscle felt harder than concrete.

And finally I gave up and wished for death.

It was fucking terrible.

So, how do I go about standing up when I have cramp and try to get rid of it that way? Because everytime I have cramps, I end up being debilitated for 10+ minutes.

>> No.4884250
File: 15 KB, 350x232, TowelStretch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massage it
Try to do calf stretches. This one you can do without standing up

>> No.4884252

It's important to keep your foot limp in this one. All you should do is pull with your arms

>> No.4884258

Yes, because I always carry a fucking towel around with me.

And I tried massaging whilst I was trying to get up. That's how hard I realised my muscle felt, and the lack of knowledge while I was massaging definitely showed.

But I'll google some other techniques where I use my hands, because that's all I'll have to use.

>> No.4884266

This, eat some banana's and salt OP

>> No.4884269

You don't need to use a towel. Are you in bed? Use your sheets or a pillowcase or something

>> No.4884277
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Well, I don't like banana's, but I eat enough spinach and 'tatoes.

I'll be honest, I'm still in a daze. I have no idea what the fuck is going on in my bedroom right now. I don't know if I have pillows and whatnot.

>> No.4884286

I used to get these when I was dehydrated. Drink plenty of water OP.

Fuck it was so annoying. You're having a great dream then suddenly your leg decides to fuck up. You wake up in a horrible pain and your foot is not pointing almost completely down and you have to grab your foot and pull it back to normal.

Not fun at all.

>> No.4884293

the exact same fucking thing happened to my leg this morning when i woke up. I tried to get up and bend over to reach my leg and grab it to force it into a better position. was biting my pillow as i reeled in pain.

>> No.4884300

I find the best thing to do is writhe around like a flailing madman until it goes away, trying desperately to avoid moaning.

>> No.4884301

You could maybe use your hands to provide the same pull. Might be harder

>> No.4884308

Ah man. I was past biting shit. This was one of the few times I've had to shout at the top of my voice.

I don't think I'm dehydrated. I've drank more water than normal (Around the 2.5ltr mark for the day so far)

Well, that's a lot more than normal. I usually drink fizzy drinks. It could, of course, still be that, I'm no expert.

>> No.4884311

>Western diet
>Salt deficiency

>> No.4884314

He drank 2.5ltrs of water today though, couldn't that cause a sodium deficiency?