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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4881612 No.4881612 [Reply] [Original]


>Now, scientists claim that Earth is spherical and rotating at a speed of between 700-1000 miles per hour, depending on your latitude. This is a very high rate of speed. You can disprove this nonsense by simply jumping up as high as you can. Really, it's that simple. What happens when you jump? You come straight down to where you were. But, if the Earth were indeed spinning at such a fast speed, wouldn't you land hundreds of feet away?

Holy shit

>> No.4881625

OP I hope you realize that entire site is satire.

>> No.4881631

>inb4 [citation needed]

>> No.4881634

actually the appropriate citation is
>common sense.

>> No.4881637

Is it actually? Because if not, these people scare the shit out of me.

>> No.4881638

still... it gave me mind-cancer, I feel bad for the one trying to explain to them the theory of gravity, yet ended up being banned.

>> No.4881639


>> No.4881640

i see the wiki now, what a relief.

>> No.4881643


That person is obviously more stupid than the creators of the website.

>> No.4881645

They ban the ones who dont role play. And it's inertia, not gravity.

>> No.4881648 [DELETED] 

I'm falling for a ridiculously obvious troll, but in case people are genuinely puzzled by what OP said: you have the same speed of the Earth. You don't feel it because you're immobile in Earth's referential. Every speed ever is relative, this is babby's first classical mechanics.

>> No.4881651

I'm falling for a ridiculously obvious troll, but in case people are genuinely puzzled by what OP said: you have the same velocity as the Earth's. You don't feel like you're moving because you're immobile in Earth's referential. Every speed ever is relative, this is babby's first classical mechanics.

>> No.4881655
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1332016112220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's basic physics

nevermind, known troll site.

>> No.4881660

I don't think anyone here is puzzled by the statement.

>> No.4881661


You silly cunt.

>> No.4881665

Which is why you took the precaution to bump that thread.

>> No.4881666 [DELETED] 

Actually I'm not bumping the thread.

>> No.4881668

Actually I am not bumping the thread.

>> No.4881679

>replying to austrian_girl
>Hmmm... it must be different in Australia. Here the wind blows from time to time - not all the time


>> No.4881686


>> No.4881688
File: 240 KB, 1398x538, 27452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4881712


>> No.4881729

Serious, non-troll question:

How is the earth's angular velocity even measured?

>> No.4881754

Uhhh, by the length of a day.

>> No.4881758

A couple different ways. Foucault pendulum is the easiest, most direct way. You could also do it via sky brightness changes at twilight.

>> No.4881767

What's used as the inertial frame then?

A satellite?

>> No.4881779

who cares. The angular velocity of the earth about its axis is just one revolution per 24 hours.

>> No.4881785

The sun. The sun's orbit around the galactic center is sufficiently large that no one gives a fuck on human time scales, and it's close enough to inertial.

>> No.4881809

>implying gravity has anything to do with it

>> No.4881833
File: 9 KB, 278x282, 1342326099880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts fucking retarded religious bullshit to get people on a science central board to agree with you
>fuck you and your stupid thread you stupid fuck that needs to justify your knowledge with the degrading of others'

>> No.4881858

You know landoverbaptist is a troll site right? It makes fun of creationists and other anti-science people with arguments they'd be dumb enough to make, but not creative enough to think of.

>> No.4881878

> Rev. Jim Osborne
> True Christian™ Televangelist
> Director of Fundraising and Tithing
> On the Look Out for Wife #6!

This wouldn't be a troll would it?

>> No.4881888

is this a troll forum like TheBestGamers forums?