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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4874105 No.4874105 [Reply] [Original]

Well I hope you're happy!


>> No.4874121 [DELETED] 

we have a long way to go
"Religion is fading from European culture"
predicted for 2090

>> No.4874123
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>fading from european culture

Sure, because it's totally not like europe is becoming an islamic theocracy. /sarcasm

>> No.4874127 [DELETED] 

It wasn't any European country that elected a nigger and secret muslim as president.

>> No.4874129 [DELETED] 
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"Although large numbers of Muslims populate the continent, a substantial portion are now only "culturally" Muslim, rather than having a literal interpretation of the Koran. Mainstream Islam has begun a reformation and modernisation in recent years - aided by vast improvements in education, combined with the broad homogenisation of culture resulting from globalisation, the Internet, various international agreements and other factors."

>> No.4874130

trolls trying too hard to troll trolls

>> No.4874134

everyone's religious about something

>> No.4874139

Putting your opinion in quotation marks doesn't make it less wrong. Just sayin.

>> No.4874140 [DELETED] 

>using the word wrong
unless you're talking specifically about god(s), then stop being deliberately misleading
religious doesnt mean passionate or fanatical, it literally means just believing in a religion/following a god(s), w/e

>> No.4874144 [DELETED] 
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lel, i didnt write that

>> No.4874152

buddhism doesn't have any gods

neither did stalinism. hitlerism did on paper, actually it involved a lot of germanic blood myths as well.

but everyone holds something as true even though they don't believe it for empirical reasons. that's faith.

additionally everyone tends to deny it. i couldn't name any of my own off of the top of my head. but i can't deny that i find such axiomatic faith in others when i look for it.

>> No.4874154 [DELETED] 

buddism is more a philosophy than a religion
" Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith, who argues that Buddhism’s philosophy, insight, and practices would benefit more people if they were not presented as a religion."

salinism and hitlerism arnt religions either.

>> No.4874156

>everything that doesn't fit my restrictive definition of religion isn't a religion, even if it is recognized by everyone else as one of the major world religions


>> No.4874158 [DELETED] 

many people who practise it dont consider it to be a religion.

"While it may be true enough to say (as many Buddhist practitioners allege) that “Buddhism is not a religion,” most Buddhists worldwide practice it as such, in many of the naive, petitionary, and superstitious ways in which all religions are practiced. Needless to say, all non-Buddhists believe Buddhism to be a religion—and, what is more, they are quite certain that it is the wrong religion."

>> No.4874160

buddism is a faith though. if we can define faith as something believed without evidence.

it's a philosophy in the commercial sense, in the buffet sense. it's not a philosophy in any rigorous sense.

>> No.4874165

>many people who practise it dont consider it to be a religion.

this is, as i said earlier, a common device used by religious people. everyone thinks that other religions, not theirs, are superstitions. but what makes theirs special? oh, no reason, it's just not a religion.

>> No.4874167

The most obvious one would be the efficacy of empiricism itself. It's still an abuse of language to call these beliefs religion. The only thing they share with the rough category we label "religion" is unprovability. It's also naive to think of religions as merely sets of beliefs.

>> No.4874169 [DELETED] 
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>buddism is a faith though. if we can define faith as something believed without evidence.
yes, but that can apply to a great many things, not just to religions
people who believe in ghosts, or aliens, or demons. these things dont count as religions, but they are superstitions, which is a broader more general term.

>> No.4874175

they're aren't merely sets of beliefs, they're set of faiths - concepts held for no real reason but to have them.

i don't think it's an abuse of language because language has to evolve, too.

people who shape their lives around ufology or conspiracy theories certainly quack like religious people.

>> No.4874180


EK is permabanned. You know what to do.

>> No.4874183

But only the first generation immigrants from islamic countries are truly religious. The next generations tend to leave at least big parts of their oppressive religion behind and enjoy their freedom. Only a few angsty teenagers are attracted by religion and dream of becoming the next martyr.

>> No.4874190

> Many people who ride this horse, don't consider it a horse. Therefore, it isn't.

>> No.4874210

Faiths are still beliefs. Religions are bigger than beliefs. For example, you're ignoring their rituals/traditions/customs, their social institutions, their art and literature, etc.

>> No.4874229 [DELETED] 

call it what you like, its still different from all other religions, due to it lacking any form of deity.

>> No.4874230

faith is not the only kind of belief. you can believe something because you have evidence that it is true.

their customs could largely survive, and it many cases already predate, their superstitions.

that is not to say whether or not they should, but i do not know of any moral action that cannot be done without religion. meanwhile plenty of evil things are done only because of religious thinking.

>> No.4874231
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>Going extinct



>> No.4874234

is not the buddha deified by many? they have an immortal wise man they look up to, who has knowledge not available to the laity.

>> No.4874241


>lol all religions are fucking dumb lol
>except this one

Atheists confirmed for hypocrites

>> No.4874263 [DELETED] 

they still think of him as human
not like some demi-god christ with magic powers, they just see him as a wise human.

i never said all religions are dumb, some of them have good stories or good lessons to teach, even if they arnt totally correct.
nothing wrong with jainism or buddism, both teach quite good ways to live, IMO.

>> No.4874266 [DELETED] 

>ripping on atheism
>on /sci/
wow, and whats YOUR religion then, may i ask?

>> No.4874273

Let's not rejoice too fast. It hasn't happened yet.

>> No.4874278

I was talking about Sam Harris, not you.

>> No.4874280

what's the difference between buddhist enlightenment and magic? they're not real.

>> No.4874286 [DELETED] 

and it'l never fully happen
there will always at least be a few religious nutjobs, even when they are very much the minority, just like there will always be a few nutjobs who claim they've been abducted by aliens, or claim they've seen ghosts.

>> No.4874293

Yeah, I can see it already...
>The United Churches of America, last theocracy on earth.

>> No.4874308 [DELETED] 

nope, christianity will die out in america long before islam ever dies out in europe.
the current generation isnt really clicking with it, the next generation, even less so.

and indoctrination only takes them so far, most can always be snapped out of it.

>> No.4874329

Wanna bet?
Wouldn't be much of a bet though, it won't come to an end while we're alive.

>> No.4874356 [DELETED] 

true, we wont see it in our lifetime, but the thing is, with islam, the punishment for apostacy is death, and they REALLY fucking plug their kids up with it, every single fucking day.
islam sticks
christianity is taught in a much more half assed fashion, it doesnt usually stick.

>> No.4874369

>with islam, the punishment for apostacy is death, and they REALLY fucking plug their kids up with it, every single fucking day
The ones who do that in Europe end up in prison.

>> No.4874391 [DELETED] 

>The ones who do that in Europe end up in prison.
hahaha, nope
you can raise your kids anyway you want.
if you wanna force them to pray 5 times a day, and read the koran for hours, you can make em, and no1 can stop you.

the state only steps in if you physically abuse them, or rape them, etc.

>> No.4874409

I'm pretty sure "punishing apostasy with death" counts as abuse, amongst other things.

>> No.4874415

Those who get it the hardest with their family are the ones who're more likely to turn their back on religion.

>> No.4874430

Islam is the cancer of humanity.

When are we getting the chemo for it?

>> No.4874432
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>mfw so many deleted poasts

>> No.4874436

As soon as we're done with Judaism.

>> No.4874445

Religion is dead in estonia!

>> No.4874449

Estonia is dead.

>> No.4874450

That's one thing the commies had got right...

>> No.4874454

yeh, they dont do that in europe, only in islamic countries
however, if you give p the religion, your family can still hate you for it, disown you, and treat you as a pariah.

you might think so, but a strong sense of fear, and a strong desire for acceptance can be rather strong motives.

yeh, mine.
mods are being fags, yet again.
same shit, different day.

>> No.4874463

>implying they didn't get pretty much everything right

>> No.4874481


BEHOLD: The religion of peace.

>> No.4874488

"To see a grown man weeping for a dead pedophile makes me want to weep for the whole human race."

couldnt have put it better myself

>> No.4874492

>implying anyone writing that wouldn't be willing to put someone to death merely for saying something good about pedophilia much in the exact same way the muslims put people to death for blasphemy

Face it, you are no different.

>> No.4874494

>dat hypocrisy

You did exaclty the same thing.

>> No.4874499

i am different

no hypocrisy here, brah.

>> No.4874502

>i am different


>> No.4874504

>no hypocrisy here

Yes, it's blatant hypocrisy. More than once you defended sick pedophiles on this board.

>> No.4874506

>niggers don't realise that Christianity was deliberately save civilisation from hedonic nihilism.

Good luck with your collapse of civilisation!

>> No.4874510
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, by not thinking pedos should be put to death. duh!
>/flawless victory

no, more than once i defended EPHEBOPHILES!

you being a fucking retard who doesnt know the difference, is NOT my fucking problem!

>> No.4874511

>was deliberately save civilisation from hedonic nihilism
i know you're wrong, but i don't know what you're trying to say and therefore can't prove it.

>> No.4874514

There is no difference. Making up euphemisms doesn't make it less sick.

>> No.4874515
File: 13 KB, 850x758, ssdga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have posted that xkcd strip about extrapolation

>> No.4874519
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a euphemism, you just cant into the fucking english language!

>> No.4874522


What were you saying about the English language?

>> No.4874524

Atheism is not related to hedonism and nihilism.

>> No.4874527

Yes it is, my pastor and my mom said so.

>> No.4874528

i'm pretty new to /sci/..all i know about this trip is that he doesn't even understand calculus, is constantly angry (i have never seen him either not curse or use an exclamation point in any post), and has an ugly ass avatar. anyone care to elaborate more?

>> No.4874530
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>> No.4874532

Was your pastor touching you in funny places when he told you that?

>> No.4874533

She is the rightful Queen of /sci/.

>> No.4874536

I didn't think it was so funny..

>> No.4874540

oh..well that explains quite a bit, thanks.

>> No.4874542

I prefer to not make any judgement about Islam before I give the Quran a read. Men tend to manipulate the word of god to their benefit

>> No.4874551

Well, it's written in the OT that blasphemy is punishable by death... I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was also written somehow in the Quran.

>> No.4874559


Atheism inevitably leads to nihilism.
The masses are too selfish and stupid to behave any other way than hedonism without threats of eternal punishment to keep them in line.

>> No.4874560
File: 114 KB, 1052x693, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your trip back on.

>> No.4874585
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhahaha! are you implying you think that anon is haz?
haz NEVER referred to me as 'the queen of /sci/
she thinks the whole idea of /sci/ having a queen is completely retarded

>> No.4874588

No, I was implying that anon was you. I just posted that image because I think it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.4874594
File: 14 KB, 463x147, ek cant spell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my tulpa struggles with grammar

>> No.4874602

The thing about purist Muslims and Quran is that they DON'T manipulate their word of God, unlike Christians do with the Bible.
They even consider the book to be a legit source of science.
>Atheism inevitably leads to nihilism.
Atheists tend to give their own meanings to their life.
>The masses are too selfish and stupid to behave any other way than hedonism without threats of eternal punishment to keep them in line.
People are altruistic to their kin by nature. They only become selfish if they're brought up like little princesses.
Also, largely agnostic/atheistic countries generally have the same or smaller crime rates than religious ones

>> No.4874606

>People are altruistic to their kin by nature.

This is the biggest load of bullshit I have seen ITT, and this is a religion thread.

>> No.4874607

hehe... optimism.

>> No.4874608

hehe... violent simians

>> No.4874610

hehe... sage

>> No.4874613

Not enough? Google it.

>> No.4874627

hehe... reported

>> No.4874629

Thankfully we have this thing called logic and reason and are not slaves to instinct and impulses like lower animals, right?

>> No.4874631

Nope. See >>4874608

>> No.4874637

>What is lust?

>> No.4874641

le epok thrad

>> No.4874651
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>> No.4874654
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Case in point!
Exhibit A.

>> No.4874656
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Exhibit B.

>> No.4874657
File: 153 KB, 768x1024, o_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit C.

>> No.4874659


I'm not attracted to other races

>> No.4874660
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>> No.4874661

>implying religion can ever die

What is human nature?

>> No.4874663

She looks like a white-asian mix.

>> No.4874664

/a/ pls leave.

>> No.4874666


She is

>> No.4874667
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>> No.4874668
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and... you're the type of person who is going to sit in front of a computer and do nothing for the rest of their lives.

>> No.4874672
File: 570 KB, 1200x1800, p_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit D.

>> No.4874673
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>Making value judgments over the internet

>> No.4874678


And you base this on what?

>> No.4874681


Is she supposed to be attractive with those fucking chain-smoker teeth? She could at least try not to smile.

>> No.4874683


>Pointy elbows
>Shard knees
>Limp hair
>Yellow teeth
>Bad sense of color co-ordination

2/10 would not bang

>> No.4874684
File: 31 KB, 227x171, decaying-teeth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the resemblance.

>> No.4874713
File: 274 KB, 1064x1600, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How bout her?

>> No.4874736

>look her jeans
>lack of hygiene
>instant turn-off
>also no tits

>> No.4874765

My roomate was crying to his parents all night because people told him his religion was stupid after he said something homophobic. I felt good.

>> No.4874862


I like her, post more if you got it. If you've got a name maybe you could give that too. So I can search for a torrent of her "first time".

>> No.4874978

Aubery Belle. Lots online.

>> No.4874979

*Aubrey Belle

>> No.4874990

>>lack of hygiene

>> No.4874996

>yfw Muslims account for ~5% of the population in non-shit European countries

>> No.4875001
File: 112 KB, 489x1301, werewinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, one more to add to the "collage of reasons why the future might not suck".

>> No.4875027


Thanks, Cochise.

>> No.4875031
File: 341 KB, 1064x1600, 99145_204_123_111lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted. Main issues is that /sci/ is SFW (in theory), which severely limits the selection...

>> No.4875033
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>> No.4875037
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>> No.4875040
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>> No.4875045

>Implying Islam won't take over because of rampant political correctness in Europe.


Europe will be an Islamic continent in the next few decades. Mark my words.

>> No.4875050


Neat, I get it (blue board and all) so it's cool. I feel kinda bad checking her out in a /sci/ board myself which is presumably the one place where we can talk about other non-girl stuff. But it's rare that tomboys are ever posted so I struck while the iron was hot.

>> No.4875482

What is the name of the comic/comic artist for OP's pic? I see the comics everywhere yet can't find the source.

>> No.4875485
File: 42 KB, 570x361, 20111219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMBC comics

>> No.4875499


Thanks, bro.

>> No.4875505

Yes, I love SMBC Comics, I even read them underwater using my SCUBA Apparatus, or when I go to the ATM machine, or when I'm in the lab working with LASER radiation.

>> No.4875778

> Yes, I love SMBC Comics
The C in SMBC does not stand for "Comics".
SMBC = Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal