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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1254546103964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4865662 No.4865662 [Reply] [Original]

>The 12 Pillars of Wisdom consists of 12 tasks followed by a short questionnaire.
>Each task will take between 1 and 3 minutes so the whole trial should run in less than half an hour.
>After completing the questionnaire you will receive a summary showing how you performed relative to the population.

Link: http://cbstrials.com/Open/Default.aspx?B_ID=279

/sci/ always complains the a single IQ number cannot possibly cover all areas of human intelligence at once.
This is why this test is composed of 12 parts that deal with 12 facets of your intelligence and will give you scores in each accordingly.

So what are your scores?

Note: You must provide with an email and password but they don't check for validity.
Just type in something like dsfgsdf@gsdf.com in the email field and be done with it.

Make sure you save those email and password if you want to prove your scores to us in case no one believes you (to avoid claims of shooping, etc)

Good luck.

>> No.4865666

Score template:

Visuospatial Working Memory
Verbal Reasoning:
Focused Attention:
Deductive Reasoning:
Working Memory:
Mental Rotation:
Visual Attention:
Verbal Working Memory:
Paired Associates:
Visuospatial Processing:
Spatial Working Memory:

>> No.4865719

>/sci/ always complains the a single IQ number cannot possibly cover all areas of human intelligence at once.
because /sci/ is full of people 30 years behind the times, still using the skeptic-sensu-stricto pop-culture denial of IQ. Environment-only! Tabula rasa! And all that bullshit. G has been mathematically isolated, end of story, fuck off.

>> No.4865769

Got a 7 with my horrible sleep issues and general dozing today.

>> No.4865886

Visuospatial Working Memory You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
Verbal Reasoning: You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 37.5% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
Focused Attention: You scored 47.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 8.0% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
Deductive Reasoning: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 74.3% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
Mental Rotation: You scored 110.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 27.3% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
Visual Attention: You scored 161.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 14.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Verbal Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
Planning: You scored 32.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 21.3% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
Paired Associates: You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
Visuospatial Processing: You scored 45.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 53.1% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
Spatial Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 46.1% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4865924

I got top .1% in the visuospatial processing part. The rest was shit. Either average, well below average or slightly above average. Then again, I many times I just went as fast as I could without thinking much. Probably fucked myself over on the three strikes ones.

>> No.4866027

>G has been mathematically isolated, end of story, fuck off.
G is a statistical artifact observed during cross over covariances between several variables. That's it.
It has nothing to do with intelligence and its entire premise is absurd.

>> No.4866033

Care to explain your definition of intelligence? According to your post the abilities of logical thinking, symbolic and spatial reasoning and the general ability of learning are excluded from "intelligence".

>> No.4866115

No, that's false.

>> No.4866169

40-80% of the population is better at me than most things.
20% for verbal reasoning (how
10% for visual attention
red-blue challenge really taxed me but i got 40%
Challenge with 9 complex shapes and find the odd one, it got really hard. I wasn't give advanced instructions and i felt like it was up to personal interpretation which one was the odd one so it was my least favorite test even though it's not the worst i scored on.

I am quite bad at rotating complex shapes even though i play tetris semi-daily. I suck at the drill where i have to remember locations of things. I remember the first 4, then it starts to scramble.
Im a forgetful person who needs reminders and/or a well-structured planning to flourish.

>> No.4866170
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Wow I thought I did badly on this one.

Other scores ranged from top 3% to top 45% or so.

>> No.4866257

So i just redid this test and i got really improved results.
This test tests how often you take tests, then there are the things you can hardly change, like short-term memory which it also tests.

>> No.4866303
File: 4 KB, 714x216, bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wish you were as dumb as me

>> No.4866627
File: 70 KB, 1287x839, muh nigguh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best score i got, out of the 12 tests.

>> No.4866764
File: 11 KB, 793x284, based god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Score / Mean / Top percent

Visuospatial Working Memory: 8.0 / 7.5 / 37.5%
Verbal Reasoning: 26.0 / 14.0 / 3.1%
Focused Attention: 46.0 / 25.0 / 8.9%
Deductive Reasoning: I get a server error on this page.
Working Memory: 7.0 / 5.7 / 16.9%
Mental Rotation: 203.0 / 85.0 / 0.4%
Visual Attention: 143.0 / 122.0 / 28.3%
Verbal Working Memory: 8.0 / 6.9 / 28.4%
Planning: 16.0 / 22.0 / 68.4%
Paired Associates: 6.0 / 5.0 / 30.2%
Visuospatial Processing: 67.0 / 47.0 / 22.2%
Spatial Working Memory: 9.0 / 6.7 / 22.8%

>> No.4866803

1/12 You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population.

2/12 You scored 17.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 31.6% of the population.

3/12 You scored 38.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population.

4/12 You scored 14.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 17.9% of the population.

5/12 You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 1.0% of the population.

6/12 You scored 87.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 48.1% of the population.

7/12 You scored 156.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 17.8% of the population.

8/12 You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 5.7% of the population.

9/12 You scored 40.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 7.8% of the population.

10/12 You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 6.3% of the population.

11/12 You scored 56.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 36.5% of the population.

12/12 You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 8.4% of the population.

I did much better than I expected, considering I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm only running on lots of caffeine right now. My head hurts from doing all those tests...

>> No.4866870

I did pretty average on everything but got 120 on visuospatial processing.

>> No.4866878 [DELETED] 
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Well actually I did pretty fucking embarrassingly bad on a few but at least I have this.

>> No.4866905

Geez, I did fucking bad. Lol. Well below average for most, except verbal reasoning and focused attention, in which I was decently above average.

Does being in the 75th percentile mean I am retarded? Does this follow the normal bell curve? It must be inaccurate considering not that many people have taken this test. R-right?...

>> No.4866921

Man, I'm sleepy (4 am here), but I have done a bit above average... Can I do it again, or will it be like cheating?

>> No.4866926

can someone explain the red/blue one to me? i didn't read the instructions well and now i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do

>> No.4866937

Read the instructions then. That one's timed so why would you bother posting here and waiting for a response?

>> No.4866940

cause you can refresh the page.

>> No.4866941


>make intelligence test
>not read instructions

Wise, man.

>> No.4866951

i read them, but in kind of that mindless reading you to just get the gist of something. guess i should slow down

>> No.4866956


Well, at the end they do ask if you suffer from anxieties...

You got your answer

>> No.4866960

except it wasn't anxiety, i'm just not a very attentive reader unless its something i know ill have trouble understanding.

>> No.4867000

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 73.8% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 28.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 42.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 86.4% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 4.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 30.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 90.5% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 159.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 15.7% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 27.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 34.5% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 30.2% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 75.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 14.3% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 59.0% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

I am 16, btw

>> No.4867006

>I am 16, btw
>I'm a gurl btw

>> No.4867010

Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population

Verbal Reasoning: You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 13.4% of the population

Focused Attention: You scored 31.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 34.8% of the population

Deductive Reasoning: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 66.6% of the population

Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population

Mental Rotation: You scored 98.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 37.7% of the population

Visual Attention: You scored 98.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 74.4% of the population

Verbal Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 14.0% of the population

Planning: You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 68.4% of the population

Paired Associates: You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population

Visuospatial Processing: You scored 43.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 56.1% of the population

Spatial Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 46.1% of the population

That "planning" test was total bs.

>> No.4867027

that fucking questionnaire at the end was hard as balls...

>> No.4867036
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>tfw retard

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 83.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 23.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 7.8% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 25.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 81.0% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 75.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 59.6% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 82.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 86.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 93.1% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 71.2% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 44.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 54.6% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 46.1% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4867040

top 4 percent for that last one, nothing else was better than 10 percent.
>tfw not as smart as you thought.

>> No.4867041

Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy : 10 (top 5.6% of pop.)
Verbal Reasoning : 31 (top .5% of pop.)
Focused Attention : 77 (top .1% of pop.)
Deductive Reasoning : 12 (top 31.6% of pop. caveat lector : my high score is way higher i tripped up this time around)
Working Memory : 8 (top 4.8% of pop.)
Mental Rotation : 170 (top 2.4% of pop.)
Visual Attention : 228 (top .3% of pop.)
Verbal Working Memory : 10 (top 5.7 of pop.)
Planning : 57 (top .4% of pop.)
Paired Associates : 6 (top 30.2% of pop. no caveat i just suck at this one)
Visuospatial Processing : 72 (top 16.9% of pop.)
Spatial Working Memory : 12 (top 4.6% of pop.)

>> No.4867050

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

>You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 13.4% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

>You scored 42.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 13.7% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

>You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 12.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 4.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

>You scored 120.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

>You scored 144.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 27.4% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

>You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 5.7% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

>You scored 17.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 65.5% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

>You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 30.2% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

>You scored 79.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 11.2% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

I agree planning test was bullshit.

>> No.4867056

well aren't you just a special little snowflake?

>> No.4867081

God im retarded

>> No.4867097


I can guarantee you that in my entire life I have not made a single inflammatory statement on the internet and I treat most people with respect and admiration for the things they have that I don't.

Mom's a doc and introduced me to science(periodic table, anatomy charts,...) at a young age. Dad studied everything, but made nothing of himself. Had respectful debates with him and was the go-to for questions of all kinds. Was an early reader (only information I can recall is a birthday between when I could read and when I went to school meaning I was at most 3).

Despite these things, which are by most accounts uncommon, I rarely reflect on myself(history,actions,potentials,..), or consider self-reflection as a worthwhile endeavor, which admittedly may have caused me some problems along the way. Most of my time is spent imagining things(like how a wave looks like from a point on a seabed from any position).

So to contest your assertion with one my own, no, I do not consider myself as privileged or 'special'.

>> No.4867095
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You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 62.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 19.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 21.3% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 41.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 12.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 0.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 100.0% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
(Accidentally skipped the instructions, couldn't figure out wtf was going on...)

You scored 88.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 47.1% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 132.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 39.2% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 83.7% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 20.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 56.4% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
(Now I know, condom goes on before sex, and baby comes after sex.)

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 60.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 30.9% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 59.0% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.
Damn. I'm confirmed for retarded. This makes me sad.

>> No.4867096

1 more to go and I feel stupid as fuck

>> No.4867150

>that feel when I'll likely never achieve anything because of this
Might as well get a job in customer service now...

>> No.4867165

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 62.5% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 28.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 42.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 90.6% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 155.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 4.9% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 122.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 24.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 43.6% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 66.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 23.3% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Where can I get a McDonald's application?

>> No.4867170

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 28.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 1.6% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 12.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 91.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 44.2% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 169.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 10.2% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 14.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 73.8% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 86.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 7.0% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 14.4% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Motherfucking planning test.

>> No.4867183

So, just a fag then, eh?

>> No.4867188

what the fuck..do you not recognize the phrase or are you seriously this self-absorbed.

>> No.4867194


Thanks for your back story. I was seriously getting suspicious there.

>> No.4867207
File: 30 KB, 1090x433, WM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn something about myself, interesting

>> No.4867206

you are lucky that thing doesn't test social intelligence..i'm honestly not trying to insult you here but, are you autistic?

>> No.4867211

that explains a lot really...

>> No.4867235

This test is bogus because I get anxious and that causes me to lose focus and severely underplay my actual potential to do well on these tests.

Although its safe to say anybody who didn't notice this has a terrible IQ

>> No.4867286
File: 157 KB, 277x376, 1287953852771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
>You scored 23.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 7.8% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
>You scored 44.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 11.1% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
>You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 49.1% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
>You scored 69.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 65.0% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
>You scored 174.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 8.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
>You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 0.6% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
>You scored 18.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 62.5% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
>You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
>You scored 65.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 24.5% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
>You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4867295
File: 136 KB, 1712x249, replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For :

Could not post text.

>> No.4867326

>People with autism have social impairments and often lack the intuition about others that many people take for granted
most people would understand, given the attitude of the comment you replied to, that he had no interest in any type of backstory or personal tales you had to give him. you clearly missed this. which is why i asked if you were autistic. i wasn't trying to make myself feel better or anything, it was a serious question.

>> No.4867332

take the test twice. Your second time will be orders better than your first. A great way to test any IQ test.

>> No.4867334

The thing with intelligence tests is that the more you go proud of your results as you do it, the more you realize how stupid it is that you even bother wasting your time with an intelligence test.

>> No.4867337
File: 20 KB, 200x253, 1276061176060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so smart everyone
>can't post replies normally

>> No.4867348

sorry, this one >>4867326 was for you

>> No.4867355


I think I like what you are saying, but I can't tell because of the typos. Can you repost it?

>> No.4867390


Could be. If so I am on the milder side, likely perceptible based on my internal rather than external behaviors. Many people on this site can relate to 'not understanding, but still conforming to social traditions'. I can see how I could have that issue with greater scope and depth and not notice(like people with color-blindness). Like having human skin but the insides of a machine(inb4 3deep5me, it's just an analogy) and finding out that the belief of what you are is based on flawed perception.

Before I convince myself, I'd rather hear a professional opinion, which will have to wait due to inconvenience.

>> No.4867413

it is not about not understanding social traditions. it is about not being able to pick up on social cues. what on earth would make you reply with such a long and detailed post to someone who was clearly just insulting you? you also seemed to drift off a little on your comments. i found it strange is all, no harm meant.

>> No.4867895

oh god wat the fuck is this

>> No.4867996 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 971x1300, best and worst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the test late last night before going to bed >>4866764 and now again a few hours after getting up. I improved in 10 of the 12 tests, some of them, Planning for example, massively, and I'm now in the top 0.3% for Mental Rotation and 0.1% for Viseospatual Processing. However I once again scored a MINUS score in Deductive Reasoning, where I'm pretty much dumber than 99% of people because I just don't fucking get it and click the wrong shit all the time, maybe I just stop clicking altogether there. This drags my mean percentage down to 20%, without it I would be at a mean of 12%. The detailed scores are as follows, with change to last night in brackets:

Visuospatial Working Memory: 9.0 (+1.0) / 7.5 / 16.7%
Verbal Reasoning: 27.0 (+1.0) / 14.0 / 2.3%
Focused Attention: 56.0 (+10.0) / 25.0 / 2.6%
Deductive Reasoning: -3.0 (prev. error but I improved) / 9.9 / 99.7%
Working Memory: 8.0 (+1.0) / 5.7 / 4.8%
Mental Rotation: 208.0 (+5.0) / 85.0 / 0.3%
Visual Attention: 124.0 (-19.0) / 122.0 / 47.8%
Verbal Working Memory: 9.0 (+1.0) / 6.9 / 14.0%
Planning: 40.0 (+24.0) / 22.0 / 7.8%
Paired Associates: 7.0 (+1.0) / 5.0 / 15.1%
Visuospatial Processing: 138.0 (+71.0) / 47.0 / 0.1%
Spatial Working Memory: 8.0 (-1.0) / 6.7 / 33.7%

>> No.4868001
File: 89 KB, 971x1300, best and worst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the test late last night before going to bed >>4866764 and now again a few hours after getting up. I improved in 10 of the 12 tests, some of them, Planning for example, massively, and I'm now in the top 0.3% for Mental Rotation and 0.1% for Viseospatual Processing. However I once again scored a MINUS score in Deductive Reasoning, where I'm pretty much dumber than 99% of people because I just don't fucking get it and click the wrong shit all the time, maybe I should just stop clicking altogether there. This drags my mean percentage down to 20%, without it I would be at a mean of 12%. The detailed scores are as follows, with change to last night in brackets:

Visuospatial Working Memory: 9.0 (+1.0) / 7.5 / 16.7%
Verbal Reasoning: 27.0 (+1.0) / 14.0 / 2.3%
Focused Attention: 56.0 (+10.0) / 25.0 / 2.6%
Deductive Reasoning: -3.0 (prev. error but I improved) / 9.9 / 99.7%
Working Memory: 8.0 (+1.0) / 5.7 / 4.8%
Mental Rotation: 208.0 (+5.0) / 85.0 / 0.3%
Visual Attention: 124.0 (-19.0) / 122.0 / 47.8%
Verbal Working Memory: 9.0 (+1.0) / 6.9 / 14.0%
Planning: 40.0 (+24.0) / 22.0 / 7.8%
Paired Associates: 7.0 (+1.0) / 5.0 / 15.1%
Visuospatial Processing: 138.0 (+71.0) / 47.0 / 0.1%
Spatial Working Memory: 8.0 (-1.0) / 6.7 / 33.7%

>> No.4868021

>Mental Rotation
>Mental Rotation
>Mental Retation
>Mental Retardion
>Mental Retardation
>Mental Retardation

>> No.4868117

Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3%
Verbal Reasoning: You scored 20.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 17.0%
Focused Attention: You scored 37.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 21.9%
Deductive Reasoning: You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 40.2%
Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2%
Mental Rotation: You scored 150.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 6.2%
Visual Attention: You scored 138.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 33.1%
Verbal Working Memory: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4%
Planning: You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 53.2%
Paired Associates: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 6.3%
Visuospatial Processing: You scored 61.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 29.5%
Spatial Working Memory: You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 14.4%

Above average, but not that good. I think I do better on tests with no time limit. I don't really like that feeling that you don't know where the tradeoff between going fast and securing your answers is. It takes some of my attention away to focus on adapting my time per question with the increasing difficulty of the problems...

>> No.4868127

Looks like Deductive Reasoning is one at which /sci/ fails a lot.

>> No.4868222

1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strateg = top 16.7%
2/12 Verbal Reasoning = top 3%
3/12 Focused Attention = top 0.5%
4/12 Deductive Reasoning = top 3.2%
5/12 Working Memory = top 4.8% | scored 8.0
6/12 Mental Rotation = top 16.8%
7/12 Visual Attention = top 20%
8/12 Verbal Working Memory = top 0.1% |scored: 23.0
9/12 Planning top = 6.8% |scored: 41.0
10/12 Paired Associates = top 0.2% |scored: 11.0
11/12 Visuospatial Processing = top 1.7%
12/12 Spatial Working Memory = top 0.5% |scored: 15.0

>> No.4868228

My shit sucks, and I'm going to keep doing this 'till I improve.

>> No.4868250
File: 24 KB, 997x800, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me this is happening to?

Of course they don't match, I'm trying to register.

>> No.4868251

Maybe someone already used that same email? Try with an even more improbable one.

>> No.4868253

Thank you. I feel stupid.

>> No.4868260
File: 45 KB, 446x400, Ann Coulter and his sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes that online IQ tests are valid!
>what? I bet he has a degree from an online college, too!
>what a retard!

>> No.4868263
File: 12 KB, 900x270, CArtWebChart-c4a86dec-5f8f-406f-a4fd-ff6f1d837434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868283

>My deductive reasoning is horrible.
How do I improve this?
Everything else is high, but my deductive reasoning is below average.

>> No.4868354

Wow. I did horribly.
Last online IQ test I did put me at almost 150. This one puts me at pretty much average.

Oh, the shame.

>> No.4868446

>Visuospatial Working Memory
>Verbal Reasoning:
>Focused Attention:
>Deductive Reasoning:
7 (lel)
>Working Memory:
>Mental Rotation:
>Visual Attention:
>Verbal Working Memory:
>Paired Associates:
>Visuospatial Processing:
>Spatial Working Memory:

I am incredibly average.

>> No.4868451

sup rainman

>> No.4868468

11/12 Visuospatial Processing

You scored -6.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 97.6% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

And that's what happens kids when you don't RTFM.

It's interesting to compare though, I got Above 145 on the iqtest.dk which is also raven matrices, yet I flunked the deduction part. It's the time pressure, yo.

>> No.4868486

I suck at very short term memory. There were like 5 tests which were basically that..
Also, the deductive resaoning simply did not make sense, sometimes I found the one that was different according to a completely feasible pattern, and got wrong.
My best intelligence was "planning", which I'm horrible at.
Also, butthurt for not being in top 2.5% everywhere.

>> No.4868495

I got in the top 0.2% in the "remembering numbers and typing them" test. It's a lot easier to trace out the path of the first few numbers with your finger on the numpad, and remember the pattern, and then remember the rest of the numbers as you normally would.

>> No.4868602

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 37.5% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 39.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 18.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 40.2% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 60.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 72.7% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 177.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 7.0% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 83.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 80.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 10.5% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 14.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 1.2% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

An interactive preliminary for the Planning test would have been nice. I spent a fair amount of time trying to see how it really worked.

>> No.4868628
File: 54 KB, 1021x648, vp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a bullshit part of the test.

The rest I did fine in. Remember that country hicks, chavs, and office moms who share chain letters are not going to be the ones taking these tests.

>> No.4868717

I actually kinda liked it

>> No.4869017

Well yeah, and also remember that some who did well will do it again to improve their score, maybe on a different account, while those who really have difficulties might give up before their score is even registered.

>> No.4869217

I just can't for the life of me get even a proper score on the 3rd one

>> No.4869324

Visuospatial Working Memory: 62.7% scored higher
Verbal Reasoning: 5.9% scored higher
Focused Attention: 42.3% scored higher
Deductive Reasoning: 12.7% scored higher
Working Memory: 41.2% scored higher
Mental Rotation: 28.9% scored higher
Visual Attention: 5.4% scored higher
Verbal Working Memory: 47.9% scored higher
Planning: 78.7% scored higher
Paired Associates: 30.2% scored higher
Visuospatial Processing: 8.6% scored higher
Spatial Working Memory: 22.8% scored higher

My planning is awful, as expected....maybe I do exhibit ADHD symptoms. I did well on the ones I figured I have an aptitude for, namely things that involve rapid-fire perception, even though I'm suffering from autoimmune uveitis right now and my eyes are watering bad. Maybe I -should- go on Humira if my visual processing skills are so good. I wouldn't want to have my very acute vision degrade, it would make my intelligence go to waste.

>> No.4869342


I totally thought I was bombing that part of the test bad, but apparently I did really well. Maybe you just suck at comparing fine proportions in quick succession. It wasn't easy, I know that much. I made a lot of last second OH GOD IT'S A TINY BIT SHORTER OVER HERE match/mismatch switches.

>> No.4869587


>> No.4869592

I kicked decent ass on planning, deductive reasoning, and focused attention everything else I wound up in the neighborhood of average

>> No.4869673

Planning 2.7%
Focused Attention 3.8%
Visual Attention 4.9%
Deductive Reasoning 12.7%
Visuospatial Processing 21.0%
Verbal Reasoning 26.2%
Spatial Working Memory 22.8%
Working Memory 41.2%
Verbal Working Memory 68.0%
Paired Associates 69.8%
Mental Rotation 77.2%

My memory is shot -- no surprise there. I'm guessing some of the strategies involved in memory are related to mental rotation and stable temporary memory.

>> No.4869708

The patterns are really fucking retarded.
Tens other patterns are created by their algorithm but no, you must only guess one and you get punished if you happen to find a different one.

>> No.4869711

You can translate this into an IQ if you wished and average out a 'memory' versus 'processing' IQ.

Top 90% ~80IQ
Top 75% ~90IQ
Top 50% ~100IQ
Top 40% ~105IQ
Top 30% ~108IQ
Top 20% ~113IQ
Top 10% ~120IQ
Top 8% ~122IQ
Top 6% ~124IQ
Top 4% ~128IQ
Top 3% ~130IQ
Top 2% ~135-131IQ
Top 1% ~136IQ
Top .5% ~140IQ
Top .2% ~144IQ
Top .1% ~150-147IQ

If you are in the 90%, you are essentially 'dailed back'.

>> No.4869722

Remember that 110IQ is superior intelligence but not abnormal. 120-140IQ is very superior and rare. Around 140+ is genius level.

Consider that you are most likely having your score compared to other 'above' average intellectuals due to the test's audience.

>> No.4869780

Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7%
Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test
Verbal Reasoning:You scored 24.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 5.9%
Focused Attention: You scored 83.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population


Deductive Reasoning:You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 81.0%

Working Memory:You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 1.0%
Mental Rotation:You scored 206.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 0.3% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
Visual Attention:You scored 833.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Verbal Working Memory:You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12
Planning:You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 1.6% of the population for the 9/12
Paired Associates:You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 10/12
Visuospatial Processing:You scored 126.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 0.2% of the population for the 11/12
Spatial Working Memory:
You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 14.4% of the population for the 12/12

Pretty good overall no?
The pattern test pissed me off. Like 3 different patterns appear in each set and they expect you to find the one they have in mind.

>> No.4869783

>Visual Attention:You scored 833.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Pics or gtfo.

>> No.4869788

Let me do it again
I'm pretty good at this, if two very similar but non-identical objects are near each other the differences just somehow "stand out" for me.

>> No.4869790

Just enter the e-mail and the password you used before to see those results again.

>> No.4869793

How does your memory work? Is there a mental process you are aware of? Do you focus on the entire field or at specific objects? Assuming things just 'stand out', I'm assuming you haven't developed these things beyond intuition.

>> No.4869794

Can't see it, i'll just do it again

>> No.4869801
File: 56 KB, 979x543, Výstřižek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't do as well again but still pretty good.

The objects need to be right next to each other and the differences just annoyingly flicker, so it's easy to notice for me. I don't know why, I don't have any special autistic abilities beyond this.
I'm not autistic by the way

>> No.4869808
File: 12 KB, 465x391, which is the odd one out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is the odd one out here, and why?

>> No.4869810

the 6 teal circles. each other circle patch matches in number and formation with a square patch. the 6 teal circles do not

>> No.4869811

Top middle.
Probably, the system sometimes creates pattern it didn't intend to.
Shapes of same color have same number of spots

>> No.4869813

Right, thanks.

Is there any way of training you brain to be better at seeing these kinds of patterns? And is there a point?

>> No.4869821


Light blue top middle.

5 and 6 match with 7 and 8 9 with 1 and 6 with 3.

Visuospatial Working Memory : 11 / 1.5%
Verbal Reasoning: 31 / .5%
Focused Attention: 81 / .1%
Deductive Reasoning: 18 / 3.8%
Working Memory: 8 / 4.8%
Mental Rotation: 170 / 2.4%
Visual Attention: 225 / .4%
Verbal Working Memory: 8 / 28.4%
Planning: 49 / 1.9%
Paired Associates: 7 / 15.1%
Visuospatial Processing: 56 / 36.5%
Spatial Working Memory: 12 / 4.6%

>> No.4869897




>> No.4869899
File: 345 KB, 512x508, 1316866461003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4869908

Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy: 37.3%
Verbal Reasoning: 10.3%
Focused Attention: 25.9%
Deductive Reasoning: 40.2%
Working Memory: 69.8%
Mental Rotation: 78.7%
Visual Attention: 50.0%
Verbal Working Memory: 68.0%
Planning: 46.8%
Paired Associates: 50.0%
Visuospatial Processing: 48.5%
Spatial Working Memory: 22.8%

Soo.... roughly average. I'm okay with this.

>> No.4869912

That's exactly what I thought, especially when every other test turned out to be about short term memory. I just wanted it to end already. It's a lot better when you repeat it the next day and know what to expect.

>> No.4869915

It's getting to the point where I'm so tired of it that I'm taking shortcuts.

They need to give a way to save your progress.

>> No.4869923

Jesus Christ that was a waste of time.

A short term memory test. Fucking awesome use of 45 minutes

>> No.4869922

about 50 people have posted their results, all of them showing how many tests there are. i really wanna see your scores.

>> No.4869935

lrn2read. you can exit the test and retain your place if you remember your email and password.

>> No.4869937

does the test take longer than 5 minutes? i wont be able to finish it if it takes longer than that

does this imply I have ADD/ADHD or a lack of disciprine?

>> No.4869940
File: 15 KB, 325x325, izzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy: 62.7%
Verbal Reasoning: 21.3%
Focused Attention: 15.1% (my mind was blown to pieces staying focused during this)
Deductive Reasoning: 49% (did not grasp the concept of this task until like a minute and a half in, would do better if I did it again)
Working Memory: 41.2%
Mental Rotation: 76.5%
Visual Attention: 63%
Verbal Working Memory: 14%
Planning: 62.5% (did not fucking grasp the controls for this game at all, would definitely do better if I tried it again, really shitty design)
Paired Associates: 30.2
Visuospatial Processing: 81.1%
Spatial Working Memory: 22.8%

I was mentally checked out by the Paired Associates task, fwiw. Lol at my spatial abilities

>> No.4869942

This was meant for:

>> No.4869955

>deductive reasoning: 49%
i knew it.

>> No.4869963
File: 42 KB, 504x314, ap100328041171_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I took a *real* IQ test a few years ago and scored in the 99th percentile on logic and deductive reasoning

I would hardly call that awkward geometric shape bullshit deductive reasoning anyway

>> No.4869973

>99th percentile on logic and deductive reasoning
i was just relating to my first statement, that you seemingly couldn't think to count the number of test in any of the many post in this thread before asking how many are there. regardless, i don't think it's meant to be an end all test. probably something to build on to eventually develop a better one. i doubt they'd only use 1 test for each type of intelligence.

>> No.4869979

After a couple of attempts

Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy 5.6%

Verbal Reasoning 4.3%

Focused Attention 3%

Deductive Reasoning 8.7%

Working Memory 16.9%

Mental Rotation 18.1%

Visual Attention 10.2%

Verbal Working Memory 47%

Planning .6%

Visuospatial Processing 16.9%

Spatial Working Memory 14.4%

Even with a bit of jogging and practice my memory is still lacking.

>> No.4869985

Stop being autistic. It's called hyperbole.

>> No.4870087

Visuospatial Working Memory 5.6%
Verbal Reasoning: 31%
Focused Attention: 52.6%
Deductive Reasoning: 3.8%
Working Memory: 16.9%
Mental Rotation: 47.1%
Visual Attention: 6.6%
Verbal Working Memory: 2%
Planning: 65.5% (phone call, didn't know I can pause the test)
Paired Associates: 30.2%
Visuospatial Processing: 28.2%
Spatial Working Memory: 46.1%

>> No.4870089

Why those questions at the end?

>> No.4870098

Memorize things is a trick, exaple: 7834253342978
you shouldn't try to remember tha string, instead remember it like this:
my professor told me that normal human temporary memory buffer is just last for 4-5 characters, if you pass that limit, the brain will pop everything out.

>> No.4870100


Clearly you didn't score very well on this test.

>> No.4870103

Jesus fucking Christ it's annoying that they bump you down if you fuck up. I already remembered 7 beeps in a row asshole, and it was easy. Unless someone's measuring rage levels it's not helping the test.

>> No.4870119

No, it's not that, I just want to know why those questions about me, were they relevant to the scores?

>> No.4870126

probably a study of intelligence and those factor. like, does regular drinking diminish mental prowess? same principle for the sleep question. i realize how meaningless correlation can be, but that's what i think it's for.

>> No.4870130

I did much better when I took the tests individually. After completely bombing the planning test, I came back and scored a 55.

>> No.4870134

>not considered bombing
do you even genius?

>> No.4870181

>tfw you make the test for the second time and you were worse than the first time

>> No.4870194
File: 311 KB, 800x751, 1243204239492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I'm the best planner in this thread

I thought it was absurdly easy, AND that I did bad. Then it told me I was in the top .1%. Seriously though, the test just pissed me off and I started spamming so it would just end.

>> No.4870197


Fatigue. Give it some time.

>> No.4870210

i think what pissed people off most was the controls and the fact that if you royally fucked up one set, you couldn't just start over.

>> No.4870219

>if you royally fucked up one set, you couldn't just start over

Not the anon you're responding to, but that's part of the planning aspect, the ability to start over would just allow people to click randomly without consequence.

>> No.4870238

not really, because you still need to plan to solve it. what i mean is if you found the solution, tried to rush to apply it, and lost your step through a misclick or whatever reason. you'd be stuck with an even harder problem and only get credit for an easier problem. plus it wastes time.

>> No.4870257


I agree with what you're saying about that scenario, but I think that a do-over button would compromise the integrity of the test. If you plan the solution out, as you stated, then you don't need it.

Helping misclickers would help the incompetent test takers as well, and, for the results sake, is not worth it.

>> No.4870275

i don't mean a do over of the same problem, i mean just count it as wrong as move on to the next one. what they actually did was wait until you made like 20 moves and only then let you move on. i think it'd be better if they just let you admit you fucked up in the first place. i don't think it'd compromise the test, because their system throughout almost every section was if you get one wrong, the next one is easier. only the ones with good planning would get to the harder problems either way.

>> No.4870288


Well then I entirely agree.

I think that the purpose behind the lapse in time was to allow people to fix their mistakes, but I do see how that can crew over someone's score.

>> No.4870341

because it's time based. like i said, you can mess up and make the problem harder and still solve it, but you only get the credit for the easier problem along with loosing time. i get your point that wrong answers should be penalized, but i felt that they already had a system built it for that, which sets you back to a lower level. my point was that wrong answers in this test were much harder on your score than in the other test. guess it doesn't matter though, since it was equally as hard on everyone else.

>> No.4870421

>Visuospatial Working Memory: I got 6, average was 7.6
>Verbal Reasoning: You scored 32.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 0.3% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
>Focused Attention: You scored 75.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
>Deductive Reasoning: You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 31.8% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
>Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
>Mental Rotation: You scored 153.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 5.4% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
>Visual Attention: You scored 99.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 73.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
>Verbal Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
> Planning: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 89.7% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test. ( I did one question and gave up. FUCK this test).
>Paired Associates: You scored 3.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 84.9% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
>Visuospatial Processing: You scored 26.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 79.0% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
> Spatial Working Memory: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Yeah, I get it, my short-term memory sucks balls.

>> No.4870541

Are you serious?

>> No.4870714

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 29.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 1.1% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 73.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 0.2% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
You scored 25.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 4.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
You scored 337.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 272.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 2.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
You scored 100.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 148.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 8.4% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

The 10th task was by far the hardest. I'm pretty sure the I've reached 7 by luck of favorable positioning and probably wouldn't be able to replicate that result.

>> No.4870735
File: 33 KB, 400x388, 1325821206001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when your scared to take this test because you'll once again come to the realization of how "slightly above average" you are and will get yourself down for the rest of the day ;_;

>> No.4870803

You should go for it. You've nothing to lose either way and that feeling will pass soon enough.

>> No.4870811

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 22.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 10.3% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 22.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 57.7% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 3.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 93.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 58.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 74.2% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 150.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 22.3% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 22.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 80.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 10.5% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

So I'm almost retarded in some aspects, I'm not surprised actually

>> No.4870813

Did the first two and then couldn't be bothered finishing. What does that say about my intelligence?

>> No.4870843

>>Go to take tests
>>Someone with your IP already took the tests

God. Fucking. Damn. It.

>> No.4870849
File: 7 KB, 352x262, 1339057719813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This places you in the top 93.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

>> No.4870852

When did you receive that error? Before or after taking the tests?

>> No.4870869

Memory? Fuck memory.

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 62.5% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 43.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 12.4% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 49.1% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 166.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 2.9% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 136.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 35.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 38.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 10.3% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 42.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 57.6% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4870886

Am I retarded, /sci/?
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 62.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 17.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 31.6% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 60.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 66.6% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
You scored 198.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 0.5% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 132.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 39.2% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
You scored 34.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 30.2% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 89.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 5.7% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 46.1% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

16 y/o dropout btw.

>> No.4870906

>Deductive Reasoning
This is horribly annoying.

>> No.4870939


you have a mild learning disability,. nothing serious

>> No.4870954


>> No.4870978

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

>You scored 28.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 1.6% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

>You scored 65.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 0.7% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

>You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 86.4% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
I actually got up to 12 with this, but then failed and started snowballin'.
Hate that one.
>You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
>You scored 216.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 0.2% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
>You scored 139.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 32.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
>You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 1.6% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
>You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
>You scored 138.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
>You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Fucking fuck.

>> No.4871040

Fuck you, those scores are amazing

>> No.4871059

Visuospatial Working Memory:
You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
Verbal Reasoning: You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 37.5% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
Focused Attention: You scored 28.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 42.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
Deductive Reasoning: You scored 13.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 24.2% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
Mental Rotation: You scored 29.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 90.9% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
Visual Attention: You scored 93.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 78.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Verbal Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 14.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
Planning: You scored 23.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 46.8% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
Paired Associates: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 30.2% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
Visuospatial Processing: You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 45.4% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test: Spatial Working Memory: You scored 14.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 1.2% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Mental rotation made me sad.

>> No.4871067

>Mental rotation made me sad.
I found mental rotation to be the easiest.
Instead of actually trying to rotate the shapes, just compare the first shape with the "rotated" shape and if they're the same shape it's true and if they're not it's false.

>> No.4871091
File: 12 KB, 560x407, Fuck I don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to mock me.

Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 94.4%

Verbal Reasoning: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 78.7%

Focused Attention: You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 74.1%

Deductive Reasoning: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 66.6%

Working Memory: You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 69.8%

Mental Rotation: You scored 132.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 39.2%

Visual Attention: You scored 132.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 39.2%

Verbal Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9%

Planning: You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 83.0%

Paired Associates: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 30.2%

Visuospatial Processing: You scored 55.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 37.9%

Spatial Working Memory: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7%

>MFW Visuospatial Working Memory and Planning

>> No.4871103

All hail to the king of /sci/

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 13.4% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 52.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 4.4% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 31.8% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
You scored 132.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 13.0% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 225.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 0.4% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 2.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
You scored 52.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 1.1% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 92.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 4.6% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 8.4% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4871104

>Feel free to mock me.
I'm not going to mock you.
All I'm going to say is that I'm disappointed.

>> No.4871121
File: 18 KB, 560x402, Fuck I don't know2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental Rotation and Visual Attention are apparently my strong suits, so I guess I should work construction.

>MFW I had high marks all throughout university.

>> No.4871123


What did you study?

>> No.4871126
File: 18 KB, 560x398, Fuck I don't know3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrical engineering

The world is doomed.

>> No.4871128


Not really, I know a guy doing a Ph.D in math who has a tested IQ of 99. All it says is we can't really test intellect properly yet.

>> No.4871130
File: 18 KB, 560x397, Fuck I don't know4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected to test low on at least the first question but I find the rest of my scores quite amusing.

>> No.4871133


That's an annoying picture.

What do you do now?

>> No.4871141
File: 18 KB, 559x395, Fuck I don't know5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is an annoying picture and I'm ■■■■■■■■■■■ primarily as an electrical engineer. As I said, the world is doomed.

>> No.4871144
File: 98 KB, 750x448, 1331558560746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why's the world doomed?

>> No.4871147


>> No.4871148

Derps in places they shouldn't be?

That's my guess.

>> No.4871170

why did it asked me if i had leg twiching or if i was smoking cigarettes?

>> No.4871178

>Smoking can affect cognitive function.
>It asked you if you had leg twitching because that can happen when you smoke for a long ass time, and that might affect your results.

>> No.4871183

now i know where my cigarette box is goning

>> No.4871207

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 62.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 83.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 26.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 47.4% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 13.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 24.2% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
ou scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
You scored 92.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 43.3% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 156.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 17.8% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 5.7% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 31.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 23.7% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 25.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 80.0% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 70.9% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4871210

Why are you on /sci/?

>> No.4871224

whats the problem?

>> No.4871226 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1961x2098, EK test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4871234

>whats the problem?
According to the test, you're below average on most sections.

>> No.4871237
File: 17 KB, 297x200, 1338505376439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should double check that m8

>> No.4871252 [DELETED] 

average: 1 section
below average: 5 sections
above average: 6 sections.

>> No.4871259
File: 478 KB, 140x105, 1342135656870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visuospatial Working Memory
8.0 / 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population
>Verbal Reasoning:
8.0 / 14.0. This places you in the top 83.0% of the population
>Focused Attention:
21.0 / 25.0. This places you in the top 60.3% of the population
>Deductive Reasoning:
10.0 / 9.9. This places you in the top 49.1% of the population
>Working Memory:
7.0 / 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population
>Mental Rotation:
131.0 / 85.0. This places you in the top 13.5% of the population
>Visual Attention:
151.0 / 122.0. This places you in the top 21.5% of the population
>Verbal Working Memory:
5.0 / 6.9. This places you in the top 83.7% of the population
34.0 / 22.0. This places you in the top 17.0% of the population
>Paired Associates:
7.0 / 5.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population
>Visuospatial Processing:
45.0 / 47.0. This places you in the top 53.1% of the population
>Spatial Working Memory:
12.0 / 6.7. This places you in the top 4.6% of the population

Looks like I am horrible at verbal reasoning and verbal working memory, and good at Spatial Working Memory.

>> No.4871264

Regardless, it's terribly bad.

>> No.4871265 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, it puts him slightly above average.

above average shouldnt ever be referred to as 'terribly bad'
unless you're someone who is significantly above average, and even then, you're being arrogant as fuck.

>> No.4871273 [DELETED] 

EK: Post your full results, or I'll take it as an admission you're stupid.

>> No.4871275

>EK: Post your full results, or I'll take it as an admission you're stupid.
You don't need these tests to show you that EK is stupid... Just read her posts.

>> No.4871276 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 327x329, 85646346546546546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see: >>4871226

and you can think im stupid if you like, hun. most people here already have a negative opinion of me, but i dont suffer anything for it, so i dont really care.

>> No.4871281

>numbers on boxes disappear, click them in order
8.0, mean 7.5. Top 37.3%
>is the circle in the square true/false
21.0, mean 14.0. Top 13.4%
>red/blue in the wrong color (I didn't know how to play this the first few clicks)
31.0, mean 25.0. Top 34.8%
>grid of 9 shapes, which one doesn't belong with the others
13.0, mean 9.9. Top 24.2%
>grid of 16 boxes, click in the order they lit up
7.0, mean 5.7. Top 16.9%
>green and red boxes, can it be rotated?
120.0, mean 85.0. Top 20.0%
>assortment of blue shapes in grid, are the two grids identical? (I found this one really easy if you read it right to left, top to bottom)
210.0, mean 122.0. Top 1.1%
>type back the sequence of numbers on screen
8.0, mean 6.9. Top 28.4%
>switch the balls on the tree so they all line up (SERIOUSLY, fuck this one; kept getting them backwards and didn't know how to undo it)
10.0, mean 22.0. Top 83.0%
>matching flipped cards memory game
5.0, mean 5.0. Top 50.0%
>overlapping shapes, is the standalone one different
82.0, mean 47.0. Top 9.2%
>remember where the tokens were, no repeats (also really easy if you checked left to right, top to bottom)
14.0, mean 6.7. Top 1.2%.

>that fucking tree-ball bullshit

>> No.4871292

I can figure out all the ones on the deductive reasoning section, I just can't do it quick enough. I can get to about 14 before the time runs out. Does anyone else think there shouldn't be a time limit on that? Why should one's deductive reasoning capability be quick?

>> No.4871296 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on, do you really need to ask that?

being able to solve a specific task in a shorter period of time, makes ones brain more efficient and makes that person more intelligent than someone who needs more time to complete the same task.

if you cant do it quickly, you dont get a high score

and it IS fair.

>> No.4871297

bullshit test

>> No.4871299


I think the time required for it and the ability to figure out the pattern are different things. A computer can add up numbers more quickly than your or I but can't solve complex problems.

>> No.4871304 [DELETED] 

>i hate it because im shit at it

even so, if there is no time limit, then what the hell are they judging? what would the test even mean??
everyone would get a score of infinite, or just as long as they can be arsed still getting the questions right, so they'll eventually get bored and skip straight on to the next one, but then the scores for that last round would be utterly meaningless!

there needs to be an element of time involved for these.
you have to be accurate, but also fast.

THATS what the test is about.

>> No.4871309


>everyone would get a score of infinite

Are you an actual retard? Make the test involve, say, 40 questions, all exceedingly difficult. Some may get 100%, but they would be far and few in between.

>> No.4871311

Regardless you are terribly stupid and I know that from all the dumb shit you post and then quickly delete before you think anyone saw it.

>> No.4871322

I knew someone who couldn't understand how to factorize a quadratic polynomial, no matter how hard his friends and family tried to teach him.

>> No.4871320


>> No.4871324 [DELETED] 

with an infinite time limit, theres no reason anyone should NOT get 40/40.
you've got all the time in the word to check that you're correct.

meh, so i make mistakes sometimes
i suppose you dont?
and if i delete them, it means ive recognised it as a mistake, so that should count for something.

>> No.4871326


>with an infinite time limit, theres no reason anyone should NOT get 40/40.
you've got all the time in the word to check that you're correct.

Again, are you a real-life retard? Do you think if I sat a chimpanzee on the computer chair and gave it infinite time to complete the test, it would end up with 40/40?

>> No.4871327

>meh, so i make mistakes sometimes
Your post contains a good load of grammar mistakes.

>> No.4871334 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 600x450, 1311250960271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your post contains a good load of grammar mistakes.

>> No.4871337 [DELETED] 

well, no, it'd almost certainly get 0. it wouldnt know what the fuck it's doing.
anyone who does understand the task, should get 40/40 with infinite time.

>> No.4871342


Why do you believe that? Some people can discover patterns where others can't...

>> No.4871372 [DELETED] 

oh come on, they are all really really easy.
with infinite time, theres no reason anybody should be unable to do them
the only hard bit about it, is doing it fast enough to do enough of them, to get a decent score.

>> No.4871380


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but, do yo have a learning disability?

If not, why can't you read/comprehend/remember things? We're not talking about the current test, or necessarily any test currently in existence. We're talking about a hypothetical new test that should be made. One with legitimately difficult questions.

>> No.4871387 [DELETED] 

not a learning disability, no.

>If not, why can't you read/comprehend/remember things?
oh? i thought he was talking about the deductive reasoning section,
i didnt know you were talking about any other kind of hypothetical test.
in fact, it doesnt look like you've mentioned that before.

>> No.4871392


You need to see a doctor because you've got some brain problems. Here's a post I made a few posts up:

>Make the test involve, say, 40 questions, all exceedingly difficult. Some may get 100%, but they would be far and few in between.

>> No.4871486

I'm just gonna go right ahead and call bullshit on that one.

>> No.4871548

Don't mind EK, she has no real understanding of the concepts of g loading and normalization and has probably never seen a Hoeflin Power IQ Test in her life.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but a while back the mental rotation segment was posted on a thread of its own where you competed against everyone and eventually scored over 300. Why the 164 all of a sudden?

>> No.4871560

Seems like I already did this test once. neat.

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 43.6% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 57.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 2.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 74.3% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

ah fuck it. no one cares

>> No.4871566 [DELETED] 

>Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but a while back the mental rotation segment was posted on a thread of its own where you competed against everyone and eventually scored over 300. Why the 164 all of a sudden?
getting the 300 might have taken me several attempts.
164 is a one off; it doesnt mean i cant improve it, and maybe i was having an off day
still, 164 isnt too bad, IMO.

>> No.4871606

We already have a king

>> No.4871747


>> No.4871763

the token one is the most fun. the bead tree one is okay too.

But I'm a physicist I don't care about long strings of numbers, I'll never use that many significant digits. And who cares if two pictures are slightly different, they're close enough dammit!! Just be glad I'm not approximating it as a single point.

>> No.4871907

Why isn't there an explanation prior to initiating each test?

>> No.4872376


>> No.4872623

This, little gif demos of what you're supposed to do would be better than their worded instructions.

>> No.4872724

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
>You scored 19.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 21.3% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 51.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 4.9% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
>You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 40.2% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 4.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
>You scored 120.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 169.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 10.2% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
>You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
You scored 35.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
>You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 60.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 30.9% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
>You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 0.5% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Fuck paired association

>> No.4872727


Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5.
Verbal Reasoning: You scored 14.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0.
Focused Attention: You scored 19.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0.
Deductive Reasoning: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9.
Working Memory: You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7.
Mental Rotation: You scored 84.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0.
>Visual Attention: You scored 272.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 0.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Verbal Working Memory: You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9.
Planning: You scored 19.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0.
Paired Associates: You scored 3.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0.
Visuospatial Processing: You scored 40.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0.
Spatial Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7.

>> No.4872728

>they're close enough dammit!!

why am I not suprised you're a physicist?

>> No.4872739

>To begin please enter your email in the box below and click submit.


>> No.4872747

Did you even read the OP?
Note: You must provide with an email and password but they don't check for validity.
Just type in something like dsfgsdf@gsdf.com in the email field and be done with it.

>> No.4872753
File: 65 KB, 350x492, 1342205918237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ink test

>Fucked up beyond recognition

Whoever made this test are incompetent beyond belief.

>Click on the word at the bottom of the screen that correctly describes the colour of the ink that the word at the top of the screen is written in.

>Do such thing

>But I just did tha-

I swear I want to murder the nearest nigra baby I can /sci/

Help me.

>> No.4872769

It's fucked up.

>everything is red
>click on red

>> No.4872829

The tree test was unfortunate because I didn't understand the instructions. They should have just said "put them in order as if you were writing left to right in english."
On second thought that would be stupid.

Also on the overlapping shapes one sometimes they were only a tiny bit different, as in a line that is slightly curved or something, I didn't know what kind of exactness they were looking for and got fucked up a lot.

Fucking memory shit, did completely average on all of those.

I also ended up fucking up on the first few "match/mismatch" ones because they switched the fucking green and blue writing on them, and switched them wordwise compared to the previous true/false setup.

>> No.4872835
File: 222 KB, 374x327, 45t45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest part is understanding their instructions, i really get mad when the test is essentially good but they have no idea how to properly express what it is you need to do.

Fuck these tests, people fail because their convoluted instructions aren't good enough.

>> No.4872844

its an intelligence test, failing to figure out the instructions and doing poorly doesn't skew the result.

>> No.4872849

you guys are obviously retarded and/or did not read the instructions carefully.

>> No.4872851
File: 215 KB, 800x600, 4564333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its your own fault our shitty instructions didn't clearly state what you had to do.

>> No.4872852

I figured it out, apparently many other people in this thread did.

>> No.4872853
File: 58 KB, 500x379, 24rwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did i, but that doesn't mean the instructions don't need to be much more concise.

>> No.4872859

It's an intelligence test, not a grammar interpretation test. They should have put more effort into the instructions.

>> No.4872861

then why does it give a score for "verbal reasoning"?

>> No.4872875

because that's a test in itself. It has nothing to do with sentence structure or linguistics, only features 2 words, and is more a visual test than anything.

>> No.4872877

or that's what they wanted you to think so you'd let down your guard.

>> No.4872887

dam niga u may b rit

>> No.4872944



First time I took it I was annoyed because I expected this to be quite a lot shorter but then I read through all the results and decided to try it again with a more serious attitude and actually managed to fall in some of them

>> No.4872954

What can one do with super-genius level visuospatial processing?

>> No.4872962

it's like a literature degree

>> No.4872992
File: 90 KB, 768x576, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless I make a good score


I was only above average on focused attention or whatever. 12% on that. But who cares! That one is gay! Gay, man, GAY!

And the other thing I was good at was the verbal whatever.

But 68% on deductive reasoning? THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT, MAN! I'M SMART.

IQ Tests = lame and full of bull

>> No.4872999

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 94.4% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 73.8% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored -4.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 96.6% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 74.3% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 55.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 76.5% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 56.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 96.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 92.2% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 88.1% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 4.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 80.9% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

I kinda suck at this.

>> No.4873033


If that was an official test you'd be literally retarded.

>> No.4873041

I feel a lot of the skills in this could be greatly improved through practice, which people likely use as proof of intelligence having plasticity as opposed to the genetic rigidity implied by a standard IQ test.

It's also easy for the results to be inaccurate, as I got bottom 4% on deductive.

top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
top 31.6% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
This places you in the top 8.0% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
This places you in the top 95.9% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
This places you in the top 45.2% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
This places you in the top 31.1% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
This places you in the top 47.9% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
This places you in the top 69.8% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
This places you in the top 7.5% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4873064

How can the percentiles be correct if EVERYONE here is in the top, top, top percentile?

>> No.4873068

They're not.

And maybe you're reading it wrong; a higher percentile does not mean better, a lower one does.

50 - 95% is below average while 49 - 0.1% is above.

Most people seem to have their scores average around 30% which isn't THAT high at all.

>> No.4873080

>After completing the questionnaire you will receive a summary showing how you performed relative to the population.
>relative to the population
Wouldnt it be more accurate to say relative to people on this board and other similar places that this link is probably posted to?

>> No.4873103

You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 20.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 48.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 7.1% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
You scored 16.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 8.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 1.0% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 120.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 156.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 17.8% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 25.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 40.5% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 82.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 9.2% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
You scored 12.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 4.6% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

Not too bad i'd say

>> No.4873120

Visuospatial Working Memory: 5.6
Verbal Reasoning: 5.9
Focused Attention: 6.3
Deductive Reasoning: 40.2
Working Memory: 16.9
Mental Rotation: 9.5
Visual Attention: 0.4
Verbal Working Memory: 68.0
Planning: 17.0
Paired Associates: 69.8
Visuospatial Processing: 0.2
Spatial Working Memory: 8.4

What does it say about me? Was very sleepy, going to sleep soon. Will try it again tomorrow when I wake up.

>> No.4873124

>it's intention
>it's implication

>> No.4873133
File: 4 KB, 40x40, watermelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: 8.0 top 36%
2: 16.0 top 36%
3: fucked up, skipped instructions
4: 12 top 31%
5: 8.0 top 5% suck it niggas
6: 69 top 65%
7: 144 top 27%
8: 8 top 28%
9: 20 top 54%
10: 6 top 30%
11:11 top 91%.... lol
12: 8 top 33%

Smoke 4 cigs a day, no alcohol, just graduated high school, and smoke alot and alot of good ol cannabis

>> No.4873146

Visuospatial Working Memory: 10 top 5.6%
Verbal Reasoning: 21 top 13.4%
Focused Attention: 25 top 12.4%
Deductive Reasoning: 11 top 40.2%
Working Memory: 7 top 16.9%
Mental Rotation: 84 top 51%
Visual Attention: 117 op 55.4%
Verbal Working Memory: 7 top 47.9%
Planning: 22 top 9%
Paired Associates: 8 top 6.3%
Visuospatial Processing: 38 top 63.5% (didn't understand rules to this until later)
Spatial Working Memory: 8 top 33.7%

>> No.4873149

This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
This places you in the top 90.0% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
This places you in the top 31.8% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
This places you in the top 4.8% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
This places you in the top 7.3% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
This places you in the top 28.4% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
This places you in the top 46.8% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
This places you in the top 30.2% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
This places you in the top 2.3% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

But seriously, fuck the focused attention test. The directions kinda sucked and I was just clicking shit at the end. Or maybe I have ADD.

>> No.4873156


>> No.4873166
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1336042498556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess these results are alright

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 62.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 24.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 5.9% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 5.6% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 40.2% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
You scored 6.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 41.2% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
You scored 76.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 58.6% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
You scored 205.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 1.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
You scored 30.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 26.2% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
You scored 21.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 84.0% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 14.4% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4873170

You think everyone on this board is above average?

>> No.4873181

He meant top as in best, not highest.

>> No.4873179

>You scored -4.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 96.6% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.


>> No.4873297
File: 158 KB, 499x558, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


show me


>> No.4873300

Take the test, gyp

>> No.4873304
File: 263 KB, 675x731, skippy?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I ball so hard motherfucker wanna fine me

but first nigga's gotta find me

what's 5 grand to a nigga like me can you please remind me?

>> No.4873305
File: 400 KB, 1145x798, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm bout to kill it

how you know I got that feeling?

>> No.4873312
File: 132 KB, 485x414, imnotskippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause you are know watching the throne

>> No.4873316

Stop it nigga

>> No.4873319
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, 10958_panty_and_stocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


back off punk ass pariguayo

you don't know me

>> No.4873324

I'm shit housed

prove to me you're limes and I'll take the test

>> No.4873333

I know that you like gardening. ;)

>> No.4873336
File: 165 KB, 318x596, 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


remember drunk gypsy is physically not mentally dangerous

ight let me take this damn this

>> No.4873342
File: 337 KB, 907x711, booskippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta sign up

Jesus Christ kiddo

>> No.4873343

>Note: You must provide with an email and password but they don't check for validity.
Just type in something like dsfgsdf@gsdf.com in the email field and be done with it.

>> No.4873347
File: 142 KB, 432x494, skippys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that' dumb
thread ganker punk bitch

>> No.4873354

directions are or pussys

>> No.4873360

i heated at you about this

the fuck

>> No.4873363
File: 436 KB, 1274x716, skips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clicking random shit was taking to long

just think I'm dumb

>> No.4873364
File: 324 KB, 666x617, 1342132506408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4873366
File: 263 KB, 948x800, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell drugs and beat people up

I'm not that smart

>> No.4873367

None of us are.

>> No.4873369
File: 155 KB, 929x726, 1341625819952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Cambridge tho

and I owe you a shot to the face

>> No.4873371

I'm not gay tho.

>> No.4873374
File: 139 KB, 900x600, 1341626758282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...ima rape you then

>> No.4873376

No 'no'

>> No.4873377
File: 48 KB, 321x717, 1341625508161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my whip so cold heh

ACT like you'll ever be around niggas like me again

>> No.4873379
File: 128 KB, 277x538, jepsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now that I know people's watching heh

bit coins will flow

>> No.4873384
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1326663712481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tamed is simply talking to himself switching back and forth between anon and trip

>> No.4873386

No, it really isn't.

>> No.4873388
File: 228 KB, 644x438, 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they ain't crazy (heh) they don't know how insanity feel

joy st.

mt vernon

louie's back this summer

whats more tripped out is I just might not come back

>> No.4873404


The fuck? Get the fuck out of here, retard scum.

>> No.4873406

You scored 35.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 15.1% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

Only one i did any good on.

>> No.4873419

>8, 37.3%
>20, 17%
>58, 2%
>8, 66.6%
>7, 16.9%
>130, 14%
>182, 5.4%
>7, 47.9%
>23, 46.8%
>5, 50%
>68, 21%
>11, 8.4%

>> No.4873420

night night

>> No.4873456
File: 90 KB, 187x214, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4873526

Everyone here, not everyone in the general population.

>> No.4873569
File: 16 KB, 600x400, 0312-OSING-Trololo_full_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4873632
File: 120 KB, 600x506, 1326296528646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 37.3% of the population

>You scored 25.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 4.3% of the population

>You scored 38.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population

>You scored 10.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 49.1% of the population

>You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population

>You scored 109.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 28.1% of the population

>You scored 169.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 10.2% of the population

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4% of the population

>You scored 32.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 21.3% of the population

>You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population

>You scored 69.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 20.0% of the population

>You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 33.7% of the population

Well that was humbling.

>> No.4873683

That feel when I kicked the shit out of each and one of those tests

>> No.4873790
File: 47 KB, 565x528, 1339385900406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well put this here, too.

Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy: top 16.7%
Verbal Reasoning: 10.3%
Focused Attention: 39.7%
Deductive Reasoning: 66.6%
Working Memory: 41.2%
Mental Rotation: 37.7%
Visual Attention: 2.5%
Verbal Working Memory: 68.0%
Planning: 28.8%
Paired Associates: 69.8%
Visuospatial Processing: 80.0%
Spatial Working Memory: 59.0%

>> No.4873844

Where else did you put it?

>> No.4873850 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1961x2098, EK test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4873852

On /b/, where I was asked to take it.

>> No.4873862

You're retarded.

>> No.4873866
File: 124 KB, 762x800, 1341036835330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because I have the short term memory of a gnat.

>> No.4873871

Link to thread please.

>> No.4873872

Sorry, it's 404'd.

>> No.4873874
File: 289 KB, 1500x1500, 1313803378001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4873876

You posted that already, EK.

>> No.4873877 [DELETED] 

true, but it aint in the thread anymore, so i thought i should re-include it. :)

>> No.4873882 [DELETED] 

erm, no i didnt

>> No.4873881

You said that already, EK.

>> No.4873910

top 62.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
top 17.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
top 21.9% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
17.9% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
top 2.4% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
top 26.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
top 68.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
top 17.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
top 82.1% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

i'm fairly sure the visuospatial processing test is bugged. on multiple occasions, it gave me a pentagon and a triangle, then told me i was wrong when i clicked "mismatch"

>> No.4873956

You scored 11.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 1.5% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
You scored 20.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.

You scored 39.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 18.3% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.

You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 12.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.

You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.

You scored 170.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 2.4% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.

You scored 161.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 14.5% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 14.0% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.

You scored 39.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 9.0% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.

You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.

You scored 36.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 66.4% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.

You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

fzck pexeso and shapes

>> No.4874014

I'm retarded. I scored below the average in like 3 tests. Damn visuospatial tests.

>> No.4874029

I just made it to 27 on the deductive reasoning part. Do you seriously not manage to get on my level?
It's piss easy

>> No.4874062

ranged from top 0.4% to top 2.2% apart from Working Memory which was top 9.5%
feels good

>> No.4874109

Give us the email and password you've used for it so that we may verify this most absurd of claims.

>> No.4874118 [DELETED] 

INB4: "oh sorry, it as something like fjkdsbfkjdsf@fkjdshfksjdf.com, and i cant remember it "

>> No.4874179
File: 12 KB, 900x270, bestof12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best one.

"This places you in the top 9.8% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test."

>so exclusive...

>> No.4874399

Shit's painful

>> No.4874685


>> No.4874695
File: 17 KB, 381x235, 1342321708501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you realize top 10% is merely 1 in 10 people.

>> No.4875056

That's the joke

>> No.4875418

Visuospatial Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 7.5. This places you in the top 16.7% of the population for the 1/12 Visuospatial Working Memory Strategy Test.
Verbal Reasoning: You scored 20.0 on this task. The mean value is 14.0. This places you in the top 17.0% of the population for the 2/12 Verbal Reasoning Test.
Focused Attention: You scored 18.0 on this task. The mean value is 25.0. This places you in the top 67.5% of the population for the 3/12 Focused Attention Test.
Deductive Reasoning: You scored 15.0 on this task. The mean value is 9.9. This places you in the top 12.7% of the population for the 4/12 Deductive Reasoning Test.
Working Memory: You scored 7.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.7. This places you in the top 16.9% of the population for the 5/12 Working Memory Test.
Mental Rotation: You scored 78.0 on this task. The mean value is 85.0. This places you in the top 56.7% of the population for the 6/12 Mental Rotation Test.
Visual Attention: You scored 156.0 on this task. The mean value is 122.0. This places you in the top 17.8% of the population for the 7/12 Visual Attention Test.
Verbal Working Memory: You scored 8.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.9. This places you in the top 28.4% of the population for the 8/12 Verbal Working Memory Test.
Planning: You scored 23.0 on this task. The mean value is 22.0. This places you in the top 46.8% of the population for the 9/12 Planning Test.
Paired Associates: You scored 5.0 on this task. The mean value is 5.0. This places you in the top 50.0% of the population for the 10/12 Paired Associates Test.
Visuospatial Processing: You scored 50.0 on this task. The mean value is 47.0. This places you in the top 45.4% of the population for the 11/12 Visuospatial Processing Test.
Spatial Working Memory: You scored 9.0 on this task. The mean value is 6.7. This places you in the top 22.8% of the population for the 12/12 Spatial Working Memory Test.

>> No.4875570
File: 117 KB, 1280x992, 11. Visualspatial Processing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else have an issue with the red/blue one? I didn't understand it the first time around.

>> No.4875603


I felt like I was learning algrebra for the first time again, but I fell into the rhythm after failing the first 5 or so.

>> No.4876719
File: 55 KB, 983x352, sukii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, average /sci/ result are quite... weak ! I myself got around 10% of pop. everywhere, except 2nd trial which went totally awfull and last trial that Im particularly proud of. In conclusion lot of you suck. Thats sad.

>> No.4876857
