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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4858631 No.4858631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>lower IQ on every part of the planet
>every high black population city has high crime
How are they equal again?

>> No.4858642


>> No.4858648

I am asking on /sci/ for a reason. Everything I have ever read or looked up shows blacks as inferior. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4858674


>implying /sci/ isn't racist either

get the fuck out

>> No.4858677

'inferior' depends on your metric. There is none that does not involve you making a specific choice. The same goes for 'equal', for that matter.

>> No.4858689

And everything I have ever read or looked up shows whites as inferior to asians. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4858693


>> No.4858705

Yes they lack in some cognitive functions and yes their testosterone levels and frontal lobe morphology promotes more short tempered behavior, high sex drive and limited forethought compared to the rest of world's population.

Ofcourse in more developed countries their interbreeding led to more civilized individuals.

>inb4 racism.
Sorry, if reality can't fit in your lego world.

>> No.4858809

OP is a racist, stupid amerifag faggot. They are oppressed people in many nations, it is not innate or genetic, it is environmental. Also you forget African-descended people in Australia. Here, they can be smarter and harder working than many Asians.

>> No.4858813


You prove yourself less than they by the need to feel superior.

Also, IQ is so debunked.

>> No.4858816
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>> No.4858820

black people are inferior and we all hate them
but seriously you probably have something else better to do than whine about it

>> No.4858822

equal rights isn't about science or statistics, it's about justice and morality. Legally they have the same rights regardless of statistical or natural ability, because our constitution declares that all men are created equal (men as in mankind, females and males)

>> No.4858826

/sci/ is the least racist board i've visited on 4chan, not that i've stayed on every board for extended periods of time but yeahhh.

>> No.4858831

Well articulated and salient point, good sir.

>> No.4858833


Seriously, go back to /pol/. It is quite literally the ghetto that we created to keep the undesirables, such as yourself, off of the other boards. A shitty, loud, awful board for all of the teenage racists, fascists, and libertarians to pat themselves on the back all day. Go home.

>> No.4858838

They're better than equal in your mom's butthole every Saturday night.

>> No.4858844
File: 298 KB, 482x347, stupudding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Blackman.

It is now 4am in New Jersey.

>> No.4858856

Hey. Yes, I'm watching The Breakfast Club right now. Sleep can wait

>> No.4858865
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>mfw all the butthurt ITT

its like I'm really on reddit.

>> No.4858874

Closed minded retard.

>> No.4858876


Hahahaha it's ironic because you're calling me a closed minded retard on a post the begins with a discussion of race and intelligence. A good jest, sir.

>> No.4858877

It must be some kind of american lunchbreak, because the retardness on /sci/ is suddenly off the charts.

>> No.4858885

Stop using big words when you don't even know their meaning faggot. Isn't past your bedtime?

>> No.4858892
File: 107 KB, 1176x738, 1339352908169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is Yurop /sci/ it all makes sense now.

>> No.4858895


I'm trying to figure out which words you consider big. Are four syllables all that many?

>> No.4858899
File: 46 KB, 462x350, 1334399891072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy pseudo-intellectual high school kiddy trying to impress a random stranger in the internet.


>> No.4858902

so are you

>> No.4858903


I wouldn't actually want you people to shit up that place, but I certainly don't want you to shit this place with your retarded threads either.

>> No.4858905

All I said was to not judge something before you try it first.

>> No.4858907

Is this personal attack general?
I love personal attack general.
Almost as much as I love KFC.

>> No.4858908

4chan as a whole is a shithole deal with it faggot. If you don't like it you can always go to reddit.

>> No.4858909 [DELETED] 

no it isnt

>> No.4858912

Unbelievable as it may seem to us foreigners, not every USAian is as retarded as you.

People like you just give the whole group a bad rep since you holler out your stupidity for everyone to hear at such volume that you make it seem like everyone over there has joined your braindead choir.

I like US, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Mainly because of people like you.

>> No.4858913


You learn something new every day. When the Americans go to bed and the Europeans start using the boards, normally decent boards like /sci/ become filled with /pol/ rejects.

And somehow it's the Americans' fault even though most of us are asleep.

I am honestly unsure how one impresses another while anonymity exists. And how does a request that someone who doesn't belong here return to a board that is meant for their kind equate to "pseudo-intellectual"-ism? I am dumbstruck.

>> No.4858915

black people are just as capable as any other race given the same upbringing, education and opportunities

>> No.4858916


>> No.4858919

Just being in a shithole is no excuse for being a retarded fuckhead.

If you do it, it's your own shame, not the fault of the place.
There are a few civil boards in 4chan and I'd like /sci/ to again be one of them.

>> No.4858928

ironically enough you're screwing the board up by posting in this shit thread.

as am I.

if it's worth saging it's worth ignoring.

>> No.4858929

The irony is that there is lots of scholarships, and financial help SPECIFICALLY designed for minorities, and yet just a small percentage of them choose to go that path.

>> No.4858936
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>> No.4858941

It is important to remember that there are two types of 'blacks'. The south African, whom you know of very well and base your stereotypes from.
Then there is the Berber/Maghrebi. These blacks assimilated with the Arabs, some say were part of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation too. These blacks are the smart intelligent blacks you see today. Their origin go as far south as northern Nigeria, but no further. The Moors who 'befriended' the Arabs conquered Spain and held it for hundreds of years. They laid the stones for the mighty Spanish Empire, remember that the Spanish Empire was the most powerful Empire the world had seen at the time except the Mongol's.

>> No.4858946
File: 222 KB, 440x922, 121910_ss001c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a little reminder that Asians are the Master Race and that niggers, round eyes, spics, sand niggers are all inferior

>> No.4858947
File: 2.21 MB, 1562x4023, ethnics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4858960
File: 35 KB, 510x680, thomas-sowell---black-rednecks-and-white-liberals-710846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're acting white.

>> No.4858961

That image is cherrypicking. Revise further, fellow Asian.

Indians not God tier? In what world...?
Indians + Chinese created the world. The Mediterranean stuff with the Greeks and the Arabs was nothing compared to the accomplishments achieved by Indians.

>> No.4858964

In addition, note that the North and East Africans who had sided with the Arabs weren't *effectively* colonised by any Western European power while the South/West African was and they were enslaved.

>> No.4858983

No. From personnal studies and experience i can asure you this is wrong. And why i have become extreemly more racist in the past 2 years. For THIS exact reason.

>> No.4858999
File: 30 KB, 445x638, 1341442143571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>West Europeans
>Culture 10/10

>> No.4859000

Only the top cities get to test in China. So their numbers are artificial. The other asian countries are right in their number

>> No.4859001

>physical make up of asian/white
I take it you're europoor?

>> No.4859007

>South Europeans in Great Tier
>East Europeans not in God Tier
>Mesopotamians still existing
>Arabs not in Shit Tier
>North Europeans nowhere in sight

>> No.4859011

Arabs are far better than Europeans. Remember the Islamic Golden Age.

We have much to thank those desert dwellers for.

>> No.4859017

>regard everything related to psychology as pseudoscience
>except IQ

never change /sci/

>> No.4859019
File: 34 KB, 248x252, 1273299130333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists within the Islamic civilization were of diverse ethnicities. Most were Persians,[3][4][5][6] Arabs,[5] Moors, Assyrians, and Egyptians. They were also from diverse religious backgrounds. Most were Muslims,[7][8][9] but there were also some Christians,[10] Jews[10][11] and irreligious.[12][13]

I thought we were judging people on their current status, not their status hundreds of years ago. If that were the case Native Americans would be in a much higher tier.

>> No.4859021

Then what the fuck are the Aryans doing up there then? The Persian Empire does not exist.
Also, the Greco Romans. They're irrelevant in today's world.

That image is trying to portray a collective I believe, although it includes 'culture' and 'appearance' which are FULLY irrelevant on /sci/.

>> No.4859026

I am from Spain, and I am completely agree with you. My country can´t be in the God tier, but I think it is good.
Except for the gypsies.
I am studying for computer engineer, and my family is quite poor, so we leave in a gypsy street.
Man, they are the worse thing in the world. They tried to beat me and my family, they are always making noises...I HATE THEM.
I am not racist but...Are they all the same in the world?

>> No.4859036

They are not the same at every parts of the world, but most of them are like that I think.

>> No.4859038
File: 18 KB, 452x363, 1341860211827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any person that can explain why they don´t study?
I know 40 or more, they didn´t finish school.

>> No.4859040

A cultural thing I think. It's more useful to moonlight for work if you're a man, and to be fertile if you're a woman. It's quite cute, they live the atavistic dream. Most humans can only imagine being so simple.

>> No.4859149


the islamic golden age consisted almost completely of them copying greek textbooks.

>> No.4859165


are you implying they should have figured everything out independently?

>> No.4859178
File: 25 KB, 396x385, 1307980196001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism threads on /sci/ daily

>> No.4859191
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>> No.4859244
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Plus ancient indians were white.

>> No.4859247


We did it.So why the fuck not?

>> No.4859258

This kind of thread is pointless, it's not something that you can prove 100%, it's about the belief of people, if you can change the belief of a person easily, that person is a robot.

>> No.4859301

>Plus ancient indians were white.