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4847537 No.4847537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What causes laziness?

>> No.4847554
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free will

>> No.4847571
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your personal education.

>> No.4847578

Personality and what motivates you.

>> No.4847580

Its actually been shown that intelligent people are more lazy than dumb people.

>> No.4847576

Lack of self motivation or energy

>> No.4847583

thats the definition of laziness. not the cause.

>> No.4847586
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A better question is why humans do anything when they`re not cold or hungry.

>> No.4847587

Dopamine depletion

>> No.4847588

The lack of impending necessity.

>> No.4847590

social illusions
go check out Fiji, Thailand, Jamaica etc

>> No.4847593

there are plenty of non-educated people that are hard working

I'm pretty sure lazy people eat food, else they would be dead people.

correlation != causation

too vague

>> No.4847599

>there are plenty of non-educated people that are hard working

Learning to get motivated is a skill you learn. Regardless of formal schooling.

>> No.4847595
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>> No.4847601

Its some of the cause. There are several causes and everybody is different. The fact that you think that every lazy person is like that because of the same cause is laziness.

>> No.4847604

>doesn't know about the laziness gene

>> No.4847605

so its a skill not education, so how come some people become lazy in mid years? what drove them to work till mid years? did they forget their skill? is it a memory issue?

>> No.4847620

Motivation is more of an emotional skill, like not letting an asshole dampen your spirits.

As you get older, life often brings you down. Some can resist it, others cannot.

>> No.4847621

so magic?

>> No.4847637

No. For instance, finding time to study is easier if you are either passionate about to the material, or more likely wanted the end result bad enough.

>> No.4847650

It's all some sort of compensation. We are far from living things for what they are, we live in a world in which we are constantly trading values. Like work for money, money for something, something for well-being. It's a much longer route than, say, running to get yourself food so you can eat and be happy.

This compensation is what drives our modern anxieties, our laziness, our complications. You think about work and you realize that all of our work is based on the idea that it will, in the future, grant us some reward. But it's not imediate and, sometimes, it doesn't live up to our expectations. We get confuse on what is worth working for and what is not, we have to trust too much on others as well as in our future self, so we procrastinate.

While in nature you are either busy eating/fucking/doing your stuff or saving your energies, in modern society we don't need to save our energies like that. So doing nothing translates to the world into laziness, that's another way of seeing it.

But in case you are asking just to overcome laziness, I'd say you asked the wrong questions. It's not what causes laziness that counts, but what laziness will cause for us in the future.

>> No.4847659
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Are you a Guru?

>> No.4847672

It's just how the universe works. See Law of Inertia.

>> No.4847680

law of inertia is a very lose law. there are no particles in the universe that is at rest. all particles are moving/changing

>> No.4847681
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I'm a dog, actually. A specialist.

>> No.4847682

A better question qould be "why do people DO things?"

Also, my personal reasons:

- The candidate actions woudln't lead to any gain

- The candidate action would cause cognitive dissonance(like , even being well paid, being forced to do something of no value or with a very stupid method, or noticing that most of the work could have been extremely simplified if your predecessors had thought a little bit more, or having to learn from textbooks that are filled with useless information and you have to mine it, lake few usefull lines per page )

- Hypothyroidism

- Decision paralysis(you're with many alternatives and afraid to pick the wrong one, then you prefer to run from the problem)

- Fear of confusion - Its the same as dissonance, the mental equivalent of physical pain is confusion, and to solve problems and learn things you get confused.

- Lack of perspective: While you're still able to accomplish good things, ofr some reason you feel your early years were wasted(eg. like for studying on a bad fundamental or high school, or having chosen the wrong major). Its like you were on a rally and got the wrong way, you can still get a "reasonable" position but you get kind of pissed and decide to abandon .

>> No.4847688

>Decision paralysis
>cognitive dissonance
>lack of perspective
rings too true

>> No.4848458

this is good, cheers
I suffer from decision paralysis. always over thinking everything.

>> No.4848482
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Patience is also a factor.

>> No.4848485

too much patience?