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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4845201 No.4845201 [Reply] [Original]


So what are we going to do now that is has been proven that the darker a race's skin is, the lower its average IQ and thus its human worth?
Are we going to pretend nothing ever happened and continue to encourage third world population growth and immigration? Are we going to go as far as to claim IQ is meaningless and there is no quantifiable property by which a human's cognitive ablilities can be measured?

Of course we all know what the world would direly need, namely drastic global eugenics, isn't going to happen. So, will we just move on in a closed-eyed stupor of tolerance and diversity or will anything change for the better?

>> No.4845208

whats does immigration have to do with races being different? are you another /pol/ renegade willing to make the economy resent because you dont like brown people?

>> No.4845217

White master race reporting in

>> No.4845214

Large-scale third world immigration decreases the average IQ of western populations.

>> No.4845224

>proven that the darker a race's skin is, the lower its average IQ and thus its human worth?


>> No.4845228

We brush it under the carpet, and pretend IQ is completely irrelevant and not a measure of intelligence, and yet somehow at the same time influenced by socio economic factors.

>namely drastic global eugenics, isn't going to happen.
Don't count on it. 7 billion people all packed in tightly, air travel to spread an epidemic. We're at the limit of what the planet can support. All it would take is Swine or Avian flu or some other disease to crawl out of the woodwork that our body is unprepared for, and mass pandemic time.

We're overdue for a natural disaster of some sort. Pandemic looking most likely.

>> No.4845232

True, the earth is not sustainable with the current population for very long. It's only a matter of time before a large percentage of us are wiped out.

>> No.4845257


>wanting a homogenous society

you want to become like Japan?

>> No.4845262

What does one have to do with the other?

>> No.4845280

ITT: "scientific" whites who barely understand correlation fallacy in statistics. Read and learn mongoloids: http://www.skepdic.com/iqrace.html

>> No.4845287

My acute frustration detector is tingling.

>> No.4845301

>uses monogoloid as insult
>insults people for discussing scientific findings he doesn't like

>> No.4845304


>darker the skin

clearly never heard of indian/asian people

>> No.4845335

The average Indian, Filipino or whatever isn't smart, not even average by Europid standards. The odd Indian IT whiz you see doesn't account for the majority of the population.

>> No.4845353

if whites are the superior race why:

- are the united states and europe so far behind in math and science test scores?
- is the white birth rate declining, but nearly everyone else's accelerating? the success of a species depends on its propagation through time. i guess whites are just too dumb to understand basic biology
- why is china getting so powerful and rich, while american and the us are in decline?

i could go on

>> No.4845362

I couldn't explain it to you, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.4845367
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>defining a race's intellectual capacity based not on their geniuses, but their average population
Well, I have some disappointing news for white people then

>> No.4845381

>still using "white" as a broad generalization
>still using "race"

ITT retards, use CULTURE to differentiate groups of people, not outdated shit like race

>> No.4845390

>defining a race's intellectual capacity based not on their geniuses
Well, nobody does that, but if you want to try, I can assure you you will find more white than brown geniuses having made documented contributions to scientific advancement.
Also, a single picture is hardly any evidence for anything.

>> No.4845415

Well, think about it this way, would the world be a better place without Morgan Freeman? I think not

I think soon(ok, fifty years or so) we will be able to give the genes for intelligence to all children, why not just wait for that?

>> No.4845425
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If geniuses exist for all races, then you know what all races are capable of.

>> No.4845429

Why can't we all work together using the strengths we inherited OP?

>> No.4845435

What I know is that IQ is gauss distributed for all races. It's the average majority of the race that determines what it's capable of.

>> No.4845444

Can't we just genocide all these /new/faggots?
Stop them from shitposting threads like these?

>> No.4845446

Who gives a fuck what a particular race or group is capable of?
Judge people on their individual merits, not what arbitrarily decided group they "belong" to.
We can admit that blacks on average have lower IQ, but that shouldn't have effect on our social policies - we should still look at every individual to see if they are fit for a particular job, position, etc.

>> No.4845450
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pic unrelated.
The problem will never be solved, but its not really a problem. Eugenics is an ok idea that is unimplementable. Besides, we will never touch the stars relying on millennia old techniques of animal husbandry. There are none now living that are fit to inherit this earth. The genes that govern intelligence will be discovered, in our life times. And we will make better men. The gap between rich and poor will become unbridgeable. No more silver spoons and tutors. It will be bone deep. If you care about the future, and your children's future. The only thing you can do is get as rich as you can, as fast as you can. So that when the gates spring up, you'll be on the right side of history. When the red queen smiles.

>> No.4845454

Reported for tiresome, repetitive racist bullshit.

/b/ is thataway -->

>> No.4845455

So fucking sick of moronic newfags posting racist fucking stupid threads. Race and intelligence don't correlate. Bigoted scientists will use bullshit biased "evidence" to suggest there may be, and faggots like you buy it.
Anyone of any race can be a genius, or "smart". And there are many ways in which intelligence manifests.

>> No.4845459

What I don't get is how the same people who hate blacks also hate affirmative action.

If you want there to be less black people shouldn't you support affirmative action? Getting more black people into school will result in them having less kids, = scientifically proven fact.

Getting black people a job will result in them having less time to commit crime/mate = scientifically proven fact.

If your goal is to have the inferior races to breed less you should just give them all of the education.The more education = less babies.

>> No.4845460

I would be fine with that if low average intelligence weren't, as it apparently is, correlated with more pronounced tendencies towards violent, criminal behavior. Nobody has the time to judge everyone individually, especially not countries dealing with immigrants.

>> No.4845467

This is so fucking true, OP is a moron.

>> No.4845478

Look on OP and despair. He wishes it was the days when all you had to be was a white male and you were entitled to an easy life. Now that things are more equal he can't compete. He isn't part of a special group anymore, he's just a pathetic hillbilly with no redeeming qualities. To bad Fox news sold him the lie that being a white male was still special. You're useless relic OP, shut up and die.

>> No.4845476

Then we're back to every race's average IQ's being terribly poor

>> No.4845486

But there are significant differences.

>> No.4845490

That's true, white nations are falling behind

>> No.4845489
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>> No.4845491

Due to immigrants from countries that are and always were at the bottom.

>> No.4845494
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Oh, look at the top nations based on average IQ then.

>> No.4845495

>low average intelligence weren't, as it apparently is, correlated with more pronounced tendencies towards violent, criminal behavior.
Big [citation needed] on that.
I would agree that low empathy and emotion "EQ" could lead to that, but I see no correlation between being smart and being more empathic.

>> No.4845492


But at the same time blacks are being favored into some institutions not because their personal achievements but because their skin color.

>> No.4845497

Hint: the lurking variable is poverty.

Hint (bonus): don't ever take statistics, you will fail.

>> No.4845503

Yeah I agree, pretty much the entire dark-skinned southern hemisphere is dysfunctional, corrupt, impoverished etc. and I know history well enough to ignore the stupid claims that it's all due to colonialism.

People are not created equal, period. Just like within your own high-school classroom there are individuals of greater intellectual capacity, this extends to human sub-groups.

>> No.4845504

That feel when I just want humanity to continue to thrive and develop in the future. That feel when with blacks this won't be possible.


>> No.4845505

What is the cause of the mutherfucking poverty?

I mean, all hominids hailed from Africa, right? So they all started equal. But the outcome is the way we see it today, after thousands of years of evolution. Some evolved, some didn't. Clear as day.

>> No.4845512


Holy shit /sci/ I thought you were better than this.

>> No.4845516

I'm truly sorry if I offended you by not agreeing with you.

>> No.4845519

We need a real scientific experiment here that is clean of all variables, such as wealth, culture, nationality, etc

We take a child of every race, place them into their own separate white rooms with no stimulation. When they turn 18 they'll see the outside of their white room for the first time. Then we give them all an IQ test and see how they perform.


>> No.4845524

>What is the cause of the mutherfucking poverty?
People being exploited by others is probably the leading cause, but its an extremely complex and intricate system.

>> No.4845531


Lul, go fuck your cousin you imbred hick.

>> No.4845540

>human worth
Stop throwing words together without thinking.

>> No.4845541


Please stop responding to /pol/ posts.
It gets you know where and only increase the retards ego when you don't answer their questions correctly.

This is /pol/, they think autism AND neanderthal blood is a good thing.
Just ignore them.

>> No.4845542


>> No.4845545
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And blacks are stupid because this IQ test says so. This IQ test also says asians are smartest of all, but you know, uh.. creativity.. YES! they're intelligent but not creative.

>> No.4845555

What about Indians? They're pretty dark skinned and consistently rape academically.

>> No.4845560

Question: Who cares?

>> No.4845566

Personally I'm fine with East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews being smarter than Whites. We should promote truth instead of racism. Sadly, brown and black people lose in this game as well. I'd love for everybody to get along, reality just doesn't allow it.

>> No.4845568
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>captcha: anger caps

>> No.4845575

People with no achievements in their life besides being white, so they brag about it on the internet and complain when another race does something better than them because they are white.

Oh and they are pissed because jews want to "wipe" them out and are using multiculturism to do it.

But like I said being white is their only "achievement" and besides that they are just cowards that complain on the internet.

>> No.4845589

>Not realizing racism is a primitive vestige from our days as a tribal species.
>Not realizing that within a few centuries 'pure' races will cease to exist.

>> No.4845637

What? The earth just knows 'oh shit, 7 billion better release a virus'?

>> No.4845672


The rich and the powerful will always pacify the inferior and make them their slaves.

Look at how the white man keeps the mentally ill, depressed, black, and fat people working for him.

>> No.4845677


Indians had a great culture
Then it went 3rd world

>> No.4845687

Salman Khan!

>> No.4845686

Superior? Depends on the situation
Different race traits? Definitely

>> No.4845691

you do realize that, by your definition of superior, asians are better than your white ass, right?
if you're up for eugenics, you better be ready to put your own head on the chopping block

and yes, you are white

>> No.4845696
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Oh yes, they had Shaktimaan.

>> No.4845700

We need to take standard deviations in IQ into account.

IQ is based on both nurture and nature, but mostly nurture.

else.if avg IQ = 85

IQ = 140 is 1 in x

Continue the chart for AVG 100, 105, and 115. (Whites, Asians, Jews)

Jews are the most accomplished race, scientifically. Nearly all great scientists and mathematicians had some European Jewish background.

>> No.4845702

>Then it went 3rd world

All by itself, spontaneously, right? It had nothing to do with Imperialism stifling learning and turning the economy into a commodities based one.

>> No.4845708

And there's this kid and his sister. I love seeing prodigies, no matter what background they're from


>> No.4845706

i rather liked this show when it was primarily physics. a little on the simple side but still informative. i mean, it actually showed an equation on the screen once! that's a lot of brownie points for a science show.
now it's these weird pseudo-philosophical romps.

>> No.4845711

poor india got hit rather hard by the british, and never managed to recover

>> No.4845712

>All by itself, spontaneously, right?
>It had nothing to do with Imperialism stifling learning
Huehuehue. That's what Brahmins were doing. The only time India had seen greater social values was during Buddhist empires.

>> No.4845720
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>> No.4845731

Higgs Boson

Higgs was British. Bose was Indian

>> No.4845728

not seen many eskimos win nobel prizes

>> No.4845737


>> No.4845750
File: 108 KB, 400x529, SatyenBose1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Bose was way smarter

>> No.4845773

Fuck I hate how a faggy old white dude got the credit instead of the guy who theorized it

>> No.4845777

Not likely, racism may be a vestige, but culture can only do so much to repress it.
Christiannity never managed to eradicate adultery, for example.

>> No.4845779

Bose didn't theorize the Higgs. Higgs isn't the only Boson, there are plenty more. Bose and Einstein did work on Bosons' statistical mechanics. For some reason they are not called Einsteinons.

>> No.4845837

/sci/ - thinly veiled racism

>> No.4845840

/sci/ - Where /pol/ goes to show off retardation.

>> No.4845847

if you're going to be racist, dont be exclusive, asians are superior intelligence wise

>> No.4846135

Quality over Quantaty