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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4834542 No.4834542 [Reply] [Original]

Courses you intend to take in the upcoming academic year thread?
Courses you intend to take in the upcoming academic year thread.

Computer Science I
Set Theory
Mathematical Statistics III (using khuri)
Regression Analysis
Mathematical Finance I

Computer Science II
Elementary Topology
Game Theory (econ)
Mathematical Finance II
Mathematical Statistics IV

>> No.4834569

By Differential Topology I mean Algebraic Topology

>> No.4834563

Advanced ODE's
Differential Topology
maybe some others
Biological algorithms
Combinatorial Game theory
Real Analysis 2
*maybe* Differential Geometry
I'm only 2 classes away from my degree so maybe I should drop some of these and save the money for grad school. Also I'm super jelly that your school offers a course in Set Theory.

>> No.4834643


Set theory is a prereq for topology where I go...

Taking a fifth year. Some administration issues came up, but looks like i'm going to be graduating with an extra 27 credits... Will use the year to do my advanced microeconomics, econometrics, honors RA 1 and 2 (already did regular stream), maybe some further computers, maybe some abstract algebra, maybe some further stats... Throw a soft option in there like philosophy... And there's my degree..

(wanting to to grad school economics)

>> No.4834684

We have a short intro to mathematical logic that's a prereq for every pure math class but that's it. In topology we briefly discuss the axiom of choice. Really there is not much focus on mathematical logic and set theory at all in my university which is a shame because they're what I'm most interest in. Operator theory is big here which is kinda cool I guess. You're taking some pretty hefty math for an econ major, set theory and topology that is.

>> No.4837253

Graduate Electricity and Magnetism I
Honors Real Analysis I
Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis
Robotics and Computer Vision
Parallel and Distributed Programming
Advance Japanese I
Japanese Culture I
(Linear Algebra II)

Capstone Design in Computers
History of Mathematics (or some homo Computers and Society course for a writing requirement)
Cryptography and/or Computer Security
Solid State Physics
Graduate "Design and Analysis of Data Structures and Algorithms" or "Formal Languages and Automata"
Advanced Japanese II
Japanese Culture II
(Digital Signal Processing)

>> No.4837289

Linear Algebra (full-year)
Differential Equations
Advanced Calculus
Statistics and Probability I

Linear Algebra (full-year)
Rings and Fields
Intro to Real Analysis
Statistics and Probability II

Plus two random online courses

>> No.4837290

>Enhanced Orgo 1
>Calc 2
>Bio 2 + lab
>Chem 2 lab

>Calc 3
>Enhanced Orgo 2 + lab
>Intro to Neuroscience

>Diffy Q

>> No.4837339

Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

And stuff on protein folding, gene regulation, etc. I forgot the specifics.

>> No.4837348

OP, what is your major?

>> No.4837353

Major: Mathematics
School: NC State University

Calculus 3
Cultural Anthropology
Chemistry (Molecular)
Chemistry Lab
Freshman English
Seminar Class for Department
Seminar Class for Scholars Program

>> No.4837646


>> No.4837667

Algorithms, second course (complexity etc)
Algebra, second course (advanced groups, rings and modules)
Stochastic processes
Mathematical methods in image analysis
Projective Geometry

I think that is it. Comp Eng specializing in applied maths.

>> No.4837662


Game Theory
International Monetary Economics
Calc 3
Mathematical Structures

>> No.4837716

Mechanical engineer here. I only have a few ME classes left, so I'm mostly working on my physics minor.

ME 444 Advanced Power Generation
ME 497 Senior Design
PH 320 Symmetries
PH 421 Oscillations
PH 422 Static Vector Fields
MTH 481 Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

>> No.4837827

undergrad tier

vector calculus 2
quantum mechanics 1
thermodynamics and statistical physics
intermediate mechanics
writing and the research process

>> No.4837854

-numerical methods in mechanical engineering
-mechanisms and dynamics/machinery
-applied stress analysis 1
-computer aided design
-physics 3

-senior design
-experimental methods in mechanical engineering
-manufacturing process principles
-technical elective which i didn't decide on yet

should be my last year as long as my schedule doesn't clash or other shit doesn't pop up.

>> No.4837920

We meet again, economist.

Modern and Contemporary History
Japanese, probably.

Calculus II
Management Accounting
Ethics and Social Responsibility / Critical Thinking
Japanese, probably.

>> No.4839084

Multilinear Algebra
Probability theory
Mathematical Analysis
Vector Calculus
Partial Differential Equations

Complex Analysis
Electromagnetic Theory
Classical Mechanics
Special Functions
Mathematical statistics
Modern Physics.

>> No.4839106

CS 2603 - Applied Logic for Hardware and Software
CS 2313 - Java II
GERM 1225 - Beginning German Continued
Math 2423 - Calc II

Easy classes are easy

>> No.4839115


Oh, yeah, forgot to add that I'll attend to Topology I and Diff. Geometry as an auditor

>> No.4839138

>Not taking vector calculus before PDE, Analysis, Probability, EM

bullshit or retarded watered down courses everywhere

>> No.4839159

hard science courses have been dumb down in recent years. Most of these guys are not taking the proper path of what classes they're suppose to take. Also Learning a language in school is retarded and a waste of time. In one year by conversing with people of that language, or going to that country itself will make you more fluent then studying that said language in 3 years in school.

>> No.4839176

Genetics w/ lab
Molecular Techniques Lab
Advanced Cell Biology
Human Cell Physiology I
Introduction to Endocrinology
New Testament

Senior Project
Biometry w/ lab
Symbolic Logic
Western Civilization I

>> No.4839191


Calculus 7
Super Algebra
Accelerated intro and conclusion to automata theory for geniuses
Theoretical Theoretical Physics


Semester abroad studying at Europa university.

>> No.4839219

Calculus for nonscience majors (ubuttmad)
Comp. Info systems

Managerial Accounting
Business Law
Chemistry w/lab

Accounting major

>> No.4839221

>muh physics

Advanced Differential Equations (maths elective)
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Cosmology (qualitative filler)
Final year project (with any luck, on stochastic perturbation theory)
Final year synoptic exam
Gravitational Waves (maths elective)
Particle Physics (intro to gauge theories)

kinda stoked. third year had too much handwaving.

>> No.4839236

Particle Physics
Intro to Numerical Analysis
A shitty Gen Ed writing class

>> No.4839256

Programing II
Set Theory
Physics II
Calculus II
History of Science

>> No.4839316

Neuroscience Ph.D student, first year. dunno yet, fall is probably something like

Principles of Neuroscience
some electrophysiology lab rotation

starting in a monkey lab on Monday, though. :3

>> No.4839340

System Design
Introduction To System Controls
Intermediate Dynamics
Mechanical Vibrations

Design Synthesis
Intro To Robotics
Diversity Class (haven't picked yet)
Online State Constitution Course

>> No.4839357

PhD student, I don't need no stinking courses.

>> No.4839364

general topology
data structures
cellular and molecular biology
english D:
philosophy of religion

number theory
bullshit GE classes

I'm a math major in my 4th year at a community college, and I've already completed all the math and physics and most of the computer science they offer. The math classes I have hear are independent study. I've already done group theory and basic complex analysis through independent study. Not getting accepted sucks.

>> No.4839378

Quantum Mech I
Astrophysics I
Statistical Physics

Quantum Mech II
Astrophysics II
Advanced Lab

This year is going to suck balls.

>> No.4839379
File: 34 KB, 821x579, schedule fall 12v4 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fall schedule.

>> No.4839384

I'm jelly


>> No.4839391

>6hr lab

Holy shit, that is brutal.

Is it like that all semester? I've been to 3 different schools, and all 3 had 4 hour labs, tops.

>> No.4839396

Undergrad Physics Project (probably about Solar Radiation)
Fluid Dynamics
Electromagnetic Theory and Applications

Introduction to Statistics
Optics and Astronomy
Modern Physics II

>> No.4839402

Stony brook represent.

>> No.4839406


It is all semester. And there are three of them I have to do. This is the second.

The 3/4 hour labs you saw, were they chem labs? Chem labs generally are the longest.

>> No.4839410


Oh hey, someone else. I'm Chem (as you can probably tell from the schedule) double major with Applied Math.

>> No.4839412

Good choices! Way better than the degree I graduated with.

Where are you going after undergrad? Are you doing any research?

>> No.4839430


I don't think my prospects are very good for grad school... my GPA is like 2.8. I was having a lot of trouble my first year because it's the first time I was living away and stuff (my GPA if you only count my second and third year is probably like 3.1 or so)

I'm hoping to do research in the spring. I'm going into my 4th of 5 years so I really should start doing something like that.

>> No.4839452

It isn't too hard to get research as long as you're interested and motivated. Trust me, I was one of 2012's researchers of the month. ;)


^ that's a list of all chemistry faculty members and the research they do. If you're interested in any professor's research, send them an email asking if they're interested in research assistants in the fall. That's really all you can do.

Also, if Ph.D is your goal, get your GPA as high as you can and go into a non-terminal master's program for a year then apply. Plenty of people do that.

>> No.4839462

Yeah, Chem labs.

I've been to University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and Eastern Kentucky University, and all 3 had 4-hour Chem labs, except for Bio-chem, which was only 3hours for some reason.

>> No.4839466

I graduated with a 3.3gpa, and two years of research, and got accepted to 6 out of 7 schools I applied to.

Graduate school for STEM students is pretty easy to get into.

>> No.4839486


Yeah I'm definitely going to try and do research in the spring.
I wouldn't really say PhD is my goal... I don't really have a goal. I dunno. I wish I knew what I wanted to do.

Maybe Stony Brook is just more rigorous (or more stupid) then. Gen Chem 1/2 lab are only 3 hours, but almost all the upper level chem labs are roughly between 300 and 400 minutes. (and yet they're all two fucking credits)

There's a real big difference between 3.3 and 2.8 though. 3 is the magic number

>> No.4839503

Wow, there are so many math/biology and math/chemistry majors on /sci/ who actually understand mathematics. There are some interesting fields in those subjects that people never talk about (most people work in traditional physics or engineering fields). Where are you guys? We should form an online group or contact list so we can keep tabs on our subjects.

>> No.4839505

>two credits

Ours were only 1 credit.

>> No.4839513

>form an online group

Where do you think you are? /sci/ is the online group for math/<insert science> autists.

>> No.4839544

>a hard science

When has there ever been a (good) thread about mathematical biology? Hell, besides within academic circles, where do people even talk about it on the internet?

>> No.4839567

Maybe because jobs for it are kind of rare, so alot of people gave up on it.

>dat feel when painful job search

>> No.4839571

Well, more like disappointing job search*

>> No.4839579

Major: Math and Physics

Differential Equations I
Linear Algebra I
Fundamentals of Astrophysics
Experimental Astronomy
Hip Hop Music and Culture (because why not?)
Tennessee History (my last gen ed! :D)

Calculus 3
Calc-based Physics 2

Undecided on the rest of spring so far.

>> No.4839580

I've tried to start/participate in a few such threads. Most of the time it gets invaded by physics undergrads who claim that the math isn't difficult enough, and that it is therefore invalidated despite its predictive power.

>> No.4839606

This summer:

Differential Equations
Independent study, heterogeneous beliefs in asset pricing and corporate finance
computer science 1
financial accounting 1

Elementary statistical theory (full year)
Probablity, distribution theory and inference (full year)
Further mathematical methods, calculus ( i may change this as I already took vector cal)
real analysis

stochastic processes/survival models
further mathematical methods, linear algebra

>> No.4839657

Physics and Astronomy 4th year.

Atomic Systems
Solid State Physics
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Mathematical Methods 2

Instruments in Radio and Optical Astronomy
Astronomical Data Analysis
Pulsars and Supernovae

>> No.4839662

Quantum English Literature Theory
Microbiological Classical Music
Homeopathy II
Intermediate Algebra

>> No.4839665
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Summer Semester (Already done with):
Western Civilization I
Intro to Psychology

Fall Semester:

Intro to Engineering
Calculus I
Composition I
Computer Science I
Technology and Society

Spring Semester:
Intro to Electrical Engineering
Calculus II
Computer Science II
Fundamentals of Speech
Physics I

15 credit hours and 16 credit hours respectively. Dat getting all of your social science bullshit classes out of the way before starting college feeling. Reps to whoever can guess my major/minor combination, by the way

>> No.4839678

Abstract Algebra
Real Analysis
Mathematical Logic
Spanish II
Linguistics: Language and Human Mind

Spanish II
Complex Analysis

done wit degree bitchesss

>> No.4839692

>Spanish II both semesters

the fuck?

>> No.4839696

Spanish II means second year spanish.

>> No.4839744

Physical Chem A
Synthetic Organic Synthesis
Methods in Mathematics (Intro to ODE's and such)
Conflict and Conflict resolution (one of my two remaining GE's)

Physical Chem B
Intro to forensic anthropology (last GE)
Research Credit with my lab to round out the semester (Just been working in the lab as a volunteer so far cause I missed the add date)

>> No.4839755

>mfw southern hemisphere

Spring (august)
Differential equations
Programming I (basic stuff in Linux, LaTeX and some python)
Physics lab III

Spring (march 2013)
Mathematical methods for physicists I
Differential geometry
Programming II (C++)
Physics lab IV

>> No.4839761

Intro to Advanced Math
Probability Theory
Science/social science electives

Number Theory
Honors Topics in Math
A GenEd

>> No.4839771

itt: all dem freshman/sophomores

no wonder why /sci/ is such shit.

>> No.4839785

Did you even read the thread? There's a handful of them at most.

>> No.4839794

Calculus I and II
Linear Algebra
Intro to Mathematical Reasoning
Intro to Chemistry I and II
Intro to Biology

>> No.4839810
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>almost everyone taking calc 1, 2, or 3
>handful of them at most.

>> No.4839835

We have winter/spring terms in Ireland:

Classic Mech. and Relativity
Quantum Mech II
Stellar Astrophysics
Thermodynamics II
Astrophysics Labs

Electromagnetism III
Nuclear Physics
Astrophysics Labs

Have a few option in my second term, I might do some number theory, any recommendations sci?

>> No.4839833

Now that I went back through the thread, I guess you were right after all. Fuck.

>> No.4839848




Bacterial Genetics
Atmospheric Sciences
More microbio Lab


Applied Stats
Microbiol Ecology
Bacterial Physiology/Metabolism
Quantitative Analysis

And working in a viral ecology lab 15-25 hours a week.

>> No.4839849
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filename is full of wat

>> No.4839852


>> No.4839853

Information Systems II
Management Systems
Functional Programming (yeah it's optional, yeah I know)
Compression and data encoding

>> No.4839855



>> No.4839858

>And working in a viral ecology lab 15-25 hours a week.
Sigh, I wish I got a research spot, but I never got one, or any internships.

>> No.4839862

What are you looking at? How many PIs have you talked to?

>> No.4839864

It's my last year and all I see are labs that want sophomores/juniors.

>> No.4839924

yall niggas making me feel like a loser, should quit being a bum and sign up for school

>> No.4840420

Classical Physics I and the corresponding lab course
Calculus C
News Literacy (undergrad DEC requirement bullshit)
Writing Composition 102 (undergrad DEC requirement bullshit)
Introduction to University (required course)

fuck the DEC

>> No.4841048
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Sophomore Fall
Intro to Japanese
Number Theory
Probability Models

Sophomore Spring
Intro to Japanese
Applied Mathematics
Real Analysis
Quantum Mechanics

That should complete my physics minor. Learned in freshman year that physics isn't really for me when I took a research based class replicating a bunch of experiences in the past. Hopping off to math now.

And geez, some of the schedules in this thread terrify me. How can one person cram so much in a semester

>> No.4841050 [DELETED] 

988:310 South Asian Feminism
988:312* African Feminism
988:317* Gender and Consumption
988:318 The Gendered Body
988:321 Queer Contexts: Same Sex Desire, Culture & Representations
988:329* Race, Gender, Nation
988:330 Memoir & Autobiography
988:331 Theorizing Gender and Sexuality
988:332 The Color of AIDS: The Politics of Race During the AIDS Crisis
988:333 Power, Subjectivity & Resistance in US & Globally
988:341* Gender & Popular Culture
988:350 Gender & Spirituality
988:368 Gender, Race Subjectivity
988:369 Feminism, Space & Visuality
988:371 Women & Social Movements to 1945
988:372 Women & Social Movements since 1945
988:387 Feminism, Signs & Representation
988:392 Thinking Bodies
988:398 Freud & Feminism
988:405* Gender & Human Rights
988:406 Women, Work & Social Change

>> No.4841062

Quantum physics
Discrete mathematics

Electrooptics and lasers
Computational physics
Solid state physics

>> No.4841063


My fucking sides

>> No.4841109

Year Long:

The Quantum World
Thermal Physics
Classical FIelds
Wave Phenomena

Autumn optionals:

Principals of Dynamics (More indepth Classical Mechanics basically)
Structure of Stars

Spring optionals:

Symmetry and Action Principles in Physics (part 2 of the above)
Structure of Galaxies.

We don't have standardised 'classes' in the UK, but those are my module titles.

>> No.4841136

what's that Mathematical Structures course about?

The Science of Programming (i.e. intro to Java)
Economics of Contracts, Organizations and Markets
Modern Value Theory I
Introduction to Financial Mathematics
Introduction to Statistical Software I/II

spring semester is up in the air, but will definitely include Intro to Stochastic Processes and Intro to Mathematical Statistics

>> No.4841165

Seeing as this thread is full of freshmen anyways...

1st Sem
World History
World Lit
Intro to Logic
Calgeb and Trig
Intro to Geodesy
PE 1 (haha)

2nd Sem
Geol 11
Chem 16
Math 53
Philo 1
Bridge (the card game)

>> No.4841181

>Robotics and Computer Vision
>Linear Algebra II
Mah Nigga.

>Japanese Culture I
Mah Faggot.

>> No.4841184

>full of freshmen
>high school classes
No, no, no.

>> No.4841186

Watermelon 101
Mugging 101
Cutting drugs 101


>> No.4843504


Oh hey, another Stony Brook.

Nobody else calls it DEC.

>> No.4843515

>>Robotics and Computer Vision
>>Linear Algebra II
>Mah Nigga.

>>Japanese Culture I
>Mah Faggot.

I don't really want to take it either. My school forces everyone who wants 2+ hard science/math/engineering degrees to also get a minor in a humanity or social science.

>> No.4843547

Fall: Algebraic Topology
Real Analysis I
Algebraic Structures I
Probability I
Operating Systems

Spring: Differential Topology
Algebraic Structures II
Automata/Computability Theory
Complex analysis/Differential Geometry

>> No.4843573

Enjoy your no job market and shit salaries unifags.

>> No.4843616

Europoor detected. How's that collapse coming?

>> No.4843644
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Lineal Algebra
Drawing course for engineers
Calculus I
Basics of mechanical and electrical engineering
Applied Chemistry
Programming I

Mathematical Analysis
Calculus II
Physics I
Ecological management
Applied programming

I don't know if they translate correctly to english, though.

>> No.4843651

This upcoming fall semester I'll be taking:

Computer Design and Interface
+ Lab
Engineering Prob and Stats
Applied Fields
German II

>> No.4843653

Group theory for physicists
String theory 1,2
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry

kind of scared of the last one, seems rather algebra-heavy and I know almost no ring-theory.

>> No.4843681
File: 25 KB, 705x799, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is my schedule for this fall. Will be taking differential equations, general chemistry, some economics course, some engineering course and some other course in the spring.

>> No.4843703

>linear algebra and calc1 at the same time
How does that even happen?

>> No.4843731

Oh, and if anyone cares, Eng. Mech. I is statics, I believe.

>> No.4843750

Get to learning ring theory. If you've been allowed to take algebraic geometry without first studying ring theory, then one can only assume that you will learn what you need to as part of your introductory course. Can't hurt to look ahead though.

>> No.4843768

probably just went to the math department and asked. It's not that you need it

>> No.4843818

I don't actually know. We cannot choose our first semester of courses, so I'll wait and see what happens

>> No.4843876

Computer Architecture
Control Systems
Energy Engineering
Mobile Robots
Some english communications class
Should make for a busy semester

>> No.4845270

Bullshit History
Bullshit History
Measure Theory
Differential Geometry I
Computer Science I (Java)

Spring (Tenative):
Complex Analysis/Theory of Analytic Functions
Differential Geometry II
Differentiable Manifolds
Functional Analysis
Science of Data Structures (Moar Java)