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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4839070 No.4839070 [Reply] [Original]

Psych major here, how come you guys think you're better than us? Sure, there's a lot of retards who take psych but some of us are actually smart and interested in it.

Just because you guys have different interests doesn't entitle you to being superior. I could have easily taken a a math or science major but i want to work in the psych field. I scored a 29 on the ACT and had a 4.2 GPA for high school.

I don't care about making a bunch of money or having a "prestigious" job, because I'd rather do what is interesting for me.

So aside from the mass amount of edgy retards who take psych, what is wrong with it?

>> No.4839155


because we are.

do you have any other questions?

>> No.4839190

I plan to major in psychology when I am in college and hopefully obtain a phd... Yet, unlike you op I dont care that they think they are better than me and posting your score and GPA is stupid. I know people who have 4.2 GPA's but they are dumb as a stump outside academics and they are complete assholes, they congrats! You're an asshole who wants to be better than people who major in things would could make a big difference in the world.

>> No.4839193

Fucking summer.

>> No.4839202

> HS
> social science

go away

>> No.4839216


>> No.4839235

scoring a number on a test is meaningless. intelligence can't simply be confined as a
number resulting from a written test created by
other human beings. intelligence is indeterminate,
for humans interact in a corresponding way that
allows to society work the way it does.
take construction for example, the innovators
of our cities. without their skills and INTELLIGENCE
in what they do, we wouldn't have universities to attend.
without people like so called scholars, we wouldn't
have instructions to help the innovators do what they
do. just because we can provide written instructions, doesn't mean we can physically do them.
no one is stupid for what they take, although given
your circumstances, you should disregard those numbers and right on for doing it because
you indulge in acquiring such knowledge pertaining
to us as human beings and how we work.

>> No.4839246

attributing a major to intelligence is pointless
even a retard can be a math major

so how come taking a math/science = smarter

yet here you guys are saying getting higher on a test != smarter

>> No.4839265

Is just what we do (when physicists and mathematicians dont fight), but trust me, people down here respect Freud. A good friend of mine is currently studying Math and Psych

>> No.4839337


its looking at the bigger picture, how can we
just call a science/math major smarter than
a psychology/sociology major, we all work
as one contributing to society as a whole so without
one branch of skilled worker what will become
of a working body? we as humans shouldn't
require leadership, but more favor
individualism working together keeping an
equal body running?

>> No.4839359

Not a single thing in the world could convince me that a psychology undergraduate degree is required for psychology research of any kind or practicing clinical psychology.

I majored in psychology in college because I thought it was interesting. After taking a few classes, I concentrated my efforts on math and programming and ran like fucking hell into a biology graduate program.

After taking the classes, I can assure you that the most important messages for a clinicial are summed up concisely in an MSW program, and that the details of executing experiments in the social sciences are the same as experimentation in any other field (save for preference for a few obscure statistical tests and a tolerance for higher p-values). It *is not* a useful or necessary degree, even if you plan on pursuing a career in Psychology.

Go ahead, refute me. I dare you.

>> No.4839377

>Clinical psychiatrists
Educated individuals striving to understand the human condition

>Psychology majors
People who believe humans can be read like a horoscope

>> No.4839387

Clinical psychiatrists ARE NOT striving to understand the human condition. They are M.D.s interested in altering behavior with medication and improving the quality of life of people with psychopathology. People interested in understanding the human condition are researchers in the social and bio/medical sciences.

>> No.4839389

The sad truth is that society is dominated by Choleric thinkers who generally who generally pursue in that sort of officialism. It is a corrupt
system for I am in strong disbelief of a piece of
paper as acknowledgement of your accomplishments
in a classroom, for a large majority
of humans tend to be either Choleric
or Sanguine type. Many Phlegmatic thinkers as
well as Idealists are underrated and certainly
deserve far more recognition, given their abilities
in rational and free thinking rather than towards
Math and Science, more black and white subjects.

>> No.4839561

>4.2 gpa

who gives a fuck? so did i. you say that like its a difficult thing to do

>> No.4839589

because 90% of psych majors are retards. you are not an exception.

and test scores aren't an accurate representation of intellect.
I'm saying this to protect your own dignity from your own low scores. no matter how dumb you are, you fucked up if you score under 30 on ACT.
Also highschooler.

>> No.4839612
File: 49 KB, 680x511, Badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4839629
File: 62 KB, 500x513, 1333896611108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


summer summer summer summer.

>> No.4839802

In humanities its easier to believe you understand stuff when you actually don't, because you don't have objective ways to test if it is the case. That's why it attracts more people who can't understand things than hard sciences(they believe they understand it).

But its also common people who don't understand exactly what they are doing in hard sciences. I myself frequently e believed I did but afterwards I found that actually I didn't. Also, hard sciences have a lot of "scary" jargon and symbols so people have no problem in faking knowledge to layman.

I'd put 2 things:

- People from hard science frequently mistake the hard sciences and the guys who developed with themselves . Math, physics etc are really really powerful tools and frequently hard to learn and develop, but hard science majors usually don't have half of the domain they think they do about the subject they studied, and they usually suggest they know even more more. Its like understand 30% thinks they understand 60% suggest they understand 70%. The other thing is the inspiration from the great geniuses, observationn2

- I really think that hard sciences tend to attract the greatest geniuses, because it allows a lot of abstraction so they are not tied with many practical limitations f other sciences. Its like they brains where ferraris and they prefer to run on highways. Inside the city, it wouldn't make much difference, a 'motorcicle' could beat him.
But STUDENTS of hard sciences aren't even remotely close to those guys ... but they apparently think they do. Many think they are some sort of genius in potential.

tldr: Its lightly reasonable to think that people from humanities are likely hadcapped, but ppl from hard sciencesw are not that great either and believes they are smarter than they actually are.

>> No.4839818

I forgot to say - it is widely believed in hard sciences that psychology is not a science.

However, these same people are able to recognize how the world is today commanded by mas manipulation.

They should notice that the same way veterinaries usually don't study to watch for your pets(because it doesn't pay that well (they mostly study to optimize livestock) psychological knowledge's main application is not 'enlighten' people.. its pretty much the opposite.

>> No.4839825


I love you.

>> No.4839847

The ultimate branch of psychology, to my mind, is psychometrics and the definition of what 'intelligence' even is. Psych majors know about working memory and its involvement with complex cognition. So even they have to admit that the people building the most general worldview (theoretical [meta-]physicists) is where the most potential complexity lies.

>> No.4839863

The aim of social sciences is not to prove a hypothesis but to come to a conclusion from research.

E.g. in Social Anthropology you pick a topic like "The effects of Globalisation on X tribe in the Brazilian Rainforest". After doing 3 years or so doing research you present your findings a come to a conclusion.

In "hard sciences" you come up with a hypothesis and then do your research to come to a conclusion.
For example in Biological Anthropology ( picking anthro subjects cos that's my major and so it's easier for me to do examples) you'd say "I believe that X gene developed amongst homo sapiens for x reason", then you'd look at the fossil record and do other research and then write your conclusion.

Social sciences can be just as hard as sciences, it all depends on how an individual thinks. The best results of a social science is when two or more disciplines are combined e.g. Sociology and Economics or Psychology and Anthropology. There is nothing wrong with psychology but like many social sciences, it works best with knowledge taken from other disciplines.

>> No.4839877

It's like literature, except literature at least has aesthetic value. Not a single psychological theory is precise and consistent. Psychologists contribute nothing but confusion and misconceptions.

If you were truly passionate about studying human nature you would take Neuroscience or at least Psychiatry.

>> No.4839987

Asking for some kind of justification or praise of being in psych is rather childish. This just further promotes the idea that only autist take psych. Enjoy wasting your life in a useless field.

>> No.4840741

OP biology can soon explain everything you pseudo intellects try to guess your way through. You are obsolete.

>> No.4840994

>how come you guys think you're better than us?
>some of us are actually smart
>I scored a 29 on the ACT and had a 4.2 GPA for high school
>mass amount of edgy retards
So you're upset about people claiming to be better than you, and as a result, you go and claim to be better than others? Nice work.

>> No.4842237


irony at it's finest, my friend.

>> No.4842432

Psychology is useless because it's an incomplete science. It's like studying alchemy 500 years ago, when people didn't know anything about chemistry. Maybe one day, when we have a more complete understanding of neuroscience, then psychology will have it's place. But now, no, it's a pretentious pseudo-science.

>> No.4842845


>29 ACT

Pick one

>> No.4843827

Well there isn't really anything wrong with psychology. People want to understand why others make the choices they do, they want to understand what you were thinking and what you may have been exposed to that would cause certain things. There is more than one type of psychologist

>> No.4843858

psychology isnt real science because instead of looking for the source, you guys look for the correlatation and think correlation = causation. this has no place for hard science. one reason is psychology doesnt know what they're actually studying, all they do is look for correlations and try to make guesses.

>> No.4843893

They realize what they are studying, like I said there are different areas in psychology and in some they look how different things can affect other things, Cause and effect

>> No.4843999

First it was the engineers/biofags...now it's the psych majors.Fuck you guys.

>> No.4844005

>I don't care about making a bunch of money or having a "prestigious" job, because I'd rather do what is interesting for me.

Then don't worry about the highschoolers/undergrads on this board.

I've never heard any researchers compare their fields like little kids comparing dick sizes. This is just an immature /sci/ thing.

>> No.4844006


>> No.4844013

Standards for evidence in the social sciences are atrocious. This might be because the subject matter makes it inherently difficult to design an objective experiment. The result is that it's heavily politicized and people end up circle jerking over what is mostly baseless conjecture. This applies more so to sociology but psychology is most definitely not free of it.

>> No.4844017

Just because something is so complicated it is difficult to come up with objective conclusions doesn't mean it isn't worth attempting to study.

>> No.4844016

Butthurt about your low gpa?