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File: 49 KB, 555x383, usa_flag_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4838959 No.4838959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So Eurofags. Why don't you produce any science?

America has produced the best scientists. Superior American minds. America fuck yeah!

Albert Einstein gave us the Atomic Bomb.
Verner Von Braun put us on the moon.
nicholai Tesla gave us electricity

What the fuck has any eurofag done?

>> No.4838968

This is not an especially good troll. If you want to piss of the yuropoors, remind them that they still haven't got to the moon. That always works.

>> No.4838975

I think it's decent, obviously something must be wrong with Europe of all these fabulous minds saw fit to leave.

>> No.4838972
File: 27 KB, 500x409, crawling in my skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albert Einstein gave us the Atomic Bomb.
>Verner Von Braun put us on the moon.
>nicholai Tesla gave us electricity

>> No.4838982

Theorized the higgs boson

>> No.4838983


Yeah, they aren't smart enough for that. Maybe we should have sent some Americans to the Soviet Union?

>> No.4838976

We just invented gravity particles.

>> No.4839002

America! Fuck yeah!

>> No.4839014

the cern can't hear you over the noise made by the higgs boson

>> No.4839027
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, freeman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PFfft yurofags, I helped liberate Europe with my invention of the zero energy gun, and finding higgs, and completing Einstein work. Catch up yurofags, merica is ahead, why haven't you guys gone to the moon yet mhmmmh? We"ll reach interstellar travel, before you guys go to the moon.

>> No.4839033

Einstien, Tesla and von Braun was all born in europe, and we europeans proved the existence of the Higgs boson, which was theorized by a european!

>> No.4839053
File: 52 KB, 509x572, Upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


murica was invented by Europe

murifags are just butthurt

>> No.4839047


i see the term "motard" hasn't been used in a while...

i guess it's time...

you, sir or madame, are a motard.

>> No.4839064

No kidding.

Hell, Linus Torvalds even said he considered himself more American than anything else then he obtained American citizenship and never left. Burners Lee is here too. We could go on forever.

Few of merit would actually subject themselves to live among the unwashed yuropeon masses.

>> No.4839079

Not really surprising, I mean our grandparents left yurop. Everyone else will too if they know what's good for em.

>> No.4839097

True but we kicked your asses to be independent and we've been better off ever since.

>> No.4839103

That doesn't change anything, murrica is like Frankenstein.

>> No.4839110

Frankenstein's monster*

>> No.4839116

We kicked our own asses and called ourselves Americans, after somebody from Ireland I believe.

>> No.4839113

So what you're saying is we're badass? Well we already knew that but why be so redundant? Is that how the yuropoor mind works?

>> No.4839128

>Verner Von Braun put us on the moon.

i wish he'd did this. we wouldn't have this thread right now.

>> No.4839126
File: 27 KB, 512x384, homer smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We got our asses kicked and America is the hegemony but that doesn't matter!
>yuropoor logic

>> No.4839133
File: 48 KB, 581x448, 1290307887169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're on our website.

They already lost.

Why rub it in?

>> No.4839145

You are on 'our' internet, if you want to talk like uncivilized people.