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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4837833 No.4837833 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an IQ Circle jerk thread.

127 reporting in.

>> No.4837840

Mine is 100 and I derived elementary calculus when I was 12.

>> No.4837845

83 reporting in

>> No.4837842

1 bigger than the highest poster in thread

>> No.4837848

133 Standing by
Of course that came packaged with Insomnia and Anxiety disorder. .

>> No.4837858

>Implying IQ is anything but a quantitative measure of ego

99th percentile here. Make of that what you will.

>> No.4837860

This thread reminds me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO_u-EkJZ8E

>> No.4837864

I don't think my parents realize just exactly how much that is..

friendly sage because not sci/math

>> No.4837871


>> No.4837885

Not sure what my IQ is, it seems to change a lot.
Well for me it does, my results changed by 2 full deviations in different areas. I once had the verbal IQ of 83, but last time it was 106.

IQ is pseudoscience.

>> No.4837893

lol @ all the low IQ fags ITT

>> No.4837901

>I don't think my parents realize just exactly how much that is..

Are you 12?

Also, IQ tests are a waste of time.

>> No.4837902


That feel when you're official retard.

>> No.4837912

180 but i took it after smoking two fat blunts and drinking a bottle of grain alcohol with no chaser.

>> No.4837914

146 on my most recent test. Though I took a test once where the maximum iq you could achieve was 130.
>Scewed results, scewed results everywhere

>> No.4837927

161, relatively good-looking, quite wealthy, completely autistic-psychopath asshole.

>> No.4837915

This is a good example of why IQ is meaningless, this guy uses his high IQ to justify his superiority despite the fact that he probably has not achieved anything in life.

Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125, it's high, but he was clearly more intelligent than a score of 125 would imply.

>> No.4837921

>lives with his parents
lol underage faggot

>> No.4837930

Clearly you are the underage one.
Not many people move out till they are at least out of college unless they live in a dorm.

>> No.4837934


does that right? i post right, right?

>> No.4837944


wow sorry bro, well at least you can use a computer

>> No.4837938

just because you're a mommy's boy doesn't mean everyone else is a pansy, too.

>> No.4837946

>Not many people move out till they are at least out of college unless they live in a dorm.

I lol'd.

Also, if you are in college, live at home, and are concerned that your parents don't understand just how fantastic your IQ is... that could just be the reason why you still live at home!

>> No.4837951

Yes, I'm a pansy because I can't afford my own place due to the fact that I'm a full time student.

>> No.4837962


press buttan

post appear


>> No.4837954

more like you can't afford it because your parents are trailer trash and didn't save for their kid's future.

>> No.4837958

now that we've gotten that cleared up, back to the thread!

>> No.4837974


my big sister posted this for me yayaayaya

>> No.4837976

Well faggot, this is an IQ circle jerk thread and not a scientific achievement thread. That means ITT I am objectively superior.

>> No.4837979

I'm not the guy boasting about the high IQ, I'm actually the guy saying that IQ was bullshit. I just felt like replying to the idiot who claimed that anyone living at home was a pansy/underage.

My father is actually quite wealthy and I'm fortunate enough to live in a country where our government values education enough to pay for college fees. It just doesn't make much sense for me to live away from home considering I don't have a job.

>> No.4837987

>objectively superior

lol your mental deficit is showing

>> No.4837988

117-130. Depends on what shitty test I took, how I was feeling, the amount of sleep I've gotten, do I give a shit?, etc.

>> No.4837989 [DELETED] 


I don't give a fuck. DEs are piss easy. Topology is also for babbies.

>> No.4837984

150+ Extremely hairy angry viking son of a bitch, I have not been tested in 10 years.

>> No.4837997

lol so you go to college and stay at your parents' house all summer and don't work?

wow, real winner over hee...

>> No.4837992

>It just doesn't make much sense for me to live away from and mommy's tit because I'm a pansy.


>> No.4837999

Any reliable online IQ tests? Otherwise, I have no idea.

>> No.4838002

if you've never been hauled out of class and tested then your IQ isn't exceptional.

>> No.4838008

Not that guy, but I went to a fairly prestigious private school and *no one* was ever "hauled out of class and tested".

That sounds like something ghetto public schools in the 60's did.

>> No.4838020

80 niggas what what

>> No.4838017

I actually was in the second grade, but they didn't tell me anything about my IQ; I was just placed in an advanced class.

>> No.4838024

Yes, you're both right. I should be working a full time job during my college years and sacrificing my education so I can afford to live in a shitty apartment.

I seriously don't know anybody my age who isn't living with their parents. Dunno about you, but where I'm from, college years are spent reading and studying rather than trying to get a job and move out.

>> No.4838032

I am 133
Why are there people with 80 IQ IN /SCI/??
I think the normal IQ is 110

>> No.4838029

and the 70's
and the 80's
and the 90's
and the 00's
and the teens

I was tested repeatedly in the 70's and 80's, tested repeatedly in the military, and tested once for another government position.

my kid was tested by his school without my permission or notification two years ago.

in the US at least if you've got a high IQ you know it by 5th grade, and so does the government.

>> No.4838030
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I have no idea. I once took that online IQ test and got 104 by skipping like 10 questions, too lazy to re do it again.

>> No.4838042

167-170, based off four separate standard tests.

It took me four years to complete a two year degree, I have 3 left to go before I get my BS, and I recently dropped a mathematical physics course because I couldn't get my head around what the fuck a Laplace Transform was.

IQ is bullshit.

>> No.4838036

Tell me how IQ isn't objective. I could need a good laugh, faggot.

>> No.4838045

I still feel like a retard because I'm shitty at math and science.
I browse here to try to learn but I'm always in over my head.

>> No.4838047

your parents were probably told your IQ score and what type of test was used. A record of it may be in your medical file as well.

>> No.4838048

Test score varies and the test is highly flawed.

>> No.4838057

Well that explains everything.
I got a 134 in fifth grade.
How interesting.

>> No.4838055

The majority of people I know moved out to a dorm and worked during the summer/school year to live in their own place.

lol not everyone goes to the school closest to their parents. And education goes beyong studying... living on your own, working, learning time management, paying bills, etc. is invaluable.

Life skills friend-o.

>> No.4838065
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Uhm, ok. Anyway, I think I am not agenius, I am only normal-clever. I can´t even understand physics. I am only a computer engineer.

>> No.4838086

That's not the point, you retard. Test scores are numbers and for the purpose of a circle jerk we can compare these numbers. Do you feel insecure because yours is too low?

>> No.4838099

>Test scores are numbers and for the purpose of a circle jerk we can compare these numbers.

Wow, you are both insecure and an underachiever.

>> No.4838101


>> No.4838115

not sure how you think someone will boost their sefl-esteem by posting ANONYMOUSLY.

does it work for you? do you feel better about yourself if you impress strangers with words that anyone could claim? If so, you aren't very bright. Probably suffer from a low IQ.

>> No.4838118

My credentials:
>BSc. (91% avg.), MSc. (94% avg)
>4 publications during my MSc.
>7 conference talks (4 international)
>Currently finishing my first year of my PhD., already have 1 publication, 1 in review, and a couple underway
>I hold an NSERC (Canadafag) and make good money doing consulting on the side

>have never had an IQ test

>> No.4838122

Poast you're name and publications. Otherwise you're dismissed as a giant insecure faggot who has to make shit up to impress anonymous people on the internet.

>> No.4838124

>MSc: Anthropology
>BSc: Women's studies

>> No.4838128

>not sure how you think someone will boost their sefl-esteem by posting ANONYMOUSLY.
>Test scores are numbers and for the purpose of a circle jerk we can compare these numbers.
>Well faggot, this is an IQ circle jerk thread and not a scientific achievement thread. That means ITT I am objectively superior.

lol have u read this thread? the very nature of it is for neckbeards to boost their internet ego


>> No.4838129

And here you are, having an anonymous argument on a crappy message board designed primarily for religious arguments.

Proof that no matter how far we may go, we'll always still have a hefty proportion of pathetic loser.

>> No.4838136

I don't think they give science degrees in those fields... (do they?)

lol yeah, I feel like having a bunch of highschoolers spam me

>> No.4838137

>have never had an IQ test
>...that I'm aware of


also I think standardized college placement tests now double as IQ tests.

>> No.4838144

>I couldn't get my head around what the fuck a Laplace Transform was.

i lol'd.

>> No.4838145

I see. You are poasting lies about your person on 4chan to make you feel better about yourself. Pathetic.

>> No.4838156

I never took a college placement test... I'm Canadian and 26 years old, so things may have changed since I was applying for my undergrad, but I believe only the medical and maybe some business/law students do those.

We have a very different system than the U.S. I didn't have to waste time on my SATs, I had excellent marks in highschool, volunteered, etc. and that was all.

But I believe things are starting to turn towards the standardized test nightmare...

>> No.4838162 [DELETED] 


Post link to publications

>> No.4838164

he may be telling truth.

I have two of the easiest science degrees to earn, and I've published repeatedly in a field where amateurs make up a significant fraction of published authors.

some pursuits just have a lower bar. Just like some IQ tests are easier than others.

>> No.4838172

I'll take your incredulity of my accomplishments as a compliment.

Although I have a few more publications than my peers, I am by no means light years ahead of anyone. I suppose you are still a highschool\undergraduate student and find the concept of someone completing graduate school and, *gasp*, publishing to be completely fantastic.

If you go down the academia route, you will find that my achievments are by no means incredible.

>> No.4838177

I have an MSc in Physics/Chemistry joint hons. My younger brother with a BSc in sport science has a higher IQ score than me, he's now a physiotherapist and I'm a teaching assistant.

>> No.4838178

Still not understanding why you won't link us to your publications... Is it that they were collaborations in which you played a very small role?

>> No.4838181


maybe because theres his whole fucking name on them?

>> No.4838179

I am telling the truth (no point in arguing this, it will go nowhere), and I am in a relatively small scientific field that allows for many novel discoveries. (I won't go into specifics, because I already mentioned that I hold an NSERC and it would be easy to find out who I am - they are public)

What field are you involved in?

>> No.4838187

No, I was first author on all of my papers except for one that is currently in review - it is a large collaboration among various labs (and, in this case, I was a small component of the study).

I don't wish to post my papers because I separate 4chan and other online interactions with my "professional name". This is a very reasonable stance.

>> No.4838188

That's not the best part. Know what threw me off halfway through the course?

Eigenvectors. Fucking EIGENVECTORS. I could not fucking understand FUCKING EIGENVECTORS.

>> No.4838195

121. The only reason I know is because I was tested before going onto a language course.


Can't say I blame him, I put my contact details in the email field on here once and received a load of abuse and ASCII penises to my university account.

>> No.4838192

I think SAT Math is more of a sign of problem solving ability than IQ tests. Most of that shit isn't math, it's reasoning and problem solving. It's a better sign.

That being said, 800 fag reporting in. Undoubtedly everyone is an 800 fag on this board, however.

>> No.4838197

If only you had evidence to back that up ...

>> No.4838198

I'm a geologist, my published work is in Jurassic paleoclimates (coauthor of a groundwater oxygen isotopes survey of the Brushy Basin member of the Morrison Formation) and vertebrate paleontology.

>> No.4838204

I've never taken a real IQ test.

Where could one take one for free? Like, a respectable one.

>> No.4838211

How'd you get in on the paleontolgy? Or is that just a subfield of geology, these days?

>> No.4838209

haha wow that sucks

The neckbeards never cease to amaze me...

>> No.4838210


If you attend a university at the moment, they may even pay you to sit one. Ask in the education department.

>> No.4838214

Why would anyone on /sci/ do that kind of thing?
Why would you care if your peers knew you browsed /sci/
Do you think people on /sci/ care enough about you to monitor your publications and continuously fuck with them?

I mean, I get it... but I doubt anything bad would happen.

>> No.4838212

the only legit ones are given by mensa. That's the only place i'd trust. I've taken a bunch online and they all seem to be faggotry. I've scored anywhere from 132 to 168 on my online ones, but both my mensa tests were 151. Online might give you a kinda sorta range, but mensa gives you a number.

>> No.4838215

Is Mensa still around? It seems like a throwback club for weirdos.

>> No.4838224

130 reporting in.
>Very superior intelligence/genius

>> No.4838219

160 here

>> No.4838220

No university for me, but good to know I guess.

I had looked into Mensa a little while ago. I guess I'll have to give it a shot.

>> No.4838228

I'm a member. It's pretty lame, but you can say you're in the high IQ society. The real intelligent people aren't trying to prove their intelligence by being in a secret club, though. they're discovering new particles and shit.

>> No.4838230

> :D
So much for that intelligence.

>> No.4838231

I got into it over a decade ago. Yeah, it's geology but I went back and studied anatomy to get where I am.

It's just something that's always interested me but I couldn't afford to do it when I was younger. I'm not hurting for money now so I dig fossils in my spare time and sometimes write about them.

>> No.4838237

It may seem paranoid, but I am just a private person. 4chan is frequently a place for child porn, gore, etc., and I really don't want peers associating me with that, regardless of my view on such matters.

The anonymity of 4chan is what I like. When I publish or present something, my name is attached to it and I make sure I am proud of what I am disseminating and that it is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.

My unedited ramblings on 4chan are not my "professional opinions". It seems like people who are under 20 years old are used to having zero privacy and their intimate details projected online, but I don't like that at all.

>> No.4838238


>> No.4838242

Back to Reddit pal.

>> No.4838246


>> No.4838247

>that feel when you miss 1 point to be "super intelligent"

>> No.4838256


>My unedited ramblings on 4chan are not my "professional opinions".

This. There's far more serious places on the internet for that.

I come here to discuss science news articles and wider concepts. If I wanted a serious discussion I'd attend a faculty meeting or a guest lecture.

There's a growing trend of people on /sci/ who are in a pissing contest to see who can be the most pretentious. In my view, it's quite hard to be pretentious on a website that prides itself on ruining peoples lives and generally being a nuisance.

>> No.4838257

It's not like his claims are hard enough to believe to merit demands of proof though.
If he was a materials engineer I would actually say that he is a bit below average for publications, if he was a chemist I would start to wonder, or ask for a timeline.
Different disciplines break their stuff up for papers differently. I'm mine it's considered generally impressive to have more than three papers and a thesis for your PhD just because of stringent requirements and the shear workload it would take. For a dissertation I wrote I came across a guy that published ten papers in six years and was pretty damn impressed.

>> No.4838261

My published works include analyzation of quantum fluctuations, wave function collapses in non- observational states, and an in-progress book on anti-gravity and cold fusion.
>Theoretical physicist

>> No.4838271

How were they received? I've heard publishing papers is a soul-crushing experience.

>> No.4838275

>in progress book

you're a dildo

>> No.4838280

My IQ is 142, I am actually a music major I just study math and science for fun. I was in special ed classes throughout school because teachers didn't like having to dealing with me. I have aspergers and bi-polar. I didn't start applying my mind and pushing the limits of my mind until after high school. My IQ could be higher because I took that IQ test when I was in 6th grade and remember BSing it because I was tired of being tested by people by that point. Plan on retaking again soon and joining Mensa for social and applicable reasons.

>> No.4838278


I am in entomology and am sitting on potentially a dozen papers right now, but I'm choosing to turn them into one big paper rather than go the SPU route.

A friend of mine is identifying new species and is doing the opposite of my approach........ and his publication count is fucking ridiculous

>> No.4838295

Not at all. If you have a solid paper and your reviewers like it, you will have a few minor revisions and that is it.

The sad thing is, people who are well-known in their field have their publications pushed through. I know of cases where reviewers nitpicked until the authors gave up and retracted the submission and went to another journal... and would you know it, the reviewer didnt like the author.

People who think that the peer-review process is completely objective are simply naive. There are many personalities in science, and it can definitely come through.

>> No.4838298

Got 137 when I was 7 years old, should it have changed since then?

>> No.4838299

My work wasn't published by my university for years due to that reason. There was a much more well known theoretical physicist who trampled over everybody else.

>> No.4838325

Same story but not a music major and I took it in 8th grade. Starting Nuclear Power Program soon.

>> No.4838328


>> No.4838355
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Mine is 111

>> No.4838370
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>> No.4838697

Mine is 120

>> No.4838714
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>> No.4838751


>havent even finished school yet

>> No.4838794

>IQ doesn't change.
I ridicule your naivety, ignorant child, for simplifying the human mind in such a cynical way.

>> No.4838801

130-140 depending on the test

>> No.4838823

We should try use a standardized I.Q test

>> No.4838836


>> No.4838838

114, I couldn't deal with the pressure and rushed some of the questions.
But then I solved and comprehended all of them when I was alone.

>> No.4838857


pimms-wallander-eggplant test, which has sd of 11

>> No.4838859
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ah yes...

the lying cocksucker's thread. always one of my favorites...

>> No.4838866

Took the WAIS IV (which is SD 15) when 17, which was nine months ago

>> No.4838872

>parents wanted me in MENSA
>all my siblings are in MENSA along with my parents
>mfw I'm the only one with a job while doing undergrad physics
>siblings are all jobless fucks

>> No.4838882

>Half black, half white.
>Nuclear Engineer major.

>> No.4838887

pics or you're a gay jew nigger.

>> No.4838888

129. No interesting stories.

>> No.4838895

108. Nothing special except perhaps what disparity there is in the components of my score.

Verbal Comprehension = 122
Perceptual Reasoning = 117
Working Memory = 86
Processing Speed = 92

>> No.4838900
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one year sober alcoholic, pizza-making wowfag and complete waste of blood and hair.

>> No.4838918

3:2 odds = 60% Why 60 and not 66?

>> No.4838922
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Why is it so hard to believe?

>> No.4838923

Last time it was checked, it was like... 122? I dunno, but either way I'm a complete waste of flesh and oxygen.

>> No.4838927

>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.4838933


kisses to those lips! so...

you wanna be an engineer, eh? well then...

>> No.4838931

>nuclear engineering major


I'm sure you'll be QUITE successful in life and enjoy your job to the fullest!

>> No.4838936


Come to Canada for coffee sometime and write equations on my chest while you ride me. There I said it.

>> No.4838937

Where do you go to college?

>> No.4838940
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it isn't, but we got you to post a pic.

>> No.4838951


Penn State.

>> No.4838961
File: 1.98 MB, 369x271, Ykpnp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, a nuclear engineer grad has devised a new and improved method of cooking fried chicken, says "should have done psych".

>> No.4838977 [DELETED] 

wait a minute. by nuclear engineer do you mean you're a nuke in the navy?

>> No.4838986

now post dem titties.

>> No.4838987


Nope, the Navy wouldn't take me because of my tattoos.

>> No.4838995


Jesus Christ, this gets better.

>> No.4838997

probably helps design and plan out facilities of the nuclear nature.

I see geometry finally paid off for someone!

>> No.4839005

I know someone who goes to Penn State for that same major. What a fucking joke that program is.

>Grad Rutgers physics
>Grad Princeton Astrophysics

>god mode

>> No.4839011



>> No.4839021

how can it be a joke if it is ABET accredited?

>> No.4839028

I don't know what is funnier, you comparing colleges or getting butthurt because a certified female is occupying your online presence

>> No.4839035

so when are you going to show us your tits?

>> No.4839039

>a test on the internet told me I have an IQ of _____
sounds legit. I'm sure the writers of the test had absolutely no reason to dis-proportionally scale the standards of the test up so that the test taker would feel elated by being told they have a high IQ and tell their friends to take the test

>> No.4839057

>a certified female

Certified by what authority?

>> No.4839069


I have yet to see either tits or a timestamp.

>> No.4839075

i, too, would like to see dem chocolate titties.

>> No.4839077

I don't want to take an IQ test because I know I'm fucking terrible at these finding patterns things.

>> No.4839093

141 which is good because i'm not in the autistic or sociopath range yet

>> No.4839094


i dunno, mi psychic lady told me i hav a reely hi eyeque and i cud do nething i want with it cuz im so smart an she cald me litenin cuz i think so fast.

>> No.4839102

What is a real, non-internet, psychologist-administered IQ test like?

>> No.4839100

finding patters thing, also known as thinking

>> No.4839112

Well, I could practice a bunch to get better at it but is there anything more useless?

>> No.4839137

About the same as an internet test, except it has a retard that claims it is legitimate instead of a website.

>> No.4839165

so lady engineer..........

does this mean no tits?

>> No.4839199


>> No.4839231

People claim to have high iq then ask a female to see her tits over the Internet. Pick one because you can't have both

>> No.4839237

i had one when i had a battery of psychological tests done on me when i was 12. i scored a 146. not sure if that was age adjusted or what tbh. however you go into a little room with someone and they have you solve several kinds of puzzles and do memory games. in one i was shown 10 cards with faces and asked to recall the order they were shown in and details about each one. one of the puzzles had three rods of varying length and a red, blue, and yellow block and i had to rearrange the setup to match commands with the fewest number of moves and in the smallest amount of time i could.

>> No.4839238

124 when I was tested in Kindergarten. Didn't get in Gifted. Got tested again in eighth grade, got a 135 and got put in advanced classes. Fuck you, Florida.

>> No.4839239

i'll pick dem titties.

>> No.4839287


my! aren't we the black-and-white-only one!

>> No.4839332


It's not logical to ask to see a pair of tits online therefore if someone asks to see a females breast then they couldn't possibly have a high iq. If they have a sexual urge, which is human, they can just look at porn.

>> No.4840373

In fact it is the only logical reaction. lrn2evolution

>> No.4840381
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137 last I tested 5 years ago.

I don't want to test it again because I know it will be lower.

>> No.4840518

level 80 IQ reporfsad
me am good to go collage yem?

>> No.4840533


>derp people with high IQ's don't have sex drives

>> No.4840835

132 when I was like 7.

I've never been tested since then

>> No.4840844 [DELETED] 

IQ does not change over time.

>> No.4840848

Your IQ does not change over time.

>> No.4840852

Actually it can change a lot until you reach adulthood.

>> No.4840867

Mine does depending on the state of mind and mood I'm in faggot.

I've gotten tested 4 times, lowest 124, highest 143

>> No.4840871

I remember being pulled out of class for an IQ test back in elementary school while we were watching some cool movie in class. 10 minutes into the test i just started filling in random answers so I could go back and watch the movie.
>mfw the movie ended up being shit
I lol'd pretty hard when my scores came back as "above average"
This is one of the reasons I believe 95% of people are fucking retarded.

Anyway, IQ tests are bullshit. The people with the highest IQs haven't contributed anything to the field of science, they just have inflated egos and no applicable skills. If you don't put your "high IQ" to use it's useless.

Also, George Bush has an IQ of 125.

>> No.4840872 [DELETED] 

I'll be damned if anyone on /sci/ actually possess a higher IQ than me.

>> No.4840881
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>med student
>high IQ

>> No.4841003
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>people thinking going to medical school equates with intelligence

It's just memorizing a bunch of bullshit. No creative thinking or critical thought.

All it takes is a drone who is capable of "hard work". Not intellect.

>> No.4841018

Some preschool teacher said to my parents I could be Intellectual gifted. I got an score of 126 back in the day. (scored 124 one or two years ago on one of these internet shit test)

And then my parents started a whole world of special education and psychotherapists to """" take profit of it """" when it really did nothing but traumatize and dismotivate me.

After that I started failing school and today I'm nothing but a fag who passed high school with an average of 5/10.

Conclusion? Fuck IQ and the whole psychology thing. Believing on psychology is even worse than believing in God.

Sage for psychology not being a real science

>> No.4841027

153 reporting in. Well, at least that's what they said when I was 14 after a whole day of tests they put as through in school

Also depression and a psychotic outbreak came in the pack but meh, I've learnt to manage them. I'm still quite a loner and find most people boring, though.

I spent 12 fucking eternal years to get me a 5 year degree in computers. Now I've started physics without any sort of pressure on career or anything because I need to understand and this year I've passed everything in the first year of the grade, even though I'm working 8 hours a day.

tl;dr : motivation is everything, and also you don't get anywhere unless you work hard and self-discipline. Wish I would have known how to manage and discipline myself when I was 20.

>> No.4841031

>> mfw no one understands how IQ works or what it is used for

>> No.4841039

>assuming practically everyone here is lying
>doesn't care
>assumes everyone here will thing I'm lying
>still dont care
i stand at ~148

>> No.4841096

How do you know your IQ? Do you complete some tests when you going to school or something? I`m from Ukraine and wanna know.
%%Also if you want to learn about ukraine or russia or any ex-USSR craine - imagine America in 1985 or so%%

>> No.4841105

my lowest score was 129, highest 151

>> No.4841115

Never taken one because I don't need to see a number to know I'm smart.

>> No.4841139

159 reporting for duty

>> No.4841856

You have a trained proctor or psychologist/psychiatrist/neurologist administer an intelligence test. The most common one today is the WAIS-IV. They do a ton of learning tests with you to measure individual intelligence attributes such as pattern matching, verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, and they will measure out your performance/speed on all the questions. They will take the data and derive four scores from it, and with those four scores will derive an overall composite score. Many people take an IQ test when they are thought to be behind or challenged in some way, as it can help to know where certain difficulties are. Some take it because of how far ahead they are and have trouble fitting in with their peers in school. Some just take it for curiosity. Additionally some schools run IQ tests as it helps them place or appropriately challenge students and determine teaching methods.

>> No.4841886
File: 83 KB, 330x250, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4841940

Does anyone have a reliable online IQ test that you can take for free? I took one from a psychiatrist once, but I've lost the paper and the memory of what it was, presumably it's not terribly high, because if it was, I probably would have remembered it.

>> No.4841944

Yo must be real independent, you show them'all you don't need no IQ

>> No.4841949

Bumping for this, I want to know as well

>> No.4841953

Someone has to know

>> No.4841974

The shitty online tests give me a range between 145-150. Assuming they put a solid 20 point boost so people can feel better, I can assume I'm in the 125-130 range. Not too bad, I imagine, especially considering how much bullshit psychology and IQ tests are bullshit in general.