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4835334 No.4835334 [Reply] [Original]

So we found a fucking thing we can't even see, or use, or anything, and then to top it off we wasted millions of dollars with this?

Is there anything you can do with this fucking Higgs Boson Particle besides just circlejerk with a bunch of scientists?

What does the discovery of the Higgs Boson Particle mean for the average person?

Not trolling, I just would like to know, so that I may explain it to other people...

>> No.4835338

I know that feel, OP. Everyone blasts the news around like it is some world-saving event.

>> No.4835358

You mean, $9 billion?

>> No.4835356

It doesn't mean jack shit for you quite yet.
However, as we further our understanding of it and start messing with the particle more, we may be able to find practically uses in the future.
It's a step in the right direction, basically.

>> No.4835366

So we found a fucking thing we can't even see, or use, or anything, and then to top it off we wasted thousands of dollars with this?

Is there anything you can do with this fucking electricity besides just circlejerk with a bunch of scientists?

What does the discovery of electricity mean for the average person?

Not trolling, I just would like to know, so that I may explain it to other people...

>> No.4835361

it doesn't mean anything for the average person. It takes time, lots of time, before a theoretical understanding of the universe leads to a practical application, but it is crucial.

When Maxwell and Tesla discovered the laws of electricity they weren't thinking about driving cars and using TVs and Computers.

This discovery massively helps our understanding of the universe, which will in time lead to a better ability to live in it.

>> No.4835363

Shit, sorry. That feel when no sleep, and it is 5 A.M.

>> No.4835371

Discovering new knowledge about the world and how its works never hurt anything.

Only leads to more knowledge and discoveries.

>> No.4835380

the Higgs Boson Particle is a rumour you can spread in a room. All the other particles will react to it. It shows us a field where we live in.


>> No.4835382

I feel the same OP. It's like atheists and their friends in the media just pull this shit over nothing so they trumpet their cause.

>> No.4835391

Since you claim you're not trolling, I'll reply seriously:

Scientists have done something that is a really big fucking deal. Your clamour of "but what can I DO with it?!" sounds like a spoiled child who does not understand the notion of looking ahead, but wants his candy handed to him now without all this whining about money or having to go buy them or whatnot. This is not how science works. It is rarely the case that people think "hai we should build a teleportation device, what physics do we need for this?", it is always the converse. As a handful examples, gps systems dont work without GR and hard disks dont work without QM, both of which were discovered way before we even had a notion of satellites or computers.

So in other words, it means nothing for the average person now. It will probably mean a lot to them in a 100 years. If you want to go lick the boots of people who brought you your cell phones and your internets and shit, go visit the graves of people like Maxwell.

>> No.4835392

What does it mean for us? What technology do you see utilizing this particle?

>> No.4835389

All your points are true, but they were similarly true for all those discoveries which eventually led to things such as computers, combustion engines, etc etc. It probably won't mean anything for a hundred years to the average person.

>> No.4835395
File: 2.06 MB, 4918x2918, Atomic_bombing_of_Japan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> never hurt anything.
Well not necessarily.

>> No.4835397

>What technology do you see utilizing this particle?
None. Scientists are just doing this shit to keep their jobs. It means literally nothing.

>> No.4835409

>The Euro zone is collapsing
>spend billions of dollars funding some scientist's retarded dream
yuropoor logic

>> No.4835412
File: 18 KB, 416x359, 1293955946491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wasted millions of dollars
>implying CERN is an American experiment

>> No.4835403

If you actually know what this shit is, enjoy NEVER getting laid

>> No.4835407

So...instead of bitching, lets find some applications for it.

>> No.4835417

Who is Keynes again?

>> No.4835433

Keyne's didn't approve of science projects with no practical benefits. At least the Manhattan project resulted in nuclear power and deliverable atomic weapons, but this shit is useless in a typical European fashion.

>> No.4835427

This is something I fully expect to hear tomorrow or in the next few days:

>I can't believe Obama spent so much money on something so duuuuummmmmbbbb.

>> No.4835438

Why does OP listen to nigger music?

>> No.4835439

Well we do have let the yuropoors think they're helping since America has already done all the worthwhile science.

>> No.4835444
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1296376178830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keyne's didn't approve of [] projects with no practical benefits

>> No.4835537

CERN is social welfare for Yuropoor scientists. If this discovery was important it would have been made by Americans.

>> No.4835553
File: 9 KB, 429x410, 1258732809773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this discovery was important it would have been made by Americans.
>implying there were no American experiments with the same aim

>> No.4835549
File: 53 KB, 491x370, 1338919882947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus fuck you still here /pol/? get the fuck out you retards

>> No.4835559

That's not knowledge, that's a weapon and was designed as such.

>> No.4835564

All public funding is social welfare for scientists by that standard. You think that only commercial research should be pursued by scientists?

>> No.4835566


>mfw the majority of scientists working at CERN are from America
>mfw America got away with spending Yuropoor money on NOTHING

>> No.4835573
File: 96 KB, 500x666, America_is_the_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels awesome man
>seeing Europoors buy nothing for billions
>on the 4th of July
It's gonna be a good day

>> No.4835578

>You think that only commercial research should be pursued by scientists?

You don't want him to answer that, you really don't there's no where to buy alcohol today.

>> No.4835577
File: 24 KB, 500x465, 1337196379131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an american makes progress
>americans claim "they" did it

>> No.4835585

Yes. Goverment-funded research is used by scientists to get a quick paycheck. Corporate research has actual goals in mind.

>> No.4835595
File: 164 KB, 303x335, 1338853023358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better luck next cycle.

>> No.4835589
File: 20 KB, 422x347, 1292764519301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835598

>Corporate research has actual goals in mind.
And on what, oh wise one, is this corporate research based?

>> No.4835606

Yo guys this retard called pasteur is heating up milk what the fuck man, does he even lift? He sez tha t he kills sum microbes or shit what the flying shit man i aint ever seen a microbe.

>> No.4835610

>merishit physicists use a european design in europe controlled by european scientists
>he tweets some shit that eurobros discovered
>merishits claim credit

>> No.4835614

Every scientist (and Keynes) mentioned in this topic has been born outside of the US. Only Tesla lived there.

>> No.4835726

>ITT butthurt murricans

>> No.4835760

>we didn't waste money on something with no practical applications
>we're butthurt
Try harder yuropoor.

>> No.4835776
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, north europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yurorich here

u jelly?

>> No.4835917

goddamn, i hate these "u wasted moni!" fags

the money is not yours
let them spend them how they want
inb4 i pay taxes
so does everybody else, and you've elected people to decide how to spend this taxes money, now shut the fuck up

>> No.4835931

>Is there anything you can do with this fucking Higgs Boson Particle
This is what republicunts actually think.

>> No.4835937


this is what you sound like

>> No.4835939

>Let's spent billions on useless garbage
this is how libtards actually think

>> No.4835952


Atoms were useless when they were discovered.
Electricity was useless when it was discovered.

Inventions come after discovery, you fuckwit.

>> No.4835955

Atoms and electricity were discovered without massive goverment outlays. Why are the scientists of today so shitty at what they do that need to go begging goverments for money?

>> No.4835967


Atoms were discovered with a massive government outlay. John Dalton was a member of the Royal Institution at London.

>> No.4835970

Let's see you design a cheaper particle accelerator then.

>> No.4835986

Wait, what? I'm a progressive liberal and think that any money spent on research into particle physics will pay out in the long term. It's historically been conservatives who are anti-science on all levels. maybe there is a tinge of proponency of "practical benefit" science in the more esoteric fringes of liberalism, but I don't think that counts as typical.

>> No.4835988

>we wasted millions of dollars with this?

No you didn't. You sat on your ass doing nothing but sending troops to middle east while collecting trillions of debt

>> No.4836022

Stay ignorant and uneducated

>> No.4836041

>Finds semi proof of Higgs Boson

>Mad Americans/Bibel fags argue thats its worthless

Oh my oh my, I hope we find it, then i can say i've live during the greatest human discovery of all time

>> No.4836442

If you think scientific discoveries are worthless unless they instantly allow you to get a faster computer or a new phone, then throw your smartphone and your pc away, light your surrounding with a candle and stop complaining.

It will change things, maybe not for you but for your children (or the people from their generation), maybe even later than that. And don't worry if it can be exploited into something than can become a product and be sold, it's going to happen, trust.

Also, the US had the opportunity to build I think larger particle accelerator at some point but it failed due to insufficient argumentation from the scientific community and financial difficulties (which everyone has). Turns out "europe" won the deal and they got their accelerator. That's life and if you listen to a lot of american scientists today they'll tell you about how it's a shame they didn't get the accelerator and how people keep bitching about "spending too much up there and not enough down here".

If it weren't for relativity you wouldn't have a GPS in your car or on your smartphone.
Funny how as soon as it's about building more missiles or cutting taxes for the richest not a lot of people bitch but when it's about discoveries, everyone questions the usefulness of it.

>> No.4836451

>wasted millions

Try billions Op. The LHC cost $100,000,000 to construct.

>> No.4836454

>try billions
>it cost 100 million

>> No.4836460

you're right guys!
we better spend the money to fund our life saving, important, beloved farmers!

>> No.4836465

It means a greater understanding of how the universe works.

This will benefit someone, somewhere down the line.

Just not you.

Sucks, right?

>> No.4836473

>thinks that just the fact that it's cool as shit is insufficient

>> No.4836475

>he thinks it isn't

>> No.4836476

People like OP are the reason why humanity will go extinct before we can establish our glorious space empire.

The way the brain-dead press has been treating this event is infuriating, and it only serves to add more morons like OP.

>> No.4836495

Well he's right to ask questions, that's a huge step in the right direction, but the way he put it did make it sound like he already doubted any good from this discovery could come for us humans and our technology. Which is a shame.

>> No.4836524

I like the similarities being drawn between the higgs and the electron, when the electron was first discovered it wasn't known just how much it would influence the world and yet look at us now electronics galore.