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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4830939 No.4830939 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question /sci/, how come engineers on the whole tend to be insufferably arrogant socially maladjusted dickholes?


>> No.4830947

Because they're better than you in every single way and can be.

>> No.4830954

you see? That's the sort of shit I'm talking about right there.

>> No.4830956

They aren't arrogant, they're secure in their intelligence and importance. Who can blame them? They're out there, every day, creating useful solutions for people that enhance the lives of everyone and you're arguing over questions that don't matter like where exactly mass comes from (who cares, it's in atoms, that's all we practically need to know)

>> No.4830962


See this is the problem. They're out there looking up numbers in tables, standard results in a big book, and making some engineering drawings in CAD and they think their work is just as difficult, and more important than a Theoretical Physicists.

>> No.4830972

I think the root of the problem is that most universities I've browsed have classes specifically for engineers, such as "chemistry for engineering" and so on. It makes them feel like special little snowflakes. I've sat through both the normal chem class and the engineering chem class and they were 99% identical.

>> No.4830976 [DELETED] 

They aren't.


>> No.4830989

wait til you meet a physicist

>> No.4830986

See, this is the problem. You think that harder=better. It's harder to deliver mail to 200 homes on a unicycle but you'll be held in higher regard by those people if you use a van because it's quicker and their mail isn't damaged from you falling off.

Engineers work for the good of mankind, theoretical physicists work to settle arguments between theoretical physicists. Which is more arrogant? Face it, theoretical physics hasn't changed the world since the 50s when you helped some chemists discover fission.

>> No.4830987

itt: butthurt retardfags who couldn't get into engineering school. suck it

>> No.4830996


who cares why a lodestone points north all the time, what is important is we can build reliable compasses and sail around the world with it

surely it would be crazy to believe we can build our entire world around this effect

you will sound just as retarded in 2 centuries

why are eng better?
numbers game
more eng graduates => more get hired by companies => more eng in position of selecting new employees => even more eng hired
repeat etc.

becuase let's face it outside of some chem specialties the only science you'll be doing is in collaborations with universities

>> No.4830999

Underage b& here.
What kind of jobs would I be doing if I were to get a diploma in electrical engineering?

>> No.4831000

They aren't.


>> No.4831001

Dude, it's been 50 years. Name one new physics breakthrough in that time that's had widespread, real world applications. I'm not saying that all of science has failed to help the world. Just theoretical physics.

>> No.4831003


MRI machines. X-Ray scanners.Positron emission tomography. Semi-conductors including the transistor and LEDs. Virtually all of modern electonics. Electricity itself.

All these aren't for the good of mankind?

>> No.4831005

Tell me, where does this constant need to prove you're smarter than everyone else come from? Is your self value as human beings solely link to your own intelligent?

I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.4831006

Uh, how about the advances in processor technology allowed by new discoveries in quantum?

>> No.4831008

>MRI machines.
>X-Ray scanners.
Invented more than 50 years ago
>Positron emission tomography
Engineers made this useful
>Semi-conductors including the transistor and LEDs.
Material scientists, not physicists.
>Virtually all of modern electonics. Electricity itself.
Electricity was discovered more than 50 years ago.

>> No.4831011
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>> No.4831024

It's not like there is a massive distinction between engineers and scientists in the real world anyways.

>> No.4831031



We wouldn't even know what positrons were or how to look for them if it weren't for Paul Dirac (theoretical Physicist) predicting their existence.

Engineers think that scientists are off doing irrelevant things that don't matter, while they run the world. If the world were comprised of only Engineers and no scientists. We'd still be riding steam engines everywhere (engineering's last great breakthrough was thermodynamics).

Don't try and claim petrol engines, you can thank chemists for refining the petrol for you first. Oh and there's no calculus either. That was invented by Newton so he could finish his physics problems. So all buildings are much less adventurous and have massive safety factors in.

If you do something for the first time, you're a scientist.
Do it for the second time, you're an engineer.
The third time, you're a technician.

>> No.4831037


What the hell are you spouting about? You're relying on empirical evidence, stop hanging out with shitty people. Engineers are a cross section of the technical field, it's a mix of personalities just like any other major. Fucking get over yourself.

>That being said, tech majors are, by far, superior to some moron doing communications, business, poly sci, sociology, any "ethnic/gender studies" etc. I know I'm better than you. No question.

>> No.4831044

>Engineers made this useful

>Gee thanks for figuring out this super tough calculus problem for me! But I pressed the buttons on the calculator and wrote down the answer so I guess I take all the credit.

>> No.4831059
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>> No.4831065

>all not science majors are shit tier

Derp. Just finished a music degree. Im working on a cruise ship, $600/week starting salary, and I dont pay for rent/food. After my cruise ship time is up and my student loans are paid off (in 3 years), I will go play in a symphony orchestra and make 3 figures a year with a health and dental plan, and permanent employment with that orchestra until I decide to retire

Tell me why I should stop doing math and science for my personal enjoyment in my spare time, and go back to school for it?

>> No.4831071

>make 3 figures a year

Is this a good wage in Somaliland?

>> No.4831072


Where are you getting these ideas?? Who do you know that's an engineer is actively saying "scientists are retards because they don't produce anything." Holy fucking shit there's no war between engineers and everyone else in the scientific community over who gets the credit. It's awesome you guys are figuring out how shit works. It's awesome that engineers take that knowledge and use it in a creative way to improve lives. Why... why is there even a discussion?

>> No.4831080


I obviously meant 6. Lowest paid salary in the CSO=$98,000 annual. Thats for the last chair viola.

>> No.4831079


Do what you want bro. I know I'm smarter than you. I know that I value the pursuit of knowledge more than you. Go ahead and live it up on your cruise ship though, sounds real nice.

>> No.4831084


So suddenly it goes from money and jobs to intellectual pursuit...

Are there any actual engineers on this board, or just engineering students? I cant imagine that people with such blatant arrogance can make it in the professional world

>> No.4831090
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>blatant arrogance
>pursuit of knowledge

>> No.4831092

I don't understand why people belittle the importance of some professions whilst simultaneously boosting the importance of another.
I'm sure if you took a random survey of "which is more important to society: a teacher, or an Engineer?" most people would choose the engineer.
Then try to imagine a world where every teacher decided to be an engineer... that'd be a terrible world.

>> No.4831121


Its because our society trains us to believe the more money you make, the more important you are. There are people who will read that first sentence I wrote and think to themselves, "Duh, what are you, retarted or something?"

>> No.4831122


Again... What the fuck are you talking about? This was never about money/jobs. Not one post. Working for Boeing, currently making $65k with a BS.

People get college degrees to make money, thats a given. Technical majors look at business, music, language, etc and when all i hear from some dumb cunt's mouth about how "omg i'm so bad at math or phyics" I'm glad I'm smarter than them and can actually handle the coursework of a technical major. my degree isn't some waste of paper that you see the OWS people posting about because they cant get a job.

I would venture to say that the collective IQ of the scientific majors on campus vastly outweigh those in the softer majors.

Does this lead to arrogance? Possibly. If I start a conversation with you and find out you're studying poly sci or some dumb shit like that, the first thing that I'm going to think is that you can't handle simple math/you don't want to put in the work to understand.

>Get on my level nigger

>> No.4831124


Science is only one kind of knowledge, friend

>> No.4831131


If the teacher trained as an engineer for their BS, and then got a teaching degree, then yes, the world would be a much better place. No doubt.

>> No.4831137
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Can't us STEMs just get along?

>> No.4831143


Did you not see the guy I was quoting?

He said science has no real world applications. I felt the need to point out some.

>> No.4831141


What about engineering teachers?

>> No.4831154


But thats my point. I was a music major, but I almost went to school for physics instead (5 on AP physics if that means anything to you). I still do math/physics problems for fun and read peer review journals that I come across.

>> No.4831152


The thing I'm trying to say is that a teacher could make a HUGE difference in someone's life, no matter what subject they're teaching. They could lead someone to greatness, inspire them, change their life.
Yet, an engineer can make a new phone that people might like. You know. Because that's so damn important.

As for engineering teachers, I s'pose they would help just as much as any teacher, but any subject teacher can be great in society (as long as they're good)

>> No.4831171

I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but that's just me (I'm in my 3rd year of engineering).
Don't think everyone is as arrogant as the people who respond to you on /sci/.
I just find sci/math interesting. That's all there's to it.

>> No.4831175


>Pure science major acts like an insufferably arrogant socially maladjusted dickhole.
"That guy is a dickhole."
>Engineering major acts like an insufferably arrogant socially maladjusted dickhole.
"OMG, engineers are such dickholes."


>> No.4831187

>Don't think everyone is as arrogant as the people who respond to you on /sci/.

I would imagine most people around here do it for laughs anyway and are decent people

>> No.4831191


Math and science are incredibly interesting, and I wish more people would be into it. But using your logic, I could call you a retart because you cant play any musical instruments. A teacher could call you a retart because you cant communicate well with children. A girl could call you a retart because your awkward on dates.

There are many kinds of knowledge, and ignoring any of them is retart

>> No.4831218
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>Science is only one kind of knowledge

>> No.4831249

Uni major dick-measuring contests are pathetic. Anyone can program themselves to learn anything. While STEM majors do work the hardest comparatively and are generally more intelligent, someone shitting on the arts and humanties is oftentimes a pretty uncultured drab person. Thoughts from a chemical engineering major here with an interest in humanities and music production.

>> No.4831302

This x1000^1000^7.

I wish people would focus more on their own development, the achievements of someone with your degree are not your own for fuck sake.

>> No.4831344

because you only associate with asshole engineers. thats pretty petty of you to base your opinion of the group on the actions of a few.

im a chemical engineer and im not a dickhole. i actually go out of my way to try and be nice (tip very well, greet everyone i see, etc)

not all of us are dicks. just saying

>> No.4831349

although my thermodynamics professor sure was an arrogant asshole. made you feel like a dumbass if you asked him a question in office hours (even if it was a legitimate question)

>> No.4831405
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Face it if you care about things like applicability and working for the good of mankind you're better off as an engineer. Theoretical Physics is about pursuit of knowledge no matter how useless it might be.

>mfw I ditched an engineering degree for theoretical physics
Stay mad engibros

>> No.4831419
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Because most of them think they're good. I have no problem with you if you're good at what you do, hats off to you sir. The reality is that most engineers are in their program because they want to be of that group, the group of smart creative science applicators, but they end up failing most classes or barely passing. So they project their failure and low-self esteem towards others calling them losers to feel better about their life decisions.

Have a good day sir.

>> No.4831667

I'm an engineer and I get to play with big dangerous things all day. I develop solutions to problems and follow them through until it's solved. I am presented with a physical recognition of the work I put in everytime I see a finished job in front of me.

>Job satisfaction

>> No.4831719

Current Engineering student by the way.
I don't see why /sci/ finds this such a difficult concept, but very few new inventions are made solely by scientists or engineers. To say that the only purpose theoretical physics have is to settle arguments between theoretical physicists is as retarded as saying all engineers do is look up tables and crunch numbers.
Sage because the premise of the thread is flawed.