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4830392 No.4830392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem that the darker the person gets, the more violent and genocidal they get?

>> No.4830399
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>> No.4830403

Lets just forget that the majority of serial killers are white males and discuss this guys.

>> No.4830406
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>> No.4830412

Brain Size correlates to I.Q.

Evolutionary rankings correlate to Brain Size.

Aboriginals, the stupidest people on Earth, were the first migrants out of Africa.

South Asians (Our Paki and Arab friends) were the next.

>> No.4830409


What about Nazi Germany?

>> No.4830414

Blacks are serial killers at almost twice the rate of whites.

Do you even science?

>> No.4830415

Yeah, the interesting thing is that genocidal types are babyfaced whites or Asians. Think Stalin or PolPot. The darker races seem to be more involved in individual and group aggression rather than carefully planned massacre.

>> No.4830416


They weren't more violent and genocidal. In fact, their genocidal tendencies were confined to one race.


Except that isn't true.

>> No.4830423


Serial Killers arn't genocidal though, some truely horrific Serial Killers might have only killed 3 people. but it's the manner in what they did to their victims that makes them horrific.

>> No.4830427
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I think what you mean is that darker folks are too incompetent to enact genocidal policies.

But some of them really did give it a good try.

Pic related.

>> No.4830430

Lets remember Africa and all of the warlords.

>> No.4830464 [DELETED] 

Because black genes make more testosterone

>> No.4830463


You don't even need to go to the Warlord card.

South Africa has plenty of black serial killers.

You don't even need to leave the U.S.

Plenty of homegrown African American serial killers.

>according to the FBI, based on percentages of the U.S. population, whites are not more likely than other races to be serial killers.[13] Criminal profiler Pat Brown says serial killers are usually reported as white because the media typically focuses on "All-American" white and pretty female victims who were the targets of white male offenders, that crimes among minority offenders in urban communities, where crime rates are higher, are under-investigated, and that minority serial killers likely exist at the same ratios as white serial killers for the population. She believes that the "serial killers are always white" myth might have become "truth" in some research fields due to the over-reporting of white serial killers in the media.

>> No.4831034

>mfw indians are dark
>mfw they're the largest democratic country in the world
>mfw they spawned/coexisted with many religion for thousands of years
>mfw only during the moslem invasion did some of religion/culture died
>mfw indian math/science are often attributed as moslem science
fucking westerners

>> No.4831052


>What is Bombay Riots

>> No.4831086

>Hurr whites are teh greatest!
>Only gained power by borrowing the knowledge of other cultures and then raping everyone else
You guys say blacks and browns are violent animals, but who are the people who believed half the world belonged to them? Other cultures obviously had the opportunity, but they weren't as greedy.
I say in addition to wiping out the violent genes, we should destroy the greed gene as well. But retarded white conservatives will probably attempt to rationalize greed at the expense of others is a good thing.

Also /sci/ regulars, if you want to know why so many /pol/tards are here it's because /pol/ is being flooded with /b/tards thanks to the flag fiasco.

>> No.4831088

It was mostly muslims who created the riot. You know the story about indian religions, main hinduism/buddhism/jainism. In the ancient days, all 3 of them lived/co-existed peacefully in harmony (evidence by the fact that majority of them are endorsed by the indian kings equally or atleast given somewhat fair treatmeat). What happened was during the moslem invasion of india, they destroyed many hindus/buddhists/jain temples. They then shortly ruled the land and got assimilated. Overtime the moslems took one of the ancient Jain temples and made it a mosque. Fast forward to the destruction of the mosque. Moslems claim their founder created this mosque and it is a sacred moslem place. All other accounts contradict the moslem claims. The indian government destroyed the mosque because the temple was once a jain temple and that moslems dont have rights over the temple. The moslems here are at fault here mostly, however the indian government handled it badly

>> No.4831098


>What is LA riots
>What is Detroit riots
>What is Chicago riots

>> No.4831096

>mfw indian math/science are often attributed as moslem science

When did this happen?

>> No.4831108

arabic numerals

>> No.4831114

Don't forget the London riots.

>inb4 that was niggers and Muslims

>> No.4831117
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Wait, you mean those were Indian?


>> No.4831127

>Hellenistic mathematician Diophantus lived in Alexandria and is often considered to be the "father of algebra", writes his famous Arithmetica, a work featuring solutions of algebraic equations and on the theory of numbers.[citation needed]

You sure India didn't steal that one from the Greeks?

>> No.4831132

Deep eurocentrism still prevents westerners from accepting the original as truth.
Western philosophy is rooted in Indian philosophy. Theres a reason Indians were one of the first, if not the first to develop Iron age. It was because they had the math/science/knowledge to create those. Western Iron Age didnt start until after 1200 years AFTER the Indians had already established it.

>> No.4831134
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>mfw no Indian mathematician or philosopher (not religious zealots) from antiquity and earlier is known in either India or West

>> No.4831142

Indian here, that's a bit far-fetched. In fact, we have greek influence in Indian culture (read Buddhism, art, language etc).

>> No.4831147

Nope. Indian mathematics/science goes way older than socrates era (golden greek era).

>> No.4831150


/thread on 2nd post, well done, well done

>> No.4831151

>Implying we don't learn about early civilizations in history class.

>> No.4831156

>mfw India exists because of multiculturalism

I'm still betting on a developed Indian superpower by 2060.

>> No.4831165

Its actually mostly the otherway around.

Buddhist introduced many of the philosophical foundations of the greeks. Look up socrates(virtue/reincarnation/etc)/pyrrho(ataraxia)/stoics/epicureanism/skepticism/etc

The trend was Buddhist missonaries influenced greek philosophies in early development, but later in the development the Buddhist got influenced by the greek dialectics

>> No.4831167

Pick only two.

>> No.4831174

Also majority/many of the greek philosophical ideas/basis are developed in buddhism. You dont have to believe my word for it, just read up early buddhist philosophy in one of the encyclodepias. The evidence for buddhist influence on greek is very real. There are bunch of different documented buddhist monks living in early greece.

>> No.4831176

Sanskrit borrowed plenty of words from Greek language (Book: Sanskrit: pustaka, Greek: puksinon, Center: Sanskrit: kendram, Greek: kentron etc). I'm kind of proud that we shared our cultures in the ancient past.

>> No.4831180

I was referring to Greco-Buddhism:

>> No.4831177

everyone knows that the indians stole everything from babylon

>> No.4831185

Oh right, my reaction was against your reaction. Anyway, early buddhist -> early greece -> later greece -> later buddhist/india

>> No.4831183

Everyone knows these guys were the greatest


>> No.4831188
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>> No.4831201

>Indus Valley
>Now resides in Pakistan
>Archaeologists want to bury the site because hurr durr government wan't preserve it

>> No.4831204

Leave it to moslems to keep any thing in good condition

>> No.4831206
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>Eridu appears to be the earliest settlement in the region, founded ca. 5400 BC

>> No.4831210

How is this possible when the earth is only 6000 year old?

>atheists: -999
>star trek: +666

>> No.4831212

>Even the Mohenjo Daro museum has been looted, with many of its famous seals (thought to have been used by traders) among the artefacts that were stolen. They have not been recovered.

It's a Muslim country. I expected nothing less.

>> No.4831356

Not fycking science