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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 594x535, spencerclimatechange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4823455 No.4823455 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth it? What do? Jimmies officially rustled

>> No.4823458
File: 49 KB, 620x620, 1338573692017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rant about things that piss you off
>change nothing
>opinion doesnt matter.

>> No.4823461
File: 84 KB, 256x256, 1338836681689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this shit started

>mfw Americans clap after denying global warming

>> No.4823460
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 1310047942158..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off rose

>> No.4823467

Don't bother. It can't be won. It's like trying to talk to a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.4823476

fuck off, 7/7/11-fag, i didnt even click the link, it was obviously just gonna be that rose girls facebook, because why the fuck would they have posted anything else?
i didnt even check, i just dont give a fuck.

>> No.4823480

Fuck off, we know exactly what you are. A racist dumbass. Do you still not know what testicles are?

>> No.4823483

lel, i aint even racist.

>Do you still not know what testicles are?
yeh, those things that octopusses have 8 of, rite?

>> No.4823482
File: 428 KB, 599x398, 1327811598229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
>implying you didn't check
>implying you aren't rose
>implying you are a zoologist
>implying you didn't go to fine arts school
fuck off rose

>> No.4823487


EK do you do nothing but waste your days here arguing about whether or not you are Rose?

Just get a new trip, then maybe you can talk about science, oh wait, you (like all women) enjoy drama, not science.

>> No.4823488
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt check, ive no idea who's profile it went to. probably her, because you fucking 7/7/11-fags are so predictable. thats why i didnt even bother wasting my fucking time with it.

>> No.4823495
File: 65 KB, 540x720, 1311376824585..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't check
>implying you didn't confirm that it went to rose's profile after someone said it just goes to your own profile
fuck off rose

>> No.4823494

>Not racist
>Wish I screencapped her ranting about arabs and black people
>maybe I did, time to search image folder.

>> No.4823491

>i aint even racist.
wat? i thought you were smart.

>> No.4823499
File: 17 KB, 632x349, Harrietisdumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out I didn't. I did screencap this though.
Does harriet still have the hots for you?

>> No.4823496

no point arguing with 7/7/11 fags anyway, their as fucking stupid and deluded as creationists are. i already proved em wrong countless times already, they just aint worth the effort.

fine, i wont botehr arguing with em.

and i do like science! fuck the drama.

>> No.4823497


She's a liberal as well, apparently.

>> No.4823501

lel, that never fucking happened, i dont rant about that shit...

anyway, if im racist, why was i taking the piss outta tommy robinson yesterday then??

>> No.4823502

You never proved you weren't Rose. We do have huge backing for you being Rose. The ignorance is staggering.

>> No.4823503


No point arguing? Then why do you respond to all their posts? I believe that you're not Rose (it's pretty fucking obvious that girl doesn't post here), but you like to waste your time.

>their as fucking stupid

>> No.4823504

>implying you weren't mad as fuck rose

>> No.4823505

i said it PROBABLY does, i didnt fucking care.

fine, i made a mistake, i thought it went to hers, and if it doesnt then fine, so what. my bad.
it doesnt even fucking matter.
and stop shitposting you fucking cancerous piece of shit!

>> No.4823511

so what's going on in here with all the 7/7/11 stuff.

i went to the archive and it just looks like someone denying that a facebook is theirs.

cmon guys, over on /r9k/ we have jlh and everyone knows her real name and facebook and no one gives a fuck. lots of people hate her but no one spams her shit all day.

you guys arent worse than /r9k/, right?

>> No.4823508

wtf is that?
also, that's a troll posting with a tripcode that ive never used.

and harriet aint even bi.

>> No.4823507
File: 100 KB, 612x612, harrietbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you said probably
fuck off rose

>> No.4823515


I doubt anyone even got in contact with Rose on Facebook.

However, EK is kind of like abatap on /tv/. She responds to anything and is pretty fun to argue with so when I feel like killing time I come here.

>> No.4823516

only mad that hes a deluded 7/7/11-fag.
i called him a cunt because he was spamming /sci/ with his inane bullshit that had nothing to do with me, or /sci/, in any way.

>> No.4823517

The first tripcode is for sure the original EK. Are you a troll that just picked up EK after a while, or do you want to take the stench off your past tripcode? Either way, you are a dumbass.

>> No.4823521


>> No.4823525

yeh, first one in that screencap was me, and i AM prettier and smarter than her.
she probably know that herself, even if she wont say.

>> No.4823526

no1 who isnt a moron gives a shit about that fucking old piece of shit thread.
haz trolled the whole thing, and she even admitted it.

>> No.4823536


Okay EK answer the question.

Based on what western society find attractive, where on a scale of 1-10 would you lie?
This is not your opinion of your self, but what society would rate you as if they saw you.

>> No.4823537

You can't be serious. Rofl. Harriet is the prettier one. Wasn't that the consensus on here? And if keep posting such shit, you can bet that you aren't the smarter one.

>> No.4823542

>'Harriet is the prettier one.'
>implying you know her
>implying 7/7/11 wasnt a farce

>And if keep posting such shit, you can bet that you aren't the smarter one.

ahem! have you seen the shit haz used to post??

>> No.4823548

>mfw people itt think global warming is man-made
wow I thought there were smart people here.

>> No.4823552
File: 115 KB, 500x333, global warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For all intensive purposes it doesn't matter.


EK, please answer the question in the 7/7/11 thread OP.

>> No.4823555

fuck off, they can just read the top half of that fucking thread.

>> No.4823558


So you're a 5/10?

>> No.4823559
File: 12 KB, 264x320, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise



listen, guise

what if

what if ...

what if all 7/7/11 fags are disinformation agents?

>> No.4823561

actually, ive been looking for that picture for fucking ages!


and i retract the 'fuck off'

and yeh, 6/10 might have been a little pessimistic, im hotter than that.

>> No.4823564


ek will you go out with me?

i didnt know who you were until 3 minutes ago but now that everyones giving you attention i want you.