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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 250x250, Floaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4812966 No.4812966 [Reply] [Original]

explain this shit, /sci/

why am i seeing these things?

>> No.4812967

You have worms in your eyeballs.

>> No.4812973


Jesus Christ how horrifying!

>> No.4812980

Read the Wikipedia article you got that picture from.

>> No.4812982

You have eye cancer

I'm so sorry.

>> No.4812981

Rub your tongue against your cheek.

It's almost perfectly smooth, but there are a few imperfections right?

Same thing on your eye.

>> No.4812983

They are floaters: A blurry spot that seems to drift in front of the eyes but does not block vision. The blur is the result of debris from the vitreous of the eye casting a shadow on the retina. The spot is the image formed by a deposit of protein drifting about in the vitreous, the clear jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye. Floaters are often described by patients as spots, strands, or little flies. Floaters are usually benign (not serious). They can, however, occasionally result from a separation of the vitreous gel from the retina. This condition is called a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Although a PVD occurs commonly, there are no retinal tears associated with the condition most of the time. No treatments are available for floaters although they tend to become less annoying over time. Remember also that floaters are usually not associated with serious eye problems. Permanent or recurring white or black spots in the same area of your field of vision may, however, be an early warning sign of cataracts or another serious eye problem. If you experience a shadow or curtain that affects any part of your vision, this can indicate that a retinal tear has occurred and has progressed to a detached retina. In this situation, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist since time is of the essence.

Or so I've heard.

>> No.4812989

Are you an engineer?

>> No.4812996

No, I don't have gay sex.

>> No.4813000

I have them. I only really notice them when I'm outside on a sunny day.

I have a pretty big one, and it's fun to observe it. It's actually a large 3 dimensional structure.

>> No.4813001

Holy shit I'm not the only one! I used to see a lot of these back when I was a kid, my parents thought I was crazy

>> No.4813004


>> No.4813040

How the fuck did they take a photo of this..

>> No.4813073

Yeah, same here. I noticed that they're increasing when I smoke weed, but seem to decrease when I take shrooms.

captcha: Treatment nigger

>> No.4813121
File: 407 KB, 1600x1200, Mushishi_5-1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are called "Mushi"

>> No.4813122

>I have a pretty big one, and it's fun to observe it


I just recently started having them, and they're annoying as fuck

>> No.4815687 [DELETED] 

that's was I thought

>> No.4815690

I have severe myopia (Dioptre of -9). I see them all the time, and first noticed them when I was a child and was looking up at the clouds. They're fun to chase around.

>> No.4815692

They didn't, they just had some guy who has them all the time draw it.

>> No.4815695

I don't have these, I also don't get headaches and haven't been sick in 10 years while being very active and not isolating myself from the world at large. I am the next step in human evolution, all of you peons might as well just kill yourselves and give your wives and girlfriends to me for a proper injection of DNA.

>> No.4815710

>wives and girlfriends
you dont come here much do you

>> No.4815715


Shut up egghead, if any of you actually know your shit you can buy one/or both of either

>> No.4815726

>can buy a gf

what the fuck kind of backwards shithole you're from, bro?

>> No.4815732


The world, what you don't live in it?
Must be a total fucktard to not know how this kind of thing works.

>> No.4815756 [DELETED] 

> The world

yeah, I thougth so ... you're from a giant shithole

>> No.4817423 [DELETED] 


>> No.4818273


>> No.4818492

I've also had these since I was a kid, when I was really small I thought they had the lego logotype in the middle and though I was hallucinating because I've played to much with my lego bricks. later in life at one time a 'friend' lit me in the eye with a laser pointer, ever since then I've experienced a pretty big one on of these. My vision is otherwise above 20/20.

>> No.4818502



I'm onto you you copypastaing scumbag

>> No.4818516

Great, OP. Now I can see mine.

>> No.4818541

Your brain is overheating and making artefacts.

>> No.4818562

also for those who have these: I know how to "catch" them with my sight: usually, when you move your eyes, they move too to follow the movement.
However, I noticed that if I look fast enough in the direction they are, my sight catches up.
Then I let my eye rest in a normal position, and the floating shit comes slowly directly in front of me for me to contemplate it. I have to avoid moving my eye to follow it if I want to be sure to see it.
I have already been able to aim at something with this though.

>> No.4818673

those r ghost op I can see them too ur a gifted :)

>> No.4820527


>> No.4820814

jpeg artifacts.

>> No.4820822

call me crazy guys but sometimes I can see something like my own nervers in the retina firing action potentials, like electric current moving along tiny cables

>> No.4820833

Oh, squiggly line...

>> No.4820835
File: 18 KB, 216x209, Phosphene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here get phosphenes?

i get them looking into a bright sky

>> No.4821053

It's sperm residue. You need to jack off immediately, because you're up to your eyeballs!

>> No.4821089

I did shrooms afterwards and I could see blood vessels afterwards. I'm not kidding. My pupils were completely dilated (almost no iris left) and my sclera was COMPLETELY white. State of my eyes was like that from the moment the shrooms started working untill >=6hours after that.

Also, when I don't concentrate on what I see, but what what makes up the vision (I know this explanation sucks, but it's hard to explain) I notice my "resolution". All tiny dots that don't have the colour of the object I'm looking at (they're white, I think) sometimes they look less like dots and more like diamonds, or squares, or circles, but I feel this is some imperfection of the eye.

>> No.4821110

Nope look up blur field entoptic phenomenon. Thought I was crazy too.

>> No.4821112

Woops, first afterwards shouldn't be there. Looks like I went full retard for a second.

>> No.4821133 [DELETED] 

These used to annoy the shit out of me but I've learned to deal with them.

I also have another problem where if I look at a white wall for example, I can faintly see lines of gray dots surrounded by grey/black outlines. Sometimes the dots are bigger when I first look at the wall or whatever it is.
Also sometimes in the dark (normally happens when I'm in bed) this gray/blackness will override my field of vision but as soon as I blink it goes away

A bunch of weird shit goes on with my eyes but doesn't really bother me anymore. Inb4 I go blind tonight

>> No.4821155

Called Vitreous Floaters OP. I got them. theyre fucking tormenting as fuck when you first have them but ive has them for a year now and I barely notice them anymore. You cannot get rid ofthem without dangerous and expensive surgery that sucks out and replaces the filling of your eye

>> No.4821163

The can be a symptom of retinal tears, just get an eye exam. I got one and i was fine

>> No.4821432

>Also sometimes in the dark (normally happens when I'm in bed) this gray/blackness will override my field of vision but as soon as I blink it goes away

At nights if I look at a fixed point in space I can make myself virtually blind until I look away. It's the same thing, a rapid growing dark and gray vision.

>> No.4821453 [DELETED] 

Yeah man, that's exactly what happens to me. Do you know what causes it?

>> No.4821460 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 461x403, aline_guy_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont make me say it!

>> No.4821473 [DELETED] 

Oh you!

>> No.4821534

Unfortunately, no.

If I had to make a wild guess I'd say that our eyes and brain would be getting "confused" by the lack of stimuli.

>> No.4821541

I had to have laser surgery a couple of times because of the film left over after cataract surgery (back when they sliced er open and never put a lens back in). I was getting real bad glare from any light, made driving, seeing white boards, anything like that difficult.
The surgery basically cut a hole in this membrane, now i get to look at the edges of it allllllll the time, floaties aren't shit compared to this. It's like having a worm constantly floating around. Good times

>> No.4821543 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 477x472, 1307836830187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they banned blackman?

fucking dicks

>> No.4821565
File: 220 KB, 160x107, Red-blue-noise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here see things like these when they look around in the dark or at a bright wall?

>> No.4821594

Johnson–Nyquist noise

>> No.4821741

you are a good person

>> No.4821742
File: 13 KB, 389x255, fuckyouek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4821746

Fack you EK

>> No.4821765


It's most likely related to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optic_nerve_hypoplasia

Which is also heavily correlated to high-functioning autism.

>> No.4821771 [DELETED] 

make like you're fucking pic, and stab yourself in the eye, cretin

>> No.4821786
File: 70 KB, 496x507, fuek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4821789

shit I used to think they were dust, I could only see them when crosseyed though.

>> No.4821796 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yiff in hell, footfag.

and wash your fucking feet, there shit all over it, especially near your toes.

>> No.4821824

Every time there is an argument on /sci/, EK wins.

EK is best.

>> No.4822014


Hahaha, that's correct, people!

>> No.4823219

or dead pixels?

>> No.4824160
File: 1.38 MB, 352x288, 1337567098775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly fucking fuckshit, I've been wondering what that was for years! No one I know seems to have it.

>> No.4824163
File: 7 KB, 259x188, 1334100768578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hours on 4chan
>wonder why you have spots in your vision

>> No.4824165

I think everyone has them. Some just never noticed them before. A few people I described them to had no idea what I was talking about. I didn't really notice till I was about 10 or so. They really aren't that obvious and only seem to appear if you stare at a solid color for a while with extreme boredom. Anyone else never ever had these before? I'm curious.

>> No.4824181

>within the eye's vitreous humour

I didn't know that until now. I thought it was dust or something.

>> No.4826588 [DELETED] 

le bump

>> No.4826604

They're called floaters, and they're common in most individuals. They're usually either dust on the cornea (front of the eye) or cracks in the vitreous (center of the eye). In case of the vitreous cracking, it is just a sign of aging. Eventually your brain gets used to it and you stop noticing them. It could mean a retinal or vitreous detachment, but that's not usually the case. Don't be afraid if you are seeing flashes also.