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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 680x526, 1340495692541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4804658 No.4804658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is with the mods on this board? They ban all of the people who contribute yet the shitposters stay.

What the actual fuck?

>> No.4804660

It's better than /fa/, we don't even have mods there.

>> No.4804664

They should totally ban people who make unrelated and otherwise inane threads.

Like this one.

>> No.4804666 [DELETED] 

The mods are shitposters

>> No.4804670


>> No.4804673

And they STILL haven't fixed the Putnam threads.

>> No.4804674

All of your posts are dubs and triples.
>implying you're not a mod

>> No.4804678

Babby's first ban?

>> No.4804684

Lol? EK consistently evaded bans

>> No.4804681 [DELETED] 

The mods here are total assholes

The only good thing they've done for the board is ban EK and Harriet, and it only took two fucking years for them to reach that conclusion

>> No.4804690

So do you.

>> No.4804693

Wrong. I never have

>> No.4804692

It takes two seconds on yotsuba to ban a tripcode...

>> No.4804696

Banning tripcodes doesn't do anything. Takes two seconds to change trips

>> No.4804700

EK changed her trip once, Harriet never has.

>> No.4804715

And pray tell, whom have they banned who has "contributed"?

>> No.4804722

All of the people on here who used to post quality shit are now gone, yet all the shit posters remain. Either the mods are banning the wrong people or not banning at all

>> No.4804724

Oh look, our worst shitposter entered the thread.

>> No.4804726

They are banning. Carl Sagan and IQ fundie have been permabanned.

>> No.4804730

That is nothing in comparison to the /pol/ spam.

>> No.4804735 [DELETED] 

I have not been banned. How exactly am I a shitposter?

>> No.4804747 [DELETED] 


>> No.4804761

Oh god, am I a shit poster?

I only help out with chemistry problems.
And ask questions every now and then.

>> No.4804768

Using this trip results in ban for ban evasion.

>> No.4804774

excuse me, I'm new here but I'm not staying long

may I know why they banned them?

>> No.4804777

What are your qualifications?

>> No.4804775 [DELETED] 


>> No.4804780

HS Graduate, got a 5 on an AP Chem Test.
I'm fairly good chemistry, and always looking for good problems.

Nothing really else. I can help with CS if anyone is new and starting out.

I'm not the kind of guy to fucking troll others for my own amusement. Especially on a board I like.

>> No.4804789

You're not qualified to use the name "ChemGuy"

>> No.4804795
File: 29 KB, 233x280, 1335581378629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related OP.

Get out of the fucking 2000's, we don't have this mentality anymore.

>> No.4804797
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>> No.4804804
File: 80 KB, 750x700, DoILookLikeI'mJoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm here to stay, so IRDGAF.

Deal with it.

I'm going to major in Computer Science.
Again IRDGAF what anyone else thinks.

If someone needs help, and I know a solution, and I can explain it with confidence. I'm going to help.

>> No.4804806

If I studied chemistry solely through Khan Academy and used the name ChemDude, how would that make you feel?

>> No.4804810
File: 24 KB, 597x336, ElfenLiedLucy_284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter how the knowledge is obtained, only how well it is.
I got to work a professor that had a Ph.D in Chemistry.

Getting a 5 on the AP Test. I really don't see how you have a problem. Especially for Freshman in college who are in Gen-Chem.

>> No.4804814
File: 25 KB, 250x250, costan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was banned from /sci/ for using an anime reaction image a couple days ago

>> No.4804823

I'm agreeing with blackman.
Does this make me a bad person?

>> No.4804829



>> No.4804831

I wouldn't say a bad person.
I know I'm not qualified to try a problem and get it completely wrong.

I'm keeping the name though.
I again DGAF what you think. I have a full blown lab in the basement of my home, and I work on new things every day.
It's not simple reactions either.

Sorry if it offends you.

If I really wanted to be a cocky fuck, I'd put like ChemMaster or some shit like that.
My name simply implies my love for chemistry.

>> No.4804833
File: 734 KB, 3850x1925, 1336000709340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempt to be semi-helpful and try not to shitpost. There are a few good people still lurkin' around here.

>> No.4804840
File: 992 KB, 1536x2048, 1323366795395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not qualified to use the name "Blackman"

I couldn't find that picture of your hand clearly being white, so have Pascal instead

>> No.4804843

Hey Blackman, do you have any idea what Josef is up to? Is Rutgers banned?

>> No.4804844

Post pics of your lab. I haven't had a good lol today.

>> No.4804845

Lol, it was the lighting and that was during winter when I'm paler than my Italian friends.

>> No.4804848

0/100 troll harder whiteman

>> No.4804858

I have posted other pics in the past where my true milk chocolateness was displayed, silly goose

>> No.4804869
File: 462 KB, 2304x1296, DSC00569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are what I think to be, Vandic Acid cystals, Dissolved V2O3 in Sodium Hydroxide, then tirated back with a nitrate.

Will post more in my next post.

NaVO3 + HNO3 ---> HVO3 + NaNO3

I still am not sure, there isn't much to base off of.

>> No.4804875
File: 468 KB, 2304x1296, DSC00567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my beakers are outside, and it is too dark to open up.

I moved the majority of my stuff out to my garage.

The rest of my chemicals. Are still in my basement.

All Heavy acids like H2SO4 are out with my beakers. For safe keeping.

>> No.4804877

>Potassium supplements
>Kool-aid in a beaker
>Parmesan cheese

That's not a lab, it's a pantry

>> No.4804881

I'm impressed. You've assembled a collection of jury rigged materials and hazardous chemicals and combined them with just enough knowledge to be dangerous to yourself and others. Nice hazard labels on that stuff by the way.

>> No.4804882
File: 14 KB, 323x262, test6-16-2012-6.59.38 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I don't want to drop money on real containers. Read the labels

BDMHD - bromo dimethyl hydantoin

That's Manganese Dioxide in the jar next to the potassium permanganate.

Dude, give me a break.
If you can show better, then politely do so.

>> No.4804886
File: 13 KB, 314x286, test6-16-2012-7.00.08 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering if I was an official lab, with high grade stuff, I would be doing the labels.

I bet you haven't even worked with vanadium ever before.

>> No.4804897

Only when doing chem demos. It isn't a useful catalyst in any of the work I do.

>> No.4804914

>faggot posts some ugly ass american cartoon girl
>thinks hes so cool because he uses a catalyst that has about 4 uses
>cant afford real containers
>no hazard labels

>> No.4804912
File: 494 KB, 2304x1296, DSC00568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What demos can you do other than the oxidation states?

I've found that Vanadium pentoxide is very unreactive.

I was planning on converting naphthalene to phthalic acid, using Potassium Permang, and That V2O5 as the catalyst.

Been so busy the past few days.

>> No.4804919

some of the jars have 'hot' or 'medium' on them

surely that's enough of a hazard label

>> No.4804923
File: 61 KB, 396x374, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, are you joking?
Only another fag would look at the attractivity of a picture.

It's from JLU, that is Ace, from the Royal flush gang.

>Quit trolling and get a fucking jar.

Ofc I'm gonna get laughed out.

Again, Idc.

I don't see anyone else doing anything like this.

>> No.4804922


>> No.4804928

You don't need a catalyst and you should be wearing gloves.

I'm out. Time to hit the bars.