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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4797309 No.4797309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My teacher told us that we need to prepare one researchable problem within 48 hrs. I can't think of anything extraordinary researchable problem. Any suggestion?

>> No.4797341

Which subject are you studying?

>> No.4797345

plato's cave is fun baby matrix stuff

probably not what your looking for tho

>> No.4797348


>> No.4797353

how about the jew problem?

>> No.4797357

Yes, but that is very vague.
I asked for your subject so that I could answer with something appropriate for you to research that is to do with that subject.

>> No.4797358

No racism on /sci/, please.

>> No.4797378

>Agriculture maybe
Like converting a fruit seed into something that can attract cockroaches or any pest to it.

>> No.4797396

how about ultraproducts in commutative ring theory?

it's a relatively new area of mathematics that is easier to understand compared to other branches.

one thing I was working on was to try and find using an ultrapower and example of an atomic domain which doesn't satisfy ACCP.

>> No.4797420

My ideas are too unresearchable that they require original science.

>> No.4797422

Race =/= religion

>> No.4797427

The Jews are a race, as well as a religion.

>> No.4797442
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>Yahoo answers
Haaaa. Fuck man seriously. Astrology is a science because ... Yahoo answers link...
I can become a Jew but I can not become an Aboriginal.
> 2. Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
My physical characteristics will not change if I change religion.

>> No.4797444

>No racism on /sci/, please.


anti-racists are the lowest of the low, bunch of fucking race traitors.

>> No.4797445


Culture != Race. You've got black Jews, Asian Jews, Caucasian Jews, Semite Jews, et cetera. Judaism isn't a race. Try harder.

>> No.4797448

It truly is both.
You can convert to Judaism as your religion, but you can not become ethnically Jewish, obviously.

On the other hand, Albert Einstein was ethnically Jewish, but he did not follow the Jewish religion, and did not consider their God to be real.

"The Einsteins were non-observant Jews..."

(This means that they do not follow it as a faith, it has nothing to do with their eyesight.)

>> No.4797453
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Racism is not permitted on /sci/ or Reddit.
You should grow up, I think.

>bunch of race traitors.
I did not pick my race; I was born here by coincidence.
You did not pick your race either, so it is foolish to be proud of it, or to think that you are in any way, better than anybody else just because of your racial identity.

>> No.4797458

As I said, those others are religiously Jewish, not ethnically.

>> No.4797462

different races have different skeletons, same with genders.
So your image is literally a load of shit

you need to get the fuck out with this utterly retarded marxist rhetoric/strawmen.

>> No.4797463

U mad, nigger?

>> No.4797465

Obviously I am not saying the skeletal structures are exactly identical.
Some people are tall, some people are short, or some people have longer legs. And yes, men and women have different bone structures

You are missing the point of my image; we are all still human, and should be judged as so.

>> No.4797468

I am white.

And no, not mad, just a little disappointed.

It is a little sad that some people are still so hateful and ignorant in this day and age.

I hope that you see the error of your ways.

>> No.4797466

Using the most widely accepted definition of race Jews are not a race.
>The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.
Notice how ethnicity has a totally different definition to race?

>> No.4797473
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>> No.4797474


"Abu el-Haj argues that genomics and the mapping of lineages and clusters liberates "the new racial science from the older one by disentangling ancestry from culture and capacity." As an example, she refers to recent work by Hammer et al., which aimed to test the claim that present-day Jews are more closely related to one another than to neighbouring non-Jewish populations. Hammer et al. found that the degree of genetic similarity among Jews shifted depending on the locus investigated, and suggested that this was the result of natural selection acting on particular loci. They therefore focused on the non-recombining Y chromosome to "circumvent some of the complications associated with selection".[135]
As another example she points to work by Thomas et al., who sought to distinguish between the Y chromosomes of Jewish priests (Kohanim), (in Judaism, membership in the priesthood is passed on through the father's line) and the Y chromosomes of non-Jews.[136] Abu el-Haj concluded that this new "race science" calls attention to the importance of "ancestry" (narrowly defined, as it does not include all ancestors) in some religions and in popular culture, and people's desire to use science to confirm their claims about ancestry; this "race science," she argues, is fundamentally different from older notions of race that were used to explain differences in human behaviour or social status:"

>> No.4797471

>claims other people are ignorant and hateful
>rejects reality, human nature, science, biology, genetics, all of history
>wants to kill people for being "racists"

Stay Class C, traitor.

>> No.4797476

I am no traitor, and I am none of those things that you listed.

I do not like racist people, and I do not associate with them, but I never said that I wanted to kill them.

I do not.
I want them to learn.

>> No.4797483
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/sci/ in a nutshell.

>> No.4797492

One ignorant racist poster is not '/sci/ in a nutshell'

Most of you are far more enlightened I think, or else I would not still be here!

>> No.4797490

You are a cultural marxist. You don't' even believe in a objective reality.

It's learning which makes people reject cultural marxism, and reject your lies and deceit and wishful thinking.

>> No.4797494

This is why I hate /sci/. Everything deteriorates into petty arguments like this.

>> No.4797497

>You are a cultural marxist.
No I am not.

>You don't' even believe in a objective reality.
Yes I do.

>and reject your lies and deceit and wishful thinking.
I do not lie.
We are all still human, differences in appearance do not matter to me.

>> No.4797501
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>My teacher told us that we need to prepare one researchable problem within 48 hrs. I can't think of anything extraordinary researchable problem. Any suggestion?

Answer please. Not about racism.

>> No.4797502

>differences in appearance do not matter to me.
Blatant lie, who's the ignorant one now?

>> No.4797507


I have better things to do than argue pointlessly with bigoted racists!

Lets get this thread back on topic.

>> No.4797511

>calls me bigoted when he has literally no argument of his own except emotional appeals

>> No.4797512

>Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, physical appearance, ethnicity and social status.
For fucks sake that definition makes every person a member of several different races. I am of the- high class Jewish, black, Ethiopian, African American, tall races. My full brother is of the middle class Christian, black, Ethiopian, African American, short races.

>> No.4797509

Just because you can only be born "Jewish" (in the strictest form of the religion, apparently) does not mean you've established your own race. To start with, you were already part of a race, the Canaanites. You then went on to create a religion and instilled a rule whereby "real Jews" could only be born Jewish. These "real Jews," whether born then or 4,000 years later (today), are still descendents of the first Jews, the Canaanite that decided to form a religion.

>> No.4797516

>tfw a literal nigger jew is posting in the same thread as you

>> No.4797518

If niggers were smart they would have evolved by now.

>> No.4797526

Every living thing today is as evolved as every other living thing today. Learn2evolution, retard.

>> No.4797531

Sure, niggers evolved for plains where the only relevant thing was running and spear chucking.

Whites evolved for civilizations and technology and thinking/planning.

We are not equal.

>> No.4797541

Checkmate niggerlover!

>> No.4797544

If you really think that implies that Caucasians are "more evolved" than Negroes, get the fuck off /sci/. You are the failed mutagen we are trying to exterminate.

>> No.4797549
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>> No.4797553
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ooh Jesus Christ

>> No.4797558


>> No.4797556
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>> No.4797562

>The University of Timbuktu was founded in the 11th century by the Tuareg Imashagan

>The Tuareg (also spelled Twareg or Touareg; endonym Imuhagh) are a Berber people with a traditionally nomadic pastoralist lifestyle. They are the principal inhabitants of the Saharan interior of North Africa.

>> No.4797582

you should listen to this guy >>4797396 and study ultrafilters.

>> No.4797584
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ITT: we think Africa never had any kind of reasonably advanced civilization

What is true is that those civilizations had collapsed long before Eurasians could see them in their glory days.

>> No.4797617

>arguing with /pol/
Why /sci/?

>> No.4797621

Extended Project, OP?

>> No.4797646

>one researchable problem
Does this mean something for you to read about, or something for you to do original research?