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4794602 No.4794602 [Reply] [Original]

Why do med students think they know everything?

It's unbelievable, they think that because they took a general intro to bio, chemistry, and physics, they are "masters of all sciences" and know everything there is to know in all of the fields.

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.4794606

Did you mean pre-meds?

>> No.4794608


premed students, med students, whatever.

>> No.4794631

as a premed, it's not that i think i already know everything, it's that i feel confident that i could go into most any field and understand it; whether that field be pure math, physics, or chemistry

>> No.4794638

Gonna need sauce or moar on that girl op

>> No.4794644

I'd hate to reinforce stereotypes, but when I used to play poker my favorite opponents were doctors, they were the dumbest relative to how much money and social status they have.

In this TED talk this inventor talks about the kind of hurdles he had to jump through to be able to work together with the big egos in medicine.


>> No.4794665

Every semi intelligent person should be able to do that.

>> No.4794789


>> No.4795475


>learn shortcuts to do organic chemistry well
>get by because of derpderp curves in science
>implying your Bs/As in premed clusterfuck courses demonstrate mastery

>> No.4795506

Please give detailed explanation on the signal processing used in FT-NMR spectroscopy including mathematics and hardware required.
Once you've done that I'll need a detailed analysis of major total syntheses of aspidospermine. Special consideration should be given to comparing the strategies of Stork '63, Martin '80, Heathcock '00, Aube '00, and Zard '06.

Lastly, please provide a review of major accomplishments in quantum physics from the years 1905-1930.

Since you are so accomplished and can understand any field this will be easy.

>> No.4795511

jesus christ, you aspies should cry more

>> No.4795524

They have a renaissance science education. I admire them for that.

That said, the strict and artificially competitive schools that they apply for are the sources of their inflated egos, I think you will find.

>> No.4795526

I honestly laughed.

>> No.4795527


This. And there will be butthurt about it. All of the chemists and physicists will cry out shit like this >>4795475 because they think any intelligent person should go into their respective field, because they're self-serving faggots with huge egos too.

lol cool, you found the video of the only non-aspie physicist spouting out inane shit he doesn't understand. those predictions are based on statistics, on math. sometimes people beat the odds. if he has a better methodology then he should suggest it.

>> No.4795537

my roommate is a genius when it comes to physics, but he can't into chemistry for the life of him. but for the sake of argument let's assume you're right, and that if you can succeed in one of the fields you'll succeed in all of them. premeds may feel superior because they've demonstrated that they can succeed, whereas the physics student never has to take chemistry or biology, and so has nothing to back up his argument that he is superior with.

his 'common example' is really not that common. however, doctors should give patients the worst possible scenario; hence, giving treatment and hoping that it works, but telling the patient that if none of it has any effect, than in 6mo they will be deceased

never said that it demonstrated a mastery, i simply said that it demonstrates an ability to succeed at whatever you put your mind to

>> No.4795540


>implying that's what he meant
>implying that's not all rote memorization too

all the dude meant was that if he wanted to go into organic chemistry he could have. no one is going to know that unless they actually study the subject for a period of time. stop being such an aspie.

>> No.4795545

please see my response to >>4795475 in my previous post, >>4795537

>> No.4795550

Yes, premed students and their egos. Not all of them have egos, but most of them definitely do.

We philosophers honestly just observe them every morning as they pass by our department. We've categorized the alphas and betas and the harem and we're thinking of conducting an experiment on them.

Should be a good experiment.

>> No.4795553

I contend that passing a sophomore level organic chemistry class in no way demonstrates mastery (or even actual understanding) of anything. There are plenty of dumb-asses that manage to pass the class I teach.

>> No.4795566

again, and everyone please take note: i never said it demonstrates mastery. i simply said it demonstrates an ability to succeed at whatever task the student puts their mind to.
however i do agree with you, i have also seen people pass organic chemistry through brute memorization of reagents and reactions. although, it is my belief that these people will either a) not be accepted into med school or b) will not become successful doctors

>> No.4795563


>generalize all organic chemistry classes based on the one you teach

cool argument, bro.

>> No.4795571

>whereas the physics student never has to take chemistry or biology, and so has nothing to back up his argument that he is superior with

The average physicist knows enough chemistry to put the average medshit to shame.

>> No.4795577


The floor for being an ace in organic chemistry is getting a solid A (if not an A+) in sophomore organic chemistry.

Why do you think just making the first cut makes you the shit?

>> No.4795580

>Med School admissions sees A on transcript
>implying they can tell the difference
>implying success in organic chemistry course warrants success as physician

>my sides

>> No.4795605

Yeah, pre-meds are idiots, but you also have to remember that only a fraction of those pre-meds go on to enter med school. Your standard straight-out-of-school physician is probably not a bastion of intellect, but at the same time they do not have to be. Mechanistic theories of how medicine should work when applied clinically are almost always wrong, and you have to rely on clinical trials (which as far as evidence goes is rarely satisfactory). A standard physician benefits much more from their social skills and the their art of dealing with the patient than from shear intellect. Common sense gets you through most of what you see in a family practice.

On the other hand, I've seen the inverse case, where a first year biochem grad student tried to go toe-to-toe in a tirade of arrogance with a pathologist, it did not work out well for him.

>> No.4795611

Half my family are medical doctors or med students. Just one has a huge ego.
Most premed students at my uni do have egos, but they tend to suppress it when they're around physics and chem students.
If one of them tries to outsmart us, we quickly shut them down.

I don't care much for them.

>> No.4795614


>Mechanistic theories of how medicine should work when applied clinically are almost always wrong

stopped reading there

>> No.4795643


Exactly, which is why every time we design a drug based on what we know about a biochemical pathway, it will always works and no clinical trial has ever disproved our assumptions.

>> No.4795653

This. Physics major here and the only flaw on my transcript is an upper level physics class at A-.

I murdered the intro chemistry class so badly at my school that I unwittingly won some sort of freshman excellence at chemistry award for it, beating out all the premed kids.

>> No.4795665


If that's what you meant, then I misinterpreted what you were trying to convey. It seemed like you were saying practiced treatment theories in medicine rarely work. If you were focusing on experimental drugs, then yes I agree. But that's more a result of our limited understanding of molecular biochemistry rather than some lack of intellect in medicine.

>> No.4795671

I'm generalizing based on the 7 classes I've taught over the past 3 years.

>> No.4795679
File: 13 KB, 500x150, major total syntheses of aspidospermine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Computation of Average Transients (CAT) is used routinely in FT-NMR spectroscopy (nuclear magnetic resonance) to improve the signal-noise ratio of nmr spectra. The signal is measured repeatedly n times and then averaged.

Assuming that the noise is white and that its variance is constant in time it follows by error propagation that

Thus, if 10,000 measurements are averaged the signal to noise ratio is increased by a factor of 100, enabling the measurement of 13C NMR spectra at natural abundance (1.1%) of 13C.

>Special consideration should be given to comparing the strategies of Stork '63, Martin '80, Heathcock '00, Aube '00, and Zard '06.

Your review on Quantum Physics http://punsterproductions.com/~sciencehistory/pdf/Paislect.pdf

Pic related, its major total syntheses of aspidospermine

>> No.4795681

I live in a 3rd world country (Really, we're developing! Honest)

They send a bunch of Reject Indian Doctors down here. Basically, it's expected that you die if you go into the main hospital for anything remotely serious.

And all the private practices are a bunch of general practitioners who would be quite happy if all they had to do was administer flu shots and write prescriptions for STDs.

>> No.4795686


Pre-med major here and the only flaw on my transcript is an upper level biochemistry class at A-.

I murdered the intro physics class so badly at my school that I unwittingly won some sort of freshman excellence at physics award for it, beating out all the physics majors.

Wow, look how easy it is to make claims on the internet.

>> No.4795689


as a med student myself


>> No.4795698

Med student here.
I entered this field due to simple opportunism, I saw I had a chance and I took it, never been anything resembling a top student.

The first year we had the most of the overambitious people that overestimates their capabilities, after a number of boring as shit courses and abrasive teachers it have mostly died down though. Though of course there's some occasional spurts of giddyness appearing every now and then


then after standing around and looking at surgeries being performed for 120 hours they're usually more bored than anything.

It seems like some people lives in a fairytale narrative until you grind reality into their brains.

>> No.4795703

No it isn't.

Chemists, even with PhD's, work for a long time to make their most groundbreaking discoveries. The hours are long, the pay disproportionately little for the hours you work, and the pressure high. Newsflash: most important scientific discoveries (read: not bean counting) take years to develop fully and property.

Why do you think your grades equate to success when people who have spent countless hours studying scientific phenomena (and, pending institution, may have known it better than you in the first place) can't even get it right without working their asses off?

>> No.4795715

German Chemfag here. Thing about our med students is that they need to have the best A-Levels ("Abitur"), which in many cases infuses their egos with steroids on steroids. Usually results in shitfits once they fail the chem courses. Don't know what they need them for, anyways, it's all memorization after that.

[As an aside, who am I to talk. Tell a chemist they need to memorize this, they'll ask until when. Tell the same to a med student and they'll ask where the rest of the material is.]

Worse still, are the dentists: They can be divided into three groups. 1. Those who really, really want to practice dentistry b/c they want to help people, they always wanted that etc. 2. Those who seek to take over the private practice of their daddy. 3. Females who look for a male from the second group.

That is all.

>> No.4795721

I grade your submission to be an F.
No mention of things like phase cycling, locking, signal aplification, the mathematics of fast Fourier transforms, or extracting signal from a carrier.

Your submission in the area of total synthesis is not original work so it violates the rules against plagiarism. It also does not address the synthesis of aspidospermine much less address the work of the authors mentioned in the assignment.

At this point the most you could get is 1/3 credit which is failing so the final section is left ungraded. I think my point is made.

>> No.4795722

Not all pre-meds are know everything dbags. I am a pre-med and I have a math and physics degree but I'm getting into medicine simply for a love of the field. However, having done physics and math, I have to say pre-med students seem to be dumb as shit when it comes to physics. On the other hand, I've been able to go back and do all of their pre-med courses with ease.

>> No.4795739

Chemfag here. You may want to draw a distinction between fields of chemistry as well: the nitty gritty of FT-IR isn't relevant to certain fields.

>> No.4795769

By this logic, going online and reading about the anecdotes of anyone is completely useless and you should be embarrassed that you're reading about the experiences of others on an anonymous forum to begin with, cutie pie.

>> No.4795787


English major here and the only flaw on my transcript is an upper level course on Proust at A-.

I murdered the intro rhetoric class so badly at my school that I unwittingly won some sort of freshman excellence at rhetoric award for it, beating out all the rhetoric majors.

>> No.4795804

I start med school in August. I'm not looking forward to interacting with most of my classmates because of the many things pointed out in this thread. I think I'm a pretty low-key, humble guy so I don't think I'll get along with a lot of these Type A's.

Thankfully a bro of mine from undergrad also got in.

>> No.4796445

>>4795605 brings up another good point: social skills and common sense. i've met several PhDs of varying fields who had trouble looking me in the eye at office hours. a doctor has to not only be intelligent, but we also have to be people, not just some lab rat (no offense to those who do clock 10 hours a day in a lab)

>> No.4796455

yeah, naw, you're a cunt.

>> No.4796460

I totally agree. Who cares if they are fucking morons. As long as they would be fun to have a beer with then it's all cool.

>> No.4796458

the butthurt is strong in this one

>> No.4796474

Your field of study is so thoroughly useless to both academics and the general public that it is impossible to achieve anything within it and have it mean anything at all. You're actually a part of a detailed conspiracy to inflate attendance at university to help generate operating capital. I mean, why even mention this on /sci/?

>> No.4796475
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Plagiarism detected

independent confirmation of plagiarism detected

Typical premed behavior, blindly regurgitating shit they found on the internet like penguins and generally plagiarizing the hell out of everything.

>> No.4796494

actually i prefer bourbon on rocks, but thank you. i think i make good drink conversation.

>Typical premed behavior, blindly regurgitating shit they found on the internet like penguins and generally plagiarizing the hell out of everything.
yea, those are the ones who don't make it into med school

>> No.4796507

Damn it, are most pre-med students actually like this?

I'm starting my freshman year as a Biochemistry major in the fall who is also pre-med. Is there a way to avoid being grouped in with the stigma that comes with being pre-med?

If most pre-meds are actually like what is being described in this thread, it's going to be an extremely long and irritable 4 years.

>> No.4796527

So you're admitting that you didn't make it into med school. That's basically failing at being worthless. And this isn't one of those situations where a double negative is a good thing.

>> No.4796551

take what this thread says with a grain of salt. i'm premed, the majority of my friends at uni are premed, and none of us are arrogant or retarded. we hang out together every weekend - have a few drinks, smoke a little weed, play some nhl '12. granted we don't party like the communications majors, but someone wise told me when i began uni:
>you can either party now and pay for it the rest of your life, or you can pay now and party the rest of your life

please learn to read. i did not say anywhere that i had been rejected. i haven't even applied to med schools yet.

>> No.4796578
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Most premeds don't make it into medical school so their egos are generally misplaced.

Med students on the whole are intelligent because medical schools are ridiculously competitive. The MCAT is not only subject-specific, but also tests problem-solving and critical thinking skills. As a result, MDs as a population have a high average IQ (pic related).

Medical doctors require a completely different skillet than that of physicists so comparing them is illogical . Both fields require intelligence, but applied in different ways.

>> No.4796597

Premeds have the highest IQ out of all students on average in every university around the nation

Premeds are creme da la creme of universities. You should be proud to get the chance to learn with them. No other students are more well-rounded than a premed. Premeds must master chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology. It's quite the astonishing feat that deserves a tremendous amount of respect but never does because other students are JEALOUS. They are jealous of how successful the premeds will be in the future, they are jealous of how learned premeds are. That's where the hatred stems from, jealousy. It's quite humorous to be honest. I would always received undeserved hatred from fellow science majors because I was a premed, even though I was 5x more learned and 5x more determined in numerous fields of science.

Now I'm looking back at those people who gave me hate and it's funny because they aren't even going to be making half of what I will be making once I leave medical school. I used their hatred to propel me through university and I will do the same to propel me through medical school.

>> No.4796629


That is true, successful premeds are generally very intelligent and well-rounded. And I applaud them for the challenging curriculum they face in med school. It not only requires learning a massive amount of technical knowledge, but requires 2 years of applying that knowledge during rotations. My older brother is a doctor and I would never want to endure what he did.

However physicists, chemists, etc. also should be applauded for the work they do. It takes a lot of dedication and passion to devote yourself to studying material that will most likely never make you famous or make you any substantial money. Yet we still work our asses off to increase himanity's understanding of the universe.

These posts are divisive and useless. We should be mature enough to give respect where it's deserved.

>> No.4796654

>Premeds have the highest IQ out of all students on average in every university around the nation


AFAIK, fysicists are the brightest.


>> No.4796663

Where is this 'pre-meds are well rounded' fallacy coming from? Babby chemistry and biology with a dash of anatomy is not a well rounded education.

>> No.4796684

>i feel confident that i could go into most any field and understand it; whether that field be pure math, physics, or chemistry
> whether that field be pure math, physics, or chemistry
>pure math

What a joker you are.

>> No.4796686


the most mature (wo)men on /sci/
at least there is something we can all agree on: we're smarter than /lit/

>> No.4796694

they are expected to me masters of the life sciences.

>> No.4796689

What? More than half of all premeds are biology majors which allows them to master some of the most rigorous and beautiful science the universe has to offer

>> No.4796707

I couldn't get into medical school if I tried. It requires way more academic dedication and volunteering than I can handle and the MCAT isn't a cake walk. But I'm satisfied with pursuing a chemistry PhD because I feel like I'm happiest in the laboratory. But to be fair if I was saving lives continually I would probably develop an ego too

>> No.4796718

pick one

>> No.4796723
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>> No.4796728

I'm a computer engineering major, but there are two doctors in my family. One majored in mechanical engineering and the other majored in chemistry. I consider both of them very intelligent. I know some premeds major in non-sciences while others have challenging majors. My point is you can't generalize premeds. Some are overconfident douches, some arent, just like any other field

>> No.4796726

>boy is my degree awesome
>this other degree sucks from a general understanding of what it is
Unless you've taken a degree along with multiple other degrees, you're not one to judge.

>> No.4796731

I've never eaten dog shit but I can make a good guess that I won't like the taste. I don't need to go through all the pre-med classes to know that they are full of shit. I deal with enough of them as a teacher to know they are mostly worthless, type-A paycheck chasers.

>> No.4796730
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0/100 you are a horrible troll


>> No.4796734

Your argument has been rendered invalid

>> No.4796740

How difficult would it be to attain a 4.0 while majoring in Math at a decent school?

>> No.4796742

Same person, and a troll. I doubt any premed thinks that way, even if they may be more arrogant than most.

>> No.4796748

I have never not posted without my name, sorry to burst your bubble, pal. Maybe it's time to reconsider how you view premeds

>> No.4796751

Do most premeds think that others would be pursuing a medical degree if they were as intelligent or as talented? Personally, I hate the idea of being a doctor. Hours are long, I don't like being in a hospital, I can't stand to be around sick people, and quite frankly I care more about other things like the environment than people unless those people happen to be related to me. Nothing except the money would appeal to me. I'm much happier as a PhD student in an engineering field.

>> No.4796750


Bitter teacher detected

>> No.4796753
File: 70 KB, 600x508, 1339900259265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you know i am a teacher?

>> No.4796754

Are you implying that premeds are more intelligent and talented?

>> No.4796759

No, not at all.

>> No.4796760
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>> No.4796767
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>> No.4796764
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>mfw premeds think they can into science

>> No.4796775
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OP is a very strange troll

>> No.4796771

This is a foolish question. You're implying that premeds believe everyone intelligent person wants to be a doctor. This obviously isn't the case as everyone has different callings in life. However, a medocracy might not be that bad.

>> No.4796772
File: 19 KB, 586x486, dumbshit-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is filled with shitty med students who are not capable of coherent thought and can only pseudomemorize flash cards

>> No.4796776

I'm not a premed or doctor but I absolutely respect them. My uncle is a surgeon and he's inspiring me to possibly switch fields to med

>> No.4796780
File: 94 KB, 1023x831, some faggot on physicsforums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think "premeds" are real scientists

>> No.4796782
File: 6 KB, 320x240, 1322165059955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

premeds are the definition of undergrad scum.

most of them can't even get into med school because of their failures as parrots.


>> No.4796792

i'm an engineer who is applying to med school next cycle. ive found that studentdoctor.net has a lot of great information for anyone else out there in my position

>> No.4796805


Studendoctor is good, but sometimes the people there can be extreme. E.g. I feel like every other post in WAMC: "Unless you have a 3.8 from Harvard don't bother applying!"

How'd you do on the MCAT?

>> No.4796818

>must master Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
>equates mastery to taking one or two years of introductory coursework
>equates mastery to solving cut-and-dry problems designed as introductions to the field

My fucking sides.

>> No.4796819


32R. I did very well on the sciences, it was verbal that I struggled with. Felt like my practice tests (Berkeley review) were easier

>> No.4796829


I would be very happy with a 32. I'm in the process of studying to retake. Verbal is actually my strong point, it's the physics portion that's killing me

>> No.4796831

>my fucking sides
It could be an abdominal aortic aneurysm causing that pain. That's why you need premeds, to help save your life.

>> No.4796835

Actually, it's the fact that some of you premeds manage to have both a foot in your mouth and your heads up your asses at the same time. By the way, it's probably a bad idea to have your head up your ass because you might develop a bacterial infection

>> No.4796839

I'd love to be a surgeon some day. But I also love the laboratory. I'm a sophomore in uni and majoring in biophysics and apply for MD/PhD. Anyone here in an MD/PhD program? Especially in biophysics?

>> No.4796838
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>premeds able to preform surgery
internships don't count

>> No.4796840

And what exactly is your major? How are you any different than premeds when you come in here on your high horse and put down other people's life decisions

>> No.4796842

I haven't put down anybody's life decisions. I simply laughed at the thought of premeds mastering chemistry/physics/biology/mathematics.

And when some premed decided to be a wiseass I simply gave it back to him.

But I am a chemist.

>> No.4796843


If you're interested in physics and medicine look into radiation oncology. There are MD/PhD programs that cater to physics/medicine very rigorously so you can be involved in research. It's not an easy balance, but a lot of people do it. Make sure you keep your GPA up those programs are extremely selective

>> No.4796845

Would you go as far as to say that a chemist doesn't master chemistry? I majored in biochemistry and molecular biology, minored and mathematics and I can confidently say that I and many other premeds have a better understanding of numerous fields of science than most other majors.

>> No.4796847

oh really?

and what sort of chemistry courses do you take?

>> No.4796849
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>no research
>not published
>takes 'intro' classes and immediately reconciles advanced knowledge of all of chemistry

>> No.4796856

I already graduated. Gen chem, orgo, biochem research, biochemistry, physical chemistry, inorgo , chemical bonding , instru ana. I think that's it

>> No.4796858

Tony Toughnuts here takes a year of general chemistry, a year of organic chemistry, and suddenly he's ready to do some Nobel Prize winning work.

>> No.4796859
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that couldn't be 'premedical'. aren't you actually biochem as opposed to premed? the undergrad sections for premeds over here are essentially all 100 levels

>> No.4796860

Compared to most other majors?
I'm assuming most other majors means humanities majors?

>> No.4796865

Then let's rap about something you should know about: sugar chemistry. Care to give me a rundown of the anomeric effect? If you're worth your salt you'll explain in terms of MO theory as well -- none of this wikipedia horseshit.

>> No.4796864

Premed isn't a major. Most premeds are biology majors as I previously stated. We are required to take gen bio, gen chem, gen physics, orgo, calc I+II. The rest of the courses you take are whatever your major requires

>> No.4796866

No graduate program is as selective as med school. Ergo MD's are generally intelligent people.. not a lot of retards can slip through the cracks. Society values health to the extent that it requires its health providers be intelligent and well-educated.

A few doctors are brilliant scientists who win Nobel prizes, but most are fine working solely in clinical practice. Brilliance is determined at the individual level

>> No.4796873


This is why /sci/ is clueless. Premed refers to a course sequence you take in ADDITION to your major.

For instance I'm a mechanical engineering major who is also a premed, thus I take ochem/biochem/etc in addition to my engineering courseload

>> No.4796874

>Care to give me a rundown of the anomeric effect?
Do your own homework. I refuse to do anything that requires thinking until I start medical school.

>> No.4796876

>do your own homework
>in june


>> No.4796877


i wonder why it's listed as a major over here

>> No.4796879


No such thing as summer school in your country?

>> No.4796880

I'm not from the US so it might be a little different but still I'm not sure I understand that huge grudge against medschool on /sci/.

>> No.4796881

<span class="math">2+{3}[/spoiler]

>> No.4796882

See: you're fine though because you don't pretend that you're an expert in chemistry/physics/math/biology. You're good at mechanical engineering (and whatever pieces of the aforementioned four categories necessary to be an engineer). It's when you get premeds who are doing shit nobody cares about (Public Health at my institution is the premed clusterfuck) that act like they're the shit and know everything that people start to get miffed.

>> No.4796883

The anomeric effect is hardly a topic that you'll encounter in summer school (especially with emphasis on MO theory).

>> No.4796890

Okay, okay, I admit: I'm a huge cocksucker that wants to feel good about having no friends or social life. But on the bright side I can tell you how far away a cannonball will land if you tell me its velocity and the angle of the shot!

>> No.4796892
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this is you Blackman


>> No.4796893

From reading the last few posts, it seems to me you people think med students are inferior to every other fields because they're not specialized in any. You're completely missing the whole point of medicine if that's the case : you can never treat a patient if you focus too much on one thing.

>> No.4796895
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>> No.4796896
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>he implies actual scientists have no friends or social life
>he probably has neither himself

>> No.4796898

No: it's because they act as though they have mastery over many things when, as you've said, they don't focus too much on one thing until they get to medical school (and even then that's not always a guarantee).

Nobody has a problem with premeds until they try to make you live in their distorted reality.

>> No.4796899


>> No.4796900

Premed is not a major. There are many engineering majors, physics majors, etc in med school. Common misconception it seems

>> No.4796901
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>> No.4796905


On the contrary. Medicine does encourage specialization, but at higher levels. A neurosurgeon has highly a specialized skillset impossible to acquire outside of formal instruction

>> No.4796906
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their jimmies are just super rustled

>> No.4796923

of course but that specialization comes on top of that general knowledge/skills

>> No.4796924 [DELETED] 
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honestly, dumb post like yours just prove /sci/'s point. premeds/med students are retarded dumbshits only concerned with money. LMFAO.

>> No.4796928

you are so wrong, i actually chuckled. the med school interview is designed to weed out the people that are trying to enter the field strictly for monetary security. but it's okay to be butthurt that your premed friend from uni is doing better than you. maybe you should've tried harder.

>> No.4796930
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honestly, dumb post like yours just prove /sci/'s point. premeds/med students are retarded dumbshits only concerned with money. LMFAO.

>> No.4796929

no, I'm not only concerned with money

>> No.4796932


how fucking retarded are you? what do you do to help society besides scamming the living shit out people?

>> No.4796931

>>4796924 deleted his post because he realized how wrong he is, but here it is folks!

honestly, dumb post like yours just prove /sci/'s point. premeds/med students are retarded dumbshits only concerned with money. LMFAO.

>> No.4796940

lol nope

i posted an image that shouldn't have been posted here



>> No.4796943
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I'm currently designing an MCAT study plan. I'm a chemistry major so my strengths are in the physical and biological science sections. What are the best resources for verbal?

>> No.4796945

well as a trauma surgeon, i directly save the patients life. and tell me, what do you do for society? you're so high up on your horse that i imagine you can't even satisfy a woman

>> No.4796946


yes you reposted it after i entered my post, way to point out something irrelevant to the discussion at hand

>> No.4796949
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>implying you would save a patients life for free

>> No.4796952
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>> No.4796954


how much time do you have? the only way is with practice. you need to train your brain to efficiently isolate points and themes on the first pass

also keep in mind the BS section emphasizes the passages so you need read critically even during the science portions

>> No.4796959

lol. That's quite the fanciful statement.

>> No.4796962
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>he needs help with babby's first physics/bio/chem

>> No.4796960

actually yes i would. what i love about trauma/critical care is that we don't perform a wallet biopsy on the patient first. whether they can pay for it or not, we save their life and deal with financial matters after

i'm not mad, i've just had too much wine tonight and all these haters are successfully trolling me

>> No.4796963

and what is fanciful about it? there is absolutely nothing unbelievable about that

>> No.4796971


Go away pleb. My question was about verbal. I stated I was proficient in the sciences.

>> No.4796974
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stop posting bullshit. you know this isn't true. Your entire profession is a scam, and contributes little to nothing to humanity.

You also can be a total dumbshit and still get into it.

>> No.4796979

So premeds, a lot of you won't get into medical school. What do you do with a bachelors in an esoteric subject that you were just using as a means for an ends for America's latest get-rich-quick scheme?

>> No.4796981

i may be drunk, but obvious troll is obvious. 1/10, because i'm replying. isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.4796980
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LMFAO. You are joking right? Your degree is piss easy. You don't learn shit. You can take intro 100 level sections in undergrad and ace the MCAT without even studying.

>> No.4796982

Not the guy you're responding to, but what the hell do you do that's do much more valuable?

>> No.4796984

>whether they can pay for it or not, we save their life and deal with financial matters after

And I'm sure this has nothing to do with that:


>> No.4796987

>implying you only have one shot
Re-take the MCAT. Do a post-bacc to increase GPA. Re-apply next cycle.

>> No.4796988


You're suffering from the same misconception as the other neckbeards in this thread

PREMED IS NOT A MAJOR. I'm a chemistry major, as stated above. I'm simply asking for advice regarding the MCAT. Please troll someone else.

>> No.4796993

you raise a valid point. most of those who don't get into med school will attend graduate school and earn their PhD. quite frankly, as a premed, you have to be real with yourself: it's so competitive that you need to have a backup, because the odds are astoundingly against you

>> No.4796998

Most still won't get in. And eventually will become the bitter high school science teachers we all know and love.

>> No.4797000

you... you worthless scum.
I'll have you know that I learned all the weak points in the human body. Don't cross my path, I'll fucking end you.

>> No.4797002 [DELETED] 
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>implying I implied it was a major
>implying you do any original research/contribute to your field
>implying I haven't been in this this and aren't one of your self-proclaimed 'neckbeards'

Does anyone even know a famous chemist who was subsequently a premed and went to medschool? You sir are funny as shit.

>> No.4797004
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>implying I implied it was a major
>implying you do any original research/contribute to your field
>implying I haven't been in this thread and aren't one of your self-proclaimed 'neckbeards'

Does anyone even know a famous chemist who was subsequently a premed and went to medschool? You sir are funny as shit.

>> No.4797007

no that is completely relevant; the chief of medicine would probably have us hold off on treatment until we knew the patient had insurance, because let's face it medicine is a service industry. however, my first concern when a patient comes in is not whether they can afford to pay me for my service; it is what can i do to assist this person

>> No.4797011

most doctors aren't nobel-price winning chemists/physicists because they don't have enough time to do research in addition to their clinical practice

>> No.4797015
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>clinical practice
>healthcare scam

>> No.4797020

I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, I can't imagine a cooler job than being a doctor. I'm trying to determine the best major to be competitive for the best schools. I've heard chemistry tossed around, I enjoy chemistry a lot. Would that help my chances?

>> No.4797023
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>I can't imagine a cooler job than being a doctor
How old are you? 14? 15?

>> No.4797024


Choose the major that you're most interested in because that's where you'll excel. Stay in contact with your premed advisor, research if you're school has committee process, and start volunteering ASAP

>> No.4797031

yes the healthcare system in america (i'm going to assume that is where you're from) is not perfect. but do you have a better idea that is reasonable for this country? and don't say universal health care, because if you know anything about this country, it is that such a thing will never happen

your actual major is not terribly important. it's about your grades, your extracurriculars, your MCAT, and your essay/interview. however, most med school applicants are biology majors, so choosing a major (such as chemistry, as i studied) that is different will simply help you stand out on paper

>> No.4797035

>implying that everyone thinks clocking ten hours in the lab, developing and working up a reaction that isn't going to yield the product you were looking for, is awesome

>> No.4797036


Thanks. I've heard my school's premed process is very well organized (a UC) but I need to take the initiative and start attending the meetings

>> No.4797047
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>> No.4797051

not the one you're responding to, but UC Berkley has one of the best undergraduate chemistry programs in the country. so the question is, are you retarded?

>> No.4797054
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Enjoy your shit tier curriculum, cut research opportunities (you should have been at the recent regents meeting) and bitchy underpaid professors

This is coming from someone who teaches at a UC school (not Berkeley) btw.

>> No.4797055


What about astronaut or racecar driver?

>> No.4797058

well i don't go to a UC school, but thank you for making me feel justifiable in spending 55k a year on my private school education

>> No.4797063

Are you planning to stay?

>> No.4797065


Those jobs sound great, but I've had a lot of exposure to the excitement of the ER and operating room and to me that would be most thrilling and fulfilling

>> No.4797066

I was in premed

In my genetics class i overheard some fey-sounding black guy talk to his friend about how his cousin was going into medicine specifically as a DO / Doctor of Osteopathy

He was saying shit like "i dont know why she would do that, like she doesnt know people would laugh at her for it"

One of the few times i've ever been shocked into speechlessness

>> No.4797068
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you are in a much better boat right now even in an out of state public school. the california eduation system has gone to total shit.

nope. have another two or three papers to push out, two more sections to teach next semester, and also need to wrap up my dissertation (my current summer goal), then i'm the fuck out of here. at least my tenure credits will transfer over to where i am postdoc'ing at.

>> No.4797070

I start med school this fall.

I really don't have a huge ego, and dont' see myself developing one. I do feel that a good amount wanting to be doctors are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.4797072
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As an MD/PhD student I feel I have enough exposure to break down a few overarching you:

MD's do tend to have an ego, admittedly. Particularly those in surgery.

The MCAT is infinitely harder than the GRE.

It's infinitely more difficult to get into med school than any PhD program

Many doctors are also scientists. People in this thread act as though they're mutually exclusive. They're not. Even those with solely MDs, including my mentor/PI

If you're an introvert you'll probably enjoy being a pure PhD more than MD unless you're a pathologist or radiologist

Med school has two years of rotations which are grueling. People always discuss the difficulty of the first two years of classes, but rotations can break you

Premeds can be annoying, but most of them don't make it into med school. The med students that are handpicked usually have intelligent and favorable personalities

Premed is a course sequence not a major

>> No.4797078
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>It's infinitely more difficult to get into med school than any PhD program

>> No.4797079


Harvey Cushing motherfuckers

>> No.4797080

>It's infinitely more difficult to get into med school than any PhD program

Depends on where you go. Over here in Belgium you just have to take an entrance exam(involving basic science, some patient skills etc), and the biggest idiots manage to pass it. I can imagine that it's even easier in some other countries, a Phillipino MD came to my Biomedical Science class after finishing med school and managed to fail our class on Human Diseases.

>> No.4797081

>It's infinitely more difficult to get into med school than any PhD program

Blacks have like 100% acceptance rates

It's only difficult for whites.

>> No.4797085


Fair enough. My experiences are only relevant to the USA

>> No.4797086

Ain't that the truth.


>> No.4797088

Thankfully, black people tend to stay away from academic careers and just go do a typical black person career like drug dealer or pimp.

>> No.4797091
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>> No.4797092


What surprised me most about that table is that whites have higher average GPAs than asians

>> No.4797100

That would annoy me if I were asian, tbh.

>> No.4797107

Assuming that MCAT scores are more proportional to intelligence and GPA is proportional to work, then wouldn't that mean that whites have to work harder to be as smart as asians?

>> No.4797119


Fantastic troll, I'll give you 8 out of 10 for making retards, me included, reply.

>> No.4797116

MCAT = memorization
GPA = hard work/problem solving

both contribute to intelligence.

>> No.4797122

But medfags aren't scientists, they're just workers, and they don't go deep in any field of study.

What surprises me is that they take this weakness and use it at reverse, "Since I don't know anything, it must mean that I know everything!"

Scientists and engineers are the ones that make humanity advance.

>> No.4797126

>medfags aren't scientists
Some of them are.

>> No.4797127


Wrong, MCAT is not memorization. I truly wish it was.The test goes out of its way to test critical thinking/logic/retention

>> No.4797129


Completely incorrect

There are many MDs who are scientists either full time and/or supplemented with clinical practice.

>> No.4797133

Biology isn't a science.

>> No.4797152


I suppose that's why Jonas Salk and Louis Pasteur died by suicide.
The shame of it all...

>> No.4797180

They were executed by the association of blood-letters for ruining their business.

>> No.4797185


medical physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, biophysics are all popular postdoctoral fellowships available to MD researchers.. not to mention the multitude of MD/PhD routes available.

>> No.4797196

Chemistry next on the deny scientific status crusade?

>> No.4797232

Yes there's the posibility, yes some of them rather keep studying and do research than just having a job, but still, a medical doctor is not a scientist, neither is an engineer, they can be scientists if they keep studying, but most of them don't do it, is not the same as someone who has been studying natural sciences from the begining, you know, learn to be a scientist.

A shame but people go to medschool to be like doctor House, not to do research.

>> No.4797391

lol wasn't trolling, but glad i could help spark a nice debate here

>deep into any field of study
are you trying to tell me that four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, and nine years of neurosurgery fellowship isn't 'deep into any field of study'?
nigga you must be trollin' or straight up retarded

>> No.4797407

There is a delicious amount of butthurt in this thread. To answer OPs question, all college students think they know everything. You aren't an adult until you've realized how little you know. College student are just massive douche bags. Engineers are cool usually.

>> No.4797415

general education thread =/= sci/math

>> No.4797460

That's a good question. I'd like to see a doctor fail at explaining it.

>> No.4798130

He didn't answer it. Probably because he can't. How's the mastery of science working out for you?

>> No.4798205
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>It's infinitely more difficult to get into med school than any PhD program

The average GPA for a med school accepted ranges between 3.5 to 3.6. Take a stroll around physicsgre.com and look at their profiles for PhD programs. Notice how 3.5 and 3.6 looks like a completely shit gpa from their experiences.

No seriously, 3.8 is starting to look like an underachieving gpa after browsing around enough.

>> No.4798258

for about the third or fourth time in this thread, none of the premeds ever said they had mastered science. they simply feel confident that they can succeed at whatever they put their mind at.

>> No.4798263


>> No.4798269

Biotech student here

I tried the test for med school in my country, failed everytime for a few points

however, biotechnology IMHO gives you a better all-round knowledge of science, and I do stuff that all my friends that study medicine don't know

I feel proud, actually
also, research>everything

>> No.4798571
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