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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4789327 No.4789327 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your excuse for majoring in anything other than Physics?

>> No.4789336
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>hard science

>> No.4789335

Because I chose a major more suited to the problems I want to work on.

>> No.4789339
File: 9 KB, 295x240, bored kid-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. You're smarter and better than everyone else. A perfect world is filled with physicists. Every other educational field is useless, no matter the benefit it has to a society which, in turn, supports research into physics.

Does this thread make you feel fulfilled, yet?

>> No.4789341

Yes. Yes it does.

>> No.4789346

But I am a physics major. Though considering minoring in geology, which in turn made me think about just switching my entire major to geophysics.

>> No.4789345

Whats the matter, physics was too hard for you so you switched to a babby field?

>> No.4789350

not smart enough. Not everyone can into physics.

>> No.4789362

>Not majoring in both physics and mathematics
get on my level

>> No.4789363

Why the hell physicists think they are everythingologists?

>> No.4789370

They don't, stupid autistic undergraduate physicists do.

>> No.4789374

Why can't all the fields on sci just get along? Why do you elitist physics fags have to get on here and berate anyone who doesn't study only physics? Let's face it, you're only coming on here to give us shit because you're probably failing your degree and are trying to make yourself feel better.

>> No.4789398
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>> No.4789414
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Sorry I couldn't hear you over me actually being able to make a difference.

>> No.4789432
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The ego is strong with this one.

>> No.4789448

cracks me up every time

>> No.4789462

physis = nature
All is nature.
Therefore, physics is the study of nature, thus the study of everything.

>> No.4789470

>Not doing a double major in pure mathematics and applied mathematics/operations research
Are you fags even trying?

>> No.4789474

I could easily go with a physics major, but I feel that the U.S. needs more engineers and I can help solve that problem, one step at a time. I feel like I'm doing the right thing.

>> No.4789472


but that's not true, a physicists doesn't know biology or geology for example

>> No.4789480

I'm an anthropologist. So, I can't study physics, but I can study the physicists!


So... what do you think compelled you to make this thread, OP?

>> No.4789481

Then he is not a true physicist.

>> No.4789482

Plus, it isn't about money. It's about passion, and engineering is my passion, I think.

>> No.4789486


then there are not true physicists on this planet

>> No.4789489


then biology are physicists of living things lol

>> No.4789487

Majoring in maths.

>> No.4789490



>> No.4789599

Point is, what's your excuse for majoring in anything other than Mathematics?

>> No.4789601

Because I want a job

>> No.4789604

I chose to major in math, so I can look down at all the physicists who call dirac delta a "function".

>> No.4789603

Because I'm not an undergraduate.

>> No.4789605
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I like making money with my undergrad degree (good luck with that).

>> No.4789611

People like you.

>> No.4789615

But it is a function from the set of test functions to the real numbers.

>> No.4789638

No, it's not. Get the fuck out.

>> No.4789652

But I am majoring in Physics!

>> No.4789659


Technically it's "a distribution that is also a measure."
-Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_delta_function (second paragraph).

Although I always found it easier to think of it as a generalized function.
-Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_delta_function (third paragraph)

>> No.4789663

Physicists were using distributions way before mathematicians realized anything like that might even exist.

You just mad that any serious development in mathematics is based on needs in physics.

Mathematics is physics' bitch.

>> No.4789664

>Phd. in maths
>300k starting
>any job i want

>> No.4789672


>touts physics
>posts molecules

I'm majoring in Chem because Chemistry is what physicists do nowadays.

>> No.4789677

Theoretical physics, quantum statistical mechanics double major.

I hate my life.

>> No.4789678
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chem here too. its more better.

>> No.4789689

>livable wage

pick one

>> No.4789695

Physics major, EE minor reporting in. Was doubling in Chem as well, but not enough financial aid to finish both majors. From my experience in the different fields, we should equally respect all majors. None of us are worthwhile without the others. Us physicists look for the relations in the physical universe. We can come up with relations, but often it's the mathematicians who actually solve the problems we create. We are the ones who find the basis behind chemistry, but we don't actually look at those macroscopic relations. And engineers, without them, none of our work, our experiments, could be realized.
All you freshman, sophomores, all high and mighty touting one field over another, probably haven't contributed any research. Probably haven't done any advanced study, and probably haven't been published. As a senior in physics, with these other studies, I've done all three. It takes all kinds, quit being autistic holier than thou faggots, before you find yourself graduating with 0 employment prospects.
Sorry, probably shouldn't use the referral to previous post, but my firefox for android won't let me scroll up and remove that.
TL;DR, it takes all fields. Only future unemployed aspiefags truly think their field is far superior than all others.

>> No.4789697

after the first year i realized i didn't want to spend all my life in a lab or an office, only to make some mild improvement to our understanding of the universe with probably little utility to humanity. Those discoveries will be made even if i don't sacrifice my life to science, i can just read about new discoveries in my free time, it's pretty much the same.
Also i realized that we can never and will never understand the universe (certainly not in my lifetime), so it's kind of stupid to waste your life for a goal you will never reach.

I went on to make more practical things that actually help humans in my lifetime, and i can understand p. much as much about the universe as physicists just by reading articles, without wasting my time doing the actual experiments and calculations.

>> No.4789700
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Because i prefer chemistry. And girl who study physics are uglier than those in chemistry (whih are not the most beautiful)

>> No.4789704

roze ( randytaylor69 ) studies physics, your argument is invalid (not really though)

>> No.4789708

Materials engineering major here. Shoulda been a mechanical engineer. Physics is the shit, but I want choices other than academia. Also, there is limited demand for physics professors and researchers, while engineering is pretty good job security.

>> No.4789737

>Implying Math needs physics
>Failing to understand physics is a subset of Math

>> No.4789757
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>failing to understand that math is ingrained within reality and is therefore physics

>> No.4789783


Eh.... I am a physics major as well and that is wrong

Physics is all of nature and how nature works *on it's most fundamental levels.*

Things more complex are reserved for biology, ecology, etc.

We study the fabric of existence, how everything moves and works. Not literally everything you asshat

>> No.4789930

Not really. Math is reality, meaning it is all what exists, what could exist, what existed, what it will and what not.
The world physics describe is one of the infinite ones math is capable of defining.

That's not a bad thing though, 'cause as physics is is kinda restrained, it becomes more focused and is easier to make progress and describe things of this world.

>> No.4790272

Because if I didn't you wouldn't be getting your medication....

>> No.4790282

>undergrad detected

>> No.4790285

> So what's your excuse for majoring in anything other than Physics?
I looked at the physics majors and went into biology instead.

> any hot bitch I want
> $45k starting

>> No.4790297
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I am a dumb homosexual

>> No.4790306

Because I would rather major in math and am not strong enough to double major.

>> No.4790307
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>Math is reality

I don't think you understand math at all.
Math need not correspond to reality, that is the difference between math and science DUMBFUCK!

>> No.4790313
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I beg to differ

>> No.4790315

>implying science corresponds with reality and not our experience.

>> No.4790321

Shut up, 7/7/11 fag.

>> No.4790318


But Rose is a trap

>> No.4790331

Fuck off EK

>> No.4790334

I'm not EK. lel

>> No.4790350

Yes you are. Stop pretending to be me.

>> No.4790355
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O rly?

>> No.4790362
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Aerospace engineering sounded more interesting

>> No.4790360

don't like the first two years of physics. Gonna do engineering (my vocation) and maybe later physics an math (with many credits already done in engineering)

>> No.4790365
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Sagan confirmed for EK sympathizer.

>> No.4790373

Are your johnnies rumbled?

>> No.4790401

Math is reality, in a sense that is capable of describing what exists AND what DOESN'T exist.
It's reality in the sense of dynamic reality, i.e. what COULD exist.

I think you confuse REALITY with the OBSERVABLE WORLD.

>> No.4790441

no jobs
chem is easier

wanna double major though.

>> No.4790463

Im sure that when you get sick with something other than the flew, physics will cure you right away!

>> No.4790508

Because I want a job, so engineering physics

>> No.4790511

physics sucks, it's nothing but dry equations. It lacks inspiration.

also no jobs in physicis.

>> No.4790525

Math > Physics

>> No.4790553
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Gee I didn't know people can only date people from the same major.

Also >implying girls don't want a "SUPER SMART" guy who does something that is beyond their comprehension

You wouldn't believe the amount of times girls melt when I say i'm a physics major.

Also >45k starting

>> No.4790558

>something other then the flew

Maybe you should major in english.

>> No.4790566

in college women DO melt for intellectuals.
they outgrow that idealism about five years later.

see, they shack up with an intellectual, or even marry one right out of college because so smart and sure to be rich, right?

they go poor, knowing that material things don't matter, and one day hubby will be rich anyways.

after a few years of being broke they realize physicists don't GET rich.

they divorce and shack up with a dentist in Miami.

you think, "well I don't want a bitch that only wants money."

after college, that's all of them. Money matters to everyone. Women in particular.

you won't get much of either.
or money.

>> No.4790573

Seconded, over and over. Last hot chick I fucked was a Bio major, she was dumb actually. Getting a bio degree to be a medical assistant of some sort. Any physics major worth their salt will make at least $50k to start. The rest, doomed to work at starbucks and post pseudo-intellctual bullshit on /sci/ for the rest of eternity.

>> No.4790580


you made me aknowledge you

>> No.4790576

What's your definition of poor?

>> No.4790596


i was making 50k my first year in the military at the age of 18 with a highschool diploma.100k+ on deployment. in 5 years ill be at 70k + a host of other benefits that only a government job can give. enjoy your nerdy desk job faggot!

>> No.4790605

less than six figures.
sorry if it's skewed, I'm a geologist with 20 years experience and my own company.

I have several employees that makes six figures.

>> No.4790611


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot.

>> No.4790625

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little physicist? I'll have you know I graduated top of my biology class in Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on cancer, and I have over 300 confirmed PCR tests. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top bird watcher in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another species that I have to memorize for an exam. I will dissect you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pre-med students across the USA and your information is being memorized right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in not using mathematics, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Richard Dawkins Followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit bacterial infection all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4790635


>> No.4790631

Because mechanical engineering is more practical and funner.

>> No.4790640

Yeah it is quite skewed. As a physicst a healthy salary is 80k, and with a wife working then its quite easy to see how well off you can be. I'm not saying 6 figures isn't ideal, but I can definitely live of 80k plus another source of income. And I don't think any rational woman would leave a man because "80k wasn't enough"

>> No.4790675


Why is there such a big thing about physics and unemployment/low salaries ?

>> No.4790688

I'm not saying you can't live comfortably on $80k or $45k or any amount really.

the problem being that female college grads come with a strong sense of entitlement.
"I worked my ass off to get through college and make something of myself, I'm not going to settle for a man that did less."

In much of the US, $80k is a lower-middle class income.

In some parts you can't live on it. In some parts you can live like a king, but who'd want to live in the poverty belt?

so it depends a bit on where you're at.

Physics majors in general don't make $80k though. If they have a job at all.

>> No.4790730


I don't know but it pisses me off

>> No.4790772

I wish engineers made six figures. Feelsbadman.

>> No.4790800

Any electrical, computer, mechanical, or aerospace engineer will make 6 figures. At least, the good ones will.
And guess what type is fucking your girlfriend, and enjoying all the stupid shit you waste your money on while you are oversees?
Have fun being shot to death/blown up/getting gang raped by a bunch of villagers in some country that ours decided to illegally invade.
Plus, in 10 years you will be asking for mad help from the VA, as you will have blown your income, been divorced, suffer from mental illness, and yeah....have fun with that. I'll stick to my nerdy studies, actually contribute to the world, and have tons of fun taking pics of me fucking your wife.

>> No.4790808

Because biochemistry made it easier for me to get into med school

>> No.4790825

I don't have any cause I'm majoring in physics.

>> No.4790830

Majoring in math.