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File: 34 KB, 640x480, SZ-9_00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4783441 No.4783441 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4783443

Ha, I was just about to make a thread about this.

>> No.4783445

Let's hope their engineers place more value on human life than their government does.

>> No.4783447

This stream is way laggy for me.

>> No.4783451

Less than 1.5 hours until launch.

>implying China will show the launch live

>> No.4783453
File: 13 KB, 277x260, lisalingfacewhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, some humans are going to space and I didn't even know. OP is definitively not a faggot.

>> No.4783462
File: 17 KB, 491x248, FUMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4783468

They're catering to the largest group of computer uses.

>> No.4783472

List of CCTV streams because that english stream is laggy as fuck


>> No.4783473
File: 16 KB, 318x242, cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus what the fuck is with this stream it's too laggy to even just HEAR anything that's going on.
Anybody else covering this where I can watch?

>> No.4783479

any site with a stream that doesnt reguire me to install more crap to my computer?

>> No.4783480
File: 1003 KB, 220x220, coxlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much kind friend.
>Liu Yang is kinda cute. I sincerely hope they don't explode or depressurize upon docking/undocking

>> No.4783489

Nearly half a century later...

>> No.4783492

First manned flight to mini-space station in 9 years isn't so bad though.

>> No.4783499

Low-bit rate but stable english stream


Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).

>> No.4783505
File: 18 KB, 228x340, astronaut five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, thanks

>> No.4783522
File: 188 KB, 1043x1663, Orbital Launches of 2012 - Gunter_s Space Page_1339839992234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 minutes

>> No.4783524

how exactly do?

>> No.4783531

none of these faggot streams are working dammit i wanna watch this !

>> No.4783534
File: 74 KB, 297x282, 1335145493932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-minus 35 minutes

>> No.4783535

>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).
>Put into VLC or whatever other player (like windows media player).

>> No.4783537

>not using liquid fuel

>> No.4783538

WM is being a bitch.

>> No.4783543

someone put it on Ustream

>> No.4783539
File: 2.32 MB, 1600x900, unveiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783540
File: 241 KB, 800x710, my brain is full of iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just highlight the link, open VLC, and drag it right to your playlist. Then hit play.

>> No.4783550
File: 2.06 MB, 1600x900, taikonauts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783553

.jpg is better for pictures meng

>> No.4783563
File: 179 KB, 1600x900, 30minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah, I forget.

30 minutes until launch.

>> No.4783565 [DELETED] 

stream is jerky as fuck for me, only get like 5 seconds at a time
is there a lower quality one?

>> No.4783568

This is the best stream that I've found so far.

>> No.4783572

Screenshots and updates also at NSF:


>> No.4783573
File: 155 KB, 1600x900, dragondildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a toy.

>> No.4783576
File: 188 KB, 1600x900, rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live stream from RT.


>> No.4783577

Damn, captions would be nice.

>> No.4783582

Less than 15 minutes to go.

>> No.4783585
File: 13 KB, 250x265, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minutes, motherfuckers.
What are the odds the chinese built this thing like shit and it explodes?
>not that I want that, I love space endeavors regardless of nation

>> No.4783588

Oh look a female. Lets blow this shit up

>> No.4783586

Well, regarding China's history, I'd say some 30% is the chance of them dying in fiery death.

But I hope nothing will happen.

>> No.4783590

Challenger, are you ready!?

>> No.4783591

oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

>> No.4783593
File: 592 KB, 762x948, 1334571621076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this shit started

>Chinese Space Program

>> No.4783599

2 minutes motherfuckers

>> No.4783595
File: 10 KB, 250x202, Challenger_explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your motor runnin
head out on the highway!
looking for adventure
in whatever comes our way!
Ain't never gonna make it happen
take the world in a love embrace
fire all of your guns at once and...

>> No.4783596

what are those orange things that look like bodybags?

>> No.4783597

>nobody has died in space

Thats about to change

>> No.4783600

Why are they speaking Chinese?

>> No.4783601

2 minutes

>> No.4783602

Damn, but those chinks look weird

>> No.4783604
File: 140 KB, 847x600, c801K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chinese cctv, no lag. but no round eyes allowed.

>> No.4783606

cool, it'a actually flying

>> No.4783609

They're shooping it!

>> No.4783610

lol at them showing pre-launch in-cabin footage as if it were live in-cabin footage.

>> No.4783611
File: 99 KB, 1600x900, launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783616

why is the middle guy just reading news paper all the time, and whats with the shitty animation thingy

>> No.4783613
File: 200 KB, 1600x900, separation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783617

Holy shit! It blew up! I can't fucking believe it blew up!

>> No.4783615
File: 275 KB, 688x536, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems it worked.

>> No.4783619

>doesn't own spaceship
>can't have vacation break at Pluto

>das Fuhl

>> No.4783620
File: 15 KB, 512x386, 1329261453045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it flies

>> No.4783618

What about Soyuz 11?

>> No.4783623


Someone shoop Kerbal faces on those gooks

>> No.4783621

Just reading the mornin' paper.... in space

>> No.4783627

Does anyone know what the hell are they repeating since launch?

>> No.4783624

>Detaching 1st phase rockets over land

The fuck?

>> No.4783626
File: 165 KB, 1600x900, nuclearlaunchdetected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783628
File: 36 KB, 600x430, reentry-hayabusa_40587_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? I'm still worried these three will have some docking accident and depressurize like they did...

Middle dude's on a rocket and it's like he's thinking "Dilbert sucks today..."

>> No.4783629

>yfw when that was actually a live cabin feed of the captain reading shit all chill while they flew into space.

>> No.4783630

>mfw chinamen clap at spaceships

>> No.4783631

No way they were reading some shit while they were launching into space.

>reading notebook
>suddenly pens floating across screen

>> No.4783635
File: 42 KB, 389x314, the more you know about breating in space.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the kerbal shoop.

Also a 'dont give a fuck' caption with sunglasses.

Both would be good

>> No.4783637

>Liu Yang playing with her notebook in zero-g

Fuck you that's adorable and awesome.

>> No.4783638

My guess it' it's similar to NASA's 'x engine cutoff landing abort' thing they say repeatedly during their launches.

>> No.4783640

>mfw the female astronaut is 33 years old
What the fuck am I doing with my life?...

>> No.4783645

Does anyone know what that song is that they keep playing during the launch re-runs?

>> No.4783646
File: 7 KB, 381x549, launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats comrades

>> No.4783647
File: 333 KB, 420x315, applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo China, I am impress and proud.
>and a little embarassed that we have no ship

>> No.4783651
File: 22 KB, 300x344, Liu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783653


>click off stream after launch, everything quiet
>violin! fuck!

>> No.4783654

lulz it did startle me too

>> No.4783657

so am i right that china is the third country to launch their own people into orbit?

other countries have been aboard american and soviet/russian rockets, but not actually launched people on their own?

>> No.4783660
File: 28 KB, 460x307, I need this toy now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need one of these.

Also a DragonX capsule model.

>> No.4783659
File: 74 KB, 620x350, shenzhou9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4783661


>> No.4783662

I don't think this was the first manned mission.

>> No.4783665

first manned mission to their space station*

>> No.4783664

I'm liking China's Valve strategy here... nothing happens until they're good and ready, but when it comes out it works GREAT. Here's looking forward to their moon landing.

>> No.4783668

No, it's the fourth. The first was one man, the second two, the third three... and then this is three people going to an in-orbit docking to hang out at their little tiny space station for about a week.

>> No.4783676
File: 34 KB, 449x611, liu yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10 would bang

>> No.4783691


hey cocknugget, the chinese government has a long-term plan currently being implemented that results in the removal of the death penalty. let me know when the united states becomes that humane and progressive.

>> No.4783692

Anyone got a link to that video of the fake chinese spacewalk? The one were you can see bubbles moveing up and away from the supposed cosmo/astro-naut and the background of the earth never moved during the entire video?

>> No.4783695

yuropoor detected

>> No.4783706
File: 16 KB, 500x361, ohgodcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china aborts it's girls and we're still pissy about letting our women abort ever
>mfw population dynamics in a couple decades

>> No.4783727


There is a ticking time bomb for Chinese domination and you don't have to look very far for the evidence. Just think how many Chinese restaurants are currently around you then think of who runs them. In 10 years the current families of 15 will all be starting their own families of 15, that's a 1500% population increase per generation. Just think what will happen in the 10 years after that and the 10 years after that.

>> No.4783735
File: 13 KB, 95x170, his name is picardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4783744

>bringing up one country's human rights abusing policy, thinking it invalidate another country's human rights abusing policy

I swear, this must be an American thing to do. Like when you bring up the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, something that was done on innocent people that weren't involved the war, some Ameritard brings up Nanking like it justifies or invalidates whatever America did. It's so sickening too, to think that because one does something worse, it makes your crime look a lot better.

>> No.4783748

>implying nuking the Japanese was a crime
>implying the Japanese were innocent

>> No.4783750

Again, this must be an American thing to think that one crime invalidates another.

>> No.4783751
File: 10 KB, 275x200, apachief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said nothing about invalidating anything for anyone.
All I was saying was that your ticking-timebomb comment did not hold merit.

>> No.4783752

Nanking was a crime, the nuclear bombings were not. There is no relationship between them either.

>> No.4783755

>dropping an experiment and highly destructive and disfiguring weapon upon innocent women and children and elderly
>not a crime

I guess America's position towards human rights really are this stereotypical.

>> No.4783760
File: 17 KB, 496x432, fry-mad-pointing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on there partner....nuclear detonations against civilian populations is, and was, a crime. It was war, and in war everyone acts uncivilized
>amerifag here btw

>> No.4783763
File: 141 KB, 320x320, my word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for you, you're assuming every last american citizen acts or thinks a certain way. Only children think so homogenious.

>> No.4783789

•The USA was facing the prospect of invading Japan to subdue it. The last few battles, Iwo Jima and Okinawa particularly, were incomprehensibly bloody. Japan had no regard for its own citizens' lives and planned to turn their whole island into a fortress. It was estimated that casualties would be 1 million Americans and half a million British in the first invasion alone. Some cynics say we used it to scare Stalin as well, but the fact remains that they ignored an ultimatum on 27 July 1945 after enduring the worst conventional bombs could do. A powerful argument remains that the Bomb saved allied and Japanese lives.
•According to some sources, Japan had a military force of over 9 million soldiers. Through battles like Midway, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Guadacanal, and other "island-hopping" battles, 1.5 million soldiers either were killed or wounded enough so they couldn't fight. That meant that if Operation Olympic (the invasion of the main island of Japan) were to occur we would have to fight every soldier we had defeated before four times over! Even if we hadn't of dropped the atomic bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still have been targets for attack. This is because Hiroshima was a large industrial city that contained the 2nd Japanese Army Headquarters, which was in charge of all the defense systems in Southern Japan; Hiroshima also had communication centers for armies, storage points, and troop assemblies. Small industrial plants were also in the outskirts of the city. As for Nagasaki, it was the largest fully operational sea port in Southern Japan, which produced ships, equipment, and relief supplies. There is much other information that can be explained about the reality of dropping the bomb on Japan and this was one 'chunk' of information.


>> No.4783801
File: 49 KB, 640x425, Victim_of_Atomic_Bomb_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is shit. Neither party can justify the act.

>> No.4783802

that policy works inside china
that post was describing how the chinese imagrants behave
if you really didnt get that it before it is probably pointless to try to explain it to you.. right?

>> No.4783808
File: 126 KB, 800x533, andrew breitbart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>works inside china
They are going to have to face the problem of many men and fewer women, as well as a massive senior citizen population. It hardly works.
As for the immigrants, I don't give a shit. They assimilate over time. Even if they don't, their kids do. It's not a bad thing, and we're certainly not going to be overrun because of a few chinese buffet places.

>> No.4783809

> immigrants
> assimilation

Half the Europe wants to call you out on that.

>> No.4783819
File: 29 KB, 552x552, rick-pawn-stars-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody wants to become french or german
Immigrants here are americanized within the generation. You should meet some, they're cool people with cool stories.
>if you move somewhere that pressures you to assimilate, you're likely to cling to your culture. If you move somewhere more lax, you and your children are more likely to blend over time

>> No.4783822

That's not consistent with my history class.
It was appearent that the Japanese were no longer a thread, and that the Japanese would want to suddener (under terms favorable to them).
The Americans simply wanted the war to be over with, and used a nuclear weapon to speed up the process. Bombing a whole city to ashes was deemed acceptable in that war, and the nuclear/conventional weapon distinction wasn't clear back then. The whole distinction is a cold-war invention.
It was wrong, and the decision was made for the wrong reasons. But there was no public morality that differentiated between nuclear and conventional weapons, so that part, we can't blame them for.

Tld;dr we should pretend that the two cities were bombed to ashes using conventional airstrikes, when judging the moral correctness of the actions.

>> No.4783830

What does 'Chinatown' mean then?
Pressuring immigrants to assimilate works. Your just lucky you don't have a massive influx of a lower class of a strictly religious country with a different, more violent, religion then yours, that specifically forbids assimilation.

>> No.4783868

Perhaps your history class was wrong. It is presenting from the perspective of the professor after all.

>> No.4783889
File: 44 KB, 362x460, 139541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is such a cute little perspective you have there..
Maybe you can be there next time a NanKing style massacre is going on to expalin your cute little perspective to those who are being killed
..to those who are being raped
..to those who are being used for entertainment exercises like the competition between Toshiaki Mukai and Iwa Noda; does it really matter who won?

Shown are more than 700 bodies of women and children found at the entrance to an air-raid shelter in Chongqing following a bombing by Japanese planes.

Are you familiar with UNIT 731 ?
You act like we could just wait around for the Japanese to start being nice..

When someone breaks into your home and is raping and murdering your family members do you just wait for them to start being nice?

>> No.4783901

>They did something wrong (very very wrong, no question about that), so we can do whatever we like to them.
My, you must be american.
Why do so many americans take the whole eye for an eye type of reasoning seriously? Why are americans the only civilized country that still executes people for their crimes?

>> No.4783938

Some people just have to die. Everyone knows this, but some people just like to bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best.

>> No.4783960

>hypothesis, he's american
>hypothesis confirmed

You know that a lot of muslims think the same way about the victims of 9/11 right?
Everybody who thinks civilians away from the war front deserve to die for being of a certain nationality is an uncivilized brute. That includes people like you, as well as theocratic lunies in the arab world.

>> No.4783970

>implying you are civilized
>implying I'm not
>implying such a thing even matters

>> No.4783981

hey.. you are grouping two seperate anons into one entity for your ad hominem response

of the two i am the former not the latter

i am american, i admit. but to complicate my perspective i was raised in europe into my teenage years and have the benefit of perspective from both reigons

the fact that you dont even bother to try to be sure that you are responding to the same person probably reveals much about your methods of handing information

>> No.4783982
File: 27 KB, 160x160, 1299587088272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans had no right, justification or obligation of any kind to punish or act in any way for the horrors of Nanking.

The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no part in the event. Their massacre was an unrelated act of even greater and more condemnable scale, scope, lasting consequences and any other parameter you can name.

Even if the massacre had been against Americans instead of Chinese, it still wouldn't have justified the nuclear bombings. It is by far the single worst one-time crime in human history.

And you know what?

Who the fuck cares. It happened half a century ago, it is as unrelated to the people of today as both events were to eachother or to the topic at hand. Quit fagging up the thread.

>> No.4783988

>Get pissy when anon cannot seperate anon from anon on an anonymous board.

>> No.4783992

Are the Chinese astronauts still alive?

>> No.4783995

history class? or political hogwash propaganda?
what country? what school? what years?

to win the minds and hearts propaganda must start with the young

>> No.4783996

No, they were nuked by yuropoors for not enduring nanking some more.

>> No.4784004
File: 54 KB, 480x360, just sayin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, fuck the both of you.
you for helping me make my point about war being fucking disgusting while at the same time berating me for it.
And fuck
you for steriotyping an entire populace to fit your cartoonish preconceived notions about what americans must be like.

When the fuck did I log onto /pol/ anyway? We were supposed to be talking about the badass chinese launch until a couple of yokels decided to have a pissing contest all over this thread.

>> No.4784019
File: 13 KB, 400x266, lolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I got the posts mixed up but the point remains.

Hell yeah! Picture perfect blast off, all is well up there.

>> No.4784025


from where do you cite me as being 'pissy'?

seriously.. i go through life without much emotion.. it takes someone dieing (someone i care about..) to get a rise out of me..

the point is valid

if that anon wants to jump to conclusions here on little and errant data it is a reasonable indication that this may be a matter of habit when dealing with information in general

>> No.4784026
File: 51 KB, 644x544, sz9_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china now has the biggest space penis

>> No.4784040
File: 13 KB, 359x269, monarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. Are you the anon who keeps repeating "u must be american olol" or the guy who's way too into justifying mass death?

>> No.4784046

>>4783735 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-child_policy

>Yeah because they still totally abide by the one-child policy in foreign countries.

>> No.4784050

seriously.. how to verify that you are in possession of the truth?

they lied about the spacewalk.. remember that?
bubbles floating up the suit and around the helmet and off into space
with the backdrop image of the earth never moving in relation to the ship position.. faking a perfect geo-stationary orbit that was maintained for hours

>> No.4784051
File: 39 KB, 925x662, rockets lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was that the policy has shaped a population bulge in china that they'll have to deal with.

But way to read in what you want to be mad at.

>> No.4784056
File: 26 KB, 479x358, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they lied about the spacewalk.. remember that?
bubbles floating up the suit and around the helmet and off into space
with the backdrop image of the earth never moving in relation to the ship position.. faking a perfect geo-stationary orbit that was maintained for hours

Literally no word of this made sense to me. Perhaps I missed something, I stopped watching the stream after orbit was achieved.

>> No.4784062


a picture is worth a thousand words..

>> No.4784075
File: 42 KB, 512x384, facepalm homemovies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here's something that wasn't made by a child.

>> No.4784086
File: 54 KB, 630x630, get-the-fuck-out bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4784097
File: 11 KB, 200x243, mccoyDeadThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]