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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4777105 No.4777105 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, what can a guy who dropped out of college to pursue an idea about Grand Unification do to get the word out? I'm 90% sure we have GUT on my desktop right now, and I have no publish moneys or degree. Wat do?

>> No.4777110

Publish it online and spread the word.

>> No.4777116


I'm poor and living in a trailer. I need this to help me financially. This is the crux of my problem. Publishing online still costs at least $99 this is a lot of money to me, right now. And it would only be spreading three words, this idea is simple.

>> No.4777121

I mean publish your stuff on your own personal website or something.

>> No.4777123

>not just sharing it with /sci/
You're a liar.

>> No.4777122

time cube is only two words

>> No.4777124

Do you know where I can go to do this? That's something I hadn't thought about. The world needs this, and it's killing me to keep my mouth shut.

>> No.4777128

hi aether, how ya been buddy?

>> No.4777133

May I ask if it has to do with fractals?

>> No.4777131

VERY close, but with a little twist that could take a thousand years to notice. You are on top of it, like so many others, though.

>> No.4777139


I'm not sure yet (90% sure with only 99.999% or so being possible), but I think the Mandlebrot set is going to play a large role somehow, yes. Turbulence.

>> No.4777140

uhh there is already a grand unifying theory in place so you just wasted years of your life doing work that has already been done unless there is something special about it?

>> No.4777145


I've been researching this for fun my whole life, had this idea the same day Christopher Hitchens died, and have spent thousands of hours trawling the interwebs looking for the real, honest to goodness Answer. I haven't heard about it already being found except by religious nutjobs, which I'm not.

>> No.4777154

Send copies of your work to several important scientists who do not usually cooperate, to prove it was you. Ask a scientist of your choice to check the math (in return, they will ask to be co-author of the official article. Depending on their contribution, they can be secondary or equal partners).

It's important to be short and to the point. Write a 50-200 word abstract summarising your discovery.

Also know that if your GUT does not involve mathematical equations equal or superior than 4D metric tensors, it's bullshit.

>> No.4777161


What is a metric tensor, out of curiosity?

>> No.4777165


The complexity of the math is why nobody noticed it. It's a distinction and the recognition of something small being responsible for us not having this yet. I live in North Carolina, surrounded by idiots. I know no scientists. Suggestions?

>> No.4777167


A way of looking at the boundary between two forces, with varying strength, in matrix (vector) form.

>> No.4777168
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>> No.4777170


You guys are smart

>> No.4777171

> I know no scientists. Suggestions?

Get an internet connection. Oh wait.

>> No.4777172

There is no intelligence only lack of ignorance.

>> No.4777174


Understanding something isn't part of 'smart', it's the effort to know things worth knowing and having an idea what that means that makes you smart. Understanding is the result, which is what 'looks' smart.

>> No.4777175
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Tell us the three words.

>> No.4777178


Living in this kind of isolation isn't easy. I am fully aware of my lack of self confidence, but this isn't about that. I honestly have no idea who to talk to, since all the emails I have sent have gone unanswered. Everyone goes straight to the snake oil salesman idea.

>> No.4777185

If I do that, Mr. Mandlebrot will get me XD no really that's all it would take for you to take it from me, and I'm not sure I want that. Frustration of not getting this out over several years might push me there, but this is too precious right now. Why should I tell?

>> No.4777187

>I know the secret of the universe

>No I won't tell you

>> No.4777188

I don't see what the problem is. Write it up as if it were a paper and put that shit online. Or are you worried about someone else taking the credit for it?

>> No.4777190


Makes me sound like an ass, doesn't it? Everyone wants to see the painting half finished, and doesn't understand the artist's refusal. I'm having trouble surrounding this problem. Yes, it's real, but most of you wouldn't care if you knew it, and honestly, it's not anything like you are expecting. I need help with a problem about science. That is all.

>> No.4777194


Wouldn't you? This is the one and ONLY Golden Ticket. I'm terrified of starting WWIII. I don't want this to make the world worse, let alone keeping the credit I feel like I deserve. This is EXACTLY my proble. What do I do?

>> No.4777195
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>why should I tell?
Because no one believes you.

>> No.4777196
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get a FUCKING JOB. or a loan

>> No.4777199


You guys look smart

>> No.4777200

OP, I'm going to grant you a boon. where should I send my money?

>> No.4777198


Are you aware that I have spent the last six months trying to prove this wrong somehow? This is not debatable, nor is it subject to belief. Either it's right, or I'm crazy. No middle ground, no exceptions. This past week, honestly, it has begun to scare me a little how well it explains the connections of the Standard Model, and Superstring theory. It's not something just made up for the hell of it.

>> No.4777202


I'm not really interested in money. I want... recognition.

>> No.4777206


>Either it's right, or I'm crazy.


>> No.4777210

A lot of people have been working towards a grand unified theory.
I think that it is extremely unlikely that a college dropout would achieve this all by himself, when so many others have failed so far.

>> No.4777212

Jesus /sci/ you've been avoiding women too much to recognize apparent attention whores.

>> No.4777214


Occam's Razor implies simplicity vs. complexity. Three words to explain particle physics and unify it with relativity is fairly simple.

>> No.4777217


Psychosis is one word

>> No.4777218

three words
>the matrix, dude

>> No.4777220


Working under massive amounts of pressure to use a tool we've all had since childhood. I asked myself a question under no pressure, watching TED.com videos, and have been trying ever since to find out what it means, while being shot down by idiots like >>4777212 --- fuck them.

>> No.4777227

OP, the party van will be coming for you

>> No.4777230

If you truly believe that you have a GUT, then you should put all your effort into publishing it.
It will almost certainly be the most significant thing you do in your entire life.

I must be honest; I am sceptical
But I am also hopeful.
I will wait, and I hope that you publish whatever it is that you think you have.

>> No.4777232

So no help from any of you, then? This is the world I am working to do good for? You're all worthless.

>> No.4777237 [DELETED] 
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>implying you need money to publish
>implying you need a degree to publish

Also I'm 100% sure you have no fucking idea what a GUT even is, or what it even needs to accomplish.


>> No.4777239


I don't know much about publishing, and apologies; several shitty comments before yours. How do I publish? You are a good person in my book.

>> No.4777251 [DELETED] 

>publishing online costs....

No, it is free to publish online.
How is it that you have such shitty reasrch skills, yet claimed to have developed at GUT?


>> No.4777257


Only fools deal in absolutes. You aren't capable of 100% certainty, moron. Read Heisenberg and kill yourself. GUT would unite the FIVE forces (electricity and magnetism were unified but not the same thing), via electroweak symmetry breaking through the Higgs mechanism. I know what makes the Higgs boson have mass, and why gravity fits where it does. Happy, idiot? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure I'm onto something.

>> No.4777259

>talking about GUT
>has not heard of a very well-known online physics preprint repository


>> No.4777262


I live in North Carolina, meaning I have had to do this alone, isolated but for an internet connection. There are things I didn't have the; benefits you have obviously had were not available to me. Only an internet connection.

>> No.4777278
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>So no help from any of you, then? This is the world I am working to do good for? You're all worthless.

You sir can kindly go fuck yourself. Your smart enough to figure out a GUT but not how to do.....what exactly?

>I need this to help me financially.
>I'm not really interested in money. I want... recognition.

Make your fucking mind up.

The fact that your acting like a 15y/o emo, leads me to think that you your actually just a drop out loser with no life who is trying to stir some shit up on the internet because you have nothing better to do. Seriously take this shit to /b/ if you need attention you fag.

Have fun dying sad, alone, poor and unrecognized in your trailer.

>> No.4777279 [DELETED] 
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You are probably not ready for publication
(No offense). It would be better for you to first go to your local uni and talk with a professor about your "GUT". There is little to no chance that you have anything "new". Likely whatever you have done, has been done already, or is wrong.

There are a ton of kids every year, who think they have a "GUT", only to find out that they were out of their league and had nothing of any importance. If you attempt to publish now, and it turns out that your shit is just trival, it will tarnish your reputation for life. You will get "rejected" by any credible science authority, and your name will be synanymous with naivety. Is that a risk you are willing to take?

>> No.4777289

>If you attempt to publish now, and it turns out that your shit is just trival, it will tarnish your reputation for life. You will get "rejected" by any credible science authority, and your name will be synanymous with naivety. Is that a risk you are willing to take?

Precautionary tales go both ways.


>> No.4777304

You are the problem. Your assumption about my refusal of an offer of money on the fucking internet is hollow. I want enough money to support myself, since I have only my disability check to pay my bills (yes I'm physically damaged to the point that I can't work). I do not want money from some anon on the internet that wants my account numbers. I want money to not exist more than I wan to possess it, and every intelligent person wants recognition for their skill. Happy? If I wanted to start trouble, I live in the place they find Jerry Springer guests (why I have no friends; by choice); I'd walk the fuck outside, not stir up shit online. I'm here for answers to questions any one of you would have given MY specific circumstances. Can we get past me convincing you all? Can you assume I know this and help me? Or is this no better than /b/?

>> No.4777303 [DELETED] 
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>electricity and magnetism were unified but not the same thing

Confirmed to have very little knowledge of any higher level physics. Electricity and Magnetism are the exactly same fucking thing, this is already incorporated into the standard model of physics, Quantum electrodynamics and Quantum field theory. These are the most accurate theories ever developed, and any GUT will have to incoporate them. How can you not know about them?

>> No.4777319 [DELETED] 
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>compare yourself to a Dan Shechtman

Dan Shechtman has multiple degrees, you don't. Scientists often argue about science, they do this all the time. The difference between you and them, is that THEY ARE FUCKING SCIENTISTS, WITH DEGREES/EXPERIENCE/ETC, you are not.

Their qualification/credibility is not under question, yours is.

>> No.4777324

>>4777303 - EVERYTHING is the same thing in the end, but calling electricity and magnetism the same thing is exactly as bad for the understanding we all seek as calling a center of gravity and a center of mass the same thing. It's WRONG because it's CONFUSING the ISSUE.
>>4777279 - I know I'm not ready, and I am in constant contact with my last advisor (who thinks I'm "onto something" and has two Ph.D. degrees from someplace up north), the thing is, this is not in need of the math. The math is there, and has been for a long time. It isn't understood, which is the problem. I'm an artist, not a scientist. I'm painting a picture that fits well enough to make me endure this abuse rather than get stoned and play diablo this morning.

>> No.4777332
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Can afford to get high but cant afford a bus fare to local university to speak to a HOD?

>> No.4777333


I busted my ass at university for five years (three before the wreck, then another two of repeated classes to get it all back before this idea), working on the four 3" binders full of notes on my bookshelf. I was a triple major in computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering, and almost had everything finished when this hit me. Your value of a degree is confusing and wasteful. You assume dishonesty, and won't take another human being at their word, no matter how many words you get. Fuck you.

>> No.4777335

9/10 OP
they mad

>> No.4777338

After the accident, I don't like to drive, and I live in RURAL NORTH CAROLINA. This implies NO BUS. It's a half hour drive to either of the nearest schools, and at least five dollars in gas. This is cheaper, therefore the better option.

>> No.4777339 [DELETED] 
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1) Go to your local university and talk to physicist about your shit. PHYSICIST ARE HAPPY TO TALK ABOUT PHYSICS. They will be glad to discuss your ideas with you.

If you have a GUT:
2a) You will get famous in the physics community, receive some honorary doctorates, be known as a respectable scientist, and get alot of job offers.

If all you have is high school bullshit:
2b) You will think you are cute, and applaud that you are intrested in physics. They will suggest books you could read to further your studies.

I'm pretty sure you are 2b)


>> No.4777344 [DELETED] 
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They just email some physics professors. They will be happy to converse through email/phone.


>> No.4777345

And as for getting high; it's what keeps me from shooting a large group of people like you, so be glad it's suck a large portion of my budget.

>> No.4777346
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What exactly are you here for OP? If you want to publish then arXiv is a few clicks away.

>> No.4777348 [DELETED] 
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>computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering

Thinks he developed a "GUT".
I am pretty sure you are out of your league kid. I doubt you even know higher level physics.

>> No.4777352

I have literally hundreds of emails to the big guys (Neil Degrasse, Hawking, Lisi, etc), and not one of them has written me back. Ho can I pass this to the world and retain credit for my achievement? This is all I need to know.

>> No.4777351 [DELETED] 

>OP is a troll

>> No.4777354


>> No.4777357
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Whelp you got me. I admit it. NOW IM MAD.

>> No.4777360

Ask me something you think I won't know, then.

What do I have to pay for arXiv? I thought publishing cost thousands?

>> No.4777361

If you are not a troll, then submit your work to arXiv as was suggested.

>> No.4777364
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Poor, stoner, thinks about killing groups of people, no friends, lives in trailer, lives in rural north carolina, disabled, scared of transport, drop-out.

Do us a favor and kill yourself

>> No.4777365
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Have you really not heard of it? You know, this is practically confirmation that you are a troll.

Unless I'm being double-trolled, you crafty bastard.

>> No.4777366

If it's not very cheap, I will have a hard time. I only make 694 dollars a month, pay 440 rent and the other 250 or so is for pot, gas, phone, internet, food, etc. I have no money. I want to publish as soon as possible, but there is so much I don't know about that, which is why I'm here.

>> No.4777367
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> i'm an artist

>> No.4777368 [DELETED] 
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I really hate to burst your bubble, but what you have is shit then. You emailed some leading physicist, and they completely ignored you.

Why do you think that is? It is because whatever you emailed them was not worthy of there time, or effort. It wasn't anything new, or important, or ground shattering. They looked at your shit (the grad students that work for them) and dismissed it. It wasn't a "GUT", it was probably just nonsense.

Try and email less famous guys, like a community college physics professor. They might reply back. It is certain though that whatever response you get will be negative, but at least they will be able to humor you. They might even suggest books you can read.

Sorry Bro.
If you wanna talk about your proposed GUT. I am free now. At least I can suggest to you where you are going wrong. So, what is the primary premise of your GUT?

>> No.4777370

I read the papers on arXiv, I ave dozens saved. I never considered 'joining up', so I assumed it was the same high price every scientist pays to publish. Of course I know what arXiv is.

>> No.4777372
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You don't pay anything to submit to arXiv you dense motherfucker.

>> No.4777375

You don't pay to submit to most journals. The reason arXiv is suggested is that their entry standards are lower, since researchers who have mostly-finished work just chuck their shit on there so that they can get feedback and bagsy any intellectual claims before anyone else thinks up the same thing. Also it's public so anybody anywhere can read.

>> No.4777380 [DELETED] 
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Arxiv is free, but you usually have to have some sort of endorsement (a screening process to make sure it isn't just little kids posting nonsense). I doubt you will be able to publish to arxiv.

However, vixra doesn't have a screening process. It isn't nearly as reputable as arxiv, but it will still get your shit out there. Publication is free, no huge screening process. If your papaer is complete bullshit though, it will be rejected non-the-less. Good Luck.



>> No.4777382

Fuck it. Here is my abstract so far (far from finished since using Boltzmann's phase space in reverse happened last week);
Abstract: The number zero is thought by the author to be a human abstraction impossible to rectify with physics on any level except as an approximation, and therefore a consciousness based rather than reality based construct. The consequences follow that motion is truly infinite, and motion against itself, friction, is seen to be a force of nature, and unification follows. The names and definitions of forces as they are currently understood and their consequent modifications, as well as the infinite-dimensional phase space needed to explain and view the fundamental connections of our universe will be explained in full. More in a sec...

>> No.4777389
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ive got a GUT feeling that OP is a faggot

>> No.4777391

Here's the basic connection to define a place in infinite dimensional space transferring heat charge via photons through space, but paused in time. If time is allowed to flow, the phase locked section will rotate and evolve according to Schrodinger, but with the caveat that time is defined as 'change', so it's only useful (possible) to measure the rotation about a magnetic pole of the Golden Ratio (Planck's constant) reduced in the same way as (180/2pi) for radians and degrees, but for the fact that the Golden Ratio squared equals itself plus one.

>> No.4777394
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That's what I get for hurrying; forgot to attach. I'm pretty sure this is a Cooper Pair.

>> No.4777398

Essentially we live in a warm Universe (WMAP), and it's always going to get warmer. The transmission of warm to cold is via electromagnetism, and complex magnetic fields cause either stable items from low friction (carbon fullerenes and graphene) or high friction (acids and flourine)

>> No.4777399

>hmm, okay...*reads*

>> No.4777402
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Now I see why all those guys you emailed didn't reply

>> No.4777404

Thinking about physics is measuring infinite motion in a heated space. This is accomplished via Riemann spheres in the space with the Superposition mechanism used to create structure. Motion has a chance to spontaneously counter rotate and 'evaporate' via radiation. Moving one charge is following a magnetic field outward from the 'center' of a Golden Spiral. The Riemann spheres are measured in mass (motion heat charge) versus frictional momentum (gravity) using tensors in 3d. Adding time changes the system in ways easily described by the phrase 'change we can measure'. How's that so far?

>> No.4777409

How else could you measure guaranteed motion? Why do things move on their own after being frozen? Cold means low friction. Once it's all gone, at some point (determined by Schrodinger et al), the motion shows through on its own. This is 'quantum effects'. Electrons are pairs of infinities at the poles of Riemann spheres. Look it up if you don't believe me. The standard model describes geometry under conditions that include change and self generation of heat.

>> No.4777411

Tesla would have understood...

>> No.4777416

Friction is defined as motion that "happens to be going the other way". Measuring motion via 'heat' means defining a volume. Volumes in this kind of space must rotate. Bodies rotating together along the same shared axis generate a magnetic field and trade electric charge. This is the Fundamental connection.

>> No.4777415 [DELETED] 
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OHH BOY! I can understand why no physicist replied to you. I do applaud your effort though. However, what you have is only partially coherent, and totally meaningless. It is not a GUT.

It is obvious you know some physics, maybe some basic shit. Then you have some ideas, and extrapolated on the shit you did know, and came up with what you have. That is science, and that is great!

Here is the problem, you didn't know enough to being with. You lacked the fundamentals. You extrapolated on basic shit, approximate shit, not taking into account any actual higher level physics. KNOWN PHYSICS!

A GUT basically needs to reconcile Quantum field theory (QFT), and general relativity (GR), two theories we already know to be very very very very very very very accurate. What you have is a hypothesis between some very elementary physics concepts, then some huge ass assumptions/guess work that doesn't actually seem to unify QFT and GR.

Additionally a GUT needs to reproduce QFT and GR, it is a fundemental requirement. Does your hypothesis do this?

Also, you need to start off with a Lagrangian. All physics theories start of as a Lagrangian. It basically represents all the shit you are trying to say, but in actually physics, instead of words. ALL PHYSICS EVER HAS A CORRESPONDING LAGRANGIAN. It is how you relate and reconcile the different branches and principles. You need a Lagrangian that represents your shit, then you need it to magically reproduce all other known physics, including the QFT lagrangian and the GR lagrangian. Then you may have something worth looking at, until then you don't....Sorry.


You also need to work on your research skills.

>> No.4777424 [DELETED] 
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>How's that so far?

Not to good, please stop. I think we heard enough.

No one gives a shit about "friction". It isn't some great unknown or mystery. So why are you even going on about it? The concept of "friction" is meaningless in Quantum field theory and General relativity.

You don't need to be talking about higher order statistical properties, because ALL THAT SHIT IS WELL KNOWN AND UNDERSTOOD. What you need to be talking about is fundamental properties.


Do you understand? Do you even know what fundamental properties are?

>> No.4777426


A map from a configuration space to the infinite dimensional space I'm using through a Lagrangian tangent surface is going to be bumpy. Those bumps are volumes sized according TEMPERATURE measured by how many electric charges the volume contains (requiring identification) implying quantization. This is only a proper Hamiltonian through views that restrict chirality to unidirectional magnetic poles. This allows Schrodinger with the Golden Spiral inside Planck's reduced constant to "push" outward or "pull" inward along a Golden Spiral in sections according to a) element(s) in question and their electron counts, b) mass via temperature. This allows the spheres to lose volume to neighboring spheres and gain volume ffor themselves if below electrn count. Better.

>> No.4777428

General relativity does not begin with a Lagrangian.

>> No.4777430

I think he was using the word "friction" in some specialised manner that only he understands. Tbf his entire theory is something only he understands.

>> No.4777431

You definitely misunderstand quantum theory if you think it isn't about heat transfer. Heat is energy. It's the shit we measure in all of Physics. Quantum mechanics is sitting inside a ball of infinite motion, poking out through perturbation to see what happens, while ignoring the fact that it's sitting inside an infinity. This is why it makes no sense. These are coordinates in a space, not a description of the human imagination, or life or biology. Why do you claim to know what it's about, when the best and brightest of us admit otherwise?

>> No.4777432 [DELETED] 
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This is not a GUT theory. You are using "macroscopic" properties, but we don't have any problem with these properties. There is no great mystery to this shit. That sort of physics has been completely understood for hundreds of years.

It is like you are trying to unify some shitty engineering concepts. We already have that though, it is called mechanics and is trivial.

>> No.4777438

It's a fucking thought experiment, dumbass. If motion is infinite, then motion will constantly interact and conflict with itself, and we call this 'friction' even though it's just motion opposing the motion we're talking about. These two directions of motion aren't ALLOWED to 'cancel each other out', this is my whole idea - that violates the first law. There are consequences of infinite motion that fit the Standard model and call it geometry, like Pauli exclusion being two Riemann spheres not being allowed to be the same 'temp' translates to no two fermions (axes) being the same length. The phase space of Boltzmann is what I'm using but running in either direction according to temperature via Schrodinger evolution. It's NOT complicated; motion is infinite. Three fucking words.

>> No.4777439 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 363x550, tumblr_kp60u7eFMH1qa0z8lo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>General relativity does not begin with a Lagrangian



Just like all physics. You start off with a least action principle and derive a lagragian (or hamiltonian, or fuck all). That is the way all physics is done.

Einstein equation is the Euler-Lagrange equation of the Einstein–Hilbert action.

>> No.4777442

You wait until you are 100% sure you have the GUT. Faggot.

>> No.4777443

...like google?

>> No.4777444

Read Heisenberg and kill yourself.

>> No.4777445

You do as has already been said in the thread.

>> No.4777453

Google isn't capable of answering simple questions unless they are phrased properly. I meant human interaction. I haven't had much, and don't have a taste for it.
There is a reason quantum mechanics runs into infinities, and 'normalizing' just erases the problem. Think of concentric Riemann spheres, each alotted a size. The size shrinks over time and this is cooling. The size is not lost; it is transferred to another sphere. This process is the quantum physics these guys feel so special about because it's "complicated". It's fucking common sense, if you're dealing with an infinity.

>> No.4777457

Alright, lemme rephrase.
You wait until you are 100% certain. To 6 decimal places.

A 1/10 chance will ensure that your theory is wrong.

Also your theory is retarded, now that I have read through it. No mention of any of the things that a GUT is supposed to unify. It is kinda funny how much effort you put into this.

>> No.4777458

>motion is infinite

Wow, what does that mean?

>> No.4777460 [DELETED] 
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>schrodinger evolution
>infinite motion that fit the Standard model

You are all over the place. Schrodinger shit is basic Quantum Mechanics, that was superceded by Quantum field theory. So no one gives a shit about "schrodinger evolution", IT ISN'T A FUNDEMENTAL CONCEPT in our understand of the universe, it is a derived concept from higher level physics. Whatever you have to say about "schrodinger" is meaningless. You need to be actually talking about quantum field theory, not shitty undergrad quantum mechanics.

The notion of "motion" in the standard model doesn't exist in the same way you think it does. Things exists as quantum fields. Do you know what a quantum field is?

Anyway, the classical notion of "motion" is meaningless. You need to be talking about the quantum fields, there excitations, and momenta states. The reason why the physicist didn't reply to you is very very very obvious.

Also, what do you mean by motion is infinite? You know there are multiple types of infinities right? Did you never take a basic set theory course? Even in Quantum field theory there are multiple types of infinities already. You would need to be very specific with the term "infinity".

So which one do you mean?

>> No.4777462

He means the 5th one obviously.
You know, the one that is infinite, and is the 5th smallest infinity

>> No.4777464 [DELETED] 


Why do you use such basic shit? Your joking right?
Surely, you are not trying to do a GUT in a shitty riemann space? Really?

>> No.4777466 [DELETED] 


>> No.4777476 [DELETED] 
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You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. You have little no no grasp of any real physics. It is very obvious you just have the limited understanding of a engineer.

You don't have a GUT. All you have is fucking childish nonsense.

You shouldn't have dropped of school. You fucked yourself over.

Stop posting bullshit.

>> No.4777480 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777482

Grand Unification is just a process. Different parts of the process have different names, which mean nothing. The four infinities of two Riemann spheres is one part. Taking two orthogonal axes about each equator is another. Inverting those axes about the equator to have positive and negative values along an axis is a third. Connecting all four infinities is the root of string theory; tracing energy transfer through time from one sphere to the other. The connection about which the two spheres rotate together is also the infinitesimal conductor of Maxwell, a photon's world-line. The motion of everything follows the magnetic field through time via the Planck constant.
Calling me a faggot and retard and this nonsense is funny, but you haven't given me one reason to think I'm wrong yet. If I am, then so be it, but being a faggot has nothing to do with right and wrong.

>> No.4777486 [DELETED] 
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I was hoping you actually had a GUT, but sadly all you had is a shitty idea about basic quantum mechanics. Do you really not know any higher level physics?

>> No.4777489

you probably made a mistake. fermat's last theorem, anyone? he probably assumed unique factorization into primes, and you're probably doing something like that.

e-mail a prof at your school and ask him if you can meet about a result you've come up with. bring a recorder in your pocket if you're that paranoid about him stealing.

>> No.4777487

Every person in this thread who has weighed in on your ideas.

>> No.4777491 [DELETED] 
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>random nonsense

OP a troll?

>> No.4777493

No shit.

>> No.4777496 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777494

>Stop posting bullshit.
where do you think you are

>> No.4777495

yeah this reads like time cube

is there any math behind this at all?

>> No.4777499 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 600x431, lmao_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More jokes please!

>> No.4777503
File: 15 KB, 139x150, fagetdb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry OP, at first Einstein received letters like these in his mailbox too.

>> No.4777505

I'm saying that if space itself is expanding at every point, using a Riemann sphere to designate 'this place' has to have more information to connect it to reality. Since they are the simplest, they are the ones to use via the Poincare conjecture.

Layers of connections that ignore the infinities in favor of a geometry that doesn't use them, only understands that they are there. Like an overlay, where something's size is bigger based on being hotter. This makes dark matter a friction field (of Higgs field if you insist on names) that has higher tension on surfaces that are hotter, defined in the overlay as having more volume. This volume has inside tension pressing 'out' (temp) and outside tension pressing 'in' - the inside pressing out is mass (measured in degrees Kelvin and the number of electrical charges present), while the outside pressing in is gravity (meaning gravity is the inward momentum/inertia of friction and there is no true 'center' TO gravity). The complexity is the PROBLEM, not the solution. Think of a mirage of heat over pavement. The scattering of light occurs due to the expansion of space itself in this area, but the heat isn't staying 'there', it's spreading via charge transfer (making EM radiation) and in reaction to gravity present. Dark energy is just the WMAP heat; it's everywhere.

>> No.4777511

finally a sort-of clear explanation.

until i see a proof it will be filed under "hahahahaha you are a fucking moron"

>> No.4777513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777516 [DELETED] 
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Is your mouth always full of cum?

>> No.4777517

Man, I am getting a bunch of image macros to use when someone is being retarded from this thread. Thanks op for being so selflessly retarded!

>> No.4777523 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777526

It's not in need of a proof, since the math is there already and not my purpose or my concern. The problem with infinity is, you can really only provide evidence of it, and allow the educated individual to make a decision. I'm only telling a story that seems to make sense with itself, while rewriting what needs to be rewritten to fit the Universe.

>> No.4777529 [DELETED] 
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>why engineers are complete morons

>> No.4777531 [DELETED] 
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The Cum? Do you ever swallow?

>> No.4777532

WTF are you on? Fermat's last theorem is true, and numbers DO have unique prime factorizations.

>> No.4777533 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777537 [DELETED] 
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This thread is rated "F" for OP is a fucking fag

>> No.4777538

And while I'm sure you have your fair share of elegant, italicized "Congratulations, Sir Sheepspeare" papers on your wall signifying how many corporate and academic asses you've kissed, the fact that I dropped out of college was based on several months of thought, and your comments reflect your ignorance to current affairs. I thought working on the Grand Unification was better suited to me than reworking Ohm's Law in a job I'll never get due to the economy, and decided to 'waste' five years of hard work to pursue something I'm passionate about. When have any of you degree-counting fucktards ever had balls like that?

>> No.4777542

Which is exactly why I suspect the zeta function has something to do with our periodic table.

>> No.4777545

Ha, you are mad. I not suprised by your mad.

>> No.4777551 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777552

Not mad. Frustrated and disappointed that my fellow humans, given anonymity, choose to become a stereotype rather than take an anonymous conversation seriously. It's childish and pitiful. If you think I'm mad at children, you insult my intelligence. The fact that these children have degrees is irrelevant, but hilarious. And a little unnerving.

>> No.4777555

You so mad.

>> No.4777557 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777562
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>this thread
I don't know what the FUCK is going on

Seriously though, I apologize for calling you a liar earlier and unlike other anon I respect your work, be it as it is far beyond any understanding of mine

>> No.4777561 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4777563

I enjoy debate too much. I don't get people most of the time, and there are... disagreements. Most of my conversations with humans have been to the tune of "get out of my face you atheist pigdog hellspawn!", and I tend to enjoy the confrontation a little too much. Debate is a guilty pleasure. I fancy myself to be a master debater XD

>> No.4777570

There are people in this world who seek to understand things. Some of them are taught to memorize and disagree with anything they haven't memorized automatically. None of this is over your head. The details make a complex network of evidence that is only evidence. It can't interpret itself. These guys do the same thing sports teams do; it's tribalism. They even have their own language to describe in a thousand pages, all the details of a fundamentally simple idea. It's just their way. Details are overwhelming in physics, but all the evidence can say 'we are magic' and the details drown it out. There was a sense of romance in science a century ago, and now it's dead. This is the world we live in for now, but it's not going to stay that way forever.

>> No.4777575

Honestly OP I don't know nearly enough physics to be able to discern whether your theory is complete gibberish or actually stands up to scrutiny.

Please publish it online though so at least academics can see it.

>> No.4777583

It's over my head for the time being, quit trying to be poetic.

>> No.4777586

I feel as though it needs approval from more than some professor, more concerned with politics than the great pursuit of truth. This is the whole Universe, not some redneck kook's idea of religion, or it's nothing. I grew up thinking college life would be like a gate of heaven or something, that everyone would be an Einstein caliber genius. The reality is disgusting. This idea has changed me, whether true of our reality or not. Nothing I can find disagrees, and I pore over equations one term at a time until I 'get it', which has taken weeks. I'm not a machine; I play diablo, watch movies, and entertain myself. I am not finished, and it's just a thought, but I think we really have some kind of infinity on our hands, and not in a way that can be disagreed with. I mean the math will say it could not be any other way, or I'll consider myself wrong. Please guys, zoom out here and look at this world, and tell me friction isn't a fundamental force of Nature. Look at our home, and what we've been doing to it. But who knows, maybe I'm just a retard in a double wide, on five acres of sweet green grass with sun coming in the windows and warming my feet. You can't touch that part of me, and I can't touch that part of any of you. I'm happy today, but the world isn't. We need to fix that by fixing our psychology. Not recognizing the amount of friction we are subject to and producing is probably where this YOLO shit came from.

>> No.4777587

I'm a fucking artist. It's kind of what we do. Try it, you'll live longer.

>> No.4777592

what the fuck are you trying to say.
In that entire rant I couldn't find anything even remotely close to hard science.

>> No.4777594


>> No.4777626

So it sounds like you have a geometric model to basically describe what's going on?

I think it would be a lot clearer if you had a computer model showing this motion, or some kind of interaction.

>> No.4777627
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It's time to stop posting, OP.

>> No.4777640

pic is here;
and the model is frozen in time, which is the 'bridge in the center'. Stacks of these connections would describe... everything. Quantum superposition is this type of connection. Threes in a triangle would describe local curvature very clearly; protons and neutrons. The poles are paired together as "electrons" and the shift in size (from hotter, larger volume to colder, smaller one) is 'photons'. The actual math is E8XE8 supersymmetry, but it's viewed "vertically" (through magnetic poles like the eye of a hurricane) when you see it in my original post pic at bottom right.

>> No.4777650
File: 69 KB, 400x300, UNIVERSE BRO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo guys, I think I've figure this universe thing figured out.

>> No.4777652


>> No.4777656

Perhaps you are trolling (this is 4chan), but since I used to visit sci.physics I guess I'm used to people being serious about this. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are thousands, possibly millions of people who are convinced they have some sort of important physics theory when what they really have are a loose collection of ideas that don't even make quantitative predictions. You are not special, and it's overwhelmingly likely that your idea is not even the beginning of a fruitful theory. I don't know if you should take life advice from people on 4chan, but dropping out of school for this was probably a bad idea.

>> No.4777681

Obviously you're out of touch with reality, as well. I dropped out of school for several reasons, and when this came along, it was the last straw. I'm not in college because college is not what I paid thirty grand for, not what I was looking for (I did realize how much better educated I am than most of my peers, though), and the fact that every year some friends would graduate and by the next summer they were still jobless. School isn't some 'magic ticket' to success. I'm not convinced I'm right in the least. I'm convinced that there isn't a current theory of everything, and it is my right and responsibility as a human to try to understand everything I can. This isn't science; it's speculation, which is the same 'thought experiments' that gave us solutions to everything else we understand. Why the fuck isn't there a difference between having a good idea that I would like to share and being branded a crackpot for making the same attempt that has consumed the greatest human minds? I don't understand humans sometimes. This cognitive dissonance must be a helluva burden to bear. Why doesn't EVERYONE have something to say about this? Is "knowledge" somehow sacred and off limits to us non-graduates? Six months of ten hour workdays between arXiv and one of my (literally) hundreds of textbooks (mostly digital), and nobody thinks I even took the time to fucking question myself. If I thought I was wrong, I would not have taken the time to ask for help, but assuming I'm some dullard without the ability to differentiate between fact and well meaning fantasy is fucking lunacy. Do any of you have the wits to understand simple English?!

>> No.4777699

This is just ridiculous x-tier bullshit. The fact that you faggots even bothered replying even once just shows the state of this shithole high school board.

I hope horrible things happen to every last one of you.

>> No.4777702


OP, if it means anything to you, I like you, and I fully support your ambition.

>> No.4777707

post one equation from your theory

>> No.4777718

Nobody cares that you buried yourself in wikipedia for a couple weeks. It's lunacy to think some burnout posting on 4chan caught something that some of the greatest minds in the history of time missed.

Go suck a fat cock, you dropout scum.

>> No.4777719

It means as much to me as it would to you, and I thank you. Most people are caught up in the rat race, and I salute them, but I don't want to be deluded by my perception of reality, that's all. So many people coming here specifically to be vicious... belongs on /b/.

>> No.4777732

Because mathematicians write logic in the modern equivalent of hieroglyphics, I possess no logic unless I speak the language? You think you're too special. I disagree.
The equations are there. Go find them, I'm not a mathematician. E=mc^2. Heat is equal to mass times a conversion factor squared. Ask yourself what something looks like from another point of view if you want to follow where I've gone. What if Boltzmann's entropy equation was run backwards to describe the forward direction in time we perceive?

>> No.4777735
File: 833 KB, 250x277, 1332017458822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, you have conceptually grasped string theory. consider asking yourself, why this is so, what are the mechanics producing the two Riemann sphere rotations.

also, could you elaborate on the golden spiral and planc's constant a bit more? you seem to just jump to the assumption that it's this way, what makes you think it is so?

>> No.4777741

does your theory have any original derived equations?

>> No.4777755

If motion is infinite (which is what is correct, or I'm wrong), then motion will happen either @the speed of light (massless), or below it (massive). Change in the system will be so chaotic and fast it can't be measured in normal macroscopic ways. The Golden ratio was found as the mixing angle in a magnetic field, so I assume if we are going to assign "time" to chaos, we must also assign "predictable change". This means a magnetic field, so we can say "the magnetic field rotates about this pair of axes once per unit time", which also means a photon moves and electrons are exchanged, and the Golden Spiral describes the shape a massless object would describe under "rotation in one unit time" as it left the center over time (centrifugal force from magnetic inertia pushing out and around). Massive objects will always describe less than the Golden ratio due to mass implying friction implying gravity (tension of friction field).

No. Aside from fixing the reduced Planck constant as a ratio, I'm fairly sure no further derivations could be made to enlighten the situation. E8 supersymmetry (I have a small suspicion) is a picture of an "impossibly unstable mass" which lies 'between' Uranium 238 and Plutonium, which is why they were the best for nuclear weapon detonations.

>> No.4777761

Magnetism makes the spheres rotate, while there is a detail you may not know. The Golden ratio squared equals the Golden ratio plus one, which is probably why infinity 'stacks' like that on an axis.

>> No.4777808

So are you going to publish on Vixra?

>> No.4777820
File: 51 KB, 600x450, sleepypanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice troll OP

>> No.4777824

I want to make as close to 100% sure as I can, which means finding someone who knows the math behind all this, but yes, I have a paper waiting to publish. I am looking now for a mathematician or physicist to co author and help me.

>> No.4777876

truth is, op
if you cant do it yourself, you are fucked.
tits and gtfo

>> No.4777891

If you can't speak the language than you can't write a book in the language you dullard. The universe is to complicated to be simply reasoned out.

>> No.4777989

>Claims a GUT unifies the standard model and relativity.
You couldn't have developed a GUT if you don't know what it is.

You didn't know what arXiv is and then you claim to be a big fan.

Your mad or a liar.

>> No.4778261
File: 26 KB, 255x271, Asperger-Syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its easy to troll imageborad nerds with severe autism.