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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4770667 No.4770667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

watch the world's minds come together to solve a difficult problem.


>> No.4770693

i dont even

>> No.4770696 [DELETED] 

Some people are not good at math.
Get used to this.
You finding some people on the internet who are bad at math does not make you any better at it.

Focus on your own intelligence, and do not scorn those who struggle with things that you do not.

>> No.4770699

That just isn't gonna fly here in these woods.
I must prove my dominance!

>> No.4770701 [DELETED] 

Grow up.

>> No.4770717

tfw there is a class of people who apparently think it is 5 because (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)-(1+1+1+1+1+1x0)

>> No.4770728

shiggy diggy

>> No.4770739 [DELETED] 


They're joking. Surely.

>> No.4770944

no need to be surprised about this, current society encourages stupidity and forsakes logic

may this be another argument to remove the disgrace called facebook from humanity's history for once and for all?

>> No.4770949


for the same reason I believe there must also exist a group that believes the answer is 10

>> No.4770951

Why on earth would you order it in that way in the first place except to be deliberately misleading?

>> No.4770954


>> No.4770959


I believe over 99% of west coast rappers is convinced that neither answer is correct.

>> No.4770960

>1,647 others like this.91 shares
Does this thing come with a built in "Nuke humanity" feature?

>> No.4770961

>rappers is

Nice grammar, you fucking retard.

>> No.4770963


we do what we must because we can
for the good of all of us
except the ones who are dead.

>> No.4770967

>normal people get tricked by a misleading question

You're an idiot and I don't believe you have any friends.

>> No.4770970


>> No.4770971

>Order of operations is just a construct to avoid the need to use incredible amounts of parentheses. Problems like these are very ambiguous.

i know it's one of you guys

>> No.4770973
File: 50 KB, 640x400, i-dont-want-to-live-on-this-planet-anymore-11372-2560x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anything else would be cruel

>> No.4770975 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 486x333, yNNME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FB-tards have always been ignorant fucks, why would today be any different?

>hurr durr, stupid people exist.
uhuh, yep, welcome to earth, motherfucker!

>> No.4770978


Welp, better warm up the ol' report button.

>> No.4770979


> You're an idiot and I don't believe you have any friends.
> posts on /sci/

obvious troll is obvious?

>> No.4770980

>troll or has never looked at an equation before

Yes, it's written deliberately misleadingly.

>> No.4770986


> hurr durr, stupid people exist.

but why must they be in the same solar system as me?

>> No.4770991


please return to /b/, you'll find more of your own kind there

>> No.4770988

ITT: We circle jerk about our intellectually superiority.

Everyone is stupid but me.

>> No.4770992 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 370x351, 434839842226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh...its a damn shame, huh?

>> No.4770995


hipster "logic" belongs in /an/

>> No.4771005


isn't that the facebook paradox?

the only way to prove we're superior is to perform some research about the stupidity of facebook users
however, this requires us to sign up for a facebook account in order to take samples
which inevitably lowers the average stupidity level of facebook

>> No.4771011


Didn't OP provide us with enough evidence already?

>> No.4771015


EK posting as Anon?

>> No.4771038

That paradox would be true, if you actually wanted to measure their stupidity level. But we just want to prove our superiority. Even if the average rises by joining, it will always have a limit (in this case, we are that limit).

I think I might have some superiority problems.

>> No.4771044


It is not arrogance to conclude our superiority based on mathematical facts, in this case the higher number of wrong answers than correct answers on a simple algebraic question.

Therefor, you do not have a superiority problem.

>> No.4771046


Speaking of which, what is the current state of our anti facebook efforts?


>> No.4771049


>> No.4771053


for reasons unclear to me, the current dramatic drop in average human intelligence channeled by facebook is not considered a priority

the fact that a hoax economic crisis instead does keep people worrying, makes me want to cry.

>> No.4771160


> makes me want to cry.

unfortunately no /emo/ board exists for this purpose yet

>> No.4771184

No. It is not misleading OR ambiguous if you moved past the 7th grade.

>> No.4771216


Twenty-plus years ago they taught that in many schools (addition preceding subtraction, instead of them being equivalent).

>> No.4771230


Curious how no evidence of such widespread misbeliefs can be found in any of the 20th century's master minds.

Maybe it was just limited to a select group of math incapable retards after all?

>> No.4771239

Putting the multiplication at the end is intentionally misleading. You would never write it that way unless you were trying to throw somebody off. I know this because I actually do maths on a regular basis, unlike you.

>> No.4771253

Has no-one here really pointed out the obvious?
People don't share as much as they like stuff on Facebook, because they don't want to annoy people with this shit. Additionally, order of operations is entirely artificial, so I doubt you could call someone stupid for not using it correctly. "Ignorant" maybe, but not "stupid".

>> No.4771262

I originally thought it was 0, because I was getting the order of operations wrong, I was thinking the P in PEMDAS was plus for some reason
and then I didn't even notice the subtraction in there

>No Parenthesis
>No Exponents
>Multiplication negates the last 1 in the problem (anything times 0 = 0)
>No Division
>Add all but one of the 1s (the -1)
>Subtract that 1 from the 14 we just added up
>Answer is 13

Please tell me this is right? I don't want to look like an enormous tard on here

>> No.4771272

Why do people stick to this PEMDAS shit so much? Just remember that multiplication comes before addition, unless brackets state otherwise. If everything isn't clear from these two rules, then the question is ambiguous.

And yes, it's 13.

>> No.4771278

Because I hate math and it's the only thing I remember from all the math courses I took

>> No.4771281

I fucking hate whomever invented PEMDAS. Not the order of operations, just the abbreviation, PEMDAS. It's pointless and retarded. How difficult it is to teach kids that multiplication always comes before addition unless brackets state otherwise?
Most people stick to PEMDAS too much and mindlessly throw it around in every argument, then strut around claiming victory thinking "I can do math, assholes"