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4770316 No.4770316 [Reply] [Original]


Autistfag here.

What does /sci/ make of the Neanderthal theory on Autism?

>> No.4770322

Nothing, since autism is made-up.

>> No.4770329

Have you met any autists, I can promise you it ain't made up. Although it probably is over-diagnosed like with ADD.

>> No.4770342

i am an aspie and proud of it! that probably goes to show how much of an aspie i am...

>> No.4770345
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>> No.4770348

also, i am really stocky build, so itmight fit, i am comfortable in shorts and short sleeves in 68 degree weather in the wind, and i am exeptonally hariry. i am the one who said that i am an aspie, fyi

>> No.4770351

people think its overdiagnosed because it is not a black and whit issue, it is a very broad spectrom, and atypical symtomes are the norm... i am describing myself

>> No.4770353

>Instead of approaching autism as a disorder, brain defect or the result of poor socialization or parenting, it claims that autistics are fully functional.

So neanderthals were deep thinkers who were unable to communicate with each other? I find it unlikely.

>> No.4770358

they were only a very small bit less inteligant than we were... i know, the way i said that made me sound stupid, but you get my point... i hope... oh my gosh!!! what is up with these brutal captchas?!?!?!

>> No.4770356


It's a spectrum like gender.

>> No.4770365

Back in my days it was called being shy. But obviously you prefer to fall for the Amerifat approach that everything is a mental illness.

>> No.4770371

you are either calling me serioiusly disabled, or normal. while i am not that weird, i would call you seriously disabled if you considered me normal after talking with me for fifteen minutes. in fact, i would be profoundly worried, as i have just spent 15 minutes scavenging the floors of a fish store for dead dried fish that jumped so i could add them to my collection... i found 2. i put them next to my cat fur collection. and yet, a lot of people dont realize i am autistic unless i tell them, because they havent seen the methane bombs in my garage... im weird, but not the streiotypical autistic. i am an aspie, and yet, i literaly scored off the charts for nonliteral language comprehension.

>> No.4770382

Autists socialize better with other autists. I know, because I was part of the autist social group back when I was a young teen.

Neanderthals probably socialized in different ways, with different social ques.

>> No.4770418

>aspies are actually people displaying traits of homo neanderthalis including seeking out groups of fellow aspies who they can relate to
>mfw /sci/ is basically a neanderthal image board

>> No.4770427


black people can be autistic too, right? i havnt done any fact checking but im assuming they can.

africans dont haver any neanderthal dna

>> No.4770434


Most black people in North America have at least some European ancestry.

That said, there would probably be a lower occurrence of autism spectrum disorder in that particular group if this theory is true.

That, or we are misdiagnosing other disorders completely unrelated but with similar symptoms as part of the autism spectrum.

>> No.4770462


do pure africans have a lower incidence of autism?

>> No.4770465

God I hate that word in the context of ethnicity... Though I do get what you're asking.

I don't know. Has this been studied yet? The knowledge that Africans have no Neanderthal ancestors is still rather recent a finding.

>> No.4770476


idk but africans have been studied long enough to know if they have autism or not

>> No.4770482


Would these studies include checking for neanderthal DNA, however?

That's what I'm getting at. You need to remove variables to get an accurate conclusion.

>> No.4770488


if africans can get autism too then this theory is false

>> No.4770491

I have a close autistic friend, and she commits to a lot these abilities and disabilities. It is a theory which makes genuine sense, but the jury is still out.

This concept has also received little attention it seems, and it certainly needs more backing and research behind it.

My Verdict: It's interesting, but it is early days.

>> No.4770540


You say this as if ALL Africans are 100% "pure".

For the study to be relevant to the discussion, it would have to find Africans diagnosed with autism who have been tested to NOT have neanderthal DNA due to have a European or Asian ancestor.

You know the "single drop of oil in a tub of milk" expression? In this case, that drop of oil WOULD be relevant in this case.

If an autistic African has a great, great, great, GREAT-grandfather who was French, then they are worthless to the study.

>> No.4770542

Utter nonsense.
A relatively smaller strand of DNA supposedly profoundly alters a persons mind, but nothing else.
Yeah right.

>> No.4770548

Correlation, my idiotic friend.
If 1 in a 100 europeans have it, but only 1 in a 1000000 black africans, it's some evidence. If it's more like 1 in a 100 europeans and 1 in 200 africans, then it's completely disproven.

>> No.4770556


That just goes back to something being misdiagnosed as being part of the autism spectrum disorder.

Arrogant cunt.

>> No.4770563

If the misdiagnosis is consistent over all doctors and patients, then what's the difference between diagnosis and misdiagnosis?
There is always correlation.

>> No.4770585

There are many problems with it:

One is that autism as we define it today is considered a disorder in the context of a highly socially integrated species. So autists are considered disordered relative to the normativity derived from the typical social behaviour of the rest of the population. If Neanderthals' typical behaviour was overall less socially integrated or less likely to build large societies, then it wasn't the same as today's autism.

Secondly, Neanderthals seem to have been unable to build larger societies, but on the other hand they appear to have had some form of language and possibly they were the first to have had spiritual beliefs. This implies they did have some degree of theory of mind, because having a religious belief is actually a sign of having theory of mind abilities (for example, making a transfer of intentionality to a deity which personifies some respected or desired human traits). Developing and understanding a language is also a sign at least some of them had theory of mind ability, even if today's autists are not unable to learn language.

Third, epidemiological studies of ASD rates seem to show the highest incidence is among Caucasians, but incidence is higher in blacks than in Hispanics, for example. It doesn't seem to fit well with the data on non-African humans being more genetically related to Neanderthals. Maybe Neanderthals were less social for different reasons than the ones for which we have autistic behaviours within a highly socially integrated species. It could have been that because they were more exposed to testosterone during fetal development, they were more aggressive and less likely to form anything larger than small-scale, integrated social groups. In order to form a society, you need to have a human type which can display social obedience, and Neanderthals may not have been so socially obedient like Homo Sapiens to do that.

>> No.4770620

>africans lack neanderthal genes
>therefore everything non-african must now be neanderthal in origin.

OP, they'll soon have the neanderthal theory of multiple sclerosis and the neanderthal theory of blue eyes and the neanderthal theory of the epicanthic fold and the neanderthal theory of square dancing...

if they haven't already.

>> No.4771344

lol, they actually did mention epicanthic folds and multiple sclerosis in the article

>> No.4771344,1 [INTERNAL] 

ASDs (autism spectrum disorders) are hypothesized as one of many adaptive human cognitive variations that have been maintained in modern populations via multiple genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Introgression from "archaic" hominids (adapted for less demanding social environments) is conjectured as the source of initial intraspecific heterogeneity because strict inclusive fitness does not adequately model the evolution of distinct, copy-number sensitive phenotypes within a freely reproducing population.

Evidence is given of divergent encephalization and brain organization in the Neanderthal (including a ~1520 cc cranial capacity, larger than that of modern humans) to explain the origin of the autism subgroup characterized by abnormal brain growth.

Autism and immune dysfunction are frequently comorbid. This supports an admixture model in light of the recent discovery that MHC alleles (genes linked to immune function, mate selection, neuronal "pruning," etc.) found in most modern human populations come from "archaic" hominids.

Mitochondrial dysfunction, differential fetal androgen exposure, lung abnormalities, and hypomethylation/CNV due to hybridization are also presented as evidence.


A short video introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk_85vNaSMA

The full 2-hour video presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6-6Naz-C0M