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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 1011x801, liberalarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4764678 No.4764678 [Reply] [Original]

What's your justification for choosing studies that will make you less interesting and attractive as a person (math, sciences, engineering)?

>> No.4764681

When did making money become unattractive?

>> No.4764686

TI-89 master race reporting in

>> No.4764687

Because I look good enough to pull most any man or woman into my bed.

The extra cash effectively triples my chances, which were near 100% as-is.

>> No.4764689
File: 105 KB, 600x565, PERKS-OF-BEING-AN-ENGLISH-MAJOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking liberal arts majors aren't rich

>> No.4764694

>Feeling superior based on a calculator
I bet you have a lot of sex

>> No.4764721

I'm an interesting and attractive person, so I didn't need to go to university to make friends. I learned useful skills instead. Even if I did just want to be popular, ask women who's hotter, a surgeon or a history teacher. I'll give you a hint, they don't make TV dramas about sexy young history teachers.

IT students really do smell though, that's accurate.

>> No.4764726

Liberal arts majors are actually richer than science majors on average.

>> No.4764727

Herp Derp

Mathematica master race reporting

>> No.4764739

Business doesn't count. They are all a bunch of money grubbing selfish faggots anyways. To believe in wealth is just a display of our inner animal.

>> No.4764746

You can actually choose to not be less interesting and attractive.

>> No.4764744
File: 27 KB, 360x410, PureSex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.4764754

math isn't on that picture.

>> No.4764755

>implying scientists aren't extremely attractive.
>implying listening to a guy ramble on and on about high-energy particle physics isn't the best experience ever.

>> No.4764756


>> No.4764759

Math is a science, fucktard.

>> No.4764762

Math is not a science

>> No.4764779

That mustache...

>> No.4764776
File: 6 KB, 180x221, ErikBates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only math science that is a science is Computer Science.

You guys are fucking idiots.

You know number theory is more important than anything I'm going to learn?

>> No.4764781
File: 115 KB, 264x240, 1319068833742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people don't talk to their TI-89 on a regular basis

I bet you're all a bunch of faggot virgins too.

>> No.4764787
File: 33 KB, 620x620, Sith_Lord_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knowledge is power.

>> No.4764795

>majoring in linguistics with a focus on computational linguistics
>minoring in computer science

I don't know what this makes me.

[spoilers]Besides "poor", probably.[/spoiler]

>> No.4764799

>Number theory relevant more than anything I'm going to learn
I don't know how much of an introduction with math you've had, but at the discovery level you
> formulate conjectures
>Test conjectures
>Look for patterns
>Try to prove conjectures
>Discuss with colleagues
Just because all you've seen is Babby's First Math, doesn't mean that it isn't scientific.

>> No.4764806

Actually I think that might have been misdirected.
It's this casual who I'm attacking: >>4764762

>> No.4764824
File: 7 KB, 180x168, MitchellRBoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a score of 1 on Putnam?
I thought you majored in math!

>> No.4764835

None of that makes math a science.

>> No.4764856
File: 58 KB, 471x694, 5456155755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you are on sci just proves it all
board cant get any slower

>> No.4764864


math is not a science whatsoever. It does not rely on the scientific method. It has it's own method, the mathematical method. It also deals with conjectures and theorems, i.e. absolute certainty through proofs. Science deals with hypothesis and theory, i.e. theory best supported by the evidence.

It does not matter how much evidence you get that supports that pi is a trancendental number. You have to create an actual theorem through proof.

>> No.4764860

why does the engineer look like some hobo from the 30's?

>> No.4764874

why is the science student fat?

>> No.4764884

Agreed. To be an accurate representation of science students, there should also be a drawing of an autistic asian nerd. They are rarely fat.

>> No.4764890


Obviously none of you are mathematicians. Because they use language precisely, and you fucks have not decided on a definition of a science, which changes which fields are included.

>> No.4764905

Arguably, math is the purest form of science. You know, what physics majors think physics is.

>> No.4764908

what do u mean by pure??

>> No.4764910


>Am electrical engineering
>Go to bars
>Hit on women
>Oh you go to uni? Me too?
>Blah, blah, what are you majoring in?
>generic liberal arts major
>electrical engineering with an emphasis in electromagnetics
>wow that sounds hard I bet you make a lot of money
>[sounds of girl getting wet]
>the end
>spoiler, all women want is your money

>> No.4764918


what makes you think that approval is cool?

>> No.4764926
File: 23 KB, 320x319, 54564564756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really is that all?

>> No.4764924

Women are attracted to physically attractive men.

>> No.4764927
File: 43 KB, 240x277, Leibniz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mathematics do not deal with the real world. They deal with the mathematical world. Sciencefags will say otherwise, but the fact remains that no breakthrough in physics has led to a breakthrough in mathematics. Though it often works the other way around.

Mathematics do not produce experiments and their theorems do not rely on evidence. It's the same reason that "intelligent design" is not science and why many sciencefags argue that string theory is not science.

Fact of the matter is that physics, chemistry, etc.. are largely irrelevant to mathematics.

Also, mathematicians have bitchin' hair.

>> No.4764936

but math is just a bliberrish creation of our perceptions why do you think most mathematicians went crazy?

>> No.4764938

>equating mathematics, and creationism.

well done sir.

>> No.4764947

>comma splicing
Shiggity diggity phing pho niggity

>> No.4764953

>Not inventing calculus to calculate the orbit of the moon

>> No.4764958
File: 36 KB, 717x430, 654564565645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is for Sumerians!

>> No.4764971

>Only talks to his TI-85

So true.

>> No.4764974

I don't care if your profession has "LOLRIGUR" or not, I just want people to stop shitting on History. I want to stop having to remind people that it's actually important, when that should be common knowledge.

>> No.4764978

I don't think anyone is saying it isn't important, they are just saying its a worthless major considering the ultimate goal of 99.99% of students is to get a job with their degree.

>> No.4764990

tfw people think being a shallow selfish asshole and 'making bills' is more acceptable then unraveling the mysteries of the universe

>> No.4765019

It is, but which would you rather do? If you think science is a chore thats been forced on you due to your intelligence, gtfo

>> No.4765075

>able to improvise on the go
Disregarding the redundancy of the second phrase part, this makes me sad.

>> No.4765116
File: 815 KB, 216x118, lol no wat. srsly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal arts students actually believe this

>> No.4765189

i love how most of you all are avoiding the question, but what i question is

why does someone going into one of those fields mean they are unattractive? I'm going into physics and i have a good social/sex life.

your trying to stereotype people that come from around the world.

to top it off I'm going into the field because i want to know how the universe works and be able to enhance are knowledge of it.

>> No.4765205

Why do you already assume anyone going into the field of science is unattractive? I'm studing computational science and my social life is awesome enough to be happy about it.

>> No.4765210

I got a tutor for PDEs once and he look just like the engineering major and he was an actual engineering major. lol

>> No.4765227

lol holy SHEITTT guys look at the buttfrustration in here hahahah

i know what pic to use for trolling now