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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4762613 No.4762613 [Reply] [Original]

I need some help choosing a major:

Are engineers superior to physics and chemistry majors?

>> No.4762616

define 'superior'

but more useful and more employable, yeh

>> No.4762619

depends on the type of engineer, but as a rule nobody likes chemists.

>> No.4762623

>but more useful and more employable, yeh

nope. this is only a given for lower tiers of achievement. physics graduates will happily walk into the same high paying numerical jobs (banking, quant etc.) that [some] engineers, the computer scientists and the mathematicians will.

>> No.4762622

If by "superior" you mean dumb and gay, then yes.

Engineers are dumb and gay.


>> No.4762625
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>> No.4762626
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oh wow, so much jelly..

want some icecream with your jelly, eh cunt?

>> No.4762627
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>> No.4762624

>Are engineers superior to physics and chemistry majors?

Yes, in many aspects besides de average pay. Engineers have a strong base of physics and mathematics and the knowledge to put it in practice as a fruid of endless hours of obligatory lab practices.

Engineers are the brain and the workforce. They buy mathematicians and physicists to make the dirty work like programming numerical solvers or state if a solution exists.

>> No.4762631

What alternate reality do you live in?

>> No.4762629
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>Engineers have a strong base of physics and mathematics
>Engineers are the brain and the workforce.

>> No.4762635

Engineers are like McDonalds workers. They do the shitty jobs in bulk, and know how to follow orders well.

They make your shitty Big Mac, but that doesn't make them a chef.

They know how to operate a cash register, but that doesn't mean they know any real math.

>> No.4762637
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>Engineers have a strong base of physics and mathematics

That is the funniest shit I heard all week!

>> No.4762638
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/shitty analogy

as a better analogy, you're the guy sitting in the back room drawing diagrams of the big macs and trying to work out why they taste good, and the engineers are the guys actually doing something useful and feeding the people, which is the whole god damn point

>> No.4762640
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Do you know what a homosexual is?

>> No.4762642
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>defends homosexuals

What happened to you?

>> No.4762644
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>can't into analogy
>draws terrible conclusions

Are you an enginigger?

>> No.4762645
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lol, funny thing actually, one of my mates is an engineer and is actually gay. not even trolling.
kinda a shame really, he's quite hot.

always seems so fucking unfair when gay guys are hot.

>> No.4762646

ITT: Mathfags think their number theory mental masturbation is real math

>> No.4762647
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Engineers are taught much much less then scientists.

Engineers do much more grunt work then scientists.

Engineers have much less freedom them scientists.

Engineers typically are just the grunt labor of a scientific collaboration.

>> No.4762651
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>> No.4762653

>laugh at engineers for being grunt workers
>the scientist dream is to sit all day in a lab doing repetitive tasks

>> No.4762656

is this what scientists actually believe?

>Engineers are taught less depth, but about more topics.

>Engineers do much more work on plants than in labs (for the first 3 years, then you can pick what you want to do).

>Engineers have to consider other aspects such as money and health and safety.

>Engineers typically are the people making the project feasible and profitable in a scientific collaboration.


>> No.4762658

EE master race here.

Yes, we are superior.

>> No.4762659
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There are actually a whole lot of gay engineers (not even trolling). I wouldn't be surprised if the majority are gay (closet or open).

It is a testosterone driven field that discourages interaction with women, and promotes male-male late night bonding.

>> No.4762661
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>> No.4762662
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You forgot the part about the dick sucking.

>> No.4762663

>implying a master race of homosexuals can exist

You would did out in one generation!

>> No.4762664

>>EK defending engineers
>>mfw I'm a chem engg
>>mfw I can't hold all these feels

>> No.4762666
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Oh look, the plebs are once again hating what they don't understand.

Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.4762665
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It is sad that you actually think that shit is true. Don't they teach you anything in engineering about the real world? You are gonna be in for a real shock/dissapointment !.

>> No.4762669
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>> No.4762671
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Typical mathematician

>> No.4762670
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>implying Don Draper isn't homophobic

>> No.4762676
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Typical engineers

>> No.4762672


>> No.4762673
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Typical engineer master race

>> No.4762681
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>implying he wasn't a rocket scientist
>rocket scientist

Von Braun was a scientist who dabbled in engineering a little in college. It wasn't for him though and he went to lead had a normal happy heterosexual life.

>> No.4762682
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>typical engineering professor

>> No.4762684
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>> No.4762687



Rocket science is a colloquial term for aerospace engineering.

>> No.4762691
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Why does /sci/ hate engineers so much? I never knew /sci/ was homophobic?

>> No.4762693
File: 113 KB, 797x766, 4625834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physicists scribble down hundreds of pages of intracacies and delicacies of the physical world - the universe.
After The Physicists work is complete, he makes a brief "Summary" section at the back.
He hands his tome over to the engineer, and directs him to the aforementioned posterior section.
The engineer claps in enjoyment, sometimes managing to actually bring both his hands into full contact, though most of the time he misses his own hands.
A little bit of dribble runs off the engineers hanging tongue onto The Physicists masterpiece, but The Physicist doesn't mind - his work is still safe, locked in his gargantuan brain permanently - etched their as he tirelessly worked over the months.

The engineer runs away to study the Summary section. So excited is he to see what he can make of his masters work that he trips over, landing in a slump on the floor. The Physicist helps him up, and carries him to his desk.

>> No.4762698
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>Rocket science is a colloquial term for aerospace engineering

Rocket science is actually a branch of science (physics in particular). It is one of the easier fields of physics actually. It has nothing to do with your shitty engineering.

>> No.4762703
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>mfw this is pretty accurate

>mfw I'm an engineer

>> No.4762711 [DELETED] 


haha oh wow. Rocket science is the conjuction of all disciplines necessary for the aerospace world. An aerospace engineers is trained in them. A physicists knows the science behind it but is unable to contruct any aerospace device.

>> No.4762710
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>> No.4762714


haha oh wow. Rocket science is the conjuction of all disciplines necessary for the aerospace world. An aerospace engineer is trained in them. A physicist knows the science behind it but is unable to construct any aerospace device.

Oh wait you probably believe physicsts can also make engineers.

>> No.4762716
File: 223 KB, 600x450, aaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physicists scribble down hundreds of pages of intracacies and delicacies of the physical world - the universe.
After The Physicists work is complete, he makes a brief "Summary" section at the back.
He hands his tome over to the engineer, and directs him to the aforementioned posterior section.
The engineer claps in enjoyment, sometimes managing to actually bring both his hands into full contact, though most of the time he misses his own hands.
A little bit of dribble runs off the engineers hanging tongue onto The Physicists masterpiece, but The Physicist doesn't mind - his work is still safe, locked in his gargantuan brain permanently - etched their as he tirelessly worked over the months.

The engineer runs away to study the Summary section. So excited is he to see what he can make of his masters work that he trips over, landing in a slump on the floor. The Physicist helps him up, and carries him to his desk.

>> No.4762718

>implying you can make someone gay
>implying they aren't born that way

You are ignorant! Stop the hate!

>> No.4762728

yeh, man, engineers are cool. at least they wanna do something useful with their lives and are productive

anyone into math or science in any way is fine in my book.

>> No.4762734
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Well OP, as you can see, the inferior lower caste is full of resentment for engineers.

Truly a pitiful site it is. Don't be like them.

Just search "highest paying majors" or something similar, and you'll see the source of their resentment.

Pic semi-related.

>> No.4762735
File: 14 KB, 80x80, th_atom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this post offensive.

>> No.4762756
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Engineering is a "trade" like plumbers or janitors. It is 95% grunt work, but someone has to do it.

Most people have more important/useful things to do, and don't wanna go through the hastle of taking out the trash, engineering, or unclogging a toilet.

Hence, we have jobs and people dedicated to that trivial shit, so the rest of us can actually use our talents for actual important shit!

>> No.4762767

>but as a rule nobody likes chemists
>rest of thread hates on engineers

>> No.4762803

Computer science or electrical engineering?