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File: 17 KB, 277x277, pheromones-sex-lives_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4758143 No.4758143 [Reply] [Original]

Commercial pheromones: cheating the art of seduction, or getting cheated out of your money?

I've heard about it, but I'm too biased to come up with a valid conclusion. So what is you guy's take on it?

>> No.4758144


>> No.4758155

Your take on it is 'no'?

>> No.4758167 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



lol, anything to increase your chances of getting laid, huh?
guys have a fucking one track mind...

you may as well comply with those fucking penis enlargement spam e-mails

theres so many fucking stupid people in the world, astrologists/evangelists etc always take advantage of 'em, you cant really blame 'em, its just free money ready for the taking.

>> No.4758175

There are no human pheromones. If you want to drug a girl to make her have sex with you you'll just have to roofie her like everyone else.

>> No.4758183


It's not part of a hard science, so take it with caution. But there have been studies done about body odor.

>> No.4758190

How do I get into EK's panties?

>> No.4758194

>guys have a fucking one track mind...
>invent everything useful ever
>fill almost every position of power in the world
>kill/hunt shit
>master almost every hobby/sport/art to levels woman cannot touch

Enjoy being of the lesser gender.

>> No.4758202

You leave EK alone.

She's a beautiful, smart, independent woman and the world would be a better place if all those roles you mentioned were filled with people like EK instead of brutes like you.

>> No.4758205 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 446x292, 3332629732959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't, faggot

>invent everything useful ever
because women were persecuted and didt start having careers/equality/opportuntiy until recently
we're just as intelligent as men, and a fuckload more sensible.

>lesser gender
lol fuck you, genders are equal.

>> No.4758218

>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>genders are equal
>EK cannot into basic biology

Is this even the real EK? I thought she was at least semi-smart.

>> No.4758229 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 501x350, 1321709611694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, fuck you
how are we not equal?
i get that there are differences, but we're equally intelligent, given a fair chance.
and guys are physically stronger, but in a world of guns, thats fucking redundant anyway.

>> No.4758237

Look, unless you're a complete train wreck, getting a girl isn't that hard.

And the PUA stuff actually works. PUA is kind of a misnomer anyways, it should be "Flirting for Guys."

>> No.4758239

If we are physically stronger, what stops us from being mentally stronger too? The brain is an actual physical thing ya know?

>> No.4758241

Dude, everyone is EK since her trip was disclosed...

>> No.4758244

Please ban EK mods, worst poster on this board by far.

>> No.4758252 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 300x300, 1327646859933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4758246 [DELETED] 

>The brain is an actual physical thing ya know?

uhuh, so are breasts
men arnt more intelligent, fucking do some research, its a proven fact

>> No.4758247


The sooner you stop responding, the sooner she will piss off. Just report her posts so she or the faggots using the trip will get banned and move on.

>> No.4758254



>> No.4758266


Most women are illogically and emotionally driven by their fickle natures. They hardly act rationally or pragmatically.

However, I don't delude myself that men aren't the same way (increasingly so, these days). Perhaps the less archetypal gender roles of today have allowed both genders to draw ever closer to the asymptote of equality.

It seems I haven't made a point here, but ho hum.

>> No.4758375

What the fuck happened to the original topic?

>> No.4758567

What's EK?

>> No.4758574

OP is retarded


>> No.4759138


Loosen up a bit honey.

>> No.4759153

>men > women
>claymore > katana

What have I done

>> No.4759154

EK is retarded

see what I did there?

>> No.4759159

It's true that humans produce pheromones, and they do have effects on us. Some people can even smell when someone of the opposite sex is producing pheromones.

Its possible that wearing pheromones may alert others that you are ready for sex, but that doesn't mean they're going to see you as a potential partner and start producing their own.

In most cases, they will simply be disgusted by the guy that always smells like sex.