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File: 41 KB, 388x380, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4755646 No.4755646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here has/had depression?
whatchya do?

>> No.4755650

>inb4 >>>/soc/, >>>/adv/
Fuck off! There's a reason I'm postin' here.

>> No.4755652

to relate with fellow aspie self-proclaimed geniuses?

>> No.4755661

Not come on 4chan.

Get out there and do something.

Now fuck off

>> No.4755669

You can't do anything. Just deal with it.

Go get a job, a life, a family and you will forget about it. That's it. Nothing else you can do.

Go away, you got your answer

>> No.4755671
File: 165 KB, 600x450, counter-sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4755673

I was really depressed for one summer. I was living in a new town where I didn't know anyone and sharing a house with middle aged men who's wives had kicked them out. I was sad all the time. I didn't know how to make friends properly, all I could do was hang out with people if we happened to be in the same dorm building or classes. That summer I spent hours just sitting at bus stations because that's where other people my age sometimes were and I desperately hoped someone would talk to me and I could make friends with them.

Later on I learned that if you want to make friends you've got to find an activity you like then other people who like the same thing you can do it with. I took up cycling, and found there was an entire community of people that organize drunken awesome bike parties or get together to weld monster bikes. Through that I know people and they invite me to house parties, dances, etc.

>> No.4755681

Having friends isn't the key to happiness.
Look at me! I've flipped the bird to everyone! I have 0 friends now and am happier than the platonic form of happiness.

>> No.4755701
File: 65 KB, 600x450, gayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I think you can become happy if you partake in activities such as the one depicted.

>> No.4755705

Why are you so concerned about YOU. Fucking study a stem subject, put in 20+ years of working as a professional, and write a few thesies, then kill yourself if you want to. I swear, people nowadays are all about ME, the collective of mankind is falling apart when we could do something amazing.

>> No.4755709

so fanni XDXD

>> No.4755711

you high?
Just because 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of humans are smart or worthy, it doesn't mean humanity is.

>> No.4755721

Then it is the job of that small percentage to fix the collective of humanity. I agree, most people are shitstains, you don't want to be a shitstain, do you?

>> No.4755720

medication. now i feel nothing but occasional happiness. no clue if it was the right decision.

>> No.4755726
File: 8 KB, 165x267, GERhitler2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then it is the job of that small percentage to fix the collective of humanity. I agree, most people are shitstains, you don't want to be a shitstain, do you?

>> No.4755739
File: 603 KB, 507x1869, boom roasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best to benefit humanity. Most don't even know you.
At the same time they worship actors, fashion designers and other walking shit.

>> No.4755742

Seriously kid,fucking suck it up and stop being a useless faggot.

As for Hitler, the idea was right, the execution and methodology was wrong. You will not get anything done the way he did things.

>> No.4755745

As for Hitler, the idea was right, the execution and methodology was wrong.
reminds me of:

>> No.4755764
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I've seen enough of this shit to the point where I'm apathetic about it.

As for OP, if it's a chemical imbalance you try to get medical treatment. If it's a state of mind, fucking change it, or don't, I just drink.

Just because everything sucks doesn't mean you need to immerse yourself in it. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just accept.

No, seriously. I'm not being an inconsiderate douche; I really mean go to >>>/mlp/. It helped me change my perspective on life. Inb4 faggots, etc. Do you honestly believe I give a shit about your opinion?

>> No.4755767

>Do you honestly believe I give a shit about your opinion?
We don't give a shit about your ponies too, faggot!