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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 280x194, 5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4751277 No.4751277[DELETED]  [STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

Five minutes until the transit of Venus becomes visible. Last chance at seeing this in your lifetime - next transit occurs in 2117.

Live NASA feed from Hawaii:

WSJ article:

>> No.4751285

When will it become visible in Chicago?

>> No.4751289

OP here, I posted the visibility map from the WSJ article earlier today, so a duplicate cant be attached, but check it out to see when you can see it in your respective lands.

>> No.4751304

it should be visible around 5:45pm, but its essentially whenever sunset begins to occur. Also unless you have some special shades to look at the sun with you may have some trouble staring directly at the sun.

>> No.4751310

sorry. 5:45pm was for EDT. what does that translate to in CHI time?

>> No.4751316

Isn't 5:45 EDT right now?

>> No.4751323

The broadcast has started, but the transit hasn't begun yet.

>> No.4751327
File: 8 KB, 244x152, binocularprojection2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got binoculars and a piece of printer paper.
I'm set.

>> No.4751338
File: 484 KB, 1440x900, 2012-0128 (Live Feed Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751348
File: 151 KB, 500x376, face076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, what if Newton was wrong and Venus isn't where it's supposed to be?!

>> No.4751350

>that feel when you have to walk for an hour in the early morning to get to a hill with a decent view of the sunrise

>> No.4751353

Chicago is 5:07, im about to leave to view it at Lerner park in Chicago, in you're in the area come on by, im bringing my telescope +solar filter

>> No.4751356
File: 2.09 MB, 1592x1062, 2012-0010 (Binoculars).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also project the image of the sun on a piece of paper, using a pair of binoculars.

>> No.4751357

I'm actually nearer to Rockford. I just say Chicago because, well, you know.

>> No.4751362




>> No.4751363

So, where is it?

>> No.4751369

Starts in 5 minutes it seems

>> No.4751374

This will be the only party worthy Venusian transit. In the past, no one could stream it online. In the future, people will be living in space so what stuff looks like on Earth won't be that big of a deal.

You were born just in time to. Crack a beer.

>> No.4751375


>> No.4751382


get your shit ready

>> No.4751385
File: 134 KB, 565x525, I know that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751386
File: 271 KB, 752x1000, face016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I'm doing. Tested it a few days ago. I saw sunspots directly for the first time in my life.

>> No.4751381

>not a cloud in the sky
>happy as fuck

>> No.4751388
File: 299 KB, 1440x900, 2012-0129 (Celestia View Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also view the transit using Celestia. :3

>> No.4751390

stream dead

>> No.4751394

Is it still happening guys?
Can I go outside right now and see this?

>> No.4751396

>Can I go outside right now and see this?


>> No.4751397



>> No.4751401


Works, bottom left corner

>> No.4751402

Will the transit of venus bring along colder temperatures as some of the sunlight won't reach earth?

>> No.4751410


No, Venus is blocking a negligible amount of the sun's light.

>> No.4751411
File: 130 KB, 1440x900, 2012-0130 (Celestia View Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751413

Reverby norwegians.

Its kind of funny.

>> No.4751418

/sci/ has Chicago bros, who knew?

>> No.4751420

Nice to see NASA is now resorted to putting on shitty live streams of pointless planetary events, rather than launching satellites, rovers or people into space.

>> No.4751421

= Hooooly shit

>> No.4751423

So what am i looking for?

>> No.4751425

>implying it costs them a significant portion of their budget to do this
>implying this doesn't raise awareness and interest in space among children and teenagers, who might conceivably one day decide to work for NASA

>> No.4751427

> 20 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

This is fucking PATHETIC for a Science board. Nobody to blame but the human species, I guess.

>> No.4751428

I'm seeing a big white globe in norwey transmission

that's it?

>> No.4751432


>> No.4751435

Bottom left of the globe (sun) there's a black blob emerging, that's Venus-

>> No.4751439

everyones too busy shitposting on /v/ about E3

>> No.4751440

>implying most everyone isn't too busy watching to post

>> No.4751445
File: 199 KB, 695x364, this venus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751446

>NASA production values


>> No.4751447

what'd you expect? a full eclipse?

>> No.4751448

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.4751441


that tiny little thing/


>> No.4751450

I came when first contact was made on hawaiian stream.

Oh god.

>> No.4751455
File: 447 KB, 1933x1077, Venus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where Venus is located for reference.

>> No.4751458

cloudy as shit right now

fuck my life

>> No.4751459

I can't work Celestia out, how do you make venus go over there? For me it's fucking far away.

>> No.4751460

I swear this lady is going to orgasm if there's a flare tonight.

>> No.4751452
File: 184 KB, 697x372, sdgbsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing?

>> No.4751463

I have it dialed in on my scope. Too bad I don't have a camera to hook it up to.

>> No.4751464
File: 81 KB, 1070x830, 346346252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751461




>> No.4751462


See above

>> No.4751466


the stream that was on ustream can be watched here

>> No.4751472


>> No.4751474

did i miss it?

>> No.4751469

Hop on the cali stream

>> No.4751475
File: 103 KB, 350x286, doublesguy_theanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when AstoChick gets a boner about the duration of rotation of Venus

>> No.4751476

Very fitting music by Benn Jordan, from the album Pale Blue Dot

>> No.4751478
File: 134 KB, 1440x900, 2012-0131 (Celestia View Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751479

its fucking cloudy in NY and i even made an apparatus to take pictures of this shit.

>> No.4751480

These are the most pathetic people I have ever heard in my entire life. Is Hawaii so boring that a Venus eclipse sends these people into hysterics?

>> No.4751481

can i see it with the naked eye?

>> No.4751482

It's space. you could take a nap and not miss it

>> No.4751487

cloudy in Phila. too, only visible online.
Ha i heard her prattle about that. still pretty cool though.

>> No.4751491


Navigation>Go_to_object>Earth>(your latitude and longitude)>distance_0.002km


>> No.4751492
File: 57 KB, 531x296, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two versions of Hell in one picture.

>> No.4751495
File: 17 KB, 600x337, AuqHJfFCAAElR93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


diff variation on the Sunshine soundtrack

pic related live from nasa twitter feed, beautiful

>> No.4751496

>These are the most pathetic people I have ever heard in my entire life. Is Hawaii so boring that a Venus eclipse sends these people into hysterics?

These are astronomers, fuckwit.
Everything is exciting to astronomers.

>> No.4751499

sure if you dont like your eyes

>> No.4751500


oh really? i had no idea.

>> No.4751504

The stream in OP's link is back up.

The announcer guy said they had a black out but the problem is resolved and to tell our friends it's back up..

So I'm telling you guys, cause you're my friends

>> No.4751506

The whole wenus!

>> No.4751508

how is the sun visible in norway? it's half past midnight there

>> No.4751510


>> No.4751512



>> No.4751516

The stream is from close to the northern tip, sun's up 24/7 that far north.

>> No.4751511

Thanks a lot

>> No.4751517

very nice!

>> No.4751519

North Norway, sun rises earlier

>> No.4751521
File: 2.12 MB, 1592x1062, 2012-0011 (Image Of The Sun).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751523


i think there some parts of norway that are so far north the sun doesnt set or at leat doesnt set for very long

>> No.4751526

She's so fucking beautiful, guys. I love you all so much right now. I fucking love you guys.

>> No.4751532
File: 99 KB, 700x400, 2012-0132 (Live Feed Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Second contact is best contact.

>> No.4751533

I see a big red circle and a small black one inside it. I guess it's the sun and venus respetively?

>> No.4751530

>Anything going on with the sun right now?

It's shining?

>> No.4751536



>> No.4751537

yup. thats it.

>> No.4751538

Not to sound cynical, but Venus is sure taking its sweet time

>> No.4751542

I can barely see the sun 'cause it's so fucking cloudy. Fuck you, Miami.

>> No.4751543


>> No.4751546

yeah same for me in ny. im making sure my cams batteries are charged
i dont even know if my layered cake of filters will work
it fuckin better

>> No.4751545

ok... i got celestia... went to the sun...see nothing
wut do?

>> No.4751548


Navigation>Go_to_object>Earth>(your latitude and longitude)>distance_0.002km


>> No.4751552
File: 40 KB, 399x388, 1325642491393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw clouds

It's cool to see the stream but I would like to observe it directly

>> No.4751551
File: 754 KB, 659x678, PLEASE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4751550

sweet. my thread got stickied.

signed OP

>> No.4751554

Congratulations! This thread is now official thread, I guess.

>> No.4751558
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, latest_APOD_HMIC 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest from APOD.

>> No.4751560

Is there going to be anything beyond what we're seeing now?

>> No.4751562

Portland is sunny for once, after being completely overcast for the lunar eclipse

>> No.4751556

So if I watch the NASA feed I'll see it? Or is it the black dot on there?

Sorry I just found out about this and have no idea what is going on

>> No.4751565

Clouds are clearing up! Time to burn out my retinas.

>> No.4751570

someone took a bite out of the cheese

>> No.4751578

Off to sleep then, not hardcore enough to watch a black circle slowly move from one side to the other in a red circle

>> No.4751577 [DELETED] 
File: 471 KB, 2048x1536, DSC03017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH God..
I'm literally crying and shaking right now.
I'm looking at it right now. It's beautiful.

>> No.4751569

Well, it'll move slowly across, and that's about it. If we're really lucky there'll be a flare and we'll hear that woman on the stream cream her pants.

>> No.4751584


Midnight sun.

>> No.4751579

read the WSJ article from the original post to find out more. I only found out about it this morning.

>> No.4751585

fucking casual

>> No.4751587

When will britfags be able to see it?

>> No.4751592


You will be drepressed for the rest of your life if you don't see the entire passage.

>> No.4751594

come sunrise

>> No.4751599

I'll invent something to make sure I'm around for the next one if that's the case
Maybe I can see it in the morning for real rather than on a stream as well

>> No.4751602
File: 2.45 MB, 1592x1062, 2012-0012 (Lunar Eclipse).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lunar eclipse

Oh hey! I almost forgot. I took pictures of that. It was setting, at the time.

>> No.4751603


sunrise so like 5:30am

>> No.4751605


At sunrise.

>> No.4751608


More like 4:45AM.

>> No.4751615

I've been googling this for hours, what time is venus supposed to transit the moon?
I don't even see the moon in the sky yet

>> No.4751617

Thread music:


>> No.4751611

theres a general visibility map in the second link op posted. Its like the third image down.

>> No.4751621
File: 159 KB, 727x420, TOV2012-Fig01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just about, in the early morning.

>> No.4751620

I've got a test in the morning so I'm going to bed. Watched it enter first and second contact.

This was beautiful. I love you, guys.

>> No.4751622
File: 234 KB, 1440x900, 2012-0135 (Celestia View Of Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751625


>South America

>> No.4751629 [DELETED] 

Hey, are there any anons from Iceland online right now?
>>4751621 suggests they'll have a *very* interesting experience today.

>> No.4751631

I fucking love this. Venus looks so sexy on the sun.

I also admire the NASA EDGE broadcasters, as a plebeian I love their humane approach.

>> No.4751628

This looks riveting!

Actually, who cares if the next time we will be able to see a black dot moving in front of the sun is in 2117? Rare != interesting

>> No.4751632 [DELETED] 

Hey, are there any anons from Iceland online right now?
>>4751621 suggests they'll have a *very* interesting experience today.

>> No.4751634
File: 465 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1045[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, sis. <3

>> No.4751636

Hey, are there any anons from Iceland online right now?
>>4751621 suggests they'll have a *very* interesting experience today.

>> No.4751638

the fuck>

>> No.4751639

That's pretty badass of them to show that on tv. Doubt there's anything about this on Swedish tv right now.

>> No.4751643

Tonight's the night

>> No.4751648

So this is nice and all, but I've been watching a black dot transition a red sun for a bit, not to complain but is there a way to get a different view like
or something guys?

>> No.4751650

lol. Suck it, Brazil.
You too, Equatorial Guinea.

>> No.4751652

Try some of the other streams on the google map underneath the nasa.gov stream.

Different broadcasters etc.

>> No.4751658

>Mfw astronomers are getting paid to watch this.

>Mfw I have no face.

>> No.4751659


they miss the middle of it?

>> No.4751662

>But tonight the Sun is not the biggest star of the evening.

>this host

>> No.4751666


>isn't able to enjoy a small black dot moving across a large orange dot for 6 hours


>> No.4751661
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_7283-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a telescope, a bottle, and a piece of paper, you can make this little setup. Works quite well.

>> No.4751670

Thanks bro.

>> No.4751667

better quali than Nasa stream if anyone cares, Mauna kea


Watch some Carl Sagan if you find it hard to comprehend the beauty and grandiose size of these heavenly bodies


>> No.4751674

... but then I have to go outside...

>> No.4751676

wouldn't an opaque bottle work best?

>> No.4751672
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_7284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for it being off-center, but a good demonstration none the less. It gives a much crisper image when seen in person.

>> No.4751677

So if I'm a Britfag can I get up at 5:30am and watch it with my naked eye? I don't have binoculars or a telescope/filters. Will it just look like the sun?

>> No.4751685

Then how would you look through to see the projection? Yes, you can view it on the other side of the paper, but when you look through the bottle it gives a much better image.

>> No.4751683

>tfw 19
>tfw it should be possible for me to be alive in 105 years

>> No.4751678

Watching from Northern Michigan. Venus on the top-right of the sun moving downwards slowly.

Fuck yeah, Venus!

>> No.4751679
File: 234 KB, 1024x1024, latest_APOD_HMIC003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give this link a go for other wavelength views.


>> No.4751680

>go away for 10 mins
>planet goes from bottom left to top right
Did they fuck with the camera or did it really just go by that fast

>> No.4751687

Flipped the camera.

>> No.4751688



>> No.4751691

>they miss the middle of it?

It's a sunrise AND sunset, BOTH occurring during Venus tranist.

>> No.4751686

I'm enjoying the live stream of this. No reason to risk eye damage when I prefer nighttime celestial observations anyway.

>> No.4751693

How does this effect my star sign (Taurus)?

>> No.4751694

Flipped the camera.

>> No.4751696



>> No.4751697

thanks guys

>they just fuckin flipped it again
These niggers

>> No.4751699
File: 181 KB, 654x595, Meterology!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm fucked...

Yeah, they changed the orientation of the second telescope's image to match the two views.

>> No.4751700

I was thinking you could cut a small hole in the neck to peer through

>> No.4751702

I'd be 126 years old. We can only hope.

>> No.4751704
File: 71 KB, 912x684, Transit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just snapped this picture using a digital camera and some old fujifilm.

>> No.4751708

Kill yourself.

>> No.4751709


>> No.4751711

Just spent the last 2 hours setting up and watching it unfold. Nice. I'm not too into these kinds of things but it's an experience. Did the whole projection thing with my telescope in my front yard. A couple people came over to see what I was up to and were mildly impressed. There is some interest out there.

>> No.4751707

>tfw medical science has increased human lifespan into the 120s
>tfw we could very well see the next transit at age 124

Feels good being young in an age of rapid scientific development.

>> No.4751712

So far I've missed out on 3 interesting astronomical events in the past two weeks.

What the fuck Washington?!

>> No.4751713

>digital camera

>> No.4751715

I can't wait to tell the young whippersnappers that they should've seen it back in 2012, when I looked at it through a series of pipes, called the interwebs.

>> No.4751717

film as a filter.

>> No.4751719

He's using the film as a makeshift solar lens.
I've read about that. It actually works. I never bothered making one. Regretting that now.

>> No.4751720
File: 29 KB, 300x253, THANKYOUBASEDGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751721


>> No.4751722


like i said, they miss part of it. i suppose that's amusing on some level?

>> No.4751723

Went to the park with some shitty binoculars to project the image. It was small, but we got it. Thinking of using a poptarts wrapper to take some pics with my phone, but I don't think it will work.

>> No.4751725

Sunrises and sunsets are pretty. The middle of a Venus transit, between contacts, is boring. What part of this are you having trouble with?

>> No.4751727


thats pretty sweet. how many layers of film did you use?

>> No.4751730

I've got a Nikon Coolpix digital camera with 15x optical zoom. I took some old film and covered the lens, adding massive amounts of tint. Point and shoot.

>> No.4751732
File: 96 KB, 930x618, 12568684522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw it through binocular projection.

Today, was a glorious day.

>> No.4751733

Just one.

>> No.4751735
File: 140 KB, 350x350, SlowRAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751737


you can enjoy a sunrise and sunset everyday bro. nobodies watching it to see the sun disappear and reappear.

>> No.4751738

For some reason I can't see Venus in the projected image, using my binoculars.

What's going on?

>> No.4751743

you live in an atlernate universe

>> No.4751742

This is what two layers looked like. The camera wouldn't auto-focus.

>> No.4751745
File: 93 KB, 912x684, twolayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.4751740


> Last chance at seeing this in your lifetime - next transit occurs in 2117.
>last time
>mfw transhuman immortality

>> No.4751746

Really bummed that it's cloudy here in NJ, was looking forward to using my telescope with a solar filter.

>> No.4751747
File: 989 KB, 300x212, 1276562118933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like the past couple of years we will have weeks of sunshine and then on the eve of any kind of interesting astronomical event is the first of many days of shitty weather.

>> No.4751748

You have to hold it very, VERY still. It's not going to be huge man, just a tiny dot on the paper.

>> No.4751749

Lemme put it this way.

In a sense, every sunrise and sunset is a point of contact in a transit of the earth across the sun, from the perspective of a human on the earth's surface.

So in a way, viewing a transit during a sunrise or sunset is a bit like a double transit. Both during the same transit, therefore, is analogous to a triple transit.

(And yes, I'm aware that it's technically an "occlusion" and not a "transit" if the nearer object is apparently larger than the farther.)

>> No.4751750

>tfw short

>> No.4751753

>You have to hold it very, VERY still.

I'm totally holding it still.
I'm seeing a bright disc about a centimeter across, which I assume is the sun, but no dot.

>an "occlusion"

*occultation, sorry

>> No.4751757

Try focusing the lens...

>> No.4751756
File: 29 KB, 187x236, orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally seeing a consistent bulge on the static on the edge of the solar disk

>> No.4751760

So... It's a fucking dot? What's the big deal?

>> No.4751765


Fucking plebeian casual why are you even here?

It's the fucking planet. Our sister Venus.

>> No.4751766


No venus for u bro

>> No.4751768

Get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.4751769
File: 6 KB, 379x219, venustransit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is your angle OP...this is what we all got from Europe...:/

>> No.4751767
File: 19 KB, 400x405, Middle-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im from iceland and fuck you.

>> No.4751771


My feed is a black and white and Venus is on the lower left.

>> No.4751779

Yeah, cool, it's a planet and what have you. Coolies, there's a planet moving between us and the sun. But why do people give a fuck about bad weather? Just watch it on a livestream. What's everybody missing?

>> No.4751777

Same, clouds here. They need to get the fuck out of the way quick.

>> No.4751778

get out

>> No.4751773

NY bros when is it gonna be there for us?

>> No.4751780


Mean radius: 6,051.8 km


>> No.4751783
File: 593 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1047[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this journalist is effing hot!

>> No.4751786

Really? Are you actually from Iceland?

>> No.4751788


Weird...hope everyone gets to see this

>> No.4751784

If you really need an answer to that question...

>> No.4751789

Go here


Click on the little map on the right hand side, Fuck around with the pointer, and watch in amazement as the location of Venus's transit changes depending on where you live. It's SCIENCE!

>> No.4751790


That's nice, but I actually understand how perspective works.

>> No.4751791

dont know bro, still waiting for the clouds to clear up.

>> No.4751792

http://events.slooh.com/ has a bunch of different feeds. Some are quite nice. I especially like seeing angular differences in Venus' location between different observatories across the world.

>> No.4751796

>Try focusing the lens...

It's still just a bright disc.
I'm worried that I'm not actually projecting the sun, and that I'm just projecting the sky; and the edge of the disc is just the edge of the view.

>> No.4751802

Same here, but there will be a special telescope set up :3

>> No.4751804

There are literally clouds fucking everywhere here (southeastern PA). Fuck this. I'm obviously going to miss it. Sun's already almost below treeline... and idek how to look at it anyway, all I have are binoculars.

>> No.4751803

Some birds just flew in front of the broadcast....

>> No.4751807

Just two and a half hours left till sunrise! Got my binoculars ready!

>> No.4751811

Here's the link

>> No.4751812
File: 18 KB, 500x359, 1330877567924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw i'm brazilian.

>> No.4751814

will I see this from toronto

>> No.4751817

So stop pointing it at the Sun and point it at another piece of sky. If there is no bright disk then you know you were projecting the Sun before. If your focusing mechanism isn't fine enough then you might be skipping over the proper focus.

>> No.4751820


Ech. I think it might just be a really shitty pair of binoculars. It looks like it was made in the 1980s. I wish I could find my dad's golfing binoculars. They seem like they might be newer and of better quality.

>> No.4751823
File: 22 KB, 567x371, this venuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a breast with a birthmark.

>> No.4751827
File: 361 KB, 457x500, Screen_shot_2011-11-16_at_11.26.46_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously guys telling me I cannot have a glimpse at the sun when it rises in two hours? For 2 seconds at a time for the first few minutes?

I don't have the glasses, but binoculars and if I'm gonna go I cannot help myself to look at the Sun.

>> No.4751829
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, latest_APOD_HMIC 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Don't hurt your eyes though! Look through a filter.

>> No.4751831


Enjoy blindness or at the very least pain in your eyes.

>> No.4751835

Mine are about that old. What are their specs? Mine are 7x36 and they work fine.

>> No.4751836


I wonder if that one girl is having an orgasm now.

>> No.4751837


>> No.4751834

fuck that guy. show em who's boss, anon. Sight is for peasants. Blind pride!

>> No.4751839
File: 1.28 MB, 3456x2592, IMG_2982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pretty surprised I got a picture this good with a point'n'shoot with cheapo solar glasses held over it.

>> No.4751842




>> No.4751841

>want to do important things
>end up watching a black dot moving across a red dot

>> No.4751843




>> No.4751848

haha i thought the same thing. She's going to go fuck the nearest guy so she can say she had a seed planted in her today.

>> No.4751849

apparently this image of the sun updates every 15min. Pretty cool

>> No.4751850

Korea here, clouds.

>> No.4751854
File: 307 KB, 200x162, 1336525327295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most days of the year I hide from the sun, in fact I usually flat out sleep through the day so as to avoid it. but the ONE FUCKING DAY I would like to see the sun there is so much cloud cover that it went from 80 yesterday to fucking 55 today.

fuck you weather.

>> No.4751858

forgot the image link. Mah bad. Its a live image that refreshes every 15.

>> No.4751855
File: 1.53 MB, 3072x2304, HPIM1632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this with a cheap telescope, a cheap piece of paper, and a cheap camera.

>> No.4751861


That's beautiful man.

>> No.4751863

Where I live in Florida has been in perpetual cloud cover, and it shows no sign of improving.
Fuck you, sky.

>> No.4751866

>Mine are about that old. What are their specs?

I don't know. It's a gigantic fucking thing. I still can't get it to focus. Good thing we've got this live feed. And I've got Celestia, too.

>> No.4751865

florida bro here, I know that feel.

>> No.4751869

>Enjoy blindness or at the very least pain in your eyes.

There would be no pain in his eyes. If he looked through the binoculars, he would go completely blind within seconds.

>> No.4751871

When's it going to pass back through the outer edge of the sun?
I don't want to miss that, wasn't able to see the entry.

>> No.4751876

I saw it through a binocular project.

Shit was UNBELIEVABLY cash.

I felt like a young kid again getting some random makeshift contraption I found on the internet to work.

>> No.4751878

>missed the entry alongside with 100k viewers due to nasa stream crash

stay classy Nasa, 2nd contact was cool enough though

>> No.4751879

*Projection, forgot the rest of the damn word.

>> No.4751884

Wish I could get my binoculars to project it properly.

Oh well, the live feed's cool too I guess.

>> No.4751883

It's such a small projection that I can't help but feel like I'm actually just looking at a speck of dirt on the viewing lense of my telescope...

>> No.4751888

It's cloudy as fuck where I am.
Feel lucky you even have the opportunity to see it personally, man.

>> No.4751889


I can't even see the dot, dude. It's just a white disc. That's how bad the focus is. There might as well be 100 percent cloud cover, for all I can see.

>> No.4751891

Comparing simple physics to the Moon landing and Polio Vaccine? Stay classy, NASA!

>> No.4751895

Holy fuck a Gaga music number now?

What the hell?

>> No.4751903
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, latest_APOD_HMIC 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine if you and your pal were the only people to see it.

>> No.4751910

OP here.
Mother nature is a fucking cruel bitch - clouds in the Philadelphia area finally start to clear out and the sun is below the treeline by my house.

>> No.4751919

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little moon? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Planet Transit U, and I’ve been involved in numerous transits across the Sun, and I have 0 confirmed life. I am trained in acid rain and I’m the top gas planet in the entire Milkyway. You are nothing to me but just another moon. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in space, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of asteroids across the galaxy and your Planetary IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the ice storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your orbit. You’re fucking dead, pluto. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can transit in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my barren surface. Not only am I extensively trained in evaporating oceans, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my neighbor Earth and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable surface off the orbit of whatever planet owns you, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking atmosphere. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will flare fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, pluto.

>> No.4751932

i snickered

>> No.4751935
File: 1.47 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took some binoculars and projected the light onto a piece of paper.

>> No.4751943
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also put on a shitload of sunglasses to look at the sun directly and see the speck of shadow for myself. It was beautiful, but I couldn't snap a picture of that unfortunately (I used my iPhone).

>> No.4751955

Nigger this is really dumb.

"solar grade" viewing film doesnt just mean "really dark lol"

>> No.4751958

thats pretty cool. I'm disappointed that I cant even make an attempt myself. CURSE YOU, CLOUDS!!!!

>> No.4751963

Success! Caught it just as the sun was slipping between the trees. I feel very happy now.

>> No.4751968

Bitch don't know about my AU calculation!

>> No.4751972

Hey, man, it worked. And I had plenty of sunglasses there. I'm pretty sure some of them blocked UV and shit so if you're worried about that' I'm in the clear. The sun was literally a dim red circle to me while wearing those babies.

It just didn't work for the camera because I couldn't hold those fucking glasses and my camera and focus it and shit all at the same time.

>> No.4751984

where are you viewing from? It seems pretty bright.

>> No.4751999

I'm not familiar with the copypasta that this seems to be based on, but it was comical nonetheless.

>> No.4752008

I'm in Ontario, Canada. It's late afternoon here. It was about 7:20 when I took that picture.

The photo makes it seem like the light through the glasses was bright because the camera is shit. But I shit you not once I put them on, I could see nothing but the a very dim red circle in the pitch black sky, and a small tiny round speck on the top right of it (Venus).
It literally looked like this to me >>4751745
but I could see it much clearer through my own eyes.

It really blows my mind that that's probably the last time I'll ever see that kind of image (unless I live till 2117 or whenever the next transit is). It's such a unique and beautiful spectacle. I'm gonna burn that image into my mind.

>> No.4752011
File: 6 KB, 252x220, lennyconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard no less than 4 people in the past half hour refer to the event as "the eclipse". One said it was Jupiter, another didn't care to look because they'd 'seen eclipses before'.

Am...am I in an exceptionally stupid area? Or has anyone else had to deal with this today?

>> No.4752012

>dis ginger niggas voice on the NASA stream

>> No.4752017


Holy shit.

>> No.4752022

no... no you are not.
it is the same here. it is unfortunate.

>> No.4752032

I think it's BECAUSE of stupid people that some people refer to it as an eclipse. I think just calling it a "transit" some people wouldn't even know what the hell that means, but they've heard of an eclipse before. They think eclipse means something passing in front of the sun. They don't know that the literal meaning of eclipse is to fully cover the sun and block a majority of its light.

To eclipse=to overshadow

and they don't think of that, they think

to eclipse=to pass over the sun.

But maybe I'm giving too much benefit of the doubt. Maybe they really are stupid and don't know the difference between transits and eclipses and they weren't the ones pandering to stupid people.

As for those lazy fucks, I'm sorry to say, they're practically everywhere. I had some friends I invited out with me to come see the transit but they were like nahhh I don't care. Fuck that boils my blood. Seriously do they not understand the significance or the sheer awesomeness of it?

Fuck normal people man. They're fucking stupid. And they're everywhere.

>> No.4752047
File: 349 KB, 544x496, 1234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cloudy sky

>> No.4752048
File: 16 KB, 500x461, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is I don't expect much science literacy from people, just a little, and it's hard to find that even. Is it too hard to ask people to know the meaning of words in the language they speak? Is it asking too much to at least know what planet is doing what if something's going on, since it's not difficult to pick up on even if you're just watching the news?
Man...they're why we won't get to be transhumans

>> No.4752050

a guy posted earlier in this thread asking why he couldnt find anything pertaining to venus eclipsing the moon when he googled it.


>> No.4752064
File: 21 KB, 408x270, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rustled regardless

>> No.4752063

Same exact thing just happened to me, also in Philly. Feel your pain, bro.

>> No.4752068

>solar hat with venus transit being moved on it.

astronomers confirmed for biggest nerd permavirgins in the scientific community

>> No.4752076

what exactly are the "contacts" (first, second) that the NASA broadcasters are referring to?

>> No.4752078

woah a small black dot

let me know if it gets good

>> No.4752080
File: 10 KB, 250x250, Hanks..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw it with an 8 inch telescope.

>> No.4752084

i just came all over your mom.

>> No.4752096


cool shit they just plugged on the nasa stream

>> No.4752102

I wanna go to bed but I fucking can't!

>> No.4752103
File: 734 KB, 1095x795, wrong_kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752104
File: 73 KB, 482x442, tumblr_lxeg4fPUhR1r5nggvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... rather like the hat. I kinda wish I had one. Instead I am stuck with a sombrero.

it is when the edges of venus touch the edges of the sun.

>> No.4752115

>Step outside, see coworker with viewing film.
>Borrow film, snap photo through it.
>Can't see anything on camera screen, probably too bright/blurry/shaky/lightleak/etc
>Return to office, open photo on computer.
>I think I see a faint shadow!

I gotta clean my computer screen...

>> No.4752125





>> No.4752128



>> No.4752135
File: 442 KB, 956x720, Yume25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not planning to die before 2117, OP.

>> No.4752136
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, IMG184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this one myself with my cell phone through a telescope.

>> No.4752143
File: 10 KB, 400x300, contactsuk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First contact (external ingress): Venus is entirely outside the disk of the Sun, moving inward
Second contact (internal ingress): Venus is entirely inside the disk of the Sun, moving further inward
Third contact (internal egress): Venus is entirely inside the disk of the Sun, moving outward
Fourth contact (external egress): Venus is entirely outside the disk of the Sun, moving outward.

>> No.4752150

Holy shit, I just realized - from tomorrow, it's never ever gonna be June 6 2012 again until the end of everything ever! Better party like crazy, huh?

>> No.4752153

>>4751738 here.

I got it to work! I got it to work!
The problem was that I was holding the binoculars too close to the paper.

I took so many pictures! (The sun is now setting behind a tree, from the perspective of my bedroom; so a bunch of leaves are in my way.)

I will upload the best ones in a minute, here.

>> No.4752154


It's sideways from the orientation i took the photograph through the eyepiece.

>> No.4752156

thanks, friend.

>> No.4752166


You're really going to freak out when you realize its never going to be tomorrow, or the day before that, ever again either, buddy.

protip: lay off the drugs when it comes to astronomy; too prone for freakout moments.

>> No.4752178

But seriously. If chu's disregarding what is going on and just looking at it visually, solar eclipses are prettier.

>> No.4752184
File: 2.51 MB, 1592x1062, 2012-0013 (Observation Setup).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First, here was my set-up.
The binoculars are elevated by a book, resting on a stool, resting on a small table. The notebook is propped up on top of my camera's tripod.

>> No.4752191

>Live in Southern tip of Malaysia (just before Singapore)
>Clouds, and it looks like it's going to rain soon

God hate me.

>> No.4752190
File: 1.66 MB, 1046x1569, 2012-0014 (Venus Transit FIRST PIC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now, the transit!

>> No.4752197
File: 1.84 MB, 1569x1046, 2012-0015 (Venus Transit CLOSE).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second image.

>> No.4752199

I wouldn't mind that at all. Being a Hawaiian astronomer, a life devoted to the heavens, spent in the middle of the ocean. That sounds pretty fucking good.

>> No.4752202
File: 1.55 MB, 1569x1046, 2012-0016 (Venus Transit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third image.

>> No.4752209

venus is relatively the same size as earth.

you are now aware of how miniscule we are on the larger scale of things.

>> No.4752213

But at least we are larger than bacteria.

>> No.4752216
File: 2.20 MB, 1569x1046, 2012-0017 (Venus Transit WITH LEAVES).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth image.

(By this point, the sun was behind the tree in my front yard; so most of the pictures I took were obscured. This one looks kind of cool.)

>> No.4752219

Imagine if there were Martian, would they be crazy to see Earth-Sun Transit (if it does happen)?

>> No.4752220
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got too cloudy here in South Florida to see the transit. However I did snag a picture of the sun before the clouds came in.

>> No.4752221
File: 666 KB, 2560x1920, 2012-06-06 04.09.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, friends. Estonia reporting in, 4:15 am

>> No.4752227

who invited this guy?

>> No.4752231
File: 2.09 MB, 2448x3264, 2012-06-05_19-30-45_188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From northern Illinois with love.

>> No.4752230

I just saw it very clearly in Kitchener, Ontario. 8:30 pm. It was great.

I can die now

>> No.4752232

I can't see shit.


>> No.4752237

So you American faggots use nanometers for wavelengths and microliters in biochemistry, but you still use imperial units for any other shit like beer and body height? You guys are freaks. Start measuring wavelength in nano-inches, you fucking communist faggots!

>> No.4752236

who knew /sci/ was so well traveled?

>> No.4752243


Hey now. Don't judge us by that fucking retard on the feed. I cringed too, when he didn't know his SI units.

It's 299792458 meters per second.

>> No.4752251


You know one night i was outside laying on my back looking up at the stars. It was a clear night, could see lots of good shit even the milky way.

It suddenly hit me i was clinging to a rock hurtling through the vastness of space. Had this massive vertigo attack and realised i had a death grip on the tree stump next to me.

The fuck mang.

>> No.4752250
File: 18 KB, 717x960, venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Sydney with love

>> No.4752253

>imperial units (english origin)

this guy can't decide on an insult.

>> No.4752256


>> No.4752258

they have so thick clouds there, I guess he wont see it

>> No.4752263

I had the exact opposite experience one time.
Really stoned, looking up at the stars with a friend and recalled how the image that appears are the back of our retinas is upside down and that our brain interprets that image as rightside up.
Start to think about "what ifs" of upside downs and right side ups are really inverted and our brains and sense of balance are just reverse.

Laughing attack. Could barely breathe.
I <3 science

>> No.4752265


From North Dakota with love (>>4752190, >>4752197, >>4752202, and >>4752216).

>> No.4752268

I'm not drinking. Yes, Estonians are known for their for alcohol abuse.

>> No.4752273
File: 7 KB, 259x194, oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4752274

>what is brain in a vat

>> No.4752276

clouds blocking the sun in eastern canada :(

>> No.4752278

Whatever. I was planning to live past 150, anyway.

>> No.4752282

In Germany, the sun will rise in two hours and we will have clouded skies, even little rain. Damn, and I was hoping to look at it in the first moment of sunrise with unprotected eyes.

>> No.4752283

hahaha yes! why didn't i think of that earlier?

>> No.4752284


>> No.4752286

>I was hoping to look at it in the first moment of sunrise with unprotected eyes.

It's not really safe to do that. It seems like it is; but it isn't. It won't blind you *quite* as fast as looking at the noon sun will; but it will still damage your cones and rods, and hasten the onset of vision problems when you get older (if not cause vision problems within hours).

>> No.4752289
File: 2.67 MB, 3968x2976, P6060002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like where I am. It's 3:37 AM and the sun is just rising on the other side of the mountain.

Takes about 10 minutes to get up it, I don't even have binoculars or anything. I have a camera that I'll maybe point through some sunglasses and zoom the fuck out of it, and then zoom once it's on the computer.

Wish me luck chaps.

>> No.4752291

we'll have clouds anyway ;_;

>> No.4752293
File: 40 KB, 399x509, Fucking clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern germany reporting in, seems like I won't be able to see anything.

>> No.4752297
File: 29 KB, 400x240, uk-flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Britfags or people from the UK staying up to try and catch this?

It's cloudy as fuck but I'm gunna risk it.

>> No.4752298


I think perhaps "fuckin clouds mang" might be /sci/s first meme for a long while

>> No.4752302

welshfag here


>> No.4752307

Estonia here - witnessed the glorious beauty as the sun became completely visible between two clouds.

>> No.4752309

scrape together the image /sci/borg

>> No.4752310

hahahaahahah the guy running for his hat hahahhahahahahahaahha

>> No.4752312

the NASA stream just went crazy

>> No.4752313

how much time left?

>> No.4752314
File: 161 KB, 500x304, 1330447533071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit is that what he was doing? I thought he was just a crazy dude.

oh god this singing....

>> No.4752319

Aww shit, I missed it.

>> No.4752320

Roughly 2 hours and 57 min. until the fourth contact

>> No.4752321

>Venus day is longer than Venus year

I feel like an idiot for not knowing this fact.

>> No.4752322

i think they said it takes around 6 hours for the complete transit? I could be wrong. It began around 17:45 EDT, so that would mean around 23:45 EDT

>> No.4752327

How did you watch it?

>> No.4752331

>this hippie bitch confusing Venus in the sense of the Greek/Roman goddess with the physical planet.

>> No.4752333

The hippie lady is really showing of now

>> No.4752335

it was fun hehe

>> No.4752336

How can I view this firsthand, do I need a telescope?

>> No.4752340


>> No.4752345

also, some Canadian guy used like 3 pairs of sunglasses and said it worked for him. posted pics too. look for the image attachment in the thread.

>> No.4752348

anybody else thinks this japanese guy sounds like christopher Walken?
Or am I just getting stupid staying up, wating for this thing?

>> No.4752350

That might make it comfortable to view but his eyesight is still in danger.

>> No.4752351

the cadance at which he's speaking does sound a bit like it.
FUCK. now all i can hear is asian Walken

>> No.4752354

>Still don't know much about Venus

Laughing Aliens Whores.png

>> No.4752358

Fellow Welshfag here. Clouds everywhere, looks like it's raining too.

What am I saying, it's a Welsh summer, of course it's raining.

>> No.4752359


Better get your fact right, kisama!!

>> No.4752364


>> No.4752366


I viewed the sun through 2 compact disks.

>> No.4752369

>that dude in the background taking pictures

>> No.4752374

sorry, I realized I should have just written asian but a moment too late, after I had posted.

>> No.4752376

na butt, its been sunny as fuck for like 3 weeks. But then once in a lifetime astro even and then LOL TIEM FOR CLOUDCOVER

>> No.4752381

Still going on?

>> No.4752388

at least an hour left

>> No.4752389

No fucking kidding. Yesterday, clear skies and 90 degrees. Today, cloudy, raining, and 50.


>> No.4752390
File: 111 KB, 330x330, feels-bad-frog-330x33rcud6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pissed me off today is that my family made me go with my uncle to do some work for him today. He lives about 2 hours away from us, so I had to go alone. All day it's been pouring down rain and storming. Meanwhile my fucking idiot brother was at home getting to watch it.
I don't even think he can name more than 3 planets.

>> No.4752393

>They Might Be Giants

>> No.4752394


Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.4752398

>them harmonics

>> No.4752401

I saw a small black dot at sunset. As if the Sun had a mole.

It's sad to say the upcoming newborns won't have a chance to see this.

>> No.4752403
File: 1.40 MB, 720x480, 1269343547980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they might be giants... come on science dude.


>> No.4752407

meh. they'll have their moments that we wont.

>> No.4752408

A shaky start but decent finish.


>> No.4752410

Life expectancy is increasing.

>> No.4752411
File: 238 KB, 556x544, 1315521036809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's night time and I forgot about this until just now

>> No.4752412
File: 289 KB, 1360x2048, IMAG0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt at getting a photo. Don't have a decent camera so I had to use my phone.

>> No.4752418

and now for this song as a reply to the inaccuracies of the last song.


>> No.4752420

that dot is obviously just a piece of dust
go back to >>>/x/ niwaka

>> No.4752436

try adjusting the focus and/or the distance of the lens from the paper.

>> No.4752437
File: 62 KB, 720x480, Alamby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just point a DSLR at the sun and look via the electronic viewscreen?

>> No.4752440
File: 204 KB, 800x640, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752445

It's going to give us more intimate information on Venus itself, as well as an ability to fine-tune our methods of detecting exoplanets. Transits of Venus are historically some pretty heavy shit, and have been used to determine important things.


Plus, the next one won't be for 105 years. So there is that.

>> No.4752443

Sure. If you want to burn out the optics in it.

>> No.4752444

this guy is brutally socially awakard.
the girls are in highschool and college respectively, give it up ginger.

>> No.4752448 [DELETED] 

when she says venus orbit I understand only penis orbit.

>> No.4752449

It looked much better in person. Was able to see it very clearly.

>> No.4752451

dude, that post was made 3 hours ago. you do know that you can see the time correct? its next to the day of the week in the post info

>> No.4752453

OMFG he's holding his hand on her back the WHOLE time!!

>> No.4752456

he tries to score, this is ridiculous, the whole world is watching

>> No.4752457

Goddamn, 50 min. until sunset and I never once got a glimpse of the sun within these damn clouds.

>> No.4752459

Sure, in a stickied thread. So there's a chance the person's still in here.

>> No.4752461

Germany won't see it

>> No.4752463
File: 2.80 MB, 4608x2592, Venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a pretty good photo.

>> No.4752466

it hurts so fucking much to watch..

but it makes feel a tiny bit better about all the stupid shit I've done

>> No.4752468

Didn't notice that. But mein Gott...

>> No.4752471

i think its safe to assume that a guy who downplayed the event as "just a fucking dot" isn't in the thread anymore.

>> No.4752472
File: 1.77 MB, 3968x2976, P6060006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I got. So surprised and ecstatic that I got anything at all. I even managed to see it with my own eyes by wearing three pairs of sunglasses and looking through the zoom on the camera.

>> No.4752478

Where at in Germany? Berlin will be able to see about the last 20 min of it.

>> No.4752479
File: 2.27 MB, 3968x2976, P6060013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "setup", haters gonna hate.

>> No.4752482
File: 1.29 MB, 2272x1704, Venus Transit 6-5-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from Freeport Illinois, home of the Pretzels.

>> No.4752480 [DELETED] 

those two chicks should get trips and post here

would be better then those other tripsluts in here

>> No.4752483

Then it's possible I'm just talking into thin air. Sure am risking a lot by daring to possibly give an answer!

>> No.4752484

get that redheads name! Cara something. facebook stalking may not be the forte of /sci/guys but damnit shes a science girl!

>> No.4752488

Rained all day here in Edmonton...

>> No.4752490

That's fucking awesome!

Mang, I'm gunna get on my roof and sit through clouds :/

I want to practice with my telescope-projector, I shall draw a dot on a flashlight...

>> No.4752493

Well guys, I'm gonna head out. Even though it's totally clouded, I'm gonna stay out there for the next two hours in case I might get a glimpse of it.
It's been cozy sharing this event with /sci/ and the NASA stream, thanks guys

>> No.4752495

Wasnt there a Malaysian guy posting earlier in this thread? the stream is talking about Oceania now.

>> No.4752497
File: 379 KB, 2110x1965, 709709809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post the few i took today from Chicago

>> No.4752500

Wish you luck, bro.

>> No.4752503

We had a solid 2-hr period here when it was visible. I pulled out a spotter's scope that found that I could image the sun to about the size of a quarter on a sheet of paper. We got a great view of Venus on the sun's face. It was a clear circle, and I saw a few tiny sunspots. I showed about a dozen people, and all thanked me for it. Nobody minded that the optics were less than good (some lens spots). Two even shook my hand. This is about the only time that science really seems appreciated. I actually don't feel that bad today.

>> No.4752505
File: 455 KB, 2583x2020, 6989879879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so may people in the park today came up to me and were so grateful when i let them look through my telescope and when i answered their questions

>> No.4752510
File: 347 KB, 3648x2052, 987987989879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752515
File: 355 KB, 3648x2052, 98789769879879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752514

>mfw I'm a Native from Borneo
>mfw my ancestors only traveled to Madagascar

I have no face for this.

>> No.4752527


>> No.4752538

Still plenty cool, bro.

You can feel bad when you've just got potatoes and drinking to be proud of, like me.

>> No.4752543

oh thats not true. You get to be confused with the Scottish and Peter Capaldi is Scottish.

>> No.4752545

>There is a shadow involved, it just doesn't reach us
Then how do you go about seeing the transit, hmm?

>> No.4752569

what the fuck exactly is it that youre asking?

>> No.4752581

relatively close to the third and fourth contacts now.

>> No.4752604

aaand... Sunset. Due to cloud cover I never got to see it in person. But, I watched the entire thing streaming so I guess that counts for something...

>> No.4752606

Just watched the sunrise. But I couldn't see it. Damn clouds. Guess I'll have to live on stem cells to see the next one.

>> No.4752626

same here, bro. The sun set about 3 hours ago here. I don't think I comprehend the full scope of the event but knowing that its important is enough to excite me and make me want to learn more about it. I want to stay up for the third and fourth contact

>> No.4752640
File: 24 KB, 694x392, glorious necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want those earrings and necklace.

>> No.4752653

there has been a girl in this thread all along?

>> No.4752659
File: 31 KB, 576x295, 487884718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is going down!

>> No.4752666

Quick, how do protect my eyes when I look at the sun?

>> No.4752670


Cover the eyes with your hands.

>> No.4752671
File: 495 KB, 1267x713, YouMakeDaftPunkCry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the sun set recently and due to rain and cloud cover we never go to see it. I even bought a special lense for my camera and everything. sigh....

to cheer us up I am making themed food.

>> No.4752672

Pinhole method or welder's mask (#14 lens),

>> No.4752673
File: 12 KB, 250x342, 264566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full scope:
You won't ever see this again.
Your children will never see this.
In all probability, your childrens children won't ever see this.
Yeah, it's pretty big..

>> No.4752677

But I don't have a welder's mask & it's too late to make a camera obscura :'(

>> No.4752681


#2,3 are the easiest

>> No.4752685

I understand that aspect. My lack of understanding was in regard to the information gathered over the duration of the event.

>> No.4752697

the next one is 105 years away.
avg lifespan is currently 80.
anon's hypothetical children's children would see it.

>> No.4752699


one of my subscriptions on YouTube made this...pics aren't too bad...he lives in the Pacific NW

>> No.4752700

Well not that it really mathers at this time, but one can measure the distence between venus and the sun/earth with simple trio geometry.

I think you'll find that's 150 years

>> No.4752702

Shit. I stand corrected it's 105 :p

>> No.4752704

Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena. They occur in a pattern that repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years.

The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit this century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.

>> No.4752706
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x3000, imgp0635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I observed this transit in New Zealand.

>> No.4752707

How do I observe the transit without burning my eyes?

>> No.4752713

did you even look at the thread youre posting in?

>> No.4752715


go to nasa's website

>> No.4752716 [DELETED] 


>> No.4752717


>> No.4752719

Never mind, it's cloudy here anyway in Cebu

>> No.4752721


>> No.4752735
File: 663 KB, 1500x900, Venus Solar Transit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone like shitty photos? I took these with my phone at work earlier. A random screw hole in a warehouses sheet metal siding works surprisingly well as a pinhole projector. Impossible to tell here but I was able to notice a few of the larger sunspots on the clean piece of paper. I don't think I've ever felt smaller than I did when I put my hand up and saw the shadow of Venus inside the Sun on my palm.

>> No.4752766

the palm shot was a cool idea. well done.

>> No.4752772

I like it anon :)

>> No.4752775

30 min. left.

>> No.4752785


>> No.4752790

Third contact is about to happen in a few minutes.
I am a child because I laugh every time I hear the norwegian guy talk about the transit of wenus.

>> No.4752798


>> No.4752804

no clouds


>> No.4752805

Britfag here. Guess I ain't seeing shit today.

Ah well, it was fun.

>> No.4752806


We got a drawfag that can whip up a nice /sci/ FUCKING CLOUDS MAN image?

>> No.4752807

FUCKING CLOUDS is the closest thing /sci/ is going to get to a self generated meme. someone make an appropriate image to attach to it

>> No.4752811

I propose the Abe Simpson "Man yells at cloud" image shooped to say Fucking Clouds, Man!

>> No.4752812

Carbonite Blindness... These nerds man, these nerds.

>> No.4752815
File: 19 KB, 591x456, Venus-phases-tracked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too cloudy for me in the UK, gonna miss seeing it with my own eyes, but I'll see its phase through a telescope or just see it shine bright at another time and I'll be content with that.

>> No.4752816
File: 251 KB, 2048x1536, Transit2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3" inch consumer grade telescope, projecting onto a piece of printer paper. Taken with a piece of shit HTC Tilt phone.

>> No.4752817

that is beautiful man.

>> No.4752819

Will describe to my children and show screenshots

>> No.4752822

Good work, anon.

>> No.4752826

wow that's great

>> No.4752829

Got a chance to see it!
But damnit, through glimpses through the fucking clouds!

>> No.4752823

Man that's pretty cool. Where you taking that from?

>> No.4752824

Fucking clouds.

Thankfully my secondary school made us all look at the one in 2004 which I can still remember so at least I have that

>> No.4752833

>Venus Transit 2012: Fucking Clouds

>> No.4752834


Those fucking clouds

>> No.4752837

the mod that stickied this thread needs to make "fucking clouds" the /sci/ text banner

>> No.4752840

3rd contact

>> No.4752846

Well done, /b/ro!

>> No.4752849

OP here.
I've been with this thread since the beginning of the transit. It was awesome sharing experiences, photos and jokes with everybody. Thanks and goodnight /sci/entists

>> No.4752847
File: 7 KB, 800x600, veenis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anybody who missed it

>> No.4752852

waited six hours for a joke

>> No.4752855


I also like the palm shot. Saved.

>> No.4752858

Golden Colorado

>> No.4752861

That is marvelous man.

>> No.4752865
File: 255 KB, 662x1000, 0604_sunworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read "The Day The Earth Discovered The Sun"? It's about various explorers from the Venus transits of the 1700's, and its fucking fascinating.

>> No.4752866

...and that's the end. Well boys it's been fun. Shall we meet back here in 105 years? Be sure to take those stem cells or make sure to get your brain uploaded to one of them new-fangled android bodies.

>> No.4752868

>Transit ends
>Clouds clear

>> No.4752872
File: 26 KB, 400x298, 2012-0117 (Fucking Clouds).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somewhat related.

>> No.4752873

I await awesome gifs of this shit

>> No.4752875

>JUST heard of this.
>fuck this fucking earth, fuck this fucking sun, and this fuckign weenus, and fuck these fucking fucks

>> No.4752877

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.4752878

Only just seen this thread but I've been watching since the start, it's 6 in the morning here.
Can't see it in England but I don't mind, the images I've seen are definitely a lot better than what I would of gotten.

>> No.4752879

Holy fuck this man and his spaghetti. Can't keep his hands off jailbait on a live stream.

>> No.4752882
File: 500 KB, 2048x1536, P6050190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From Southwestern Colorado.
Celestron EQ80 with Olympus Tough (with solar filter of course!)

>> No.4752894
File: 523 KB, 1180x1080, James_Kirk&#44;_2266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The exact date and time of the transit have been known for years, it was talked about for months in astronomy circles, talked about for weeks on /sci/, and talked about for days on the news and in the paper.

If you're JUST hearing about the transit you've got fucking no one but yourself to blame for missing it.

>> No.4752897

I just watched this with my dying uncle who had been talking about this for months. Hard trying to hold back tears.

>> No.4752900

Wow, dude. That's really sweet of you.

>> No.4752901
File: 50 KB, 337x458, 1325772960261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only saw 5 minutes of it...

I fucking missed it because of study, missed one of the highlights of my fucking week, hell something I looked forward too for months for this fucking stupid study. I missed out on seeing something I will never see again in my lifetime in order to study for finals that are three weeks away.

I am beyond mad at myself, I just can't even believe I let this happen. Seeing 5 minutes of it is fucking pathetic.

>> No.4752905

At least you got to see it instead of a bunch of clouds though. So. There's that.

>> No.4752906

That's not really true, he can also blame anyone who knew about it but never bothered to tell him about it when they had the chance.

>> No.4752907
File: 1.97 MB, 352x240, 5b44s1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /sci/ still exist in 2117?
Of course it will

>> No.4752912
File: 152 KB, 500x500, Fuck you&#44; amateur astronomist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic, painfully relevant.

>> No.4752914

>Not looking at the weather forecast before doing anything

Don't get mad at the kettle for being hot.

>> No.4752911

let me explain something to you.

I bought all sorts of equipment and shit to see this and what did I get?

>> No.4752918

It's been perfect to see it next to all day for me, so it's just pathetic I didn't see it and that there were plenty of people who wanted to see it but couldn't yet I had the opportunity to do so and wasted all but 5 minutes.

>> No.4752921

You saw 5 minutes of an event that 99% of people alive in the world today probably won't live to see - be grateful.

>> No.4752925
File: 7 KB, 220x236, venus rhymes with penis teehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here, been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks now. Bought myself a pair of eclipse glasses to look it directly and everything.
Of course, today had to filled with shitty weather to fuck with me.

But then the Sun came out for 5 minutes and I was able to get a good look at the transit, I was so happy. I think I'm getting a new hobby in the form of astronomy now.

>> No.4752926

Complaining about clouds? Fuck you. The EARTH got in the way of my view.

It blocked my view of that solar eclipse the other week too.

Thanks, Earth. Thearth.

>> No.4752929


come on man. Really? Just yesterday the skies were %100 clear here and it was 80 out, today it was nothing but clouds and rain and it was 55.

shit. sucked.

>> No.4752927
File: 1011 KB, 3584x2016, DSCN2422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few that I got. They're not fantastic but!

>> No.4752930

Witnessed first and second contact last night and just woke up to a finishing fourth contact. I didn't see the whole thing but I still saw it. 'Twas beautiful. Good work for all those that managed to see the entire 7-hour thing. Keep this thread up so we can just post back here in 2117.


>> No.4752934

then fly to somewhere else you incredibly lazy fuck. If you really wanted to see this then you'd have done something about it.

You obviously didn't want it bad enough to make it happen;

>> No.4752937
File: 1.47 MB, 3584x2016, DSCN2425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one shows the low-tech rig I was using just a smidge.
4 inch Astroscan with a 10mm lens and a barlow lens, with a crappy camera through the lens.

>> No.4752938

aw shit son


>> No.4752941

Clouds cleared about 15 minutes after the sun set.

>> No.4752946
File: 54 KB, 199x253, dexbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got back a couple hours ago from helping with a public viewing my Physics department put together, I was surprised at how many people came out to see the transit, we were cycling crowds up to the roof all afternoon and at one point I swear we must have had 60-70 people up there. Kinda wished we'd had more solar telescopes set up. Clouds rolled in about an hour and a half into the transit but we got a few more 15-20 minutes windows over the rest of the evening.

Today was a fine day for science.

>> No.4752951

Yeah watching the live stream I was surprised at how many children there were there that were interested in it. It made me feel hopeful for the future.

>> No.4752952
File: 1011 KB, 144x127, 1330059270253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mother didn't want YOU bad enough.
why you gotta hurt my feelings like that bro? why? .gif related

>> No.4752954
File: 48 KB, 616x524, Scumbag Clouds blocking muh Transit of venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Yo bro, that's a nice rig youve got there, too bad you wont be needing it...

>That feel when cloudy in Ausfailia

>> No.4752955
File: 1.36 MB, 3584x2016, DSCN2454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just before it dipped below the clouds. This was at around 8:30 though, so the transit only had another half an hour or so left.
For a day which started out rainy and overcast, sticking it out for an hour really gave a fantastic view of the transit. After 6 hours of standing outside in the wind though, I'm tired. See you in 2117.

>> No.4752956

I feel like shit I didn't get to see it because of a thunder storm. I guess I'll just have to live another 105 years.

>> No.4752960
File: 617 KB, 1224x918, venus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my setup

>> No.4752961
File: 3 KB, 640x480, transit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home, still see sun out
>scramble around looking for film to use as a filter
>find one, rush outside
>clouds, sun dipping below mountains

fuck it. here's my artist rendering.

>> No.4752963
File: 64 KB, 300x330, dexter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was surprising to me as well, I expected a lot more amateur astronomers and the like but most of the folks who showed up were families with kids.

And weirder - most of the kids were actually EXCITED to be there (*gasp*)

>> No.4752968

There wasn't a single cloud during the lunar eclipse on monday night. The only time it has never been cloudy during some sort of event. It was only a partial eclipse which only covered half the moon. What the fuck.

>> No.4752969

yeah you actually got lucky. film alone and you would have damaged your eyes

>> No.4752970

Kids love science. It's puberty that turns a lot of them into a waste of space.

>> No.4752971

Film was for the camera, like this >>4751704

>> No.4752972
File: 63 KB, 455x610, 1287858364650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752977
File: 69 KB, 465x455, 1338467178217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woke up about 50 minutes later than intended.
>Sky all blue and the sun in full view.

>> No.4752980

Just got back, was out for two hours, cloudy the entire time.
But fuck it, atleast I made an effort, it was nice drinking coffee with friends at 5am.

>> No.4752979

i was there
so hot
so good
so lonely

>> No.4752984


>> No.4752989
File: 104 KB, 500x354, dexjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, any time we do something like this for the department the kids have a lot of fun. I've been getting involved with so much outreach stuff this last year, it's been great.

>> No.4752988
File: 1.03 MB, 1224x918, OHLOOKfuckingclouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it is all that weird. Back when I was a kid I was always crazy excited for eclipses, meteor showers, planetariums and the like. In 2004 I was excited, and I forget what year that giant asteroid hit Jupiter(it was Jupiter right?) but that was awesome. And I don't even care that much for astrology. I just kinda love space stuff for when it happens. If helps give kids and somewhat jaded adults like me a kind of perspective on life and the size of our universe.

To this day I imagine other planets watching ours the same way we watch their's. Wondering if there is life there, if it is intelligent or microscopic organisms, or if by some fluke we are somehow alone careening in space. I think space and the hope to understand it is one of the few things both children and adults can have in common, almost on the same level if you get right down to it.

>> No.4752998


we got such a good view of the entire thing!
Culumus was there and dropped by to say hi.
Stratoculumus said they would be a bit late, and managed to see a bit. stratus managed to get a good vantage point.

I bet Cumulonimbus got a good vantage point somewhere as well too.

I can't wait till the next 105 years to see it again! we'll try our best to be there too!

>what about you anon? did you enjoy the transit of venus too?

>> No.4753011

Why are people so mad about clouds blocking the view? What's wrong with watching the live stream?

>> No.4753015


As someone who figured out, at the last minute, how to make a binocular projection of the transit, I must confess it increased my enjoyment of the event approximately tenfold.

I genuinely feel sorry for those whom weather thwarted.

>> No.4753016


Bothersome precipitation, professor.

>> No.4753017

What's the next big event? Solar eclipse in november?

>> No.4753018
File: 452 KB, 1143x857, venus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4753031

There was something mentioned about a landing with a rover sometimes later this year on the livestream.

>> No.4753033
File: 990 KB, 289x217, sagan deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me a bit of seeing Halley's Comet in '86.
You kids jelly?

>> No.4753035 [DELETED] 


>> No.4753040


>> No.4753041

Shitty weather today in Brussels, and I could only see 30 seconds of broadcast before they stopped showing the sun...

I don't want to watch the youtube videos, god damn it, this sucked.

>> No.4753042
File: 174 KB, 800x517, Eclipsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't see this today, it was cloudy,
saw the solar eclipse on my birthday 3 weeks ago so, doesn't seem so bad in comparison

>> No.4753050
File: 93 KB, 918x689, venus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4753055

>wasn't born 'till 88
> Alzheimer's runs in the family and starts hitting about 50's
>next Halley's comet isn't until 2061

>> No.4753072
File: 87 KB, 328x284, ThinkingMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least they were aware of it. I only got to see it on the live stream because I didn't have any equipment and the majority of the event happened in the night over here. But still, with just the live stream, I was able to experience such an event which helped my understanding of exactly how vast the universe is and how beautiful it is. And even then, Venus and the Sun are nothing in the universe. I think my eyes got watery after second contact.

How such a simple act of a planet overtaking our view of the sun can invoke such deep feelings, eh?

It was a good night.

>> No.4753084

There's a total solar eclipse in 2017 that will be viewable almost anywhere in the United States.

>> No.4753092

holy shit nasa has bitchin bandwidth, or nobody realy cares, anyway

>> No.4753093

Transit of Mercury in 2016, those are hard to see though.

>> No.4753131

>Halley Comet

Fuck. My mother is still a virgin at that time.


Didn't see that one coming.

>> No.4753146
File: 56 KB, 745x519, Lspn_comet_halley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it in 1986. Or rather a military school instructor drug me and six other boys out of bed at 6am on a freezing January morning to see nothing through his 2" telescope because it was on the other side of the sun and too small to see.

But it'll be on our side of the sun, and seriously impressive when I'm eighty-fucking-seven years old.

>> No.4753153

>My mother is still a virgin at that time.

My mother was prepubescent.

inb4 underage b&
I am currently older than my mom was when I was born.

You were in military school when you were 12 years old?

>> No.4753155

That is fucking ingenious.

>> No.4753161

Oh look. The clouds are all gone. Sun is completely visible.

>> No.4753166
File: 4 KB, 178x213, 1318562138179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halley's Comet isn't coming around again until 2061

At the rate light pollution is increasing in cities, it'll be to faint too see over the ambient light in the night sky without driving three hours out into the countryside.

>> No.4753170
File: 576 KB, 1800x1233, MMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It was fucking horrible. The only thing I learned was how to get beaten regularly and how to shoot straight. Perfect mass-murder training, really.

>> No.4753175

>I am currently older than my mom was when I was born.

Damn those teen pregnancies.

>> No.4753182

Southern germany reporting back in. Against all odds the sun was visible for about 2 minutes around 6:40, so I actually managed to see the Venus transit.

On may way up the hill I found the bank card of Jesus (some spanish dude, not that bible guy) which I returned just now, because I'm a good person or rather to paranoid to fuck around with it. The location was beautiful btw, wish my camera would work, because then I'd have taken some photos.

Now: bed.

>> No.4753183

>At the rate light pollution is increasing in cities

Well, you can go to some place far away from the city at that time.

>Live in Singapore
>Can't see shit during the night
>Goes back to home in Borneo
>Stars, stars everywhere

>> No.4753189 [DELETED] 


>> No.4753191

Best image IMO

>> No.4753194
File: 46 KB, 600x413, usa_mex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Colorado
>Shitloads of stars within a 20 minutes drive
>Family moves to East Coast

In 20, 30 years we're gonna have kids who learn about stars for the first time in fucking middle school because they'll have never seen a star in real life.

A century from now there will be people who think stars are a myth.

Christ that's depressing.

>> No.4753199
File: 90 KB, 161x232, cadetsmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4753204


>A century from now there will be people who think stars are a myth.

I can hear the argument already.

>The far-left-wing scientific establishment wants you to believe stars are real because they want you to believe the Earth is not a special place and humans aren't special beings, because they want to destroy faith in God by indoctrinating kids with materialist dogma

>> No.4753206
File: 19 KB, 500x280, nosuchthingasstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you see, Amelia?
The moon.
>And what else?
Just the dark.
>But no stars. If there were stars up there we'd be able to see them, wouldn't we? Amelia, look at me. You know this is all just a story, don't you?
>You know there's no such thing as stars.

>> No.4753213

I learned about stars in elementary school because I have never seen them.

>> No.4753219

fuking doctor who

>> No.4753221
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>> No.4753229
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>mfw people start forming star cults

>> No.4753380

Woke up 7 hours ago, sky was full of clouds

Went back to bed.
Well better luck next time! Oh wait ..

>> No.4753399

Got up at 3 in the morning, walked across cold wet fields for an hour, walked in to an inquisitive horse and terrified myself, all for FUCKING CLOUDS.

>> No.4753421
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I woke up at 4am, walked about 5miles to a nice spot. Clouds, clouds fucking everywhere!

>> No.4753460


Did it already pass them or are they about to watch it?

>> No.4753536


>> No.4753540

venus is long gone bros

better luck in 100 years

>> No.4753564

the transit of venus took place on my birthday
these photos have made lovely presents, thank you guys

>> No.4753592

Happy birthday anon!

>> No.4753601
File: 14 KB, 163x65, Thatfeelonitubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel i forgot all about it and spent most of today studying only remember just now. Was probably too much rain and cloud here to see anyway.

>> No.4753624
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>didn't see any of it.
>mfw it wasn't a fucking cloud in the sky.
Well, fuck this green earth and everyone and everything on it. Anyone know when the next significant event will happen?

>> No.4753648
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21st December 2012.

>> No.4753724

We got it the same time you did.

>> No.4753812


there is no 2012 allignment of the planets

but there will be a transit of mercury in 2016

>> No.4753813
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>> No.4753818
File: 59 KB, 600x400, VNKkV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing footage

capcha size, geporth

>> No.4753839

Thanks, I didn't get to see it with my own eyes, but this was wonderful.

>> No.4753838

that fucking feel when binoculars sitting five feet away from me and could've done a shitty projection but didn't
feels surprisingly bad man
I'm jelly of all of you who posted pics

>> No.4753842

That feel man, that fucking feel

>> No.4753852
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I don't live in America and I can't ever see such thing.

>> No.4753876

>UV contacts

>Looks up at sky

>Fuck this im off to search for a welding mask in my shed

>> No.4753884

Thank you!

>> No.4753907

Make sure it's a 14 or you'll still damage your eyes

>> No.4753994
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it was fucking cloudy this morning and couldn't see shit

>> No.4754051
File: 129 KB, 366x325, Two-Face spills spaghetti over himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even bother waking up early because we get permanent fucking overcast here in Scotland.

It was just a dot on the Sun. No big deal, right?

>> No.4754062

>putting your science in a stream

>> No.4754241

>excited as fuck for this
>rainy and cloudy today


>> No.4754262
File: 26 KB, 252x270, 1270414367820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually browse /sci/
>hear about the Venus transit like 3 weeks ago
>won't happen for about another century
>get excited as fuck
>live in the US, but think it's going to happen June 6
>been browsing /v/ because of E3
>come back from the disappointment of E3 to see a once in a lifetime celestial event
>find out it happened June 5 in murrika, and I missed it
>next one is in 2117

>> No.4754407

It was a perfect day in Montreal for the transit right up until half an hour beforehand, when some light clouds came in. "No biggie", I figured, since whenever I've observed the moon through light clouds there was no problem. And then the heavy clouds came and blocked the whole thing out except for maybe 5 second when I was able to catch a glimpse of it on a projection screen. Anyway, it was more than most people there saw and just chatting with the amateur astronomers was pretty sweet.

>> No.4754749
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I don't know why you guys are that mad about it, Of course it's not really ideal, but you tried to see it (which immediately removes all guilt for me), and you probably saw it on a stream anyway.

This is what I saw.

>> No.4754761
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>> No.4754776
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20120606_055106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a picture of this while I was there.

>> No.4754782
File: 764 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20120606_141136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of COURSE, only a couple of hours later, this was what the weather was like.

>> No.4754817
File: 759 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20120606_141217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Updated my Transit of Venus album for the last time.