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4747098 No.4747098 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I'm a TA with Asperger's syndrome. One of my students had a 59% in the class and needed to turn in the final assignment to pass the class. The assignment was due at 3:00 pm, and she was about to hand me the assignment at 2:50. As she was about to hand me the assignment, I saw her step on a nail so she fell to the floor. After she recovered, she tried to hand it to me again, but it was 3:01 pm--passed the deadline. I failed her.

I am not mean, I was just doing my job and following the rules. If I had taken her assignment, that would have been breaking the rules, and I'm not allowed to break the rules, even if doing so is beneficial to everyone.

Aren't you glad there are Aspies like me in the world?

>> No.4747100

Alpha as fuck well done OP.
How stupid can you be to step on a nail.
The bitch got what she deserved.

>> No.4747102

Obvious troll. A true aspie would have used solar time, not the mere convention of the local time zone.

>> No.4747106
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>> No.4747108

fuck you

>> No.4747112

whos finger did the nail belong to?

>> No.4747113

> I failed her.

No uni fails people for being a little late.

False-a-rooni broski.

>> No.4747119 [DELETED] 

penaltys for late entries, tho.

>> No.4747129 [DELETED] 


>> No.4747131 [DELETED] 

teaching assistant

>> No.4747133

Penalties =/= fail.

>> No.4747134 [DELETED] 

Oh, person too ignorant to be a real teacher

>> No.4747135
File: 154 KB, 435x355, Laura Nielson2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks EK. Love ya baby.

>> No.4747138

>have 59%
>50% off final

>> No.4747139


>> No.4747140 [DELETED] 

well no, but it COULD make the difference if you would have only just passed, got a marking penalty for a late hand in, and dropped below the threshold.

>> No.4747161 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking moron, i dont samefag, and if i was going to, i wouldn use a fucking EK reaction image when i do it, would i??

>> No.4747168

If you wanted to truly adhere to what was right because you failed her, you should advise her to sue for that nail sticking out, dangerous shit.

>> No.4747184

It took her 11 minutes to recover?

>> No.4747186 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1324235470635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying OP's post is honest
>implying he isnt trying to troll aspies

>> No.4747187

Hi. I'm the student in question

Because of OP's refusal to accept my assignment, I decided to sue the university over the nail. I won eighteen million dollars, got my degree, and OP was fired, sued himself by the university, and now is a homeless bum.

The system works

>> No.4747195

oh fuck EK derailment has begun

EK are you not disqualified from posting in this thread?
...being that you are an aspie and all....

>> No.4747221

>Implying autism is a real disease

>> No.4747265

what does assburgers have to do with the story?

>> No.4747312

to be fair, if you are handing ine a paper that is the difference between a pass or a fail you hand it in at least half an hour early. cutting it that close is just asking for trouble.

>> No.4747322

Nonsense. Not ta will do what op did, including op. Even if the ta does that, you go to the prof, and state the facts.

>> No.4747329

I'm proud of you, OP. We need more good people like you who keep our universities clean. Women have no place there, especially when they make only 59% on the assignments. You saved all the other students from further uncomfortable contact with a mentally impaired whore.